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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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    Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 13:18
People never seem to agree with me or believe me when i speak/write my own words, while they do believe/like what others say/write. So here are quotes, proverbs, maxims/maxums of other people in world and history which illustrate my experience & view/perspective of the status quo world/regime/system/society/culture. (Someone said to me only day/days ago that what people say/write is forgotten. Yet we see here that that is not wholly true!)


Law/laws, love :

"[All law(s) is/are covered in one law:] love your neighbour as yourself" - Bible
"do unto others as would have done to you" - Bible.
"That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." - Jewish rabbi.
" What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor " - the Babylonian Talmud.
"No one of you is a believer until you desire for another that which you desire for yourself" the Hadith.
 " Do not do to others what ye do not wish done to yourself " - the Hindu Mahabharata.
"Hurt not others in ways you yourself find hurtful" - Tibetan Dhammapada.
"Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself" - Confucius.
"Love your neighbor, but don't pull down the fence." - German proverb.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 13:21
Loneliness which i experience(d) & identify with:

"In one of the last interviews I ever saw Michael do, tears leaked from his eyes as he admitted to a living in a loneliness that most people would never know...."
 "Michael Jackson died a lonely man. He admitted in one of his interviews with Oprah that he used to cry to himself due to loneliness. He never had a childhood. He never was a normal kid. He grew up without even experiencing life as a normal person. He never knew himself at all. Fame pays?...."
 "From what Ive heard Michael Jackson was a very lonely person and was Very mis-understood. I wonder why there was a doctor there at his home ...."
 "Michael Jackson was so lonely that he turned to mannequins to feel like he had human company. That is the degree of isolation he experienced ...."
 " of the most ... lonely people I've ever met...."
 "I'm better off dead. I'm done."

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 13:23
Modern western world:

"go to work, send your kids to school
follow fashion, act normal
walk on the pavement, watch T.V.
save for your old age, obey the law
Repeat after me: I am free".
- graffiti on a wall in uk.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 13:28
"Nobody is hurting me" - Odyssey.
"Self did it self fix it" - GW Cox from Teutonic myth.

* In the Odyssey there is the story of how Odysseus told the Cyclops his name was "nobody". Then Odysseus hurt the Cyclops and his friends came running and asked who was hurting him, and the cyclops said "Nobody" was hurting him.
 In [Germanic?] there is a story of how a man met a  stranger who said his name was Issi ("self"). Afterwards the starnger put the man in a hurtful trap. When people came by they asked who did it to him and he said Issi tegi ("Self" did it), and they laughed and said "self did it, self fix it" and left him in the hurtful trap.
I think of these when people blame me and don't care about others crimes done to us


"Laying/loading heavy burdens on people that they won't even touch with their little finger" - Jesus.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 13:43
Water, fluoridation, tooth decay, oral cleanliness, sugar:

"Water. We can’t live without it. Not for long – only about 3 days. In
fact, water is the one thing that we need the most, to survive."

(Compare: "Air was provided through vents, vents
which could be closed off if the prisoner showed signs of aggressive
tendencies. A few hours without air made most men pretty docile." - science fiction book.
"The thirst torment would
be the worst, but if it became unbearable he would still have the
choice of surrendering himself." )

"We use the following chemicals during the treatment process at our Te Marua Water Treatment Plant:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Lime (Ca(OH)2)
- Polyaluminium chloride (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O) [Alum?]
- Polyelectrolyte
We also dose the following into the treated water:
- Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) [caustic soda]
- Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
- Chlorine gas (Cl2)
- Fluoride (Na2SiF6)" - Upper Hutt city council water dept.

"fluoride spill eats concrete"

"hydrofluoric acid, which could eat its way through glass, or to aqua
regia, which could eat through anything else."

Kepha[s] said "don't drink the kool-aid"
Another said "by all means keep on drinking the kool-aid"

"Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink
        the water of gall; for from the prophets of Jerusalem is
        ungodliness gone forth into all the land." - Bible.

