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Lack of respect for Democracy or Democratic Proces

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Topic: Lack of respect for Democracy or Democratic Proces
Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Subject: Lack of respect for Democracy or Democratic Proces
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 09:20
The Conservative movement has shown its ugly face, violence. The Conservative movement has truly become a fascist movement, with no respect for democracy or the democratic process.

The conservative movement has become a nasty racist violent fascist movement, intent on destroying the democratic system.

FBI Investigating Threats Against Democrats

umSlides of totalImages
< name="ctl00$ctl00$ModulesPlaceHolder$Module_59016$hdnInfo" id="ctl00_ctl00_ModulesPlaceHolder_Module_59016_hdnInfo" value=""Source":"Chip Somodevilla/Getty s","":"","Caption":"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer D-MD is pursued by reers after leaving a Democratic caucus meeting in the Canon House Office Building on Capitol Hill March 19, 2010 in Washington, DC. "" ="">

In the wake of his vote in favor of health care legislation, Rep. Bart Stupak (D- Mich.), a strong opponent of abortion rights, has been on the receiving end of a string of hostile and threatening messages, including death threats.

Other House Democratic leaders who supported the bill area also concerned about their personal safety. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says more than 10 Democratic lawmakers have reported incidents. Hoyer adds that the FBI and Capitol Police briefed Democrats on how to handle perceived security threats.

The FBI says that all threats and incidents directed against members of Congress are taken seriously and are being investigated by the FBI. The bureau's Washington field office issued the statement.

The FBI statement added that U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies also are investigating to identify and bring to justice those responsible.

Protests swirled around the Capitol during debate on the health care overhaul last weekend. Protesters hurled racial slurs at several black lawmakers and one protester spat at a black lawmaker.

Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, the Democratic whip and a senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said he has vivid memories of history and that the scene on the street Saturday was "very reminiscent of our history."

Bricks were thrown through windows at two Democratic Party offices in western New York, including a district office of Rep. Louise Slaughter, who played a key role in getting the health care bill through the House.

The Tucson, Ariz., congressional office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was also vandalized a few hours after the House vote.

Hoyer said there were incidents such as people yelling that Democratic lawmakers should be put on firing lines and posters with the faces of lawmakers in the crosshairs of a target.

While not directly criticizing Republicans, Hoyer said that "any show of appreciation for such actions encourages such action."

Several Republicans stood on the second-floor Speaker's Balcony overlooking the West Front of the Capitol cheering on the protesters and waving signs such as "Kill the bill."

Hoyer said Democrats were talking to the Republican leadership and hoped to come up with a united front on the security issue.

House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio said in a statement that while many Americans are angry over passage of the health care bill, "violence and threats are unacceptable.

"That's not the American way," Boehner said. "We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change."

Authorities are in addition investigating a severed propane line at the home of a Virginia congressman's brother after tea party activists posted the man's address online.

Activists are upset about U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello's vote in favor of the health care reform.

Perriello's office said that a line to a propane tank on a gas grill was cut at Bo Periello's Charlottesville home on Tuesday. Tea party activists had posted the address online thinking it was the congressman's home, telling opponents to drop by and "express their thanks" for his vote.

Stupak's office recently released some of the objectionable messages to CBS News, and can be heard - here .


After Health Vote, Threats on Democrats

WASHINGTON — Democratic lawmakers have received death threats and been the victims of vandalism because of their votes in favor of the health care bill, lawmakers and law enforcement officials said Wednesday, as the Congressional debate over the issue headed toward a bitter and divisive conclusion.

Representative - Steny H. Hoyer , Democrat of Maryland and the majority leader, said at least 10 House members had raised concerns about their personal security since Sunday’s climactic vote, and Mr. Hoyer characterized the cases as serious.

At least two Congressional district offices were vandalized and Representative - Louise M. Slaughter , a senior Democrat from New York, received a phone message threatening sniper attacks against lawmakers and their families.

Ms. Slaughter also reported that a brick was thrown through a window of her office in Niagara Falls, and Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, said Monday that her Tucson office was vandalized after the vote.

The Associated Press reported that the authorities in Virginia were investigating a cut - propane line to an outdoor grill at the home of a brother of Representative Tom Perriello of Virginia, after the address was mistakenly listed on a - Tea Party Web site as the residence of the congressman. Representative - Bart Stupak , Democrat of Michigan and a central figure in the measure’s - abortion provisions, reported receiving threatening phone calls.

Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the highest-ranking black lawmaker in the House, said he received an anonymous fax showing the image of a noose.

As they prepared to leave Washington for a two-week recess, House Democrats met with Capitol Police and representatives of the - Federal Bureau of Investigation to get advice on security issues, and they pressed Republicans to join them in renouncing threats and violence.

“What we want to be sure is that people know that these threats have no place in our country,” Speaker - Nancy Pelosi said. “We have a legitimate disagreement. We have passed landmark legislation, and there are strong differences of opinion about it. Our Constitution allows us to have a lively debate in that regard, and that does not include threats to violence.”

Representative - John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, spoke out against violence but encouraged Americans to continue to find ways to counter the legislation. “I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill, and that Washington Democrats just aren’t listening,” Mr. Boehner said in a statement. “But, as I’ve said, violence and threats are unacceptable. That’s not the American way. We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change.”

Republicans also noted that their members have received threats in the past and that Senator - Jim Bunning , Republican of Kentucky, was recently the target of abuse when he blocked added unemployment benefits.

Still, the dark and personal tone of the final stages of the health fight could complicate Republican efforts to maintain their attacks on the legislation if they are seen as inciting an undue level of outrage and, conversely, could bolster Democrats if opponents of the measure are seen as breaching the boundaries of civility.

The reports of threats, coming after a tense weekend when protesters hurled racial and homophobic slurs at Democrats and spit on one congressman, left many Democrats shaken.

Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the F.B.I., said the bureau was aware of several threats against members of Congress and was investigating them jointly with the Capitol Police, which handles security for Congress, and local law enforcement agencies. He declined to say how many cases there were or to describe them in detail. “We are looking at them and taking them very seriously,” Mr. Bresson said.

Democrats also raised questions about some of the imagery and phrases being employed by Republicans against the Democratic architects and backers of the measure, noting that a Republican National Committee Web site urging supporters to fire Ms. Pelosi has her surrounded by flames. A - Facebook page of - Sarah Palin singling out Democratic members for defeat because of their votes defines their districts by the crosshairs of a weapon’s sight.

Republicans dismissed objections to the imagery. “The message of our Web site is clear, it is time to put Nancy Pelosi out of a job,” said Katie Wright, a spokeswoman for the - Republican National Committee .

In the Senate, Democrats sought to finish changes to the new health legislation by plowing through dozens of Republican efforts to change the measure and force a second House vote.

Senate Democrats accused Republicans of delay tactics and of forcing the cancellation of unrelated committee sessions over anger about the health measure.

Senators - Carl Levin of Michigan and Claire McCaskill of Missouri were furious that Republican objections prevented hearings Wednesday on the Pentagon budget and the training of Afghan police officers.

“The obstruction has become mindless, it’s become purposeless,” Mr. Levin said.

Republicans offered numerous proposals to highlight what they see as flaws in the health law and to force Democrats into taking politically difficult votes. One amendment, proposed by Senator - Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, would prohibit coverage of - Viagra for child molesters.

The Senate Democratic leader, - Harry Reid of Nevada, said the passel of amendments showed Republicans were “putting roadblocks in front of anything that we do to try to improve health care for America.”

“How serious could they be, offering an amendment dealing with Viagra for rapists?” Mr. Reid asked.

On Wednesday night, the Senate voted, 57 to 42, to kill the amendment. As midnight approached, Senate Democrats had voted down more than 20 Republican amendments, preventing any changes to the bill and keeping it on track to final passage.

Republicans said they would not curtail their campaign against the measure even if the changes pass the Senate and become law. “We’ve fought on behalf of the American people this week — and we’ll continue to fight until this bill is repealed and replaced with common-sense ideas that solve our problems without dismantling the health care system we have,” said Senator - Mitch McConnell , of Kentucky, the Republican leader.

One day after he signed the health measure into law during a festive East Room ceremony, - President Obama held a far different ceremony on Wednesday: a closed-door Oval Office session where, in the presence of 13 anti-abortion Democrats including Mr. Stupak, he put his signature to an executive order barring federal financing for abortion. The order helped secure House passage of the bill by securing the votes of Mr. Stupak and others. After Mr. Obama signed it, at 2:34 p.m., the White House released an official photograph — the only coverage of the event.

White House officials also held a conference call with reporters to argue for the clear constitutionality of the new - health insurance law based on court precedents, and one called lawsuits being initiated against it by attorneys general around the country “completely without merit.”


Coffin placed on Carnahan's lawn

A coffin was placed on a Missouri Democrat’s lawn, another in a string of incidents against lawmakers after their vote Sunday on a health care overhaul. 

Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) had a coffin placed “near his home,” a spokesman said Wednesday evening. 

The coffin was from a prayer vigil.

This came after Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother’s gas lines were cut, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) received death threats and Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) received a message saying snipers were being deployed to kill children of those who voted for health care overhaul. 

Several other Democrats have had threats leveled against them, prompting a closed-door briefing of Democratic members by the FBI, Capitol Police and the House Sergeant at Arms. 

“Carnahan appreciates thoughtful feedback received both in favor and opposition of health insurance reform,” Carnahan spokesman Jim Hubbard told POLITICO Wednesday evening “We can disagree on important issues facing our country without resorting to this kind of thing. Russ Carnahan isn’t going to shy away from the importance of reform when 45,000 fellow Americans died last year due to a lack of health insurance.”


