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Plato`s Atlantis

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soulmagi View Drop Down
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  Quote soulmagi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Plato`s Atlantis
    Posted: 26-Apr-2014 at 09:50
the story is not reliable as it is 4th Hand evidence. Unknown smudce translated to Egyptian and then into Greek, and the names in . th cases from unknown to Egyptian and then to Greek names. Solon heard the story from a Egyptian Priest and Solon told the tale to the Gandfather of Critias. Critias heard the tale when he was 10 years old from his Grandfather who was 90 years old. The tale was to be the basis of a play and the notes Critias refers to are I believe notes made for that play. I believe though that the tale is based on fact and believe it isCry
connected with the eruption of Thera.
The tidal wave created would flood Minoan Crete and Athens.
I believe Atlantis is the leader of a league of Phoenean. Settlements at war with Athens and Egypt.
The Hyksos take over North Egypt  and may have originated from Lebinon.
The Hyksos introduce the war chariot to Egypt which it is unknown to the
 Egyptian. Prior the Hyksos invasion.
Plato list the chariot as part of the Atlantean army.
The Strait may not be the one named by Plato as it is blocked by mud.
There was a strait between Egypt and Asia leading into the Red Sea which became silted up.
Instead of bigger than it may be that it should read between Lybia and Asia. Also as some suggest it could be it was 900 years prior Solon and not Solon.
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Sidney View Drop Down

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  Quote Sidney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24-Feb-2014 at 16:34
Thanks for taking the time to reply, Arthur-Robin. I hope your web-strike is productive.
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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Feb-2014 at 22:16
I don't really see that there are so many or major contradicitions as you/others suggest. Some of the contradictions are not really contradictions. Some contradicitions don't seem very big deal to me. Just because there may be some seeming contradicitions doesn't/shouldn't change the fact that the account has been verified and Atlantis has been found. I can't completely answer a couple but consider that it is only a couple of minor not-yet-explained-seeming-contradictions versus my paper of more than over [40?+] matches of most of the details of the Atlantis account with Tiahuanaco/South America.
(If it is such a major deal we better make a concise list of all your contradicitions because i am finding it hard to even remember what they all are (due to time/etc pressures).)
As i said there is no contradiction i can see between "Critias/410" and "Timaeus/590" dates because both come from Solon/Sonchis/Amasis2/Sais time (the account more or less says the 900/800 years was before Amasis 2).
I don't agree with your conclusion that the war/sinking must be after Sais/800 in one of the 2 parts just because Sais had records of it. The account doesn't say that it is just your reading of it (and i have never heard anyone else suggest same). And again the date is not 9000/8000 but 900/800.

I did not mean that Hephaistos and Ptah 900(0) are definfitely connected but just a possible explanation/connection, & yes it may be wrong or "confusing the issue".
There may have been about 900 years from Menes/1st dynasty to 12th dynasty? (the 900 years of Atlantis account was from 12th dynasty to 26th dynasty as i showed re Herodotus' Moeris (& Hercules).)
The godkings are not before Menes but are contemporary with dynastic history (though they are also analgous to the 10 patriarchs before/after the Flood), and the figures aren't necessarily all consecutive?, and the figures are not literal but code. Ptah's reign is from 1st dynasty (or maybe from Babel or Noah or Adam). Ra's/Re's reing is from 3rd/4th/5th dynasty. The godkings dynasty also seem to be pairs. Ptah & Ra is old kingdom, Shu & Geb are Mid Kingdom / 12th dynasty as in the el-Arish inscription (and as in 3 hermes Set Shu Thoth roughly ~ Old Kingdom, Mid Kingdom, New Kingdom). The gods reigned down to time of Merneptah/"Menes". Ptah (memphis, 1st god) = merneptah/meneptah "=" Menes/Min (memphis, 1st king) = Chem = Mendes = Pan (1st god). 3 groups gods Pan/8, Hercules/12/900, Dionysos/3rd ~ roughly 3 kingdoms. Hercules 900 = Moeris 900 = Atlantis 900 before 26th dynasty.
The godkings may also/alterantively be 10 ages like the 10 worlds/world-trees/trees of Eddaic, and the 10 avataras of Indian, and other nations versions too.

