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Topic Closedillegals

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    Posted: 14-May-2005 at 14:23
I definately understand Jalisco Lancer's reaction.
It's your right to have a different opinion, but if you post 4 posts directly after each other, each one containing more fear mongering nonsense, I Mexicans feel unsulted by that. I don't believe you're xenophobic, but the people who make up stupid stories like deseases being carryied by immigrants are. They create this kind of stories to get non-xenophobic people on their side, apparently with succes.

I'll give you two advices:
1. Don't believe everything the media tells you.
2. Be less scared for all kinds of things. Criminality, immigration or deseases don't cause the of mankind.

Edited by Mixcoatl
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eaglecap View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-May-2005 at 14:37
I do not agree with that because the posts are based on fact but I respect your view. Of course I am not Xenophobic because legal immigration is good for our nation. He makes it out like I am only focusing on Mexicans but if you look back I posted my concerns about illegal immigration into Greece.

Now Jalisco I ask what have you done for the poor of your nation or do you sit in an ivory tower and just point fingers. I have spent time in both northern Mexico and Mazatlan helping to build a home, giving out food, and clothing. I have traveled and the Mexicans and Greeks are amonst the finest people I have met but this does not mean I should tolerate illegal immigration. I wish there was an easier solution. I support economic development of Mexico and an end to the corruption, many Mexicans in Mexico are sick of the corruption. I am sick of it here as well but it is much worse in your country.
You called Strategos a trouble maker and now you have three fingers pointing back. If you want to call names then pm me or start acting like a real moderator.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-May-2005 at 14:41
haha immigration to amrica?
Drive them back to asia!
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strategos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-May-2005 at 14:50

Originally posted by Jalisco Lancer


Frankly with you. I do not understand your behavior. One day you ask me for a folk tale , cause you are concerned that your little friend Brittany understands part of her mexican heritage and the other day you post all kind of anti mexican posts.

I have 2 theories. You are a dumb or a double face person. I have no problem with dumbs, because they can be enlighted and educated. A double face is a different issue.

In case that you are merely a dumb, let me educate you.

Geography lesson 1: Mexico is not the only country south the Rio Bravo.

   Geography lesson 2: Rio Bravo = Grande River.

   Demography Lesson 1: MS-13 stands for Mara Salvatrucha.
    Demography Lesson 2: Salvatrucha = Salvadorean.

    Now, most of your post seems to me more suitable for Historical Amusement. Too bad we have no a forum for your xenophobical links and border folk stories.

I ignore how old are you, if you have any eduaction, if you live on the countryside ( living in the country side doesn't means being iliterate ) or in a middle town. As I say, seems to me that you have no opinion by your own, because most of the topics ( including your 2 previous post ) are taken from internet.

The day the you decide to discuss in an intelligent matters, not based on a cool bigotry red neck site , type " I do not like mexicans ".. then we can discuss.



Is everything that is not Pro-Mexican mean it is ANTI-Mexican? Most of his links are from credible sources, and he wants to point out other american views on this topic. You cannot know the problem as much as him because, well, he IS an American living in america, so he can see the problem first hand. Illegal immigration is a big problem, and Most of Illegals come from mexico. I find it hard to see how you become a moderator, because you deffinantly do not act like one, from your posts to my and now to eaglecap. You seem to dislike Americans, or at least ones that don't agree with your "Open Boarder" mentality. Remember, these illegals are coming into the USA, so the taxpaying americans are the ones who need to pay for their stay, not Mexican citizens. Healthcare in the US is something not all Americans can get, but most if not ALL illegal immigrants can have. Not saying all these illegals are Mexican, but I repeat, the vast majority Are. The only reason i decided to write tyo you again is because you keep on insulting other members, and YOu being a mod should set an "example", but if you cannot do that, then maybe you shouldn't be a mod.  Perhaps now that Turks-Greeks had their "Peace Agreement" topic, maybe its time for a little treaty ourselfs.. Because I do not want to write anymore posts that are directly to One member.
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hugoestr View Drop Down


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15-May-2005 at 00:16

It is not about the content of the post, but the language in them. The language is insulting, inaccurate, and hate-inducing.

One can say that that a given number of gang members are crossing the border. This is true. Another thing is to quote president Bush saying that they illegal immigrants are honest people, and then contradict him by quoting the number of gang members coming in. The implied message is that most illegal aliens are not honest people. As you said it yourself, most of them are Mexicans, which turns this argument into an anti-Mexican one.

I will illustrate with a hypothetical Greek example.