Top story overnight: The FBI is currently investigating threats made against at least 10 members of Congress,* - Kansas. In Virginia, someone cut a propane line at a house believed to be owned by Rep. Tom Perriello (it was actually his brother's residence). Angry and obscenity-laden comments have flooded into the offices of lawmakers since the passage of the health care reform bill. Some callers have even made* - House Republican leader John Boehner said the "violence and threats are unacceptable," Sarah Palin's* - Facebook page also featured a* -

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 15:21
This guy, who rails against health care reform and calls on others to violently resist health care reform and threaten Democrats who support it, LIVES ON GOVERNMENT AID. (article has been shortened, full article available at the link)


Former militiaman unapologetic for calls to vandalize offices over health care

By - Philip Rucker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 25, 2010; 3:52 PM

The call to arms was issued at 5:55 a.m. last Friday.

"To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW."

These were the words of Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old former militiaman from Alabama, who took to - his blog urging people who opposed the historic health-care reform legislation -- he calls it "Nancy Pelosi's Intolerable Act" -- to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide.

"So, if you wish to send a message that Pelosi and her party [that they] cannot fail to hear, break their windows," Vanderboegh wrote on the blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars. "Break them NOW. Break them and run to break again. Break them under cover of night. Break them in broad daylight. Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. Break them with rocks. Break them with slingshots. Break them with baseball bats. But BREAK THEM."

In the days that followed, - glass windows and doors were shattered at local Democratic Party offices and the district offices of House Democrats from Arizona to Kansas to New York. At least 10 Democratic lawmakers reported death threats, incidents of harassment or vandalism at their offices over the past week, and the FBI and Capitol Police are offering lawmakers increased protection.

Local Democratic Party officials in New York have called for Vanderboegh's arrest, believing he is implicated in the vandalism in Rochester, but Vanderboegh said he has not yet been questioned by any law enforcement authorities.

Vanderboegh was unapologetic in a 45-minute telephone interview with The Washington Post early Thursday. He said he believes throwing bricks through windows sends a warning to Democratic lawmakers that the health-care reform legislation they passed Sunday has caused so much unrest that it could result in a civil war.

"The federal government should not have the ability to command us to buy something that it decides we should buy," Vanderboegh said. The government, he added, has "absolutely no idea the number of alienated who feel that their backs are to the wall are out here . . . who are not only willing to resist this law to the very end of their lives, but are armed and are capable of making such resistance possible and perhaps even initiating a civil war."


He said his call for people to throw bricks is "both good manners and it's also a moral duty to try to warn people."

Vanderboegh, who lives in the Birmingham suburb of Pinson, described himself as a "Christian libertarian" and said he has long been a gun rights advocate. He said he joined a clandestine militia group called the "Sons of Liberty" and later became a public leader of the First Alabama Cavalry, Constitutional Militia.

In 2006, Vanderboegh advocated hurling bricks through the windows of members of Congress who supported giving illegal immigrants the same rights as U.S. citizens, according to news reports at the time. He said those bricks should be used to build a wall sealing off the United States from Mexico.

Vanderboegh has no criminal record in Jefferson County, Ala., according to a court clerk there.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist and hate groups, has been following Vanderboegh since the mid-1990s, when he first surfaced in Alabama militia groups, said Heidi Beirich, the center's research director.

"He has been on our radar forever," she said. "He hasn't been involved in any kind of violence that we know of ourselves, but these causes that he's involved in led to a lot of violence. The ideas that Vanderboegh's militia groups were pushing were the same extreme anti-government ideas that inspired [Timothy] McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing."

Vanderboegh said he once worked as a warehouse manager but now lives on government disability checks. He said he receives $1,300 a month because of his congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension. He has private health insurance through his wife, who works for a company that sells forklift products.


Vanderboegh said he advocates breaking windows only of Democratic Party offices, not congressional offices, and that he does not condone the death threats and other incidents of harassment that some Democratic lawmakers have faced.

"Obviously I not only deplore or decry that, but I denounce that vigorously because it has nothing to do with what I was advocating," he said.

Still, Vanderboegh's public cry for vandalism has made him vulnerable to the same threats.

"Frankly," he said, "my phone's been ringing off the hook with death threats the last few days."

Source for the article below:

"DROP DEAD": White Powder Package Sent to Rep. Weiner's Office

Preliminary field tests show white powder is harmless

javascript:void%280%29; - javascript:void%280%29; -

Authorities are investigating a package with white powder and an angry letter that referenced the health care legislation that was sent to Congressman Weiner's Kew Gardens office today. 

The letter said the Congressman should "drop dead" and complained about the historic health care legislation passed by Congress this week.

Preliminary field tests showed the white powder was harmless. Such testing is routine to determine whether the substance is in any way hazardous. It is being sent to a lab for further detailed testing as a precaution -- also common practice. Most often, officials say, these letters are hoaxes.

Weiner's fifth-floor office in a building on Kew Gardens Road was evacuated as were a doctor's office and a law office on the same floor. Nine people were inside Weiner's office at the time. The workers were decontaminated as a precaution. - - In a statement, Weiner said his prime concern is the safety of his staff and others in the area. - - "Earlier today an envelope containing white powder and a threatening letter was delivered to my community office in Kew Gardens. The NYPD was immediately alerted and have responded appropriately by sending a Haz-Mat team," the statement read. "My first priority is the safety of my staff and neighbors, and the authorities are currently taking steps to investigate and resolve the situation." - - The NYPD, the FBI and other emergency management officials responded as a precaution, spokesmen for the agencies say. Weiner's Kew Gardens office will be closed pending the completion of the investigation. - - The package sent to Weiner's office may be the latest in a series of threats directed against Democratic Congress members who voted to overhaul the U.S. health care system. - - At least four Democratic offices in New York, Arizona and Kansas were struck and at least 10 members of Congress have reported some sort of threats, including obscenity-laced phone messages, congressional leaders have said. No arrests have been reported. - - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday condemned vandalism and threats against members of Congress who voted to overhaul the U.S. health care system. Republicans joined in, telling people to calm down and saying they too were being targeted in an increasingly venomous political atmosphere.

"I don't want this to be a distraction" to the work of Congress, Pelosi said. But she also asserted that such violence and threats of reprisal have "no place in a civil debate in our country" and must be rejected.

Her sentiments were echoed minutes later by - House Republican leader John Boehner, who said that while many are angry over the health care measure, "threats and violence should not be part of a political debate."

The House's No. 3 Republican, - Eric Cantor of Virginia, said at a brief news conference Thursday that someone fired a bullet through a window of his campaign office in Richmond this week and he has received threatening e-mails.

Responding to - Democrats who have accused Republicans of being too slow to condemn the attacks against lawmakers, he stressed that security threats are not a partisan issue. "To use such threats as political weapons is reprehensible," he said.

The actions against Democrats have included racial slurs thrown at black lawmakers, e-mail and phone death threats and bricks thrown through regional office windows.

Rep. Louise Slaughter, a New York Democrat and chairwoman of an influential House committee, said someone had left her a voice mail that used the word "snipers."

On the Republican side, the office of - Rep. Jean Schmidt of Ohio released a tape of a profanity-laced phone message in which the caller said Republicans were racists and, referring to an accident two years ago when Schmidt was hit by a car while jogging, said, "you should have broke your back, b... ."

Senate Sergeant at Arms Terry Gainer told The Associated Press Thursday that there was "no evidence that annoying, harassing or threatening telephone calls or emails are coordinated. Regrettably though, bloggers and twitters seem to feed off each other, leaving little room for creativity."

At the news conference, Pelosi said it is "important for us to be able to express ourselves freely, not to diminish that in any way, but also to hit a standard that says some of the actions ... must be rejected."

But the California Democrat also said she did not "subscribe to the theory that these acts sprang from the comments of my colleagues."

The vandalism and threats surprised a researcher at a think tank that monitors extremist groups.

"I think it is astounding that we are seeing this wave of vigilantism," said Mark Potok of the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center.

Source for the article below:*t-is-getting-scary

Anyways, the email I received today sent chills down my spine and is further proof that the far right is resorting to domestic terrorism in order to promote their deranged, paranoid, and outrageous claims. A special thank you to the MSM, the Tea Party Movement, and congressional Republicans for doing nothing to stop this madness. We are now left with two parties:

The democratically elected party that executes its ideas with legislation and law, with votes from those who were elected by the majority of this country


The failed party that believes democracy is only legitimate when their side is in charge. And when they aren't, they resort to violence and threats

The threatmail begins below the fold...

The threatmail begins below the fold...

  • - incondite's diary :: ::

FW: fw: fw: Lock 'n Load


The time has come to take action into our own hands! The washington democrats no longer represent the people of America and its time we take action to stop these socialists before they ruin this great nation. Obamacare took this to the next level, as now we are no longer dealing with just socialists, but murderers. Under these new laws, the unborn will be slaughtered by the thousands, the elderly will be killed based on their "perceived" value to society. THIS MUST STOP

So what can we do, they took away our voice, they took away our rights. But we still have force. We are angry and we can fight. Keep your arms hidden, and keep many of them. If you don't have any, buy while you still can. We will hit them where it hurts and we will do it together. They cannot stop a network of us when we fight as one, so be prepared.

We fight back in the name of Gods children and all others who will suffer due to our dictators demands. Those lives are worth the same as the arrogant men and women who sit in our capital, and we are prepared to prove it.

There have been some great stories about bricks being thrown, calls being made, and gas lines being cut. Good. We should keep it up, pay a visit to any Dems in your area who voted for it. Use this email as a thread to exchange their personal contact information so we can keep getting to them. They can't stop us, and they have waged a war they will not win.

If they won't listen to us, we will make them listen. Damn it, this is our country, and I would sooner die than see it continue to fall at the hands of these murderers. Whose with me? Who will stand with me, and be prepared to fight when the time comes? Lock 'n load my friends, we're taking our country back, one dirtbag at a time if we have to.