"He has filled me with bitterness, he has sated me with wormwood.
He has also broken my teeth with gravel stones; he has covered
        me with ashes."

"The name of the star is called "Wormwood." One third of the
        waters became wormwood.  Many people died from the waters,
        because they were made bitter." (- 'Revelation/Apocalypse'.)
(World map on wikipedia shows about 1/3rd of world is fluoridated. )

"run cold water for a few minutes (15 minutes) to clear the lines;"

"50 cities" or "...61% of reticulated water supplies in New Zealand are fluoridated, with 52% of New  Zealanders receiving ..."

"We all know that sugar is the new crack cocaine" (- newspaper review of 'That Sugar Book'.)

"Cleanliness is next to godliness" - traditional/biblical saying.
"oral hygene on tap" [is thus moronic, you can't put cleanliness on tap.]

Water & food:

In Irish traditional history the king Bress was deposed as having a "blemish" ultimately because he:
"began to oppress his ... subjects." Examples including "He levied burdensome taxes, took their cattle, put them to work, and withheld food from them so that they became weak."

“Some people get rich and others eat sh*t and die.” - Hunter S. Thompson.

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 14-Oct-2016 at 14:31
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 13:57
Modern western world "culture"/"society"/"community"/"lifestyle choice":

"Finally, Kali Yuga, the dark age of today, is riven with quarrels, dissension, wars, and strife. Love and sex are separated. Few know truth. Possessions, not righteousness, confer rank and outer trappings are confused with inner religion." - Hindu (via Arthur Cotterell).

"Of the 22 civilizations that have appeared in  history, nineteen of them collapsed when they  reached the moral state the United States is in  now." (- Arnold J. Toynbee.)

"this [internet/globalist society/economy] makes autistic people more autistic". - quote on wrongplanet website.

"There has been a significant increase in mental health diagnoses, particularly under the heading of “anxiety.”" (- NZ, Jan 2013.)
"A quarter of NZ youth experience a mental illness by age 15".
"10% of nzers are medicated...."
"We have approximately 420 clients on our books currently  and around 11 new referrals every week." local community mental health leader.

"The real USA unemployment rate is 30%."

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 14:00
Digitalisation, technology, surveilance, "security":

"surveilance had gone beyond b... & b..., its gone digital" - win 7/google/firefox advert 2016 from imperfect memory.

Kepha[s] said to me "you will be assimilated".

"Security had taken me, Security was good for the country, and Security never made mistakes." - Sci Fi book.

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 14-Oct-2016 at 18:00
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 14:08
"The sun-lord/god is most pleased with him who does good to others ... who bears ill-will to none ... who neither beats or slays any living thing ... who is ever desirous of the welfare of all creatures...." - Indian teaching of Aurva.

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

Answered Rabban Yochanan, "We have another, equally important source of atonement, the practice of gemilut hasadim (loving kindness), as it is stated 'I desire loving kindness and not sacrifice'."

"001:027 Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the fatherless [incl people without families?] and widows [incl singles/alone?] in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 14:14
in/justice, oppressed/poor, "property is theft":

"024:017 You shall not wrest the justice [due] to the foreigner, [or] to the fatherless, nor take the widow's clothing to pledge;
027:019 Cursed be he who wrests the justice [due] to the foreigner, fatherless, and widow.  All the people shall say, Amen."

"...they judge not the [case/cause of] fatherless [family-less/parent-less] nor does the case of the widow [singles/lonely/alone, partner-less] come unto them." (- Isaiah 1:23.)

"....   Don't the rich oppress you, and personally drag you before the  courts?" (- James 2:6.)

"To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and  (that) they may rob the fatherless." (- Isaiah 10:2.)

Sodom and Gomorrah were overthrown because "lies/lying, they were arrogant, pride, haughty, unconcerned, didn't care about the poor/needy", etc.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 14:23
Will, persistence:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent" ~ Calvin Coolidge
"It's hard to beat a person who never gives up" ~ Babe Ruth

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will" ~ Mahatma Gandhi
"Most things worthwhile in life called for a decisive effort of will."

