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And McCain's VP pick is...

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Ponce de Leon View Drop Down
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  Quote Ponce de Leon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: And McCain's VP pick is...
    Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 16:45
Right now around 15 minutes presidential candidate John McCain will announce his runningmate. The morning news has heavily speculated that a Governor from Alaska Mrs. Palin will be the VP pick. We will really have a choice now between a woman vice-president or a black president? This is just mind-boggling for me because this just takes the marks in the history books
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pikeshot1600 View Drop Down

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  Quote pikeshot1600 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 16:57
Good God.
All of a sudden, I want to print signs: "Joe Biden for President."  LOL
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Seko View Drop Down

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  Quote Seko Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 17:55
This is not good for women's rights. How so?  Subjecting another female to political humiliation just to end up losing the election anyway is gruesome. Do we really need another Geraldine Ferraro?
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Guests View Drop Down
  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 18:38
This does not sound like a thoroughly thought out decision, if they wanted to go the woman route there are many more qualified candidates. Plus to make a gimmick pick is more Balkanpolitics than what you would expect from a major world power.
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Al Jassas View Drop Down
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  Quote Al Jassas Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 18:43
A stupid choice. If he was going to chose a minority VP He should have chosen Bobby Jindal, a successful son of Indian immigrants who governs one of the deep south states where Duke and co. of the KKK hail from. If he thought that chosing a woman will bring women votes he is dead wrong, the woman is anti abortion which will rally women against her rather than for her. Plus even though she is a not a Washington insider she comes from the richest state in America. She knows little of the trouble faced by people of other states which is why Jindal would have been the best choice, he governs Louisiana where Katrina hit and still affects life there.

Edited by Al Jassas - 29-Aug-2008 at 18:45
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pikeshot1600 View Drop Down

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  Quote pikeshot1600 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 21:16
It is back to the demographics.  Something like 54% of registered voters are women.  Someone has figured, based on some BS polling data, that all the Repubs have to do is swing enough percentage points their way from the Hillary fans, and they have the election.
It can't be anything else.  A politically active person I spoke to today called it a "hail Mary play."  And he is a Republican.
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pikeshot1600 View Drop Down

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  Quote pikeshot1600 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 21:25
Al Jassas:
Bobby Jindal is in reserve for the future.  If the Repubs are that desperate to choose this lady, they have probably given it up for this election.
Bobby Jindal may be getting a baptism of fire this week if Hurricane Gustav comes ashore near Louisiana.  How that goes may determine much about his political future and marketability.
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Gundamor View Drop Down

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  Quote Gundamor Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 21:47
Originally posted by pikeshot1600

Al Jassas:
Bobby Jindal is in reserve for the future.  If the Repubs are that desperate to choose this lady, they have probably given it up for this election.
Bobby Jindal may be getting a baptism of fire this week if Hurricane Gustav comes ashore near Louisiana.  How that goes may determine much about his political future and marketability.

I've also read he may speak at the convention. They are definitely grooming him for the future. He's only 37 years old and potentially has a very long political career ahead of him. No need to burn him out on this circus of an election.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"
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Al Jassas View Drop Down
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  Quote Al Jassas Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 22:20
Hello to you all
While I am not that much into internal US politics I think that if a minority was to be chosen it should be a man and he should compliment McCain's weaknesses because he is neither a social conservative nor a part of the christian part. Jindal fits the criteria but there are others, A catholic conservative or even a Hispanic catholic will draw much more votes in those two catagories. Obama's performance with Catholics is extremely poor and these are traditionally more democrat than republicans. A catholic conservative will take the catholic vote. A Hispanic is even better, he will take Catholic and Hispanic votes and victory will be certain in at least one big state, Florida. Don't know if there is a politician fitting these criteria but this is my choice.
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pikeshot1600 View Drop Down

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  Quote pikeshot1600 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 23:02
Originally posted by Gundamor

Originally posted by pikeshot1600

Al Jassas:
Bobby Jindal is in reserve for the future.  If the Repubs are that desperate to choose this lady, they have probably given it up for this election.
Bobby Jindal may be getting a baptism of fire this week if Hurricane Gustav comes ashore near Louisiana.  How that goes may determine much about his political future and marketability.

I've also read he may speak at the convention. They are definitely grooming him for the future. He's only 37 years old and potentially has a very long political career ahead of him. No need to burn him out on this circus of an election.

