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Abortion: is it murder?

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Poll Question: What i,s abortion to your point of view?
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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Abortion: is it murder?
    Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 18:27
Originally posted by arch.buff

-You're missing say "The non-existant human" but there in is the point....the process of life has started by aborting it you are KILLING it.

Then could you explain why abortion is killing, and 'wasting' egg and sperm cells isn't? They are proto-humans as well.
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Infidel View Drop Down

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  Quote Infidel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 18:32

Originally posted by Mixcoatl

Then could you explain why abortion is killing, and 'wasting' egg and sperm cells isn't? They are proto-humans as well.

Well, I suggest you to read this. It's a process called fecundation

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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 19:45
I think an interesting sub-theme has emerged on this forum: when does life begin and what are your criteria? Can you call a sperm cell life? Does life start at fecundation? Does it begin with the formation of the main life systems (circulatory, nervous)? What is your opinion?
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  Quote Infidel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 20:18

Obviously, IMO life starts at fecundation. It is very primary but still it is the early steps of a future human being. But then again, it is my opinion.

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  Quote hugoestr Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 20:23
Originally posted by jfmff

Helo Hugo.

I have come to a conclusion. You are just joking with us pretending to
be a left wing fanatic. No one could possibly say things like that.

Good jokes though

I also have come to a conclusion. You are just pretending to be a very poor debater, who can only do ad hominem attacks. No one could possibly argue as poorly as this.

Big laughs over here
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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 20:43
Originally posted by Infidel

Obviously, IMO life starts at fecundation. It is very primary but still it is the early steps of a future human being. But then again, it is my opinion.

What are your arguments for defending that point of view?

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  Quote hugoestr Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 20:51
Originally posted by Infidel

Originally posted by hugoestr

Second, you keep dodging hard reality by sticking to the idealization that every conception should come to term.

Not every conception does, actually. There are abortions out of natural causes. And, as I added before, when the mother's life is at stake or when there is serious malfunction and deficiencies in the fetus I think abortion should be allowed. So it's not an idealization

When anti-abortionists say that mothers should give up their newborns for adoption, who are going to adopt them? Wealthy enough people who can afford to do it.

Your bias against wealthy people seems unexplainable. And you're forgetting the child, as usual.

It is logical and clear. Anti-abortionists are, in fact and tacitly, advocating for poor women to supply babies for wealthier people. This is the cruel reality: anti-abortionists promote anti-family solutions.


As you yourself stated, you have no interest in actually supporting living children. Even though they are innocent babies, you don't think that their lives are worth enough to actually give money to support them.

You failed to understand. I said that societies should and could develop more solidarity towards the poor and the babies of those families who can't afford to have them. I'm not saying I wouldn't give money to help supporting them, what I said was that being against abortion doesn't mean I have to support them. Capisce?

And this is the point: if anti-abortionists are so hot to save fetuses, help those mothers to support them.

You keep on disregarding adoption as a valuable solution. I'm sorry for you. Go and ask someone adopted.

So, since cute babies are not worth as much as inmantes in your view, what is your real motivation for being againt abortion then?

I'm starting to believe you really just don't want to understand.


You keep dodging the issues with your cheap rhetorical

Even though I explained how anti-abortionists's solution for unwanted children is in fact forcing poor women to reproduce for wealthier people, you keep dodging this reality.

My analysis is a market one. The women have a commodity, the baby, that they cannot afford, and there is a demand, wealthier people, who can support them. My views are pragmatic and realistic.

You are the one who is deeply bothered by the reality that your policy forces poor people to give up their babies, so much that you can't accept this reality.

I'm not saying I wouldn't give money to help supporting them, what I said was that being against abortion doesn't mean I have to support them.

Look at what a hypocritical statement this is. You feel entitled to force women to have unwanted children, yet you don't want to be forced to support them.

Your arguments lead me to ask this question. Tell me, why do anti-abortionists don't care for born "babies" once they are born?

Your quoted statement is more evidence for my prior thesis: you don't care enough about these "babies" to actually pay the bills that will give them a decent life once they are born. Just the idea of having to support these children for life offends you.

And don't dogdge my prior question: what is your real motivation for being againt abortion then?

P.S. I predict that you will make more personal attacks against me; can anyone say "one-trick pony?"