God bless

Remember that time when Homeland Security - released a memo warning of "right wing extremism" and everyone freaked out and yelled about how ridiculous it was?....

  • - 10 house members express fear of right-wing threats
  • - Brick thrown into Rep. Louise Slaughter's office
  • - Louise Slaughter receives threats of assassination and family being "snipered"
  • - Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' office window shattered
  • - Tea Party website tries to post Congressman's home address and encourages users to "drop by" and "express their thanks"
  • - Propane line slashed at Rep. Tom Perriello's brother's home. He has 4 children under the age of 8.
  •,0,1413163.story - "No to Obama" brick thrown through the window of the Sedgwick County Democratic Party HQ
  • - Glass doors destroyed by brick at the Monroe County Democratic Committee in Rochester, N.Y
  • - To Rep. Bart Stupak: "You’re dead; we know where you live; we’ll get you."
  • - Rep. Dennis Cardoza receives physical threats
  • - Chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party read Pomeroy’s cell phone number aloud on the stage
  • - African-American Rep. James E. Clyburn receives fax of noose
  • - Death threats aimed as Rep. Louise Slaughter's children. She has 3 daughters.
  • - Thank you to Sharoney for this one: United march in DC with rifles, ammo and loaded pistols in a "display of their First and Second Amendment rights"
  • - Thank you to greengrrl for this one: Rep Betsy Markey receiving threats
  • - Thank you to leftymama for this one: Rep Anthony Weiner receiving anti-Semitic notes, including swastikas
  • - Thanks again greengrrl!: Blogger suggests bringing back "tarring and feathering"

You want a War on Terror? It starts at home.

In other socialist news:

  • Jobless claims hit - lowest since December 2008
  • DJI continues - steady upward path towards 11,000
  • The Democratic party continues to get - more momentum and popularity
  • Students will - no longer be at the mercy of big banks if they want to pursue a great education
  • Public approval rating of healthcare - skyrockets
  • While the Democrats - accomplish unprecedented political goals , Republicans continue to - waste taxpayer money on - childish antics


UPDATE: Thanks for the recs -- please seriously consider sending some support/donations/volunteerwork to the representatives listed above. Or at the very least give them a call to say something nice and let them know you're standing by them!

UPDATE X2: Looks like Republicans are fighting back by, instead of apologizing, pretending that they are victims too. - Here is Cantor's claim . How much do you want to bet that it was either A) made up or B) performed by Tea Baggers who are trying to pinpoint Democrats. Because seriously, what the f**k do we have to be angry about? WE WON. Also, in regards to the "threats" he received, you REALLY think he wouldn't release them if they were from the left? Right...

UPDATE X3: In regards to Update 2... - as expected, bullshit. Thank you Bonsai66 for reporting this: "Cantor, in an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch, said he doesn't know whether the shot was random or aimed at the building."

Here's the thing: it absolutely would be "fanning the flames" if Democrats were purely speculating that right-wing extremists were behind all of these threats and acts of violence. However there is overwhelming evidence to prove that the crazy Teabaggers ARE behind this. Unlike Cantor's claim which is, in fact, complete speculation. The guy doesn't even remember when it happened! - Great comment on this here

And now that FOX News is shouting this from the rooftops and tweeting it before they get the story straight, guess what: some right-wing lunatic will say "THE LEFT IS USING GUNS TO FIGHT, NOW IT'S OUR TURN". The media has consequences, and I think we're about to see them in very frightening ways.

Who's fanning the flames now, asshole.

UPDATE X4: Just in, - "White Powder" Package Sent to Congressman Weiner's Office

Update X5: - Cantor's story confirmed complete and utter crap Both this and update X4 are no longer breaking news at all, but has the MSM corrected their stories or brought Weiner up to the front pages like they did for Cantor? Of course not

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 15:26
I again evoke rule number 2:

"2.     Write the entry yourself. As soon as we identify a copy-and-paste job, we will close the topic."

As a great starship captain once said;

"Make it so!" chuckle! Those are the rules, are they not?

Since most "socialist" nations believe in controlling freedom of speech, then I have just become one of them!



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 15:32
Thanks for posting the rules, maybe now you will follow them:

1.     Search for an already open topic on the subject. Redundant topics will be closed as soon as the moderators identify them.


2.     Write the entry yourself. As soon as we identify a copy-and-paste job, we will close the topic.

- all the posts I write are my own, I'm not claiming anyone else's posts as mine.

3.     Provide evidence to support your arguments. Failure to do so may close the topic.

- I have posted numerous articles to support my claims, where is your support? You seem to miss the point of all of these articles, they are there to support claims that I am making, DID YOU EVEN READ THE POSTS I POSTED?

4.     Provide references for your quotes; at least one of them should be an online reference. Members should be able to access at least one source to immediately to assess its worth. Failure to comply with this point may close the topic.

-I have sourced and referenced everything.

Nice try Opuslola, but the tactics that you and your fellow conservatives are used to wont work here. Whats the problem, dont like the information thats being posted? Is that it? Is that why you're trying to shut this thread down so hard?


Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 15:52
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

The Conservative movement has shown its ugly face, violence. The Conservative movement has truly become a fascist movement, with no respect for democracy or the democratic process.The conservative movement has become a nasty racist violent fascist movement, intent on destroying the democratic system.
<h2>FBI Investigating Threats Against
Democrats</h2><div id="ctl00_ctl00_ModulesPlaceHolder_Module_59016_divRealtedCol"><div id="ctl00_ctl00_ModulesPlaceHolder_Module_59016_divEnlarge" style="width: 350px; margin-left: -175px;">
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of totalImages</span>




            < name="ctl00$ctl00$ModulesPlaceHolder$Module_59016$hdnInfo" id="ctl00_ctl00_ModulesPlaceHolder_Module_59016_hdnInfo" value=""Source":"Chip Somodevilla/Getty   s","":"","Caption":"House   Majority Leader Steny Hoyer D-MD is pursued by reers after   leaving a Democratic caucus meeting in the Canon House Office Building   on Capitol Hill March 19, 2010 in Washington, DC. "" ="">
    In the wake of his vote in favor of health care legislation, Rep. Bart Stupak (D- Mich.), a
strong opponent of abortion rights, has been on the receiving end of a
string of hostile and threatening messages, including death threats.

Other House Democratic leaders who supported the bill area also
concerned about their personal safety.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer
says more than 10 Democratic lawmakers have reported incidents. Hoyer
adds that the FBI and Capitol Police briefed Democrats on how to handle
perceived security threats.

The FBI says that all threats and incidents directed against members of
Congress are taken seriously and are being investigated by the FBI. The
bureau's Washington field office issued the statement.

The FBI statement added that U.S. Capitol Police and other law
enforcement agencies also are investigating to identify and bring to
justice those responsible.

Protests swirled around the Capitol during debate on the health care
overhaul last weekend. Protesters hurled racial slurs at several black
lawmakers and one protester spat at a black lawmaker.

Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, the Democratic whip and a senior
member of the Congressional Black Caucus, said he has vivid memories of
history and that the scene on the street Saturday was "very reminiscent
of our history."

Bricks were thrown through windows at two Democratic Party offices in
western New York
, including a district office of Rep. Louise Slaughter,
who played a key role in getting the health care bill through the House.

The Tucson, Ariz., congressional office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was
also vandalized a few hours after the House vote.

Hoyer said there were incidents such as people yelling that Democratic
lawmakers should be put on firing lines and posters with the faces of
lawmakers in the crosshairs of a target.

While not directly criticizing Republicans, Hoyer said that "any show of
appreciation for such actions encourages such action."

Several Republicans stood on the second-floor Speaker's Balcony
overlooking the West Front of the Capitol cheering on the protesters and
waving signs such as "Kill the bill."

Hoyer said Democrats were talking to the Republican leadership and hoped
to come up with a united front on the security issue.

House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio said in a statement that
while many Americans are angry over passage of the health care bill,
"violence and threats are unacceptable.

"That's not the American way," Boehner said. "We need to take that anger
and channel it into positive change."

Authorities are in addition investigating a severed propane line at the
home of a Virginia congressman's brother after tea party activists
posted the man's address online.

Activists are upset about U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello's vote in favor of the
health care reform.

Perriello's office said that a line to a propane tank on a gas grill was
cut at Bo Periello's Charlottesville home on Tuesday. Tea party
activists had posted the address online thinking it was the
congressman's home, telling opponents to drop by and "express their
thanks" for his vote.

Stupak's office recently released some of the objectionable messages to
CBS News, and can be heard - here .
<h1>After Health Vote, Threats on Democrats</h1>WASHINGTON — Democratic lawmakers have received death threats and been
the victims of vandalism because of their votes in favor of the health
care bill
, lawmakers and law enforcement officials said Wednesday, as
the Congressional debate over the issue headed toward a bitter and
divisive conclusion.          

Representative - Steny H.
Hoyer , Democrat of Maryland and the majority leader, said at least
10 House members had raised concerns about their personal security since
Sunday’s climactic vote, and Mr. Hoyer characterized the cases as

At least two Congressional district offices were vandalized and
Representative - Louise
M. Slaughter , a senior Democrat from New York, received a phone
message threatening sniper attacks against lawmakers and their families.

Ms. Slaughter also reported that a brick was thrown through a window of
her office in Niagara Falls, and Representative Gabrielle Giffords,
Democrat of Arizona, said Monday that her Tucson office was vandalized
after the vote.          

The Associated Press reported that the authorities in Virginia were
investigating a cut - propane line to an outdoor grill at the home
of a brother of Representative Tom Perriello of Virginia, after the
address was mistakenly listed on a - Tea Party Web site as the residence of the
congressman. Representative - Bart Stupak ,
Democrat of Michigan and a central figure in the measure’s - abortion
provisions, reported receiving
threatening phone calls.          

Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the highest-ranking
black lawmaker in the House, said he received an anonymous fax showing
the image of a noose.          