With Gustav possibly impacting Louisiana sometime early next week, it is unlikely Jindal will be in Minneapolis for the convention.  His first responsibility is of course as governor, but if he is able to distance himself from this ticket, so much the better for him.  (at least as I see it, but who knows?)
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pikeshot1600 View Drop Down

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  Quote pikeshot1600 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2008 at 23:16
Originally posted by Al Jassas

Hello to you all
While I am not that much into internal US politics I think that if a minority was to be chosen it should be a man and he should compliment McCain's weaknesses because he is neither a social conservative nor a part of the christian part. Jindal fits the criteria but there are others, A catholic conservative or even a Hispanic catholic will draw much more votes in those two catagories. Obama's performance with Catholics is extremely poor and these are traditionally more democrat than republicans. A catholic conservative will take the catholic vote. A Hispanic is even better, he will take Catholic and Hispanic votes and victory will be certain in at least one big state, Florida. Don't know if there is a politician fitting these criteria but this is my choice.
Bobby Jindal is a Catholic.  As a Republican, he is conservative enough, and as a Southern governor, he should have been able to appeal to the "Reagan Democrats" of the South and West.  Why wasn't he chosen?  Who knows?  But with the situation regarding the Republican ticket as it is, it may be just as well.  Jindal will be overseeing the state response to the approaching hurricane, and may not make it to the convention.  He can score political points with a skillful magement of Gustav's expected effects, and distance himself from what may be a Republican problem.
There are not that many Republican Hispanics of note (since Henry Cisneros of Texas), so that is not a strength of the Republicans.

Edited by pikeshot1600 - 31-Aug-2008 at 15:51
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Panther View Drop Down

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  Quote Panther Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31-Aug-2008 at 03:13
I'm like most other people. I've been wondering and racking my brains about his reasoning for the pick. Some of my initial conclusions:
1.) Alot of pi$$ed off Hillary fans out there up for grabs, who have absolutely no love for Obama.
2.) The impression is that alot of people & the press are into Mr. Obama seems to be primarily because he is: A.) An ethnic minority. Where as for Gov. Palin while not an ethnic minority, it is the obviousness of it being the second & only time in the last 25 years, as well as... in this country's 230 plus year history that a female is tapped for the 2nd most powerful position in the land.   B.) Experience obviously doesn't count with alot of potential voters this year. C.) Politically speaking, a fresh face too the Presidential elections. D.) Not much time to be considered a Washington insider.
 When i think of it like that, i think Mr. McCain has in a way, killed more than several birds with one stone. Besides being a female conservative on the politically opposite side from Mr. Obama, they share most, but not all, things in common in this campaign, as i noted above. Also, while i don't think the McCain campaign isn't all that worried about attacks from the Obama campaign, if he keeps it as civil as possible? It's the attacks from Obama's grass root supporters, that neither candidates can control within their own party anyhow, that i think he was trying  too force them into rethinking the best way of strategizing and handling his campaign without coming across as a bunch of sexists bigotted supporters of Obama! I'm mean the potential is there for one or the other campaign of imploding quite easily if neither of them treads carefully of not alienating the American public?
3.) And finally, maybe with this initial shock, the press might actually wake up and realize that there is more than one political campagin being conducted this year?
Then again... i am probably barking up the wrong tree with my assumptions?

Edited by Panther - 31-Aug-2008 at 03:18
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hugoestr View Drop Down


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  Quote hugoestr Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31-Aug-2008 at 05:05
The Hillary supporters are not going to rally behind Palin. Conservative strategist don't get Democrats, it seems. The Hillary supporters, the true fundamentalists in the Democratic race, don't want a woman president... they want Hillary as president.

And there is already a video of Palin circulating of her telling Hillary to stop whining. Not a way of win them over.

I really believe this was a bad move. I would have gone with a person with enough conservative credentials and younger to persuade the lukewarm conservative base that it is okay to vote for a 3rd. Bush term. After all, with a bonified conservative, if McCain dies (which considering his age and his clear poor health, is a big possibility) then you will have a good conservative behind the wheel.

Instead he picked the hockey-Mom Palin who was major of a city that had the same population that my high school and is a two-year governor of a state with less people that Memphis. And she has a great chance to become president, considering the poor health of McCain. Would you like her to answer that phone call at 3 AM in the morning?

And Palin's anti-abortion stand will go very well with those pro-choice Hillary supporters. I can see the Hillary Emily List brigade ready to vote Republican now. Yeah, right.

And what is this thing about keeping Ron Paul supporters out of the Republican convention? They fear their own party members?

Edited by hugoestr - 31-Aug-2008 at 05:07
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snowybeagle View Drop Down

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  Quote snowybeagle Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31-Aug-2008 at 18:02
Good pick. Obama got a fight.  I'm not an American and I don't live in America.  I got an American family as my neighbout who put up the sign in front of their house, and they agreed that Obama got a fight on his hands.
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Panther View Drop Down

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  Quote Panther Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31-Aug-2008 at 23:20
Hello Hugoestr.
Originally posted by hugoestr

The Hillary supporters are not going to rally behind Palin. Conservative strategist don't get Democrats, it seems. The Hillary supporters, the true fundamentalists in the Democratic race, don't want a woman president... they want Hillary as president. 
I don't always get the strategists from either party. Your right about her hardcore supporters, but i think they might sit this one out? As for her more moderate ones, they would probably prefer McCain now after what they may have felt of the way she was treated by the Obama campaign?
Instead he picked the hockey-Mom Palin who was major of a city that had the same population that my high school and is a two-year governor of a state with less people that Memphis. And she has a great chance to become president, considering the poor health of McCain. Would you like her to answer that phone call at 3 AM in the morning?
Not that i care anymore about the debate of either campaign surrounding political experience. But i think the democrats possibly shot themseleves in the foot with pushing the meteoric rise of the equally inexperienced Mr. Obama to lead their party to the whitehouse? Just the same as with McCain's pick for VP might cause him the election?

