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Ottoman versus Ottoman

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Topic: Ottoman versus Ottoman
Posted By: Mila
Subject: Ottoman versus Ottoman
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 16:59
Ottoman architecture versus Ottoman architecture. Two cities established during the Ottoman empire, just a few hours apart, yet completely different in style and layout.

With which do you feel the Ottomans did a better job?

1. Sarajevo

2. Mostar


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:03
They are both beautiful and unique to their relative landscapes, from those pictures I would say the Mostar landscape is more beautiful and the architecture is a reflection of the more dramatic landscape.


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:08
The later has the older small town look and a better setting.
I'm going to guess much of Sarajevo's population growth was relativly recently (last 1 and a 1/2 centuries), so the trends of the day have a greater hold.


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:21
Originally posted by Cywr

The later has the older small town look and a better setting.
I'm going to guess much of Sarajevo's population growth was relativly recently (last 1 and a 1/2 centuries), so the trends of the day have a greater hold.

You're close. Sarajevo had less than 300,000 people in 1950, and more than 500,000 by 1990.

Inside the pink line is the Old Austrian area of the city, inside the black is the old Ottoman area of the city. Nothing else really existed until after WWII.

The blue square is from where the above picture was taken.


Posted By: erci
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:28
mostar imo

mila, can you post some old mostar pix?

"When one hears such music, what can one say, but .... Salieri?"

Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:33
Sure, erci.

Here's roughly the same view, from 1978:


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:36
You're close. Sarajevo had less than 300,000 people in 1950, and more than 500,000 by 1990.

And what was the population in 1800 and 1850?
Most big cities today experience the bulk of their population growth in the last 150 odd years, some boomed earlier than others.
WHhilst we can see Sarajevo almost doubled between 1950 and 1990, how long did it take to go from 150,000 to 300,000 and so on?


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:37
And a few older pictographs:


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:39
Originally posted by Cywr

You're close. Sarajevo had less than 300,000 people in 1950, and more than 500,000 by 1990.

And what was the population in 1800 and 1850?
Most big cities today experience the bulk of their population growth in the last 150 odd years, some boomed earlier than others.
WHhilst we can see Sarajevo almost doubled between 1950 and 1990, how long did it take to go from 150,000 to 300,000 and so on?

"Historically" title="Sarajevo - Sarajevo had always been a very populous city, but as the" title="Ottoman Empire - Ottoman Empire declined, so did its population. Although it had around 100,000 people in the" title="1660s - 1660s , by the end of" title="World War II - World War II in the" title="1940s - 1940s Sarajevo had only grown to some 115,000 people. Heavy industrialization and increased importance in regional affairs during the time of" title="Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Yugoslavia resulted in a rapid increase however, and by the time of the 1984 Olympics the greater Sarajevo area had more than 500,000 residents. Although exact ethnic distribution is unknown, of these 500,000, 49% were" title="Muslim - Muslim , 30%" title="Orthodox Christians - Orthodox Christians , and 7%" title="Catholics - Catholics , indicating relatively corresponding percentages of" title="Bosniaks - Bosniaks ," title="Serbs - Serbs , and" title="Croats - Croats ."" title="1626 - 1626 : 60,000+ inhabitants" title="1660 - 1660 : 100,000+ inhabitants" title="1910 - 1910 : 51,919" title="1921 - 1921 : 66,317" title="1931 - 1931 : 78,173" title="1945 - 1945 : 115,000" title="1971 - 1971 : 359,448" title="1991 - 1991 : 527.049" title="2002 - 2002 : 401,118


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:43
Oh, so the boom happened in what was perhaps one of the most uninspired (excluding a few exceptional buildings) archetectual peroids in human history.


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:48
Originally posted by Cywr

Oh, so the boom happened in what was perhaps one of the most uninspired (excluding a few exceptional buildings) archetectual peroids in human history.


I hesitate to share a photo of these areas because I'm ashamed.

I mean, you've beautiful Ottoman areas...

Nice Austrian areas...

And then...