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 14:41

"All truth passes through 3 stages. 1st, it is ridiculed. 2nd it is violently opposed. 3rd, it is accepted as being self-evident" ~ Schopenhauer.
  "New opinions often appear 1st as jokes & fancies, then as blasphemies & treason, then as questions open to discussion, and finally as established truths." - George Bernard Shaw.

"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong." - Arthur C Clarke

"3/4/5 stages: denial, anger, panic, bargaining, acceptance" - 'the Simpsons'.

"takes time to penetrate outer defenses" - Walter Alter.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it
and eventually they will believe it.”- Adolf Hitler
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” -Lenin.

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge"
"It is impossible for anyone to learn that which he thinks he already knows" ~ Plutarch

"Unfortunately for a new thesis to be accepted as proven one has to also destroy the existing established old theories/criticisms" - me.

"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." - Mohandas Gandhi

"In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.  I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei.
"They must find it hard to take Truth for Authority who have so long mistaken Authority for Truth."

'If it's been officially denied, then it's probably true' - Pilger's law.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" ~ George Orwell.

"The greatest homage to truth is to use it" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"knowledge/info is power"

"for god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a/the lie" (2 Thess 2:11).
"in the last days there will be mockers/scoffers" (jude 18).

"any man can end up a prisoner when everyone disbelieves him and he has no way of proving that he is telling the truth." - Sci Fi book.

"whatever i may be wrong about it doesn't mean that i am all/always wrong or that they are all/always right. (i am not wrong about everything, there are somethings i am certainly right about.)"

"imagination rules the world." - Napoleon.

"archaeology is not a science its a vendetta".

"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds"  (Albert Einstein)

"Countries that destroy their past deserve no future" - [Sir WS Churchill?]

"What is history but a fable agreed upon?" - Napoleon Bonaparte

"[O]ne of the quickest ways to create a major impact in academe is to prove the truth of something that has hitherto been derided or dismissed." - Ronald Hutton.

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future." - ?
"The message of the future is the message of the past". - LA Waddell.

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 14-Oct-2016 at 18:08
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 14:49
More to come later if/when able at some time/times.


My world, your world:

"As Hillel the Elder had stated, whosoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whosoever that saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 17:57

"Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little  flower." - Hans Christian Andersen.

"Genocide is any/all things that destroy/undermine a culture/race/nation"

"They make a desert and they call it peace/pax" - British chieftain.

"under a good king the peasants rejoice" - bible.

"When God means to punish a nation, he deprives the rulers of wisdom." - German proverb.

"Freedom to starve!" (- German farmer at end of WW2 'liberation'.)

"am I my brothers keeper?" - Cain.
"Beggars are lazy!" - UK people.
"Are there not workhouses?" - Scrooge/Dickens.
"work makes you free" sign over nazi concentration camp gate/enterance.

"Just because it is "not impossible" for (say) a disabled person to crawl without a wheel chair/crutches, it doesnt mean it is the best way or right for system/people to force us to (whatever our equivalent circumstance)." - me years ago.

"On one hand this regime and everyone claim you want me/us to be independent not dependent (eg the welfare/benefit/work),
Yet on other hand they/you don't really want us to be indpenedent but dependent (eg fluoridated water, smartmeters, etc)."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
- Edmund Burke.

"A friend in need is a friend in deed."

"he who is not for me is against me" - vice-versa of bible quote.

"our amendment cannot be secured without the grace of God, the prayers of good men, the help of the brethren, and our own sincere repentance and constant care." - F Josephus

"cooperation is superior to competition" - nz talkback caler.

"I don't believe in social darwinsim but in social cooperation which is what is seen in nature" - KB.

"Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat" ~ Lilly Tomlin.

"the only difference between me and them/you is that my badness is more manifest on the outside, whule theirs/yours is more hidden inside".