"'Immigrant Greeks are honest hardworking people'

Wrong. Thousands of Greek immigrants with criminal records are getting in our country."

As you can see, phrasing the issue this way is very insulting and bigotted. This is what Jalisco has a problem with.

There is no need for a treaty. I already wrote something to that effect in this thread. If you are ready to seriously discuss illegal immigration, I wrote ground rules for it a few post away. Read it and come back with your position following those rules.

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eaglecap View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15-May-2005 at 13:11
Hugo you are stretching it!! 1/3 of our prisoners are illegal immigrants. The majority of Greeks came here legally so that is like comparing apple and oranges. Any Greek who came here illegally should have been deported.
I have decided that posting to this is a waste of my time so instead I will take your advice and take advantage of contacts that Frosty woolridge gav me so I can contact the people who can act vs. arguing with people who cannot change things. Telling the truth is not bigotry and his stand is against all illegal immigrants; including Europeans who come here illegally. Like the Russians and some Polish who have entered our country without permission. In the early 90's we had a lot of Irish illegals. I have Irish ancestry so does that make me a bigot. My great great grandmother's maiden name was McCurly. It is not about race but rule of law!!

Hugo are you an enviromentalist? This is one of the biggest reasons I take a stand against the illegal invasion from all over the world. I have been an active Sierra Club member and I have gotten involved in several projects to help preserve wildlife habitat. I just do not like their view towards hunting. I am a bow hunter!!
I will end this because we just cannot agree but we can agree to disagree. I will not talk about the illegal immigration issue into the U.S. but I hope that Jalisco is not so mad that we can't talk about historical issues in the future. We will never agree but I do not dislike or hate any one particular group nor am I angry at anyone who does not agree with me.
Peace- olive branch
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hugoestr View Drop Down


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15-May-2005 at 20:02

You missed my point. I was not stating that Greek immigrants are criminals; I was showing how framing the topic the way you did makes it sound like that. It had the right effect though: it seems that the statement was offensive to you. You recognized its offensiveness and its lies. Now you understand what it feels like when you make the same statement about Latin-American illegal immigrants.

The actual content of your post being true is debatable. We can discuss this as long as you restrain your biased and bigoted language.

Here is an example:

"California will vote on having its own border patrol."

You see, no talk of an non-existent "invasion".

I have posted ground rules in this thread for discussing this issue. One of them is to stop posting stories with anti-Mexican slants. I don't think it is a hard thing to ask, but it seems that I was wrong.
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Jalisco Lancer View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 13:23

Eagle cap,
thanks for your toucHing and useless PM.
I could not care the less.
About 3 fingers pointing at me, it could be 20 and I could not care the less.

as we say in Mexico: if the coat suits you, then wear it.

Hugo, this a complete waste of time. This folks should be posting more often at Yahoo forums. Their IQ matches the required level for it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 14:28
Like I said I am done with this argument- what can we do here????
Hugo you are right it is best to spend my energy contacting our politicians and telling them about my concerns. I thank you for some of the intelligent posts you put up and your fairness. You brought up some issues that allowed me to see both sides and even allowed me to think twice about my positions. I got a bunch of links from Frosty Woolridge.

Jalisco, I am sure you are a nice guy but all you can do is insult and call names. You are right posting on this forum is a waste of my precious time, it just goes in circles. When I say I am against illegal immigration you think Mexican. Like I said earlier I do not care where they are from, even people with the same ancestry as myself! But, no matter how many times I say this I am a bigot towards Latinos in your eyes. I will not repsond anymore but here are some figures: (they are more for Hugo since he seems to be very objective and fair minded)
. 2.1 billion to lock up illegals in prisons
Dana, wilkie "Whose problem are they?" California Journal, July 1 2003
. $2.5 billion in medicaid
. $2.2 billion in uninsured medical costs
. $1.4 billion in federal aid to schools
. $1.9 billion in food stamps, WIC and free school lunches.
The high cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and Federal budgets August 2004
The Mexican government should pick up part of the tab for its citizens. I am just as concerend with illegal immigration into Europe and the influence of short sighted big corp. over this issue. Greece is doing the right thing by going after the employers.

I will no longer waste time here but move onto other topics so post what you want.
Just a thought!!
The influx of Germanic barbarians changed the course of Roman history, so I wonder how much of an impact the illegal alien problem will have on America's future????
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hugoestr View Drop Down


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 15:29

Just a thought!!
The influx of Germanic barbarians changed the course of Roman history, so I wonder how much of an impact the illegal alien problem will have on America's future????