As they prepared to leave Washington for a two-week recess, House
Democrats met with Capitol Police and representatives of the - Federal Bureau of Investigation to get advice on
security issues, and they pressed Republicans to join them in renouncing
threats and violence.          

“What we want to be sure is that people know that these threats have no
place in our country,” Speaker - Nancy Pelosi
said. “We have a legitimate disagreement. We have passed landmark
legislation, and there are strong differences of opinion about it. Our
Constitution allows us to have a lively debate in that regard, and that
does not include threats to violence.”          

Representative - John A.
Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, spoke out against violence
but encouraged Americans to continue to find ways to counter the
legislation. “I know many Americans are angry over this health care
bill, and that Washington Democrats just aren’t listening,” Mr. Boehner
said in a statement. “But, as I’ve said, violence and threats are
unacceptable. That’s not the American way. We need to take that anger
and channel it into positive change.”          

Republicans also noted that their members have received threats in the
past and that Senator - Jim Bunning ,
Republican of Kentucky, was recently the target of abuse when he
blocked added unemployment benefits.          

Still, the dark and personal tone of the final stages of the health
fight could complicate Republican efforts to maintain their attacks on
the legislation if they are seen as inciting an undue level of outrage
and, conversely, could bolster Democrats if opponents of the measure are
seen as breaching the boundaries of civility.          

The reports of threats, coming after a tense weekend when protesters
hurled racial and homophobic slurs at Democrats and spit on one
, left many Democrats shaken.          

Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the F.B.I., said the bureau was aware of
several threats against members of Congress and was investigating them
jointly with the Capitol Police, which handles security for Congress,
and local law enforcement agencies. He declined to say how many cases
there were or to describe them in detail. “We are looking at them and
taking them very seriously,” Mr. Bresson said.          

Democrats also raised questions about some of the imagery and phrases
being employed by Republicans against the Democratic architects and
backers of the measure, noting that a Republican National Committee Web
site urging supporters to fire Ms. Pelosi has her surrounded by flames.
A - Facebook
page of - Sarah Palin
singling out Democratic members for defeat because of their votes
defines their districts by the crosshairs of a weapon’s sight.          

Republicans dismissed objections to the imagery. “The message of our Web
site is clear, it is time to put Nancy Pelosi out of a job,” said Katie
Wright, a spokeswoman for the - Republican National Committee .          

In the Senate, Democrats sought to finish changes to the new health
legislation by plowing through dozens of Republican efforts to change
the measure and force a second House vote.          

Senate Democrats accused Republicans of delay tactics and of forcing the
cancellation of unrelated committee sessions over anger about the
health measure.          

Senators - Carl Levin
of Michigan and Claire McCaskill of Missouri were furious that
Republican objections prevented hearings Wednesday on the Pentagon
budget and the training of Afghan police officers.          

“The obstruction has become mindless, it’s become purposeless,” Mr.
Levin said.          

Republicans offered numerous proposals to highlight what they see as
flaws in the health law and to force Democrats into taking politically
difficult votes. One amendment, proposed by Senator - Tom Coburn
of Oklahoma, would prohibit coverage of - Viagra for child molesters.          

The Senate Democratic leader, - Harry Reid
of Nevada, said the passel of amendments showed Republicans were
“putting roadblocks in front of anything that we do to try to improve
health care for America.”          

“How serious could they be, offering an amendment dealing with Viagra
for rapists?” Mr. Reid asked.          

On Wednesday night, the Senate voted, 57 to 42, to kill the amendment.
As midnight approached, Senate Democrats had voted down more than 20
Republican amendments, preventing any changes to the bill and keeping it
on track to final passage.          

Republicans said they would not curtail their campaign against the
measure even if the changes pass the Senate and become law. “We’ve
fought on behalf of the American people this week — and we’ll continue
to fight until this bill is repealed and replaced with common-sense
ideas that solve our problems without dismantling the health care system
we have,” said Senator - Mitch
McConnell , of Kentucky, the Republican leader.          

One day after he signed the health measure into law during a festive
East Room ceremony, - President
Obama held a far different ceremony on Wednesday: a closed-door Oval
Office session where, in the presence of 13 anti-abortion Democrats
including Mr. Stupak, he put his signature to an executive order barring
federal financing for abortion. The order helped secure House passage
of the bill by securing the votes of Mr. Stupak and others. After Mr.
Obama signed it, at 2:34 p.m., the White House released an official
photograph — the only coverage of the event.          

White House officials also held a conference call with reporters to
argue for the clear constitutionality of the new - health insurance law based on
court precedents, and one called lawsuits being initiated against it by
attorneys general around the country “completely without merit.”


<h1>Coffin placed on Carnahan's lawn</h1>

A coffin was placed on a Missouri Democrat’s
lawn, another in a string of incidents against lawmakers after their
vote Sunday on a health care overhaul. 

Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) had a coffin placed “near his home,” a
spokesman said Wednesday evening. 

The coffin was from a prayer vigil.

This came after Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother’s gas lines were
cut, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) received death threats and Rules
Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) received a message saying
snipers were being deployed to kill children of those who voted for
health care overhaul. 

Several other Democrats have had threats leveled against them, prompting
a closed-door briefing of Democratic members by the FBI, Capitol Police
and the House Sergeant at Arms. 

“Carnahan appreciates thoughtful feedback received both in favor and
opposition of health insurance reform,” Carnahan spokesman Jim Hubbard
told POLITICO Wednesday evening “We can disagree on important issues
facing our country without resorting to this kind of thing. Russ
Carnahan isn’t going to shy away from the importance of reform when
45,000 fellow Americans died last year due to a lack of health


Top story overnight: The <span style="border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb0, 102, 204; cursor: pointer;" ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_2">FBI</span> is currently investigating threats made
against at least 10 members of Congress
,* - <span ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_3 - The Associated Press reported</span> .
Windows were shattered at four Democratic offices in New York, Arizona
and <span style="cursor: pointer; : none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_4">Kansas</span>. In
Virginia, someone cut a propane line at a house believed to be owned by <span ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_5">Rep. Tom Perriello</span> (it
was actually his brother's residence). Angry and obscenity-laden
comments have flooded into the offices of lawmakers since the passage of
the <span style="cursor: pointer; : none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_6">health care reform
bill</span>. Some callers have even made* - <span ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_7 - death threats</span>
against the lawmakers and their children.
While <span style="cursor: pointer; : none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_8">House Republican leader John
Boehner</span> said the "violence and threats are unacceptable," <span style="border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb0, 102, 204; cursor: pointer; : none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_9">Sarah Palin</span>'s* - <span ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_10 - Twitter page</span>
encouraged supporters: "Don't retreat, instead - reload!" The former
vice presidential candidate's <span ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_11">Facebook</span> page also featured a* - <span ="yshortcuts" id="lw_1269520997_12 - map</span> of the U.S.
with circles and cross hairs over 20 districts.

TGS - I once got in trouble on the old forum so maybe summarize because you are bordering on spamming so please tone it down some. I am not going to delete but please summarize and leave a link. The word here is redundant.

2. Spam: Spam is defined as irrelevant, wrongly placed, or redundant messages posted for attention in the Forum or sent via PM as unsolicited mail. Spam will be deleted from the forum, and constitutes a violation of use. Posting under multiple user-names by an individual member is also considered as spamming.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 15:56

I wish everyone posted as much sources to back up their claims as I do.

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2010 at 16:06
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Well then I'll make sure not to spam. I'm merely posting SOURCES for my claims, and I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SHORTEN THE ARTICLES when I can. I ALSO GO THROUGH THE HASSLE OF HIGHLIGHTING THE IMPORTANT PARTS SO AS TO ALLOW USERS TO SKIP THE REST.I wish everyone posted as much sources to back up their claims as I do.

keep it short and links are always good but it is a bit overwhelming.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2010 at 09:19
Man rams his car into a car with a 10 year old child in it....all because the car had an Obama bumper sticker:

In the end, they are destroying their own movement. These are acts of terrorism.

In other news, a condom was sent to a female congresswoman who voted for the bill with a message saying "she was drying f**ked by the Democratic Party".

Classy, very classy.

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2010 at 11:48
opuslola I said this to TGS and I will say it to you- please stop the spamming, you are on the edge of it. I talked to Cyrus and in the future I will delete these posts. I have to be fair to both of you so please a summary and a link. Please do not post entire paragraphs. A moderator, on the old site, once gave me the same warning but for now this is unofficial. YOu can debate but no more spamming please.

I posted the definition of spamming for TGS so please look at it.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2010 at 14:43
Certainly eaglecap, I can tone it down! But, since I am so witty it will be hard not to use "witty" remarks!

However, what about this rule?

"8. Negative attitude; tone of confrontation, annoyance, or contempt; disrespectful toward other members."

Am I also in violation of this? Are others?



Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 27-Mar-2010 at 10:47
Originally posted by opuslola

Certainly eaglecap, I can tone it down! But, since I am so witty it will be hard not to use "witty" remarks!

However, what about this rule?

"8. Negative attitude; tone of confrontation, annoyance, or contempt; disrespectful toward other members."

Am I also in violation of this? Are others?


In your case it was more trolling and not spamming so my apology. Feel free to comment but keep within the rules. I give leeway to things like negative attitude. I am sure I have been guilty of it and as long as no one is attacked personally then I have no problems.   For now I am going to only observe posts to get this down better. Except the one on the Pueblo Indians. I really don't want to ban people if I can avoid it whether it is you or TGS. It's slow enough on A&E as it is but if I have to I will. I will not comment on this again so keep up with this thread.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 27-Mar-2010 at 15:07
I found this but only have time to post it but trying to focus on gettng a better idea of moderating.
A quicky:

Speaking of the lack of respect for our Decomcratic process and Constitution. I can understand their frustration beause of this disregard for due process and State Rights. Samuel Adams would have made a great Tea Party member, if you know anyting about him. I wonder how many snobby Brits sat, while drinking their tea, and called him a rabble raising colonial. My ancestors were a tough breed of men and women!