"he who is without sin cast the first stone"

"We hang minor thieves and tip our hats to major ones." (- German proverb.)

"one country, two systems"


"words don't even move the leaves on the trees" - Napoleon.


"everyone will cause you some frustration, you just have to find those worth suffering for". - memory/paraphrase of black singer?

"this apple if you leave it on the ground alone will  wither in a few days, or you can take a bite of it and  enjoy it now" - movie 'Phenomenon'.

"The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity, but a wounded spirit who can bear?"

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 16-Oct-2016 at 08:00
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 18:14
CS Lewis:

"What should they regard as too obscene, since they held that all morality was a mere subjective by-product of the physical and economic situations of men?" CS Lewis 'That Hideous Strength'.

"He is the last vestige of an old order in which matter and spirit were, from our modern point of view, confused. For him every operation on Nature is a kind of personal contact, like coaxing a child or stroking one's horse. After him came the modern man to whom Nature is something dead--a machine to be worked, and taken to bits if it won't work the way he pleases. Finally come the Belbury people, who take
over that view from the modern man unaltered and simply want to increase their power by tacking on to it the aid of spirits--extra-natural, anti-natural spirits."

"You give me a bath such as the Emperor himself might envy, but no one attends me to it: a bed softer than sleep itself, but when I rise from it I find I must put on my own clothes with my own hands as if I were a peasant. I lie in a room with windows of pure crystal so that you can see the sky as clearly when they are shut as when they are open, and there is not wind enough within the room to blow out an unguarded taper; but I lie in it alone, with no more honour than a prisoner in a dungeon. Your people eat dry and tasteless flesh, but it is off plates as smooth as ivory and as round as the sun. In all the house there is warmth and softness and silence that might put a man in mind of paradise terrestrial; but no
hangings, no beautified pavements, no musicians, no perfumes, no high seats, not a gleam of gold, not a hawk, not a hound."


"and ... the West no longer believes in the nobility of the origins but in the notion that civilisation arises out of barbarism, religion from superstition, man from animal (Darwin), thought from matter, and every spiritual form from the 'sublimation' or transposition of the stuff that originates the instinct, libido, complexes....(Freud. Jung)..." - Julius Evola.

"The true and essential origin of man is to be found elsewhere, in superior races who, already in prehistoric ages, possessed a civilisation of limited material development but of notable extremely elevated spiritual content, so much so as to be symbolically designated remembrances of all peoples, as 'divine races', as races of 'god-like men."
(- Julius Evola, revolt against the modern world).


"The theory contains only one half the explanation of man's origins and needs spiritualism to carry it through and complete it. For while this ascent on the physical side has been progressing through myraids of ages, the Divine descent has also been going on – man being spiritually an incarnation from the Divine as well as a human development from the animal creation. The cause of the development is spiritual. Mr. Darwin's theory does not in the least militate against ours – we think it necessitates it; he simply does not deal with our side of the subject. He can not go lower than the dust of the earth for the matter of life; and for us, the main interest of our origin must lie in the spiritual domain." Gerald Massey, Concerning evolution.

"our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power" [MLK?]

"The Origin of the Species [Evolution] is at the root of man's present attitude to himself and the universe: no one book since the Summa of Thomas Aquinas has made a comparable impact." (- JW Burrow/Penguin/Pelican classics.)

"20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen." [- 1 Timothy 6:20-21, AV/KJV.]
"20 And oh, my dear Timothy, guard the treasure  you were given! Guard it with your life. Avoid the  talk-show religion and the practiced confusion of  the so-called experts.
21 People caught up in a lot of talk can miss the  whole point of faith. Overwhelming grace keep  you!" [-1 Tim 6:20-1, Message.]

"Marxism has resurrected the primitive myth of the age of gold, but has placed it exclusively at the end of the historical process instead of placing it also at the beginning."
(- M.Eliade quoted by A Nataf.)