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:54
Count your blessings, those fhighrises could have been built by Glasgow city council


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 17:59
Originally posted by Cywr

Count your blessings, those fhighrises could have been built by Glasgow city council

But you don't have Bosniaks to inhabit yours, that makes all the difference.

Commieblock (Communist era highrise) culture here is just... sickening. Old hausfrau's with their hair in rollers screaming from upper balconies at their kids, screaming conversations with other fat, middle-aged women in adjacent buildings, hanging their clothes out over their balconies, throwing their shoes down at anyone who annoys them, watching every move every unmarried girl makes and reporting every breath to her must hateful, brutal male relative.

And so on.

Reminds me of those jokes...

"You know you're a Bosniak when..."

- Your mother already knows everything you did downtown before you get home.

Printed in a paper here during Ramadan:

Bosniaks really know how to have a good time:

(Hehehe, it's from a mosque - which makes it even funnier because we all know mosques have football fields, swimming pools, fishing ponds, and bicycle tracks.)

Reminds me of when they first posted the rules in English and it said: "You are permitted to probe in all areas of the mosque except during prayer times and if you are respectful you can expect the same treatment from worshippers."

- If you're a girl, everything you do well is congratulated with "now you can get married". If you're 20 and still not engaged your parents look at you quizically all day and suddenly start critisizing everything you do, including but not limited to how you sit, how you speak, where you place your hands when not busy, how you breath, and so on.

And another I know you're a Bosniak refugee abroad when:

You have a brand new house in a modern city with state-of-the-art appliances but your mother still cooks in the basement on the old stove from Bosnia.

And my ALL time favorite because it's so true:

- When speaking English, your parents say beach instead of b*tch and b*tch instead of beach. LOL



Posted By: Beylerbeyi
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 19:01

Heh he. Once I've heard this joke about Yugoslavs. It's not very funny, but it gives you the stereotypes (This joke also taught me that those great grandparents of mine who lived there must have been Serbs (in light of my genetics).

Where does a Yugoslav woman hide money from her husband?

- If he is Croat, in her bra. If he is Serb, behind the shovel. If he is Bosniak, inside a book.

Here's a funnier joke about the relationship between the ethnicities in Bosnia:

One day the Bosnian Croat, Serb and Muslim leaders were debating on the river side, away from the media. When they have a break, they found this old lamp buried in the mud next to the river, which had Arabic letters engraved on it, so it  must be dating from the Ottoman times. As they rubbed the dirt off it, a genie comes out of the lamp and tells them he was their servant and would grant a wish for each. 

The Croat starts: 'I wish that all the Serbs in Bosnia would disappear' and the genie says 'tamam effendi, your wish is granted'. Then the Serb leader, now very angry, goes 'Oh, yeah? And I wish that all the Croats in Bosnia would disappear' and the Genie says 'so be it, your wish is granted'. And the genie turns to the Muslim leader, who's looking very pleased 'And what be your wish, master?' The Muslim responds 'Well, just get me a cup of Bosnian coffee'.


Posted By: Janissary
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 19:06

just beautiful (and cities and Joke)


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 19:10
Originally posted by Beylerbeyi

Heh he. Once I've heard this joke about Yugoslavs. It's not very funny, but it gives you the stereotypes (This joke also taught me that those great grandparents of mine who lived there must have been Serbs (in light of my genetics).

Where does a Yugoslav woman hide money from her husband?

- If he is Croat, in her bra. If he is Serb, behind the shovel. If he is Bosniak, inside a book.

Here's a funnier joke about the relationship between the ethnicities in Bosnia:

One day the Bosnian Croat, Serb and Muslim leaders were debating on the river side, away from the media. When they have a break, they found this old lamp buried in the mud next to the river, which had Arabic letters engraved on it, so it  must be dating from the Ottoman times. As they rubbed the dirt off it, a genie comes out of the lamp and tells them he was their servant and would grant a wish for each. 

The Croat starts: 'I wish that all the Serbs in Bosnia would disappear' and the genie says 'tamam effendi, your wish is granted'. Then the Serb leader, now very angry, goes 'Oh, yeah? And I wish that all the Croats in Bosnia would disappear' and the Genie says 'so be it, your wish is granted'. And the genie turns to the Muslim leader, who's looking very pleased 'And what be your wish, master?' The Muslim responds 'Well, just get me a cup of Bosnian coffee'.