Your contradictions points are interesting and clever and valid (and may be good to resolve a couple) but as i said I think people are too critical like that of sources, and there are also many far more interesting details/things in the account than just those few "boring" textual cirticism-like points (no offense to you at all meant). I don't agree that the Timaeus and Critias are separate.
I don't agree that we have to be critical or its blind faith. The reigning orthodox scholarship is already too critical like that. My approach was to as objectively/balanced-as-possible try to find if there was historical match for the account or not, rather than being prejudicially so too critical as modern scholars are. Moderns are too critical/deconstructive of ancient sources and too trusting of modern theories/reconstructions/etc, where-as i tend to vice-versa trust ancient sources more than modern theorists. Nothing is perfect so we will always find real or seeming faults.
My thesis/theory of Atlantis = South America/Tiahaunaco does not ignore any details of "Plato's" account (or say they are wrong) nor add any to.
It is not true to say no evidence. Please see my paper on my blog as it is too long to post it all here and waste of time/effort me having to rewrite it all.

Atlantis &/or Deucalion flood was sometime between Cecrops & Erechtheus (before Theseus). I did not know about the Athena vs Poseidon (thanks).
I will have to re-read the account if/when i have time to find answer to whether it says the events were in that or any other time. (But problem is i am going on strike (web/net-wise etc) after today as i am fed-up with stupid windows 8/7 problems, stupid new laptop problems, fluoridated/posioned water porblems, and many other "life"/love-lack hell problems i am suffering....)
The account idea seems to be that the events were in the pre-Greek Minoan/Mycenaean/linear period and that that culture was devastated and linear writing lost and there was then the Greeks later like modern archaeology/history has it? Though problem is Minoan/Mycenaean ended after Atlantis war/sinking.
12th dyn/Moeris/Hercules/900/Atlantis war/sinking -> Saites/Hyksos/Minoan -> Trojan/Mycenaean -> sea peoples/19th/20th dyn/dorians/heracilds.

Gerald Massey's book is 'Book of Beginnings'. "Callisthenes & Phanodemus relate that the Athenians were the fathers of the Saitae. But Theopomus, on the contrary, affrims that they were a colony of the Saitae. Eusebius chronicles the tradition of the arrival of Kadmus with a company of Saitae, who founded Athens & Boeotian Thebes. They were of Egypt but he thought they last came from Sidon." Compare Atlantis account and Herodotus on Io/Europa.
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Sidney View Drop Down

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  Quote Sidney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Feb-2014 at 17:53
Thanks for your comments and pointer to Historum's thread.

As far as I can understand it, sourcing Plato's account from Sais/Amasis/Solon does not get rid of the contradictions. Can you explain how you perceive that it does?

If Sais recorded the war between Athens and Atlantis, then Timaeus puts the war after 8590 BC, while Critais places it in 9410 BC. Their dates do not tally.

If you take Plato as a reliable source for historical research, then you have to be critical of the information he transmits. Otherwise you are into the realms of blind faith.

I'm not aware of Gerald Massey's research. Could you point me in a good direction to find out more?

Plato mentions that the Egyptians gave Solon the names of Athenians before Theseus, and that they tallied with the names from Greek mythology. Nothing in Plato's account, however, ties in the time of the Athenian war with any of these names (the context as to why the Egyptians gave Solon those names is not recorded - they might have all been before the war). The linking of Cecrops to the story of Atlantis is referring to the myth of Athena and Poseidon contending over patronship of Athens when Cecrops was king. Athena won and Poseidon in anger caused Attica to be flooded. But Athens was not destroyed, nor was it threatened by invaders, both of which are part of the Atlantis context. Plato records that many floods had occurred since the time of the Athenian/Atlantis war, and this one in the time of Cecrops would be one of them.