You are doing it again!!!

You were fine until you got to this point. Once again into the silly imagery of invasion and destruction. Read again my post where I explain why this will never happen.

I will remind you that the major outcome of the Germanic invasion was the creation of modern Europe. Why don't we ask living Europeans if they find a problem with the way things are today?

Now let me discuss the numbers. Right off the bat you have to take out medicaid, food stamps, WIC and free school lunches costs because illegal aliens do not qualify for any of these programs. As a public service, I will remind everyone that white Americans are the single biggest recepients of welfare in the United States. If costs are so high, go tell Billy Bob to get a job.

I would need to see a statistical breakdown of prision and school costs. Especially the federal aid to schools seems way to high.

Your strategy of going after employers has failed in this country. It fails because many of the businesses that require low paying jobs are working with very thin profit margins.

Recently there was a bipartisan bill introduced in Congress that would close the borders more but allow legal immigration of low paid workers. This seems to be the best solution. I doubt it will fix the problem, but it might reduce it significantly.

I can live with the bill. I will post a link to it soon.

I am still waiting for a solution to the U.S. need for slave-like labor!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 15:43

Read about "The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005"

This is a proposal. It has not been introduced to the senate or the house yet.

I think that it is pragmatic idea. It will allow people to come legally to work in low paying jobs after passing a security and health ckeck that the immigrant has to pay for.
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Guests View Drop Down
Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 17:26
The influx of Germanic barbarians changed the course of Roman history, so I wonder how much of an impact the illegal alien problem will have on America's future????

1) the Germanic tribes who entered the Roman empire not only entered the empire, they also left their native homelands. Last time I checked there are still Mexicans in Mexico, so that's already a difference. Also their leaders joined them in invading the Roman empire, while president Fox still resides in Mexico.
2) the barbarians fought wars with the Roman armies, in order to seize their country. The last battle between Mexicans and Americans was fought in 1916, and on Mexican soil. That makes another difference.
3) the Roman empire and the barbarian tribes were part of the same Free Trade area, and their governments were no allies. Romans also did not build factories just north of the Rhine and Donau because of cheaper labor and looser laws.
4) the barbarians burned, looted and destroyed Roman cities they conquered. So far not a single American city have been destroyed by hordes of invading Mexicans.
5) At the end the barbarians became integrated into Roman culture (ever heard of Romance languages?), so if you're afraid Mexicans will annilihate American culture: it most likely won't happen.
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strategos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 21:23

Originally posted by hugoestr

Just a thought!!
The influx of Germanic barbarians changed the course of Roman history, so I wonder how much of an impact the illegal alien problem will have on America's future????

As a public service, I will remind everyone that white Americans are the single biggest recepients of welfare in the United States.


Your statement is misleading, because more than 80% of the population is White Americans, so it would be normal for them to recieve the most welfare. Also, there percentage of welfare doesn't even dominate the system. illegal immigrants get better health care than some americans do. Now, you have the  American flag, is that right? Illegals get it over many Veterans who fought for the US. Illegals inside the united states already violated a crime, coming to the US illegal, so there more likely to keep breaking laws.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 22:04
Originally posted by strategos

Originally posted by hugoestr

Just a thought!! The influx of Germanic barbarians changed the course of Roman history, so I wonder how much of an impact the illegal alien problem will have on America's future????
As a public service, I will remind everyone that white Americans are the single biggest recepients of welfare in the United States. QUOTE]

Your statement is misleading, because more than 80% of the population is White Americans, so it would be normal for them to recieve the most welfare. Also, there percentage of welfare doesn't even dominate the system. illegal immigrants get better health care than some americans do. Now, you have the American flag, is that right? Illegals get it over many Veterans who fought for the US. Illegals inside the united states already violated a crime, coming to the US illegal, so there more likely to keep breaking laws.


As you pointed out about the number of people in welfare, I am correct. As I have pointed out several times, you are incorrect about health care for immigrants. They do not qualify for medicare. Because they lack medical insurance, they get the same crappy medical care than other Americans without insurance have: none.

I thought that we had settle your claims about Mexican illegal aliens before. So, do your Mexican-American friend and their parents brake the law as you describe?

[quote]Now, you have the American flag, is that right?

I don't know exactly what this means. Could you explain?
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strategos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 22:28
You are an AMerican. Isn't it unfair that illegals can use up taxpayers money for healthcare and other things, but not all US citizens can get them?
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Imperator Invictus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-May-2005 at 23:44
This thread is shutting down, as requested.
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