Why don't you actually think about the issues that Morticia, Maju, and I have raised, and give a thoughtful answer, just for a change.
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  Quote Infidel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 20:51

Originally posted by O_Condestvel

What are your arguments for defending that point of view?

I believe it is common knowledge that when the spermatozoon fertilizes the ovum, it eventually leads to the development of an embryo. The process begins: a creation of another human being.

Edited by Infidel
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  Quote Infidel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 21:18

Mr. Chavez,

I'm getting tired of repeating myself ad nauseam. You obviously consider adoption some evil means for the rich to exploit the poor. You just can't get over that leftish agenda. I'm sorry but I feel you're just getting out of touch with reality.

Adoption is a means for babies who can't have a family to support them to have a (decent) life. Obviously you think that theses babies shouldn't be born at all. It is a matter of different values, I see.

Other misconception you've been insisting on is that I somewhat promote women to have babies against their will. That is not the point. I defend family planning, as I said before, I defend the use of contraceptive methods. But if there is the case where an unwanted pregancy occurs and the family can't support the child, I believe that this child should have the right to live, and thus being sent to an adoption center, whereas you believe this child should be deprived of life.

You claim my solution is unnatural. I regard killing infants more unnatural. Giving up a baby certainly is very hard, but not giving him/her a chance to live in the first place seems clearly unfair to me.

As for social solidarity and state support, I think there is much room to improve and I want it to improve so that those families who can't afford to have their own kids, can do so. I stated this many times before in my posts but you kept ignoring them. So your accusations that I don't care for the babies are continously contradictory to what I've been saying all along.

I hope this is sufficiently clear for you, once and for all.



Edited by Infidel
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arch.buff View Drop Down

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  Quote arch.buff Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 21:33
I just cant get my head around someone feeling that abortion should be chosen over adoption. How selfish is that? Being able to say that as a human I dont think that I can afford this unborn child, so I guess Ill kill it cause if I cant raise it, nobody can. Just doesnt make sense.
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  Quote Infidel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 21:44

Originally posted by arch.buff

I just cant get my head around someone feeling that abortion should be chosen over adoption. How selfish is that? Being able to say that as a human I dont think that I can afford this unborn child, so I guess I'll kill it cause if I cant raise it, nobody can. Just doesnt make sense.

I think Arch said it all.

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  Quote Genghis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 21:49

Originally posted by arch.buff

I just cant get my head around someone feeling that abortion should be chosen over adoption. How selfish is that? Being able to say that as a human I dont think that I can afford this unborn child, so I guess Ill kill it cause if I cant raise it, nobody can. Just doesnt make sense.

Nicely Put

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  Quote Decebal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Nov-2005 at 23:40

Originally posted by arch.buff

I just cant get my head around someone feeling that abortion should be chosen over adoption. How selfish is that? Being able to say that as a human I dont think that I can afford this unborn child, so I guess Ill kill it cause if I cant raise it, nobody can. Just doesnt make sense.

Well look, most of us are males here and young males at that. I am one too. Now granted, this may not apply to every member of the forum in this discussion, but correct me if I'm wrong. From various points, I think that morticia is obviously a woman, hugoestr has kids already, and Maju I think is somewhat older than in his 20's (don't know how old). Anyway, I think that this puts them in a better position to understand the bond between a woman and a baby, as well as the difficulties a woman has during pregnancy. It may seem easy for a male who is in his teens or twenties to say that it is easy for a woman to go through 9 months of pregnancy, and then simply give up her baby.

I think (and Maju, morticia and hugoestr will proabably agree with me) that a woman goes through a very difficult time during pregnancy and delivery, and for biological reasons establishes a very strong bond with her baby, once it's born. Giving it up for adoption is a very difficult and traumatic choice. I'm fairly certain that the great majority of unwanted babies who get born are kept by their mothers because it is just too difficult to give them up.

Now, I think that it is also safe to say that the great majority of mothers who would consider abortion as an option are usually poor, and often very young, and also often enough single.Otherwsie they simply wouldn't consider it. A single poor teenage mom is the typical portrait of a woman who may consider an abortion. If this woman had her baby, she would more than likely want to keep it (for the reason explained above), but she would have to give up a higher education in the process and give up pretty much any chance of escaping her poverty. She would more than likely end up on welfare or working a minimum wage type job, all the while having to support her and her baby. By having her baby she is typically condemning herself and her baby to a life of poverty and very few opportunities, a life of misery.

