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Omar Khayyam & His Poetry

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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Omar Khayyam & His Poetry
    Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 01:00


Omar Khayyam


Date: 1048 CE
Place: Nishapur, Persia (Iran)


Abu ol-Fath ebn-Ebrahim 'Omar ol-Khayyami of Nishapur

Khayyam means "tent maker"




Date: 1123 CE
Place: Nishapur, Persia (Iran)


The philosophy of Omar Khayyam was quite different from official Islamic dogmas. It is not clear whether he believed in the existence of God or not, but he objected to the notion that every particular event and phenomenon was the result of divine intervention; nor did he believe in any Judgment Day or rewards and punishments after life. Instead he supported the view that laws of nature explained all phenomena of observed life. Religious officials asked him many times to explain his different views about Islam. Khayyam eventually was obliged to make a hajj [pilgrimage] to Mecca in order to prove he was a faithful follower of the religion.

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Omar Khayam's tomb, Neishapur, which is a city in Iran (Neishapur was a city of Eastern Seljuk Turkish Empire).

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Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Depending on the sources of reference that one chooses, Omar Khayyam is believed to have composed somewhere between 200 and 600 Rubaiyat (quatrains). Some are known to be authentic and are attributed to him, while others seem to be combinations or corruption of his poetry, and whose origins are more dubious.

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is among the few masterpieces that has been translated into most languages.

for source and more click here and here

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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 01:00
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam


here are some of the Rubaiyat (quatrains), which are clearly separated from each other.


This is a literal English translation (in quatrain form) with the intention of staying as close to the original text as possible. Poetry by Shahriar Shahriari.

This is a free translation (again in poetic form, mainly quatrain, though not always so), with the objective of conveying the intended meaning. Poetry by Shahriar Shahriari.

This is the corresponding translation of the Rubaiyat by Edward J. Fitzgerald (1859).


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

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The palace where Jamshid held his cup
The doe and the fox now rest and sup
Bahram who hunted game non-stop
Was hunted by death when his time was up.


The palace where Arthur sought the Grail
Is the resting home of the weak and frail
And the knight who challenged death on its trail
On the ocean of death forward must sail
Chasing the temporal is to no avail
As soon as you go through deaths dark veil.


They say the Lion and the Lizard keep
The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep:
And Bahram, that great Hunter--the Wild a$$
Stamps o'er his Head, and he lies fast asleep.


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I resolve daily that at dusk I shall repent
For a night with a cup full of wine spent.
In the presence of flowers, my resolve simply went
In such company, I only regret that I ever resolved to repent.


Every morn I decide to repent at night
For embracing the joys of heart and sight
Yet every night, what seems right
With all my might, embrace delight.


Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring
The Winter Garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly--and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing.


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Khayam, if you are intoxicated with wine, enjoy!
If you are seated with a lover of thine, enjoy!
In the end, the Void the whole world employ
Imagine thou art not, while waiting in line, enjoy!


In life devote yourself to joy and love
Behold the beauty of the peaceful dove
Those who live, in the end must all perish
Live as if you are already in heavens above.


And if the Wine you drink, the Lip you press,
End in the Nothing all Things end in--Yes-
Then fancy while Thou art, Thou art but what
Thou shalt be--Nothing--Thou shalt not be less.


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O friend, for the morrow let us not worry
This moment we have now, let us not hurry
When our time comes, we shall not tarry
With seven thousand-year-olds, our burden carry.


O hark, let us not think of the morrow
Cherish this moment, far from sorrow
Life is a temporal gift that we borrow
Whether dead for ages, or leave tomorrow.


Ah! my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears
To-day of past Regrets and future Fears
To-morrow?--Why, To-morrow I may be
Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years.
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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 01:00

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In childhood we strove to go to school,
Our turn to teach, joyous as a rule
The end of the story is sad and cruel
From dust we came, and gone with winds cool.


Pursuing knowledge in childhood we rise
Until we become masterful and wise
But if we look through the disguise
We see the ties of worldly lies.


Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument
About it and about: but evermore
Came out by the same Door as in I went.



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At dawn came a calling from the tavern
Hark drunken mad man of the cavern
Arise; let us fill with wine one more turn
Before destiny fills our cup, our urn.


Early one morning I heard an angelic chime
Bringing news of a loving and joyous clime
Pursuit of the unimportant is the worst crime
Live in joy & love before the end of your time.


Dreaming when Dawn's Left Hand was in the Sky
I heard a Voice within the Tavern cry,
"Awake, my Little ones, and fill the Cup
Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry."



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If my coming were up to me, Id never be born
And if my going were on my accord, Id go with scorn
Isnt it better that in this world, so old and worn
Never to be born, neither stay, nor be away torn?


Why was I given life? Why was my seed ever sown?
Why having to leave all alone with moan and groan?
If the universal wisdom received mine on loan
Id never be born, stay or leave, let it be known.


Indeed, the idols I have loved so long
Have done my Credit in Men's Eye much Wrong:
Have drown'd my Honour in a shallow Cup,
And sold my Reputationfor a Song.



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When the canary made its way to the field
Found the rose and wine smiling, kneeled,
In tongues its message in my ear it thus reeled
Hark, no moment in time did twice yield.


I watched the birds on natures stage
Playful, in flight, page after page
Thus opened the doors of my cage
& learnt each moment to fully engage.


Iram indeed is gone with all its Rose,
And Jamshyd's Sev'n-ring'd Cup where no one knows;
But still the Vine her ancient Ruby yields,
And still a Garden by the Water blows.

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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 01:01
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Heaven is incomplete without a heavenly romance
Let a glass of wine be my present circumstance
Take what is here now, let go of a promised chance
A drumbeat is best heard from a distance.