There's a Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian on an island and find the genie lamp, give it a rub, and out he comes and says: Well, you're three of you so one wish each.

The Croat says: I want Croatia to be the most powerful country in the world! And *poof*, it's true.

The Serb says: I want a brick wall 10 times the side of China's to surround Serbia with ALL Serbs on the inside of it, and ALL non-Serbs on the outside of it! An enclosed area where only Serb peoples lives with other Serb peoples, where no one can come in, and no one can get out! And *poof* it's true.

Then the genie asks the Bosnian what he wants, and he points to the sea and says:

"You know that wall around Serbia? Fill it up."


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2005 at 19:16
When speaking English, your parents say beach instead of b*tch and b*tch instead of beach. LOL

I've heard Dutch people pronounce it 'beach' too, i think its down to how the 'i' is normaly pronounced in Dutch.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 22-Oct-2005 at 09:50
Mostar. It looks more peaceful and relaxing.


Posted By: Janissary
Date Posted: 25-Oct-2005 at 23:40
Where do u live???


Posted By: last_janissary
Date Posted: 23-Dec-2005 at 13:24

Ýzmir which is a city of ottoman empire . rums burned and destroyed it . it is still here .  

Posted By: ill_teknique
Date Posted: 23-Dec-2005 at 14:33
Originally posted by Mila

Originally posted by Cywr

Count your blessings, those fhighrises could have been built by Glasgow city council

But you don't have Bosniaks to inhabit yours, that makes all the difference.

Commieblock (Communist era highrise) culture here is just... sickening. Old hausfrau's with their hair in rollers screaming from upper balconies at their kids, screaming conversations with other fat, middle-aged women in adjacent buildings, hanging their clothes out over their balconies, throwing their shoes down at anyone who annoys them, watching every move every unmarried girl makes and reporting every breath to her must hateful, brutal male relative.

And so on.

Reminds me of those jokes...

"You know you're a Bosniak when..."

- Your mother already knows everything you did downtown before you get home.

Printed in a paper here during Ramadan:

Bosniaks really know how to have a good time:

(Hehehe, it's from a mosque - which makes it even funnier because we all know mosques have football fields, swimming pools, fishing ponds, and bicycle tracks.)

Reminds me of when they first posted the rules in English and it said: "You are permitted to probe in all areas of the mosque except during prayer times and if you are respectful you can expect the same treatment from worshippers."

- If you're a girl, everything you do well is congratulated with "now you can get married". If you're 20 and still not engaged your parents look at you quizically all day and suddenly start critisizing everything you do, including but not limited to how you sit, how you speak, where you place your hands when not busy, how you breath, and so on.

And another I know you're a Bosniak refugee abroad when:

You have a brand new house in a modern city with state-of-the-art appliances but your mother still cooks in the basement on the old stove from Bosnia.

And my ALL time favorite because it's so true:

- When speaking English, your parents say beach instead of b*tch and b*tch instead of beach. LOL



Did you see Rane?


Posted By: bosnian ruler
Date Posted: 24-Dec-2005 at 13:41
Sarajevo is much more beautiful then Mostar

Hvaljen neka je Allah, koji je nebesa i Zemlju stvorio i tmine i svjetlo dao, pa opet oni koji ne vjeruju - druge sa Gospodarom svojim izjedanačuju!

Posted By: YuGo
Date Posted: 25-Dec-2005 at 13:28


I chose Sarajevo, because I am more familiar with that type of ottoman architecture. As far as I have seen, The Ottoman architecture in Sarajevo, reflects the type of architecture in most of north-central Bosnia. Mostar  represents Herzegovina. I find Sarajevo as a whole, a much more vibrant, and beautiful city. Sarajevo's blend of east and west overshadows Mostar’s Ottoman beauty. So, my choice is of course Sarajevo.

But I have to show this photo of Mostar, taken in the late 1980's.">

Posted By: Jay.
Date Posted: 26-Dec-2005 at 16:28
I would say, Sarajevo, my hometown.

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