"The 20th century view of history has to make its way over the ruins of the linear scheme which insisted on seeing history as a progression from an ancient through a "medieval" to a "modern," I say ruins, for the scheme collapsed some decades ago, but they are heavily defended ruins...." - Ulick Varange/FP Yockey (based on Spenglar).

"Men are tired to disgust of money-economy. They hope for salvation from somewhere or other, for some real thing of honour and chivalry, of inward nobility, of unselfishness and duty." - Spengler/Spenglar.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 18:19
"Communities of people only take in interest in mythology and ancient history when they enjoy a certain amount of leisure, that is, when all the necessaries of life are in ample supply, but not before" - Critias the Younger.

 "freedom from worry over money matters is the first essential for genuinely creative scientific work.  While constantly harassed by poverty he had been powerless to concentrate his abilities on any problem worth the solving." (- i have to re-find the detective or sci-fi book this was from.)

"Say not, 'When I have free time I shall study'; for you may perhaps never have any free time." - Classical source?

"You know, they draw a very sharp distinction these days between those who work with their hands and those who work with their brains. But do you know why my shoulder is so crooked? [makes move toward filing cabinet] I've made this movement 8,000,000 times. It's a fact, I've worked it out."
- Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Mollendorff.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 18:26
Islam, "terrorism":

"the one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a fighter [same rootword as jihad] who fights for Allah's cause". - Saudi Arabian Koran footnotes.

"No one of you is a believer until you desire for another that which you desire for yourself" the Hadith.
(sorry for the one repetition.)


(revived/eternal) Roman empire:

"All roads lead to Rome".
"Rome wasn't built in a day".
"When in Rome do as the Romans do".
"rob Peter to pay Paul."
"wolf in sheep's clothing" (Fabian)
"give to Caesar what is Caesar's and/or/but to God what is God's"
"divide & conquer"
"they create a desert and call it peace [pax]"

("Nero fiddled while Rome burned" was copying of similar in the Iliad.)

"The Papacy is not other than the Ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave thereof."  Thomas Hobbes.

"The orb is an emblem of royal power which the ancient Romans used to represent the universe, before it was adapted by Christians who added a cross on top to represent the world under Christianity." - BBC about the orb Francis gave the Queen('s grandson) in 2014.

"Smurfs are all one family with one father [Papa Smurf]".

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 18:31
More on water & fluoridation:

 In the 42 negative confessions of ancient Egyptians, number 35 is:
"i have not fouled running water".

 "The Greeks built fountains in their towns and along the roadside."
 "In Roman great attention was paid to fountains. When Agrippa reorganised the water supply of the city under Augustus, he restored 700 fountains, decorating 400 with marble columns and 300 with statues."

 "Blessed are they that give even a cup of  [clean] water to one in my name" (Bible).

"Would you believe it, though water is to be had in abundance in London, and of fairly good quality, absolutely none is drunk? The lower classes, even the paupers, do not know what it is to quench their thirst with water. In this contry nothing but beer is drunk, and it is made in several qualities. Small beer is what everyone drinks when thristy; it is used even in  the best houses, and costs one penny the pot. Another kind of beer is called porter, meaning carrier, becaue the greater quanitity of this beer is consumed by the working classes. .... In London there are a number of alehouses, where nothing but htis sort of beer is sold." - Cesare de Saussure, 1730. (Can't cook, rinse, etc with beer though.)
Hitler said in Mein Kampf: "the jews no lovers of water".

 "Houses in my village don't have running water, but there is a well which has clean, pure running water, and was built with money earned by selling fair trade cocoa beans. There were big problems with the old well - some people in my village were even poisoned when chemicals from a gold mine got into it! Plus, we used to have to walk 9 kms to collect water and carry it back in a bucket on our heads. Now the well is less than a km away, and everyone's delighted. It's not as easy as turning on a tap...." Ama Swerwaa (on the back of a cover of a block of chocolate full of  sugar).

["The brain is 90 percent water" / "brain 75% water, blood 83% water, bones 22% water, muscle 75% water".]

