The Cronica by Ramon Muntaner

  By Rider, 30 April 2007; Revised
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The Cronica is an account of the events lived through by the members of the Catalan Grand Company in the early 14th century, fighting the Turks in Asia Minor and also of the different disputes between 'Spanish' lords and kings. The Cronica was written by Ramon Muntaner, a person who took part of the early actions of the Company and left after the Company had chosen Bernat de Rocafort as it’s leader (some accounts suggest he left after the Battle of Halmyros and the destruction of Walter IV Brienne but this isn’t very widely recognized).


The Cronica

The English version of the Cronica can be found here.

The Cronica begins with an account of the Catalan lords and the kings in Aragon and nearby lands and tells us stories of how they lived and what they did.

We then find ourselves taken through the conquests of the Company, also being introduced to the way it was formed in and of it’s leader, Roger de Flor. The passages about Turks and Greeks are long ones and when they concern the destruction of Catalans and Aragonians in Constantinople and the revenge against the Greeks, the passages go perhaps overly into the guilt of their enemies. Overall, the most of the Cronica observes the disputes in Aragon and France and Sicily, making contact with various lords of said areas.


The Author

The author of this valuable text, Ramon Muntaner, was a part of the Catalan Company himself. Therefore, the accounts he has given are truthful to a degree. It usually is so that the mind makes things seem more honest about your people than about enemies. But leaving that aside, Ramon describes letters and notes to various lords, he brings out a reminder sent to the Infante. He notes that he reminded that Infante with his letter to him. The letter brings out many aspects of their life in Asia Minor as well.

Ramon Muntaner was born around 1270, most likely in Perelada. He died in Ibiza, in 1336. He has left behind extensive notes on the accomplishments of the Grand Company and also of his role there. He didn’t seem to overly enjoy the soldiers’ life but was suited for it when times needed that.