Hephaistos is linked to Ptah, and is said to have reigned 9000 years, but connecting this to the 9000 years before Solon/Critais/Plato is confusing the issue. According to accounts, Ptah's reign was followed by a number of other gods/kings who reigned for a total of 8000 years or more, making over 17,000 years, and all this before the time of Menes, the first king of united Egypt. In this timeline Ptah would have reigned long before Sais or Atlantis or Athens existed.

As far as I can make out, no evidence for Atlantis exists if the researcher is using Plato's account, and keeping true to Plato's account. Theories require ignoring or adding parts to Critais and Timaeus, and treating the two accounts as if they present a single unified account, which they do not. If researchers accept Plato's account as accurate, but then decide parts of it are wrong, they need to give good reasons for why this is so, and why the rest of Plato can't be wrong also.
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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-Feb-2014 at 22:13
Sorry i didn't know there had been other replies (this topic being hidden in a sub-forum). There are some good/interesting points.

Toyomotor: for evidence/proof of South America see my blog article, or see Jim Allen's Atlantis in Bolivia site, or see satellite images of geoglyphs etc in Altiplano & area of Tiahuanaco/Titicaca.
As Sidney said: Atlantis/Atlas is Greek name/word. The Atlantis account says that the Greeks reverse translated from Egyptians who translated from original Atlantean. So Atlantis may not be the/a connected historical name. Greek Atlas could possibly be related to Hittite Alalu(s) and Biblical Adam? The Aztec A-tl/A-tonatiuh may be related to E-a or to Atlantis/Atlas / Alalus / Adam. All languages/myths ultimately come from one common original, but we make alot of mistakes in the process of finding the true cognates of names/words.
There may be connections with Atlas as the founder of astrology and the temple in shape of the spheres [Hyperborea?] (etc.)

Mountain Man: there are many real historical examples of hubris throughout world & history, are they all made-up too?

- Atlantis account 9000 & 8000 years is actually 900 and 800 years. Atlantis 900(0) years before Amasis 2 matches Herodotus' Moeris (& Hercules) 900 years before. The 9000 years = 900 years, and the 9000 years = 9000 months both reconcile with a 10 month calendar year (so it is not 1200s bc). Compare Hyperboreans lived a 1000 years is really 100 years. (See my blog article for more details as i can't post it all here.)
- Herodotus said Moeris (12th dynasty) was 900 years before [Amasis 2] (like Atlantis was 900(0) years before Amasis 2), so date of Middle Kingdom is not after 2100bc but before ca 1400s bc, and New Kingdom was not since 1500 bc but 200 years after Middle Kingdom. Josephus (and Herodotus) said Menes was 1300 years before Solomon/19th dynasty, which means 1st dynasty was not more than 2300 bc, not 3000 bc. Joseph was in the 3rd-4th dynasty so Old Kingdom was not 2700bc.
- Minoan ended after Atlantis sinking because Sais 800 after Atlantis 900 seems to match Anysis 700 after Salitis/Saites [800] after Moeris 900. Hyksos in Crete. Greek chronology also has Theseus/Minotaur after Atlantis (after Cecrops, before Theseus).
- You may be right that there may be melting together of different incidents. Zangger thought that the Trojan war was Atlantis war. The sea peoples may be the "Pelasgians" of Sea Powers/Thalassocracies just after the Trojan war.
My timeline is Atlantis -> Hyksos/Minoan -> Trojan war -> Sea peoples/Heraclids/Dorians.