A future fantasy is no more than vain hope
With wishful minds for which we grope
Id rather improve my current scope
To an upward trend from a downward slope


"How sweet is mortal Sovranty!"--think some:
Others--"How blest the Paradise to come!"
Ah, take the Cash in hand and waive the Rest;
Oh, the brave Music of a distant Drum!


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The day the stallion of time was tamed and trained
Venus and Jupiter were adorned and stained
This life for us was allotted and ordained
This was not our will; were thus chained and restrained.


Same hands that formed Venus and Sun
And wove the fabric that makes time run
Same hands brought us here, and when done
Will leave behind dust, as if we were none.


I tell Thee this--When, starting from the Goal,
Over the shoulders of the flaming Foal
Of Heav'n Parwin and Mushtari they flung,
In my predestin'd Plot of Dust and Soul


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The caravan of life shall always pass
Beware that is fresh as sweet young grass
Lets not worry about what tomorrow will amass
Fill my cup again, this night will pass, alas.


To be aware of each moment spent
Is to live in the now, and be present
Worry for morrow shant make a dent
Caring for the now, your mind must be bent.


One Moment in Annihilation's Waste,
One moment, of the Well of Life to taste--
The Stars are setting, and the Caravan
Starts for the dawn of Nothing--Oh, make haste!


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Happily I walked with the tavern down the line
Passed an old drunk, holding a bottle of wine
"Do you not fear God?" was reproach of mine
said, "Mercy is Gods sign, in silence I wine and dine."


Our world upon joy and love was once built
Why is it that we reproach and cause guilt?
If we can simply correct our moral tilt,
We too will only will what God wilt.


And lately, by the Tavern Door agape,
Came stealing through the Dusk an Angel Shape,
Bearing a vessel on his Shoulder; and
He bid me taste of it; and 'twas--the Grape!

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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 01:01
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It is a day neither hot nor cold,
Clouds help the dry flowers unfold
Canary with his song to the flower told
Drink while you can, yourself dont scold.


When events unfold with calm and ease
When the winds that blow are merely breeze
Learn from nature, from birds and bees
Live your life in love, and let joy not cease.


And David's Lips are lock't; but in divine
High piping Pelevi, with "Wine! Wine! Wine!
Red Wine!"--the Nightingale cries to the Rose
That yellow Cheek of hers to'incarnadine.


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This Old World weve named Cosmos by mistake
Is the graveyard of nights & days, no more awake
And a feast that hundred Jamshids did break
And a throne that hundred Bahrams did make.


This reality that is the world of physical
Is in truth a temporal illusion, magical
Into which we are born with a joyous call
Rule the world for some time until we fall.


Think, in this batter'd Caravanserai
Whose Doorways are alternate Night and Day,
How Sultan after Sultan with his Pomp
Abode his Hour or two, and went his way.


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The secrets eternal neither you know nor I
And answers to the riddle neither you know nor I
Behind the veil there is much talk about us, why
When the veil falls, neither you remain nor I.


In vain we scream, in vain shout
And try our best to find out
And when its end of our route
Whats left is simply naught.


There was a Door to which I found no Key:
There was a Veil past which I could not see:
Some little Talk awhile of ME and THEE
There seemed--and then no more of THEE and ME.


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Before time takes you by surprise
Ask for good red wine and get wise
You are not of gold, dont believe the lies
You are put to dust, once again youll rise.


Do not focus upon the size
Nor for the worldly compromise
Quality is your only prize
Transcend your earthly disguise
Without fear, without despise
With love and joy improvise.


And those who husbanded the Golden Grain,
And those who flung it to the Winds like Rain,
Alike to no such aureate Earth are turn'd
As, buried once, Men want dug up again.

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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 01:02
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I brought the cup to my lips with greed
Begging for longevity, my temporal need
Cup brought its to mine, its secret did feed
Time never returns, drink, of this take heed.


The only secret that you need to know
The passage of time is a one way flow
If you understand, joyously youll grow
Else you will drown in your own sorrow.


Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn
My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn:
And Lip to Lip it murmur'd--"While you live,
Drink!--for once dead you never shall return."


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All my companions, one by one died
With Angel of Death they now reside
In the banquette of life same wine we tried
A few cups back, they fell to the side.


In the feast of life vulgar and chaste
The same temporal wine must taste
Some stay longer, some leave in haste
To focus upon the end is but waste.


Lo! some we loved, the loveliest and the best
That Time and Fate of all their Vintage prest,
Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before,
And one by one crept silently to Rest.


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As the rising Venus and moon in the skies appear
To the goodness of quality wine, nothing comes near
I am amazed at the vendors of a liquid so dear
Where theyll buy a better thing, is not clear.


When we lay down our defense
And return to our sense
Realize that it is dense
To trade the now for hence.


And much as Wine has play'd the Infidel,
And robb'd me of my Robe of Honour-well,
I often wonder what the Vintners buy
One half so precious as the Goods they sell.


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Dont permit sorrow to be your friend
Sadness and pain become your trend
Dont let the book or the farm you tend
Rule your life before to earth you descend.


Before to dust you shall return
There is one thing that you must learn
Sorrow and pain your soul shall burn
Joy and bliss to light shall turn.


Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
Before we too into the Dust Descend;
Dust into Dust, and under Dust, to lie,
Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer and--sans End!


and much more here
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  Quote Perspolis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 02:21
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  Quote Behi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 07:23
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  Quote Mira Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 14:49
Ah!  Thank you, this is lovely!
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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-Apr-2006 at 16:49

You're welcome guys... glad you liked it...



@land of aryan.. sry didn't knw you posted something like that befor, still this is a bit different to what you posted

Edited by 1001nights
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