Is there a Constitutional Basis for Mandatory Health Insurance? -

I am currently watching the History Channels series about the Founding Fathers.


Health-Care Reform and the Constitution -

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 08:55

Lets see the similarities

1. Nazi's were anti-intellectualism (book burnings, historical revisionism, education propaganda, etc...) - Conservatives are anti-intellectualism (historical revisionism, educational propaganda, book burnings, etc...)

2. Nazi's used scape goated people as a threat to the German way of life or Germany values (i.e Jews and other minorities) - Conservatives scape goat "liberals"

3. lack of respect for democracy or the democratic process.

4. Use of violence (brown shirts, now conservatives are attempting to use violence to get what theyw ant)

5. A movement based on racial lines (Tea Partiers/Conservatives are overwhelmingly White, their movement alienates other groups)

Posted By: Cryptic
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 12:24
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba


Lets see the similarities

1. Nazi's were anti-intellectualism (book burnings, historical revisionism, education propaganda, etc...) - Conservatives are anti-intellectualism (historical revisionism, educational propaganda, book burnings, etc...)

2. Nazi's used scape goated people as a threat to the German way of life or Germany values (i.e Jews and other minorities) - Conservatives scape goat "liberals"

3. lack of respect for democracy or the democratic process.

4. Use of violence (brown shirts, now conservatives are attempting to use violence to get what theyw ant)

5. A movement based on racial lines (Tea Partiers/Conservatives are overwhelmingly White, their movement alienates other groups)
Interesting post. Now, lets compare Obama to Maoist or Stalinistic CommunismWink.
1.) Demagouge emphasis on "The people" and "community" destroys the autonomy of the individual and the family. The state becomes the family.
2.) Enemies of the people are created. The definition is fuzzy. Enemies can be class based or religous based.  In either case, they are a threat to the "community"
3.) Lack of respect for the democratic process.  Those who oppose the leader through well established legislative processes are deemed to be "obstructionist" or "supporting terrorism". Party leadership considers implementing key legislation with out voting on it.
4.) Use of Violence: Mao used the quasi official "Red Guards" to terrorize real and imagined opponents.  As they were not fully sponsored, the Red Guards had plausible deniability.  Was ACORN an early attempt at "Red Guards"?
5.) A movement based on class lines.  Corperations, and by extension, those who work for them are accused of "greed", or "exploiting the people". Wealth should be redistributed to better serve "the people"  

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 13:02
Originally posted by Cryptic

Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE NAZI'ISM AND MODERN DAY CONSERVATIVISM/TEA PARTIERSLets see the similarities1. Nazi's were anti-intellectualism (book burnings, historical revisionism, education propaganda, etc...) - Conservatives are anti-intellectualism (historical revisionism, educational propaganda, book burnings, etc...)2. Nazi's used scape goated people as a threat to the German way of life or Germany values (i.e Jews and other minorities) - Conservatives scape goat "liberals"3. lack of respect for democracy or the democratic process.4. Use of violence (brown shirts, now conservatives are attempting to use violence to get what theyw ant)5. A movement based on racial lines (Tea Partiers/Conservatives are overwhelmingly White, their movement alienates other groups)


Interesting post. Now, lets compare Obama to Maoist or Stalinistic CommunismWink.


1.) Demagouge emphasis on "The people" and "community" destroys the autonomy of the individual and the family. The state becomes the family.


2.) Enemies of the people are created. The definition is fuzzy. Enemies can be class based or religous based.  In either case, they are a threat tot he "community"


3.) Lack of respect for the democratic process.  Those who oppose the leader through well established legislative processes are deemed to be "obstructionist" or "supporting terrorism". Party leadership considers implementing key legislation with out voting on it.


4.) Use of Violence: Mao used the quasi official "Red Guards" to terrorize real and imagined opponents.  As they were not fully sponsored, the Red Guards had plausible deniability.  Was ACORN an early attempt at "Red Guards"?


5.) A movement based on class lines.  Corperations, and by extension, those who work for them are accused of "greed", or "exploiting the people"  


5. A movement based on racial lines (Tea Partiers/Conservatives are overwhelmingly White, their movement alienates other groups)

True but it is not a white only organization so quit with the race baiting. Anyone is welcome no matter what their race, religion, or ethic background is.

I have a nice story, if I can locate it, about a black man who was supporting the tea party and was attacked by some Union thugs. The media totally ignored his story and all he was doing was pasing out Don't tread on me flags."

Found it:
Speaking of Brown shirts!

Union Thugs Deliver Unprovoked Beating on Black Conservative at Carnahan Town Hall -

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 14:05
Originally posted by Cryptic

Interesting post. Now, lets compare Obama to Maoist or Stalinistic CommunismWink.

Sure thing, lets do it, but you should understand that Maoist and Stalinistic communism are two different forms of communism.
Originally posted by Cryptic

1.) Demagouge emphasis on "The people" and "community" destroys the autonomy of the individual and the family. The state becomes the family.

True, there is an emphasis on the people as a whole and the community and helping your fellow human beings (are you Christian by the way? These are core Christian principles arent they?).

False, Obama has done nothing to erode the family structure.
Originally posted by Cryptic

2.) Enemies of the people are created. The definition is fuzzy. Enemies can be class based or religous based.  In either case, they are a threat to the "community"

Which "enemy" has Obama created? If you are referring to terrorists, that is an enemy George Bush created.

Obama has been very careful to promote unity and bipartisanship, and has tried everything he could to bring the nation together but due to the childishness of certain groups of people, unfortunately this has not happened.
Originally posted by Cryptic

3.) Lack of respect for the democratic process.  Those who oppose the leader through well established legislative processes are deemed to be "obstructionist" or "supporting terrorism". Party leadership considers implementing key legislation with out voting on it.

Yet nothing was done to impede their use of the democratic process, and everything done by the Obama administration has used the democratic process and rights granted to the executive branch, therefore, comparison invalid.
Originally posted by Cryptic

4.) Use of Violence: Mao used the quasi official "Red Guards" to terrorize real and imagined opponents.  As they were not fully sponsored, the Red Guards had plausible deniability.  Was ACORN an early attempt at "Red Guards"?

When has the Obama administration used violence to get what it wanted?

BTW, ACORN keeps getting falsely accused of wrong doing, and every time it is found innocent. Also, ACORN has nothing to do with the Obama administration.

Originally posted by Cryptic

5.) A movement based on class lines.  Corperations, and by extension, those who work for them are accused of "greed", or "exploiting the people". Wealth should be redistributed to better serve "the people"  

If by class lines you mean the poor and the middle class against the rich, in that the rich pay more taxes than the poor and middle class, than yes.

Originally posted by eaglecap

5. A movement based on racial lines (Tea Partiers/Conservatives are overwhelmingly White, their movement alienates other groups)

True but it is not a white only organization so quit with the race baiting. Anyone is welcome no matter what their race, religion, or ethic background is.

I'm sure anyone is welcome, as long as they arent black, brown, asian, or an immigrant.

Originally posted by eaglecap

I have a nice story, if I can locate it, about a black man who was supporting the tea party and was attacked by some Union thugs. The media totally ignored his story and all he was doing was pasing out Don't tread on me flags."

Found it:
Speaking of Brown shirts!

Union Thugs Deliver Unprovoked Beating on Black Conservative at Carnahan Town Hall -

We already had the talk about token minorities in the Conservative movement, I just saw one of Fox News 30 minutes ago.

Posted By: Cryptic
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 14:39
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by Cryptic

Interesting post. Now, lets compare Obama to Maoist or Stalinistic CommunismWink.

Sure thing, lets do it, but you should understand that Maoist and Stalinistic communism are two different forms of communism...
At core levels, Maoism and Stalinism were very similar (all powerful leftist state destroys individual freedom and autonomy, cult of personality created, free market is outlawed, religon and traditional culture is outlawed etc. etc.)
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

True, there is an emphasis on the people as a whole and the community and helping your fellow human beings (are you Christian by the way? These are core Christian principles arent they?).
Sure, and Mao and Stalin wanted to help their fellow human beings as well. I also want to help my fellow human beings but am against the current health reform. Does that make me anti christian as well?  
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

If by class lines you mean the poor and the middle class against the rich, in that the rich pay more taxes than the poor and middle class, than yes.
Too bad "rich and "middle class" are very difficult to define. The rich also created the prosperity that we all enjoy.  Of course class warfare ignores this.   
As for the rest of my points, they are no more and no less valid than your conservative comparison.

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 14:48
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by Cryptic


Interesting post. Now, lets compare Obama to Maoist or Stalinistic CommunismWink.
Sure thing, lets do it, but you should understand that Maoist and Stalinistic communism are two different forms of communism.
Originally posted by Cryptic

1.) Demagouge emphasis on "The people" and "community" destroys the autonomy of the individual and the family. The state becomes the family.
True, there is an emphasis on the people as a whole and the community and helping your fellow human beings (are you Christian by the way? These are core Christian principles arent they?).False, Obama has done nothing to erode the family structure.

Originally posted by Cryptic

2.) Enemies of the people are created. The definition is fuzzy. Enemies can be class based or religous based.  In either case, they are a threat to the "community"
Which "enemy" has Obama created? If you are referring to terrorists, that is an enemy George Bush created.Obama has been very careful to promote unity and bipartisanship, and has tried everything he could to bring the nation together but due to the childishness of certain groups of people, unfortunately this has not happened.

Originally posted by Cryptic

3.) Lack of respect for the democratic process.  Those who oppose the leader through well established legislative processes are deemed to be "obstructionist" or "supporting terrorism". Party leadership considers implementing key legislation with out voting on it.
Yet nothing was done to impede their use of the democratic process, and everything done by the Obama administration has used the democratic process and rights granted to the executive branch, therefore, comparison invalid.