You might like the 'Atlantis is not speculative history' on Historum forum since they all there also believe that Plato just made it up. (I'm not following that thread/topic (or forum) anymore myself though since my last post and the mess i got myself in there.) Atlantis has been found/verified, other details of the account are also being more verified too.
There is no contradiction between the Critias and Timaeus dates because they were both from Sais/Amasis/Solon.
I myself don't see a great problem with Sais having records of an event just a 100 years before (900 years Atlantis/Moeris/Hercules, 800 years Sais/Saites/Sailitis).
He didn't say Athens city was swallowed up, he said the warriors were swallowed up and the spring was clogged up?
You make very good/clever/true points, but i think people are too critical of sources like that.
Gerald Massey mentions 2 or 3 different traditions of the foundings of Sais, Athens and a Phoenician city (can't remember which of Sidon or Tyre or Byblos) in different orders.
Atlantis war/sinking was between Cecrops (founded Athens) and Erechtheus (before Theseus).
There was/were pre-Greek periods of Greece/Athens (Actaeus?)?
The timeline seems to go Atlantis (& Athens0/1) founded -- many generations -- Athens1/2 founded by Cecrops c 900 ya -- Atlantis war c 900 ya -- [Atlantis sinking?] -- Sais founded 800 ya -- 800yrs -- 26th dyn/Solon.
Hephaistos in the Account may be Ptah who is also connected with 900(0) years in god-kings dynasty? (Ptah's 900 years was from 1st dynasty down/forward; Atlantis 900 years was from Sais up/back.)
But you may be right about some confusion of dates, since there also seemed to me that may be some confusion of when the war/sinking took place since on one hand it seems to be about time of end of 12th dynasty while on other hand seems to be about time of Sea Poeples (19th/20th dyn) (& the cocaine & tobacco found in mummies).
(Similarily i'm not sure if Sesostris of Colchis is 12th dynasty Senusert or 19th dynasty Shishak/Ramses 2.)
The bit about Dropides/Critias / father/grandfather just seems to be uncertain/confused which way around, thats all.
Your name always reminds me of Sidney in 'Alias' and Sidney the author of great pyramid book (and 'Sargon the Magnificient' book), both are favourites of mine.

(link to blog is in profile i think. the paper is not written very well tho.)
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Sidney View Drop Down

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  Quote Sidney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 19:06
Personally I think these contradictions between Timaeus and Critais suggest that Plato was not preserving a unified narrative passed down by Solon, but was creating the story (or at least the details of it) himself, or that Critais was making it up as he went along.

Even if we do accept Solon as the originator, or transmitter, of the story of the war between Athens and Atlantis, these contradictions indicate that the story as we have it in Plato is untrustworthy as an accurate narrative from which to base historical or archaeological conclusions.
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  Quote Sidney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 18:41
Originally posted by Sidney

According to the Timaeus;
Plato's timeline is thus;
Founding of Athens c.9590 C
Founding of Sais c.8590 BC
Atlantis invades and conquers most of Europe and Africa
War between Athens and Atlantis preserved in Sais records.
Athens triumphant and liberates countries under Atlantian rule.
Athens is destroyed by earthquake and Atlantis sinks beneath the sea.

It is clear from this that Plato never recorded that Atlantis was destroyed 9000 years before Solon, but placed the destruction of Atlantis after the foundation of Sais (ie after c.8590 BC0.
But this is contradicted in the Critais;

1. Plato records that Critais tells Socrates; -
"Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe."

This is confirmed later; -
"Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years which have elapsed since the time of which I am speaking;"

Critais was speaking c.410 BC, so here Plato is saying that the war between Athens and Atlantis occurred c.9410 BC. This directly contradicts his earlier timeline.

2. Plato records Critais saying;
"In the days of old the gods had the whole earth distributed among them by allotment. There was no quarrelling; for you cannot rightly suppose that the gods did not know what was proper for each of them to have, or, knowing this, that they would seek to procure for themselves by contention that which more properly belonged to others."..."Hephaestus and Athene, who were brother and sister, and sprang from the same father, having a common nature, and being united also in the love of philosophy and art, both obtained as their common portion this land [Athens],"..."And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis."

He is thus saying that Athens and Atlantis were founded at the same time - when the gods were apportioned land (ie in 9590 BC)

But Plato also records Critais saying regarding the various kings and states under Atlantean control -

"All these and their descendants for many generations were the inhabitants and rulers of divers islands in the open sea; and also, as has been already said, they held sway in our direction over the country within the Pillars as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia."