And Palin's anti-abortion stand will go very well with those pro-choice Hillary supporters. I can see the Hillary Emily List brigade ready to vote Republican now. Yeah, right.
Again, i don't think the hardcore Hillary supporters are interested in the election as much anymore, in which... as of yet remains to be seen? That is purely speculation on my part. Whether any former Hillary supporters have chosen too support McCain's campaign, also remains too be seen?

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Penelope View Drop Down
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  Quote Penelope Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2008 at 00:55
This seems like such political pandering, to suggest that women will vote for a woman regardless of her record or intentions. Sarah Palin might be a very competent governor but a better VP than say, Tom Ridge? If I were a GOP woman, I'd be insulted.
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hugoestr View Drop Down


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  Quote hugoestr Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2008 at 01:44
Hi, Panther,

The Obama campaign treated Hillary supporters fine. There media is doing a lot of noise about nothing. Are there some people angry? Sure, but the vast majority of Hillary supporters will listen to Hillary herself and vote for Obama in November.

And Obama has plenty of experience. More than a decade in public office, and he shows command over a number of areas. McCain, on the other hand, has said that he doesn't know about economics and he has shown a horrible knowledge about foreign affairs. If there is experience, it is not showing. He seems massively unprepared for the task, but as my former McCain supporter mother-in-law says, he may be going senile.

McCain, in other words, doesn't bring experience in foreign affairs or expertise in anything else. All what he brings is a war hawk philosophy to foreign affairs; the same one that has proven deadly and ineffective in the last 8 years.

Back to the VP and Hillary. If McCain believes that bringing Palin is going to bring the Hillary supporters, they are wrong, wrong, wrong. It also seems to indicate that they are desperate. The women Hillary supporters are like the Hispanic Hillary supporters: after they grieve their loss, they realize that they must be out of their mind to vote for McCain.

Just so that you can see how absurd this goal is, what would you think if Obama found a libertarian for his ticket to get the Ron Paul votes. What would you think about this hypothetical strategist? That he just doesn't get Republicans and Ron Paul supporters.

You might think that pro-choice women are a radical fringe among Hillary supporters, but they actually are the majority. And pro-choice supporters won't vote for McCain because him winning may be the end of legalize abortion.

Now, polls say that it may attract independents to the McCain ticket. That might be the positive from this pick.

Again, I would have gone with a solidly younger conservative man.
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King John View Drop Down

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  Quote King John Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2008 at 17:02
Personally I think McCain should have picked the good governor of Minnesota, Pawlety. Picking him would have brought Minnesota over to the Republican column and cut into Obama's supposed Electoral Lead (183 to 142; Obama)1. The numbers in the previous sentence are a reflection of what the Electoral math is in states that are solidly going one way or the other. If we were to look at states going solidly for one candidate or the other and states leaning towards one candidate or the other the numbers would jump to 228 to 185; Obama. Alaska is already going to vote Republican so picking Palin really does not bring that much to the table. Alaska only has 3 electoral votes whereas Minnesota has 10 (and a battleground state). Also if McCain picked her to help court the Hillary block he made a big mistake thinking that because she is a woman the Hillaries will vote for her, ergo him. It's not that the Hillaries want a woman to be President or Vice President they want Hillary to fill that position(s).
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Penelope View Drop Down
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  Quote Penelope Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03-Sep-2008 at 01:10

Granted Carly & Kay B. Hutchinson might have been a better 'experience' choice but I don't think he chose Palin because he needed experience.
The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations.
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Seko View Drop Down

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  Quote Seko Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04-Sep-2008 at 16:28
Rumor has it that Palin was not McCain's first wish as VP. Lieberman was on that short list but the rank and file would have none of it.

The discussion must have been a thing of beauty.

Republican Party Bosses - "No you can't have Lieberman. He is as old as you and Americans don't like traitors even though he did flee from the dark side. Instead we will submit to you an unknown as pure as virgin snow".

McCain - "But I hardly know her! I hope you know what you're doing...and I hope you made it clear to her that I have a rye sense of humor".

Republican Party Bosses - "We know her so well...(hee hee) that you will never have to worry about the media bothering you over your age, wisdom, and lack of economical experience ever again (hee hee)."

I couldn't have schemed it better than this. Unwed teen pregnancy, firing a brother-in-law state trooper over a custody dispute, invoking God that the Iraqi war was a task from Him, and urging ministry students to pray for a 30 billion dollar pipeline.

Can't wait for what tommorow will bring.
Parting words of wisdom from Saint Palin:
"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

"God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

"I can do my job there in developing our natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded," she added. "But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."


Edited by Seko - 04-Sep-2008 at 16:46
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