Originally posted by Cryptic

4.) Use of Violence: Mao used the quasi official "Red Guards" to terrorize real and imagined opponents.  As they were not fully sponsored, the Red Guards had plausible deniability.  Was ACORN an early attempt at "Red Guards"?
When has the Obama administration used violence to get what it wanted?BTW, ACORN keeps getting falsely accused of wrong doing, and every time it is found innocent. Also, ACORN has nothing to do with the Obama administration.
Originally posted by Cryptic

5.) A movement based on class lines.  Corperations, and by extension, those who work for them are accused of "greed", or "exploiting the people". Wealth should be redistributed to better serve "the people"  
If by class lines you mean the poor and the middle class against the rich, in that the rich pay more taxes than the poor and middle class, than yes.
Originally posted by eaglecap

5. A movement based on racial lines (Tea
Partiers/Conservatives are overwhelmingly White, their movement
alienates other groups)

True but it is not a white only organization so quit with the race
baiting. Anyone is welcome no matter what their race, religion, or
ethic background is.
I'm sure anyone is welcome, as long as they arent black, brown, asian, or an immigrant.
Originally posted by eaglecap

I have a nice story, if I can locate it, about a black man who was
supporting the tea party and was attacked by some Union thugs. The media
totally ignored his story and all he was doing was pasing out Don't
tread on me flags."

Found it:
Speaking of Brown shirts!

Union Thugs Deliver Unprovoked Beating on Black Conservative
at Carnahan Town Hall -
We already had the talk about token minorities in the Conservative movement, I just saw one of Fox News 30 minutes ago.

sounds like you are basing this on your own bias but try adressing the article I posted. I am sure there are some racist tea party members but don't stereo type all of them. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 17:13
Originally posted by eaglecap

sounds like you are basing this on your own bias but try adressing the article I posted. I am sure there are some racist tea party members but don't stereo type all of them. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel.

Well its always the few that ruin it for the many isnt it? If they do not condone such acts, then they should come out and say it, they should tell their supporters to stop committing violence, stop encouraging violence, and to stop with the racism.


So until these the movement actually does something to stop such things, then the whole movement is responsible.

And regarding your article, its an e-mail, which is not verifiable but I have seen the video of the man getting attacked by the SEIU.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 29-Mar-2010 at 20:24
SEIU = Brown-shirts!

Just who, in the mass media of conservative thought, is encouraging people to violence? Beck constantly pleas for "non-violence!", as well as no name calling, etc., and uses examples like M. L. King and Ghandi!

It seems that the only person yet arrested for threating a member of the congress, is some Obama supporter! He reportedly has made hundreds of posts to "YouTube!"

I am sure you can find out much more on the!

Your constant use of the word only be-littles your self and shows your weak position in the above discourses!

But, I must give you kudos for your tenacity! Bravo!



Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 30-Mar-2010 at 10:50
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by eaglecap

sounds like you are basing this on your own bias but try adressing the article I posted. I am sure there are some racist tea party members but don't stereo type all of them. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel.
Well its always the few that ruin it for the many isnt it? If they do not condone such acts, then they should come out and say it, they should tell their supporters to stop committing violence, stop encouraging violence, and to stop with the racism.NO ONE IS TELLING THEM TO STOP, IN FACT, THEY ARE BEING ENCOURAGED.So until these the movement actually does something to stop such things, then the whole movement is responsible.And regarding your article, its an e-mail, which is not verifiable but I have seen the video of the man getting attacked by the SEIU.

Let me come back to this baloney once I have time. I still cannot help but think that anyone who always refers to racism might be one themselves. I don't know you but you know your own heart. got to go but maybe back tomorrow
best regards eaglecap

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 30-Mar-2010 at 15:47
Originally posted by opuslola

SEIU = Brown-shirts!

Youre on the wrong side of the political spectrum.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 30-Mar-2010 at 18:36
TGS wrote;

"Youre on the wrong side of the political spectrum." I would suppose you actually meant to type "you're?"?

But, we already know that mostly I am 180 degrees from any opinion you might have! So, just what was the purpose of the above?

Look, my step daughter is right there with you on these subjects! Yesterday she told me that President Obama was a "centrist!"

Heck, I consider him to the left of Mao!

So, just what point did you intend to make?



Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 31-Mar-2010 at 11:52
Originally posted by opuslola

TGS wrote;

"Youre on the wrong side of the political spectrum." I would suppose you actually meant to type "you're?"?

But, we already know that mostly I am 180 degrees from any opinion you might have! So, just what was the purpose of the above?

Look, my step daughter is right there with you on these subjects! Yesterday she told me that President Obama was a "centrist!"

Heck, I consider him to the left of Mao!

So, just what point did you intend to make?


Typical liberal who ignores liberal violence but is really keen in pointing our conservative violence.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 31-Mar-2010 at 16:50
Originally posted by opuslola

TGS wrote;

"Youre on the wrong side of the political spectrum." I would suppose you actually meant to type "you're?"?

No, I meant to type Youre, thats why I typed it that way.

Originally posted by opuslola

So, just what point did you intend to make?


Hey genius, the browshirts and Nazi's were on the right of the political spectrum. Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum, so you calling the SEIU, UNIONISTS, brownshirts makes absolutely no sense.

Originally posted by eaglecap

Typical liberal who ignores liberal violence but is really keen in pointing our conservative violence.

Sorry to disappoint you, but liberal violence and terrorism has been on the decline for the past couple decades and the last organized liberal violence occurred in the late 90s and there has been none or nothing significant in the past decade, even under Bush.

Conservative violence and terrorism has been on the rise for the past three decades and is increasing. I wont be surprised if there is another Oklahoma City Bombing type incident happening again. Hell, a right wing crazy Christian terrorist group was planning to murder cops... and this was this past week.

Originally posted by Cryptic

At core levels, Maoism and Stalinism were very similar (all powerful leftist state destroys individual freedom and autonomy, cult of personality created, free market is outlawed, religon and traditional culture is outlawed etc. etc.)

At the core yes, but that means nothing, they were different in practice and had totally different aims. Everything is the same at its core, but, as I said before, that means nothing. Stalinism and Maoism are two different interpretations of ruling the masses and have two different aims.

Originally posted by Cryptic


Sure, and Mao and Stalin wanted to help their fellow human beings as well.

Wrong, Stalin was power hungry, if you would've said Lenin you may have a case, but Stalin was only trying to help himself, he was greedy, far from the ideal communist or socialist leader. Mao did want to help his people, but unfortunately he did it out of hate not love (hate for his enemies) and his methods were far from modern or civilized.

Originally posted by Cryptic

 I also want to help my fellow human beings but am against the current health reform. Does that make me anti christian as well? 

So, do you believe that people should have a right to health care and that we should do everything in our power to help those who do not have this access?

Originally posted by Cryptic

Too bad "rich and "middle class" are very difficult to define. The rich also created the prosperity that we all enjoy.  Of course class warfare ignores this.  

Not true, it was the growing middle class that created the prosperity we have today and it was government help that created the prosperity we have today, and it was regulation that prevented the rich from screwing over the poor that led to the prosperity we have today.

You argument makes no sense as you think that the rich created this prosperity when in fact they have always fought to prevent the other classes from becoming prosperous and were always against change which undermines their power.

Even today, you should read the memo's coming from all these corporations and banks talking about how they can maintain their wealth, how they can keep screwing over the middle class, and how they can dominate society with their money...

The rich and the corporations are not our friends, they are out there to make money and be powerful and will screw everyone over to do so, its the government that prevents them from screwing us over.

As for the rest of my points, they are no more and no less valid than your conservative comparison.

They are absolutely less valid... none of your other points had anything to do with the Obama administration or today's liberal movement.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 31-Mar-2010 at 18:28
The very polite TGS wrote, in response to my post!;

"Hey genius, the browshirts and Nazi's were on the right of the political spectrum. Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum, so you calling the SEIU, UNIONISTS, brownshirts makes absolutely no sense."

Well I guess I have to genuflect / cowtow to your genius!

I would guess that you have never ever seen the political curve? That is where at the extreems, both the right and the left, tend to merge into a morass of butchery and supression! Left or Right be damned! It then becomes "us!" versus "you!", and there then exists no "righteous" grounds for either side! (you must notice that the word is "right-eous!", and not "Left-eous!"

It is basically "PolSci", 101!

But, of course you have taken a lot of Political Science classes, have you not?

So, with great respect for your tenacity, I move on!


Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 01-Apr-2010 at 12:58
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by eaglecap

sounds like you are basing this on your own bias but try adressing the article I posted. I am sure there are some racist tea party members but don't stereo type all of them. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel.
Well its always the few that ruin it for the many isnt it? If they do not condone such acts, then they should come out and say it, they should tell their supporters to stop committing violence, stop encouraging violence, and to stop with the racism.NO ONE IS TELLING THEM TO STOP, IN FACT, THEY ARE BEING ENCOURAGED.So until these the movement actually does something to stop such things, then the whole movement is responsible.And regarding your article, its an e-mail, which is not verifiable but I have seen the video of the man getting attacked by the SEIU.

You really have been listening too much to your wacko liberal Professors. I also had to sit under many of them but I separated fact from Propaganda. What you are saying is a partial truth but the majority of tea Party people are not racists. Read the article I posted then tell me who is the racist. If the tea party movement was racist then I would have nothing to do with them but you seen to bring out a distain for white Anglo Americans. The Liberal Left has a habit of finding some act by a Conservative and then making a mountain out of a mole hill. I have seen it over and over again in the News. Look at the case with that extreme nut-case Christian cult or so-called Militia. I see the media run to the goal posts with that story but they ignore the Islamic training camps on U.S. soil. (this could be another thread)

Video Debunks Lib Accusations That Slurs were Shouted (and Thoughts on Identity Politics) -

Where’s the Coffin? -

TGS here is an easy way for you to make a buck-

Andrew Breitbart's $10,000 Reward I hear it is now $100,000 so go ahead and prove it Simba. -

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 01-Apr-2010 at 15:44
As one of the most powerful radio personalities has stated in his book, "Liberalism is a mental Disorder!"