"For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws....but when the divine portion began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature got the upper hand,...[then] they were full of avarice and unrighteous power."

So the war between Athens and Atlantis occurred many generations after the gods had set up their countries (for, according to Critais, the gods don't argue). This contradicts Plato's Timaeus timeline - for if Athens and Atlantis were founded together then the date for the war c.9410 BC (c.180 years later) is not the 'many generations' that Plato represents.

4. In Timaeus Plato records that Athens and Atlantis were destroyed on the same night - Athens sinking beneath the ground and Atlantis sinking beneath the sea. However in Critais he records that - "Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean.", but records of Athens - "For the fact is that a single night of excessive rain washed away the earth and laid bare the rock; at the same time there were earthquakes, and then occurred the extraordinary inundation, which was the third before the great destruction of Deucalion."

Here Plato is saying that Athens was flooded, contradicting the other narrative that it was swallowed up by the earth.

The part that does agree however is the one that says the war with Atlantis occurred after Sais was founded;
3. Plato tells us that the Egyptians recorded the names in the history of Athens while ancient Athens still survived, because - "the early Egyptians in writing them down had translated them into their own language". This had to be while ancient Athens still existed because after Athens was destroyed "any survivors [of the destruction], as I have already said, were men who dwelt in the mountains; and they were ignorant of the art of writing, and had heard only the names of the chiefs of the land, but very little about their actions." Critais' narrative therefore had to have been preserved while the Athenians still knew their history, and so before the war, if not the destruction, of Athens and Atlantis.

Critais' timeline seems to be;
Athens and Atlantis founded.
Many generations later Atlantis becomes corrupt and avarice.
Sais is either founded before the war, or before the destruction of Athens.
Athens and Atlantis go to war in c.9410 BC
Athens leads the war (and defeats Atlantis?)
Athens is flooded and Atlantis sinks beneath the sea.

Edited by Sidney - 13-Feb-2014 at 19:00
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  Quote Sidney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 18:07
There is some confusion in Plato regarding the time scale involved in his story.

According to the Timaeus;

The Egyptian priest of Sais told Solon in c.590 BC -
"She [Athene] founded your city [Solon's Athens] a thousand years before ours [Egyptian Sais], receiving from the Earth and Hephaestus the seed of your race, and afterwards she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in our sacred registers to be eight thousand years old."

So Athens founded c.9590 BC; Sais founded c.8590 BC

Plato then records the priest saying -
"Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end."

Here the priest is saying that the history of Sais records the battle between Athens and Atlantis, so this must have occurred after Sais was founded (or it couldn't have been recorded by them).

Plato then writes;
"...she [Athens] defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea."

Plato's timeline is thus;
Founding of Athens c.9590 C
Founding of Sais c.8590 BC
Atlantis invades and conquers most of Europe and Africa
War between Athens and Atlantis preserved in Sais records.
Athens triumphant and liberates countries under Atlantian rule.
Athens is destroyed by earthquake and Atlantis sinks beneath the sea.

It is clear from this that Plato never recorded that Atlantis was destroyed 9000 years before Solon, but placed the destruction of Atlantis after the foundation of Sais (ie after c.8590 BC0.
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  Quote medenaywe Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 16:40
What have been done from Gobekli Tepe till now,Beorna?14-20000 years of human history have made us masters of nuclear energy&DNA engeeners!Where did it come from?!?What did make us
superior specie?When did it?
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  Quote Sidney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 16:37
Originally posted by toyomotor

I'm happy to accept the city of Atlantis could have once existed.

I lean towards those theories that it was located somewhere on an Atlantic shoreline, or close to that ocean. I would extend that to the Mediterranean Sea, but I couldn't accept South America.


The references to the Pillars of Hercules, modern day Straits of Gibraltar, could have placed it somewhere in Spain, North Africa or even Portugal.


Would someone enlighten me, Atlantis comes from which language?