"This park contains fresh/clean air please don't smoke in it" - Upper Hutt city council park sign [yet they put poison in our water!].

"Exposure to toxic substances can kill you, slowly" - environmental protection agency web/net advert, 31 mar 2014.

"Modern nutritionists, however, are beginning to be concerned with 2 more kinds of nutritional disorders; and although the study of both kinds is in its infancy, both will be introduced in this account. The first deals with the effects of comparatively small amounts of harmful constituents in our diet, introdcued either voluntarily or involuntarily, and consimed for a long period of time...." - Pears Cyclopedia, 1988.

"More than 4,200 health and science professionals  have signed the Professionals' Statement calling for  an end to Water Fluoridation."

"Fluoride is classed in the same group of toxins as arsenic, mercury and paraquat".

"Effects of fluoride on mice alarming".

"... 2 cups of brown sugar..." - a typical 'Edmonds Cookbook' recipe.

"Take care of those teeth" (- wapf).

"Banyan & Margosa are good for teeth...." - Tamil proverb.

"Get a Filter"? :
"The only thing is the  flow is only 2 lpm, so may be a little slow but we can adjust the  divertor to make stay open and you wouldn't have to keep holding the rod  out."



"1 in 3 NZers suffer [mental health issues] at some point in life" [- mental health week promo?]

"30% of NZers/Wellingtonians over 20 are singles" - sarc.

"Heart disease is NZ's biggest killer".

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 14-Oct-2016 at 18:34
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 18:39
Early English (Christian)

"Methinks, O king, the life of man is as a  sparrow's flight through your lighted hall, with its  warm fire on the hearth, but the icy rain outside.  The bird flies in at one door, tarries for a minute  in the light and warmth, then flying forth at the  other, vanishes into the wintry darkness. So is the  life of man in our sight. We know not what is  before it nor after it. If this new teaching tells us  anything, let us follow it." - A white-headed old noble to Edwin of  Northumbria at/before/in the witan.

" Never let the young
*' Despair of good, nor give himself to wrong. if
Though to his mind right come not as it should^
And though he take no joy in what he would.
For Christ when he will
Gives good after ill.
And wealth by his grace
" In trouble's hard place,
'* And happy the mind
" That to Him is resigned" - King Alfred.

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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

Joined: 23-Feb-2006
Location: Australia
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Posts: 937
Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Oct-2016 at 18:43
(A few quotes of my own are occasionally included here and there.)

Thats all/enough for now. Maybe some more still to come another day/week if/when i am able.


Globalist Elite:

"... I am Aryan [Arjen], and i'm calling from Pulse energy" - Last words said to me on phone in Feb 2016.

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 15-Oct-2016 at 20:52
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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

Joined: 23-Feb-2006
Location: Australia
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Posts: 937
Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15-Oct-2016 at 20:55
Culture/Society / Health:

"Anxious teens find they just can't cope
More Children are being medicated for mental disorders than ever.... The latest availiable figures released to the DomPost ... show nearly 20000 children and teenagers were on antidepressants in 2013. The number has climbed every year since 2009. .... Antipsychotics are even being used on a small handful of children under 4 to treat "severe behavioural disorders". .... some evidence, although limited, of higher rates of mental illness in the current generation of adolescents and teenagers. "We have seen an increase with adolescents and girls especially." ... more kids [sic] being seen by mental health specialists, with access rising by about 35 percent since 2009. ... suggested it could be about 1 in 10." & "Overall in 2013, 19,803 children and teenagers were prescribed antidepressants - up from 15,071 in 2009. Most of these were aged between 15 & 19, but the biggest increase was among 10 to 14 year olds, where the number on medication for depression rose by nearly a third to 2526. About 800 children under 10 are on either anti-psychotics or anti-depressants each year."
- Dominion Post 21-22 March 2015 (NZ).


"people are less happy on overcast days and in winter, and people are more  happy on sunny days and in summer"

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