TGS, I pray to my God,and yours that you get help soon! Laugh! Just kidding! I doubt that you would receive the kind of help you need under the Obama Health Care Programme! chuckle!

Please don't get your underwear into a knot over this post?

Reparte' is both fun and should be "good natured!"

I think I have been most fair to you and your beliefs?

Please keep up the "good fight!" You certainly have no lack of sources!



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 01-Apr-2010 at 16:22
Originally posted by eaglecap

You really have been listening too much to your wacko liberal Professors.

haha what a cop out. I don't get any of my political information from my professors, I actually do intelligent research on my own and form my opinion based on the facts.

Originally posted by eaglecap

I also had to sit under many of them but I separated fact from Propaganda.

Yup, all those facts sure are propaganda!

Originally posted by eaglecap

 What you are saying is a partial truth but the majority of tea Party people are not racists.

I'm sure they're not, but like I said, by they are condoning it.

Originally posted by eaglecap

 Read the article I posted then tell me who is the racist.

The Tea Party movement.

Originally posted by eaglecap

 If the tea party movement was racist then I would have nothing to do with them but you seen to bring out a distain for white Anglo Americans. The Liberal Left has a habit of finding some act by a Conservative and then making a mountain out of a mole hill. I have seen it over and over again in the News. Look at the case with that extreme nut-case Christian cult or so-called Militia. I see the media run to the goal posts with that story but they ignore the Islamic training camps on U.S. soil. (this could be another thread)

Video Debunks Lib Accusations That Slurs were Shouted (and Thoughts on Identity Politics) -

Where’s the Coffin? -

TGS here is an easy way for you to make a buck-

Andrew Breitbart's $10,000 Reward I hear it is now $100,000 so go ahead and prove it Simba. -

Really good research you did there Wink

Fact of the matter is none of you were this "outraged" when Bush was messing up the country for 8 years, violating the constitution, doubling our deficit and our debt, starting to wars one based on lies, etc...

but suddenly a black man becomes president and this movement sprouts out of no where in less than a year.... all of a sudden the same people who told us not to criticize a president during war time are criticizing the president, FOR THINGS THAT HE HAD NO CONTROL OVER.

It really is amusing how people can be so easily manipulated.

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 01-Apr-2010 at 16:26
Originally posted by opuslola

As one of the most powerful radio personalities has stated in his book, "Liberalism is a mental Disorder!"

Way to idolize one of the biggest racist and hate monger in the country, bravo, your Conservatism is truly inspiring!

Originally posted by opuslola

TGS, I pray to my God,and yours that you get help soon! Laugh! Just kidding! I doubt that you would receive the kind of help you need under the Obama Health Care Programme! chuckle!

Believe me, if loving knowledge, being rational, doing research, knowing the facts, and not being manipulated is a disorder, I'm glad I have it, and can only help more people get it as well.

Originally posted by opuslola

Please keep up the "good fight!" You certainly have no lack of sources!


People on our side of the spectrum never lack the sources for our claims. Its the other side that apparently has trouble backing up their claims.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 01-Apr-2010 at 17:28
"It really is amusing how people can be so easily manipulated.
Edited by TheGreatSimba - Today at 18:23"

Yes indeed sir, it surely is!

But, I doubt that you sir, are "easily manipulated?" You have the heart of a Lion, and the power of a Bear!

I can only bow to your greatness!

As always, my regards,


Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 01-Apr-2010 at 18:53
Let's see if this works?


"Let me get this straight. We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.

What the hell could possibly go wrong?"


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2010 at 12:29
Originally posted by opuslola

"It really is amusing how people can be so easily manipulated.
Edited by TheGreatSimba - Today at 18:23"

Yes indeed sir, it surely is!

But, I doubt that you sir, are "easily manipulated?" You have the heart of a Lion, and the power of a Bear!

I can only bow to your greatness!

As always, my regards,

Let me put it this way, I was having a brief discussion with a girl who believed Obama was destroying the country and was a commie. I said, well what about Bush? He was in power for 8 years, was a huge spender, was a proponent of big government, violated the constitution and our rights, got us into a war by lying to the people, etc...

She said that none of that happened and that Bush was great and I was just a commie.

Then she said, "why does Obama want to drill oil from the Mexican Gulf? Why does he want to cut our nuclear weapons by a third when we need nuclear energy?"

First of all, drilling oil in the Gulf is a Republican idea and one that the Republicans have been pushing for for a long time.

Regarding the nuclear weapons issue, I told her that it only takes a couple hundred nukes to destroy the entire plant, why do we need thousands of them? She then proceeded to tell me that "nuclear weapons produce nuclear energy, thats why we need the weapons".



But I'm not worried, its only a matter of time before the conservative movement completely dies out in this country, in the next couple decades probably. The majority of the nations youth are politically liberal and the conservative movement is really shooting itself in the foot by alienating the increasing minority populations of the country.

Originally posted by opuslola

"Let me get this straight. We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.


Originally posted by opuslola

What the hell could possibly go wrong?"

Absolutely nothing.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2010 at 13:52
Originally posted by opuslola

"It really is amusing how people can be so easily manipulated.
Edited by TheGreatSimba - Today at 18:23"

Yes indeed sir, it surely is!

But, I doubt that you sir, are "easily manipulated?" You have the heart of a Lion, and the power of a Bear!

I can only bow to your greatness!

As always, my regards,

Let me put it this way, I was having a brief discussion with a girl who believed Obama was destroying the country and was a commie. I said, well what about Bush? He was in power for 8 years, was a huge spender, was a proponent of big government, violated the constitution and our rights, got us into a war by lying to the people, etc...

She said that none of that happened and that Bush was great and I was just a commie.

Then she said, "why does Obama want to drill oil from the Mexican Gulf? Why does he want to cut our nuclear weapons by a third when we need nuclear energy?"

First of all, drilling oil in the Gulf is a Republican idea and one that the Republicans have been pushing for for a long time.

Regarding the nuclear weapons issue, I told her that it only takes a couple hundred nukes to destroy the entire plant, why do we need thousands of them? She then proceeded to tell me that "nuclear weapons produce nuclear energy, thats why we need the weapons".



But I'm not worried, its only a matter of time before the conservative movement completely dies out in this country, in the next couple decades probably. The majority of the nations youth are politically liberal and the conservative movement is really shooting itself in the foot by alienating the increasing minority populations of the country.

Originally posted by opuslola

"Let me get this straight. We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.

TGS- Exactly!

Originally posted by opuslola

"What the hell could possibly go wrong?"

TGS- Absolutely nothing.

Edited by TheGreatSimba - Today at 14:32

Ronald L. Hughes, (speaking for the people of the USA)- "Your honor, the People rest their case!" If based upon my suppositions seen above, the defendant TGS believes that "nothing" can go wrong, then he is or should be considered to be both blind and "non compos mentis"!

Really, TGS? "Nothing" can go wrong?

I will suggest one thing! If a Republican majority had passed a bill of such length and breadth, without every 'posting' the bill, before the American people, thus violating a pledge made by the Repubican president to have a "transparent" administration, and another pledge to actually televise the debates, etc., on C-Span, for the American people to listen and learn, and a Speaker who also promised "open" discussion on all issues, and the desire for "bi-partisan" participation, and both of these Republicans had then hiddden both the bill(s) and the discussions, from the people, and who had not invited any opposition views to be considered, and then passed the bill in a most "convienent" manner!

You (TGS) would be the first one crying and wailing about it!

And, if you deny it, then you can only be called a "Liar!", as one brave citizen actually called the President!

I will now lay down my sword!



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2010 at 13:57
Originally posted by opuslola

Ronald L. Hughes, (speaking for the people of the USA)- "Your honor, the People rest their case!" If based upon my suppositions seen above, the defendant TGS believes that "nothing" can go wrong, then he is or should be considered to be both blind and "non compos mentis"!

You dont speak for the American people, you speak for a minority. The majority of the American people wanted Health Care Reform and support the recent bill that was passed

Originally posted by opuslola

Really, TGS? "Nothing" can go wrong?

I guess sarcasm is hard to express in writing, but basically I was saying that everything you said was giberrish and fiction, none of it being true.

Originally posted by opuslola

I will suggest one thing! If a Republican majority had passed a bill of such length and breadth, without every 'posting' the bill, before the American people, thus violating a pledge made by the Repubican president to have a "transparent" administration, and another pledge to actually televise the debates, etc., on C-Span, for the American people to listen and learn, and a Speaker who also promised "open" discussion on all issues, and the desire for "bi-partisan" participation, and both of these Republicans had then hiddden both the bill(s) and the discussions, from the people, and who had not invited any opposition views to be considered, and then passed the bill in a most "convienent" manner!

You (TGS) would be the first one crying and wailing about it!


Originally posted by opuslola

And, if you deny it, then you can only be called a "Liar!", as one brave citizen actually called the President!

I will now lay down my sword!


Every post you make simply confirms everything I have been saying about the conservative movement, you guys truly are delusional, this last post proves it.


Seriously, all the time you probably waste surfing the net, do a Google search before you embarrass yourself. Seriously, its time to acknowledge that you are wrong. For once just admit that you got something wrong and you were misinformed.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2010 at 14:32
My sword is at your feet! I can only yield to your genius! Cough! Sorry I smoke a Native American designed leafy substance, E.g., cigarettes!

I just have to sometimes cough! Cough!