Was it Phoenecian?

Plato took it from the Greek name Atlas. He says in the Critais that the first king was called:

"Atlas, and after him the whole island and the ocean were called Atlantic."

The names that Plato gives in connection with the history of Atlantis are all Greek. He comments on this himself (in the Critais);

"Yet, before proceeding further in the narrative, I ought to warn you, that you must not be surprised if you should perhaps hear Hellenic names given to foreigners. I will tell you the reason of this: Solon, who was intending to use the tale for his poem, enquired into the meaning of the names, and found that the early Egyptians in writing them down had translated them into their own language, and he recovered the meaning of the several names and when copying them out again translated them into our language."

So the names that Plato records are Solon's attempts to give the Greek meaning to the Egyptian names he heard. However, Solon believed that the Egyptians themselves gained the names originally from the ancient Athenians who had fought against Atlantis (thus the comment by Plato that "the early Egyptians in writing them down had translated them into their own language, and he [Solon] recovered the meaning of the several names").

As far as Plato was concerned 'Atlantis' was Solon's translation of the meaning of an Egyptian word, which itself was a translation from the ancient Athenian language. The 'meaning' of Atlantis means pertaining to 'Atlas', so whether the original name (if Plato's story is true) was 'Atlantis' (or attached to some name identified by Solon as 'Atlas') would depend on how much divergence did or did not occur through these translations.

Edited by Sidney - 13-Feb-2014 at 16:42
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  Quote beorna Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 15:47
There are several curious points in the Atlantis myth. First, Atlantis shall have exist already 1000 years before the foundation of Athens. Athens itself shall have existed already 9000 year before Solon. Egypt is said to be 1000 years younger than Athens.
These story was told to Solon by a priest from the temple of Neith in Sais.
Platon has this story from Kritias as it seems. Kritias lived between 460 and 400. Platon was born around 430. He probably wrote his Kritias in the 350th. So what did Platon really know? Kritias itself shall have heard the story from his grandfather, who got the story from his father Dropides, who shall have been Archon in 593/2. Solon shall have lived between 640 and 560. So Dropides was nearly as old as Solon. That makes 180 years between the birth of Kritias and his great-grandfather. That's a too great difference to be true. It can only match if Solon lived at a later date, which some scientists suppose.
So let us take a year 590 BC (the suppose year of Solon's visit in Egypt) for the story Platon is telling us. As I wrote above, the story was told by a priest of neith in Sais. This town is settled since 4000 BC, but a temple is just know in the Middle Kingdom (after 2100 BC). It was the temple of Nb.T SW, which is perhaps identical with Neith (Nj.T). She is known already in the 1st dynasty around 3000 BC, but she got more prestige in the new Kingdom since 1550 BC.

We have now the problem, that Platon writes, that Egypt existed already 8000 years before Solon and Athens 1000 years before Egypt and that Atlantis even 1000 years more.
So Atlantis evolved around 10600 BC, during the Dryas, a time when the Tundras returned, a stadial. Shall we really expect a great empire, that had conquered nearly the whole mediterranian Sea during the Dryas? If we follow Platon, Athens existed since 9600 BC. As far as we know today, are there neolithic artefacts already from 7500 BC, a city, especially one which could defeat a great power like Atlantis, existed not before the mycenian era. Egypt, one of the oldest cultures is as well not 8600 years old. It goes back to 4000 BC, but as i said, the old kingdom doesn't start before 2700 and even the 1st dynasty is not older than 3000 BC.

So we see, before we search for Atlantis, we should solve all these problems. One solution would be to change the 8000-10,000 years for lunar month, which would give us a time between the 14th and 13th century. If we date Solon later, the 12th century.