A woman who is considering an abortion is in fact saying "I don't want to bring up a child now into a world of misery, but I want to bring up a child later into a world in which I can offer him/her a good life full of opportunities". When you add to this the fact that a lot of people do not consider life to begin at the moment of conception, the choice suddenly doesn't seem so evil anymore.

I'm not saying that it's wrong or right, I'm simply saying that it is not such an obvious choice as you make it seem.

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  Quote arch.buff Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 00:08
No, it obviously isnt an obvious chose. I do understand the bond between a woman and her child. After all I do have a mother, a very loving mother at that. I also am fortunate to have a loving father as well. Its funny you brought that up about the mothers signifigance......I was probably 19 when me and my father were riding around in the desert, tossing back a few cold ones, in my scout when the conversation began to get more serious his words were that if I ever had to make a choice between him and my mother that under no circumstance should I choose him. He then began to say that he didnt know what he would do if anything were to happen to me but said that my mother would for certain be very much more unstable and unpredictable than himself. Me feeling already proud enough to ride around with my father drinking was taking all this in. Its not that my mother loves me more tham my father its just that she is should I say....dependant on the love I give her back. My fathers a survivor he was in Vietnam, we as men are survivors and will adapt and overcome a situation. This is something females arent adapted at doing, they are more dependant on their young, and i understand this. But for you to say that if a young single person has a baby they are doomed to life of poverty and misery is just plain garbage.

Edited by arch.buff
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  Quote Decebal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 00:24

Originally posted by arch.buff

But for you to say that if a young single person has a baby they are doomed to life of poverty and misery is just plain garbage.

Please explain how that is plain garbage?

A single young mother would more than likely have to drop out of school, work minimum wage jobs, move in a poor neighborhood. How exactly is she going to get rich, or even live above the poverty threshold? To have enough money to pay for the rent, the babysitter (she has to work, right?), for food for her and the baby, baby clothes, etc., she would have to work 2 jobs, sometimes 3. More than often than not, she didn't finish high-school, or at least doesn't have a college degree, so the jobs she can get don't pay much. So she has to spend most of her time working, meanwhile the baby grows up in poverty, in a rough neigborhood, and without spending a lot of time with his/her mother. And we're not even starting to talk about drugs and crime which may enter the picture and make things even worse. Can you deny that this doesn't happen over and over again? Is this not a life of poverty and misery?

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Maju View Drop Down

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  Quote Maju Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 01:51
Originally posted by O_Condestvel

I think an interesting sub-theme has emerged on this forum: when does life begin and what are your criteria? Can you call a sperm cell life? Does life start at fecundation? Does it begin with the formation of the main life systems (circulatory, nervous)? What is your opinion?

Life exists always. All cells are alive and all human cells are human (have the human genetic code in them).

The problem is not when life starts or if destroying any kind of life is ethically questionable, else we would not be able to eat or practice surgery of any sort. The problem is when do we consider a human being as such. It is obvious that an amorphous bunch of embryonic cells is not any human being, whatever some think about it, the same that sperm cells aren't.

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  Quote Maju Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 01:57
Originally posted by arch.buff

I just cant get my head around someone feeling that abortion should be chosen over adoption. How selfish is that? Being able to say that as a human I dont think that I can afford this unborn child, so I guess Ill kill it cause if I cant raise it, nobody can. Just doesnt make sense.

Well, I just can't get my head around someone feeling that his ideological/religious principles should be put before human rights. When you are the one in charge, that is: when you happen to be unwillingly pregnant, you will take your own decissions based on your own convictions. When you have done it, then tell me.

I think that the best solution against abortion is paying lone mothers for raising the children themselves, if they wish to do it, providing enough good contraceptive and sexual education and allowing the day-after pill as ultimate contraceptive resource. In any case the option of abortion should never be fully discarded.

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  Quote Infidel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 08:28

What seems to happen to those who are in favour of abortion is that the baby is always forgotten. Everyone has rights, but the child. Not to mention that you regard adoption as something cruel! I mean if adoption is cruel what to say about abortion?


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  Quote sedamoun Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 09:47

No it is not murder, it is a personal choice that has to be made sometimes for the best.

I don't believe this poll is real... can people please, please! stop stop votin several times.


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  Quote Maju Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Nov-2005 at 11:43
I can't vote several times. Not in this one. 

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