This would bring us to the sea people era. If we remember Thera, the end of the mycenian and minoan era, then in Platon's story about Atlantis (or in those of the priests of Sais) it is possible, that several incidents melted together in a single story, like we have it in the Artus-legend or those of the Nibelungs, if these story isn't completely invented and an allegory.
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  Quote medenaywe Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 14:59
In all of them is "Human dream&imagination",Red!Was it based on memories or fantasies?!?
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  Quote red clay Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 14:33
Originally posted by toyomotor

I'm happy to accept the city of Atlantis could have once existed.
I lean towards those theories that it was located somewhere on an Atlantic shoreline, or close to that ocean. I would extend that to the Mediterranean Sea, but I couldn't accept South America.
The references to the Pillars of Hercules, modern day Straits of Gibraltar, could have placed it somewhere in Spain, North Africa or even Portugal.
Would someone enlighten me, Atlantis comes from which language?
Was it Phoenecian?
The Nahuatl language was spoken by the Mayans and Aztecs.  In that language "atl" means water.
It's assumed that the unusual structures found in that language stem from a much older civilization.
To my knowledge, the only uses of the "atl" combination, outside of S. America are "atlantic, and atlas". 
I'm not that familiar with Phoenician to exclude it entirely, but I doubt it. 
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Mountain Man View Drop Down

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  Quote Mountain Man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Feb-2014 at 13:48
Atlantis was a parable about a proud people being brought down by their own hubris.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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toyomotor View Drop Down


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  Quote toyomotor Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12-Feb-2014 at 22:46
I'm happy to accept the city of Atlantis could have once existed.
I lean towards those theories that it was located somewhere on an Atlantic shoreline, or close to that ocean. I would extend that to the Mediterranean Sea, but I couldn't accept South America.
The references to the Pillars of Hercules, modern day Straits of Gibraltar, could have placed it somewhere in Spain, North Africa or even Portugal.
Would someone enlighten me, Atlantis comes from which language?
Was it Phoenecian?

Edited by toyomotor - 12-Feb-2014 at 22:52
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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27-Jan-2014 at 06:18

There were 4 atlantis topics in my search results (atlantis, plato's atlantis, atlantis fact or fiction, did atlantis exist), i wasn't sure which to post this in so i picked the most read one (though it maybe i should have picked the least posts one so this doesn't get lost in the mass of posts/pages).

I posted this on historum in 'America before Columbus' thread/topic but will post it here for those who have seen me mention about Atlantis & Tiahuanaco.

This Inca picture from the Coricancha in Cuzco is one of the proofs that Atlantis city/continent is Tiahuanaco/South America.

things in the picture that match Plato's Atlantis account are :
sun/stars/summer & moon/clouds/winter = 2 crops a year
criss-crossed rectangle = great plain with ditch & criss-crossing channels
man & woman = poseidon & cl(e)ito
concentric ringed city on left / concentric ringed city in lake on right = concentric ringed city.
(?mound in city/circle on left ~ akapana ~ (dwelling of poseidon &) cleito)
plant/tree ~ woodlands or crop?
lake (titicaca) = city by/near sea.
[canal/river ~ canal/river/ditch?]
[7 dots ~ 7 cities/islands in some versions?]

I am not able to re-write up my paper with all my evidences at present, but Jim Allen's 'Atlantis in Bolivia' site has alot of info. Here is the start of a table of some evidences (not anywhere near detailed enough) :

Tiahaunaco/Peru/SAmeric -- Atlantis account
Atlantis city/isl -- Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku "Baalbek of New World" (Posnansky), Huinaymarka means "eternal city";
Atlantis continent/larger than Asia&Africa -- SouthAmerica?
near sea / 9.2km from sea -- Tiahuanaco 10miles from Titicaca
small low hill / (dwelling of Poseidon &) Clito -- Akapana
high mountains -- Andes
large plain with crisscrossing channels -- Altiplano, crosscrossed rectangle on coricancha picture
sinking/submergence, quakes&floods -- continental shift / Tiahuanaco flooded, ... force ...., long night?
bulls / bull sacrifice -- ceramic stone bulls on housetops, pottery cow / cow shaped vase / cow sacrificed & entrails put in vase, seated "deer" figure carrying a club (larouse world mythology)
900(0)yrs / c 1400s bc -- c1400/1394bc (long night) / "12000th yr" / [1580bc] <Moses/Josh>
Atlanteans own script --
orei-chalcum -- tumbaga (gold-copper alloy), (crespi collection, unusual alloys)
circular/concentric rings -- concentric canals Tiahuanaco, concentric in coricancha picture
central island 5 stades -- central island Tiahuanaco 2x1 miles
2crops a year -- sun/stars/summer&moon/clouds/winter on coricancha picture
temple / palace 185mx92m -- kalasasya 400x450ft / kantatayita / (puma pinku) / throne room160x130ft / [100x85ft / hall 45x22ft]
Atlas/world pillar -- world pillar motif
winged horses -- winged attendants on gate of sun?
opp/fac pillars of hercules at gibraltar -- opp/beyond poh at gibraltar (map projection, pole shift, continental shift)
west/Atlantic -- west/Atlantic
in real/true ocean/Atlantic not Mediterranean/sea -- is in Atlantic/Pacific ocean
midpoint of sea side of island -- is in middle area of Pacific side of SthAmerica
all kinds of animals --
boats -- totora/reed boats of Urus Titicaca (kon tiki)?
red, white & black -- (r w & blue steps church Paucarcolla), gold silver copper,
10 / 5x2 twins/kings [12 ks Scheria] -- 5 flanking either side on 'Gate of the Sun', (10 kings Taycanamo dynasty,) 11 pillars Tiahuanaco? viracocha adopts 5 pairs of Twins (Jim Allen).

The thesis/discovery is that Atlantis the continent is south America, the city is Tiahuanaco, the "sinking" was continental shift (the Atlantic was previously say half the current distance [and South America is centred further east than north America), and the date was 900 years or ca 1400s bc.

I can't really claim much credit for the discovery because Jim Allen more or less already discovered it himself (though his site is abit further south at Poopo, though i saw a webpage awhile ago that looked like he may have also or since identified the city as Tiahuanaco?), and i possibly wouldn't have been able to narrow down Atlantis from Americas (north &/or south) to south America and Peru/Bolivia and Titicaca and Tiahuanaco if it wasn't for his own info helping me abit, though the continental shift part of my theory was my own thesis from 1999 to now and i otherwise did all my own thinking/etc until certain that right site was Tiahuanaco. This discovery synthesises various reasearchers: Posnansky, David Fasold, Sitchin, Jim Allen, me, (HS Bellamy, Charles Berlitz,) etc.

ps people rubbish/discredit me just because some of my sources are like Sitchin, yet they can't deny that there is some true info in them like the coricancha picture (and that is all the sort of things i glean from them anyway (because some of us can only use what sources we have access to)). If it wasn't for Sitchin's Lost realms i may not have found the final proof. They can't rubbish the Incas (and other evidences).

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 27-Jan-2014 at 06:22
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docyabut View Drop Down

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  Quote docyabut Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04-May-2006 at 08:59

Sorry to report  our member and a good friend  Ulf  Richter has passed away  he will be sadly missed. topic;f=1;t=001578;p=1#000009

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  Quote Ulf Richter Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Mar-2006 at 17:58


The remark "one-eyed" came from your former Avatar showing a one-eyed horror mask. Excuse me.

The availability of this thread in two forums will last only a very limited time, according to my experience with another thread which was also displaced, after a short time only the new place will be valid. Therefore it is no acceptable way for us, and we will go over withour discussion to Majus new thread.

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  Quote Komnenos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Mar-2006 at 09:22
I still haven't got the slightest idea what the fuss is all about. I made both Atlantis threads available in two Forums, in an additional one that might attract members that are interested in alternative and speculative history, and you complain, instead of being grateful.
And if you have complaints against narrow-minded and one-eyed administrators, do it via PM to other AE staff and not in the thread here.
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Maju View Drop Down

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  Quote Maju Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Mar-2006 at 04:47
Just started a "serious" topic in its adequate forum: p;PN=1

Edited by Maju

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