Sorry! Cough

BTY, you did not get your moniker from here, did you?

Just kidding!



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2010 at 14:54
Originally posted by opuslola

My sword is at your feet! I can only yield to your genius! Cough! Sorry I smoke a Native American designed leafy substance, E.g., cigarettes!

I just have to sometimes cough! Cough!

Sorry! Cough

Very mature.

Originally posted by opuslola

BTY, you did not get your moniker from here, did you?

Just kidding!



So I'm assuming you're not going to admit you were wrong even though you clearly are? Very mature.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2010 at 16:02
TGS, just why would you deign to malign me? Calling me "immature?" Did you ever notice the name of this particular thread? "Lack of respect?"

No, sir! You have been the one who brought bad vibes to this conversation, with the use of words like "stupid", "immature", "less than intelligent", and other childish terms to belittle your opponent(s)!

Who, might very well really not be?

So, with lowering regards for your postings, I will state that this is my last words concerning this line of reasoning!, or in your case "the lack of reasoning!"

You really do not see that myself and others who have responded to you do not really take to personal attacks! Of course, I have sometimes used words as arrows, but never in a personal way! I have usually couched my responses in a respectful manner, but oft with a little "tonge in cheek!" But, that is a "respectful" manner of response which requires the use of language that can be taken in a number of ways!

So, as a former US Ambassador to the United Nations once said to the representative of the USSR, who threatened to leave N.Y., "I will be out there on the East River to wish you a fond farewell!! Or at least words to that effect!

Tell me the name of both the USA and Russian ambassadors and the exact quote, an I will continue this conversation?


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 04-Apr-2010 at 13:16
Originally posted by opuslola

TGS, just why would you deign to malign me? Calling me "immature?" Did you ever notice the name of this particular thread? "Lack of respect?"

On the contrary, I said you were very mature.

Originally posted by opuslola

No, sir! You have been the one who brought bad vibes to this conversation, with the use of words like "stupid", "immature", "less than intelligent", and other childish terms to belittle your opponent(s)!

Really? Have you read your posts at all? I'm the childish one?

Originally posted by opuslola

So, with lowering regards for your postings, I will state that this is my last words concerning this line of reasoning!, or in your case "the lack of reasoning!"

Good, maybe now we can have a real serious discussion with facts and a sourced discussion of the real issues, instead of gibberish, nonsense, outright false information, and unsourced claims...

Originally posted by opuslola

I have sometimes used words as arrows, but never in a personal way! I have usually couched my responses in a respectful manner, but oft with a little "tonge in cheek!" But, that is a "respectful" manner of response which requires the use of language that can be taken in a number of ways!

As do I.

Originally posted by opuslola

So, as a former US Ambassador to the United Nations once said to the representative of the USSR, who threatened to leave N.Y., "I will be out there on the East River to wish you a fond farewell!! Or at least words to that effect!

But arent you the one leaving? You want me to wave farewell to you?LOL

Originally posted by opuslola

Tell me the name of both the USA and Russian ambassadors and the exact quote, an I will continue this conversation?

No. Do a google search, just cause you dont know doesnt mean I'm going to do the work for you. Its really not that hard... go to, and do a search. I'm sick of doing your research for things you should be doing yourself.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 07-Apr-2010 at 15:16

Originally posted by opuslola

"Tell me the name of both the USA and Russian ambassadors and the exact quote, an I will continue this conversation?"

The response of TGS;

"No. Do a google search, just cause you dont know doesnt mean I'm going to do the work for you. Its really not that hard... go to, and do a search. I'm sick of doing your research for things you should be doing yourself."

Well it is obvious that you do not know your history, nor how to do a search!

Don't you see, I already knew the answer, as do literally hundreds of thousands of others! But, you remain on the outside of history!

Oh! I am sorry you are sick! Get well soon!

And, strange as it seems, I am some what sorry that I did not keep my promise made above!


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2010 at 19:25

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2010 at 19:46
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba


Good! Just how many Obama supporters were killed or wounded? Wow, sounds a lot like Iraq or Afganistian? Do you suppose there might be some connection?

As you well know, militant Islam is called "conservative?" It seems to fit a scheme of things, I think?



Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2010 at 19:54
My dear misguided TGS!

From the very site you gave us are these words;

"Champion said North's apparent anger with the government stems from a court dispute, but he didn't have any details.

"We know he did not particularly care for the U.S. government," the ATF agent said."

So, just where dear TGS, did you come up with the descriptive word "conservative?"

It is not in the article, nor does it seem this man was either a conservative or a liberal, etc.!
So, are you doing what the so called Liberal Press has been doing for the last 30 or more years? Are you "Lying?"

Come on now, admit it? (note, I am not laughing!) laugh!

My kindest regards,


Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2010 at 19:59
As a "post script" to my response above, I can know of no other way to point out an "obsecene lie, and libelious lie, directed towards me, and my political views", than the above post by TGS! And, I can only respond by calling TGS a "liar!"

There seems to be no connection in the article quoted by TGS, and conservatives, other than the "hate" that exists within the devious mind of the exteemed, TGS!

Perhaps, TGS has finally "over" extended his welcome on this site? As well as violated numerous sections of this sites rules?

But, of course, I could well be wrong?

And I will abide by the decision of this sites moderators!

Of course, I always like a good "reparte'"!

My regards to all!


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 09-Apr-2010 at 08:14
Whats wrong with free speech opuslola, why are you trying so hard to get me banned for "breaking the rules?".

Anyways, an employer fired one of his employees for voting for Obama.

Also, Stupak is retiring because of death threats and political pressure:

Mom blames Fox News and radicals for his sons threatening phone calls to Pelosi (man was arrested, along with another man Washington who threatened Senator Murray's life):

So I ask this question, what is happening to democracy in this country? Why have people lost respect for the democratic process?

Here is my opinion. I believe that certain powers in this country are using nationalism, patriotism, fear mongering, etc... to rile of a certain group of Americans in order to disrupt the demcoratic process and further there own power. This has been done several times throughout history.

Thoughts about why this is happening?

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 09-Apr-2010 at 12:51
Yup, all those facts sure are propaganda!

One man's facts are another man's propaganda. Oh great researcher! I see nothing but bias in your comments.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 09-Apr-2010 at 13:03
Originally posted by eaglecap

Yup, all those facts sure are propaganda!

One man's facts are another man's propaganda. Oh great researcher! I see nothing but bias in your comments.

Feel free to believe whatever you want, but I am posting links in support of all my comments, so take it as you will, I guess those links are propaganda.

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 09-Apr-2010 at 13:11
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by eaglecap

Yup, all those facts sure are propaganda!

One man's facts are another man's propaganda. Oh great researcher! I see nothing but bias in your comments.
Feel free to believe whatever you want, but I am posting links in support of all my comments, so take it as you will, I guess those links are propaganda.

Here chew on this:

Liberal Violence: Five Names You Should Know -

Also, stop acting like I liked Bush, he was a terrible Presidents and many of his policies stunk, he is a Neo-Con globalist.

conservatives are such racists but yet racism from the other spectrum seems to be ignored or justified. It's a double standard!

AP Notices Black TEA Partiers Called Racist Names, But, It’s Not Racism, Cause They’re Conservatives -

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2010 at 13:48

Very very interesting read.

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2010 at 15:25
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

"IMAGINE IF THE TEA PARTY WAS BLACK" by Tim Wise very interesting read.

I did review your link- poppycock!!

We are a Republic and not a Democracy but it seems some libs have no respect for constitutional law. If the politicians ignore one part of our constitution then where will it stop. These politician swore to defend and uphold it, but I really do not think you care. Forcing people to buy a product is nothing short of tyranny and it is not part of the Democratic process. I can understand their frustration and it is still their First Amendment right, which I think you would change. There are a lot of false accusations about the Tea Party and the more baloney you put on here the more I want to support them. You are free to your opinion but we we have different dreams about America's future so we will never agree.

With all respect, I know you dislike the founding fathers and seem to have little respect for our constitution but this is for you: -

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2010 at 15:34
Lets see, so what do you think of the new immigration law passed in Arizona?

What do you think of the people having to buy car insurance?

Also, still waiting on you to prove me wrong about taxes and the still doing your "research"?LOL

Regarding the founding fathers: As a moderator on a history forum who I assume is interested in American history, you obviously know nothing about the founding fathers.

PS. I love it when a conservative tries to talk to me about the constitution and citizens rights...have you heard of the patriot act? Didnt conservatives support that?


Conservatives dont hate HCR because its "unconstitutional" (which its not, supreme court justices have already explained its legality), they simply hate Obama (hm whats different between Obama and other past US presidents?).

CONSERVATIVES DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION IN GENERAL. Arizona recently passed a law which gives the state government increasing power to arrest whoever it wants and require people to carry around paper work. THIS BILL WAS PASSED BY A REPUBLICAN, AND BECAUSE  A REPUBLICAN PASSED IT, ITS OK AND CONSERVATIVES SUPPORT IT:

A poll on the Fox News website:

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2010 at 16:11
Lets see, so what do you think of the new immigration law passed in Arizona?

I support state rights, but this is for another thread. What does this have to do with it? You are free to start a thread about this if you want but not here.

What do you think of the people having to buy car insurance

First, this is based on State law and not Federal law. It is a shame we are forced to but too many people refused to buy it. I have been hit more than once by someone without insurance. It still violates the 10th Amendment, although, if forced I will comply like car insurance. I support small government not big government.

Also, still waiting on you to prove me wrong about taxes and the still doing your "research"?

I have not had the time but I will put that first and find support for my view.

here is a start:
Obama Health Care Will Destroy the Job Market and Private Insurance -


Regarding the founding fathers: As a moderator on a history forum who I assume is interested in American history, you obviously know nothing about the founding fathers.

First, my degree is in Pre-Greek and Greek history but I have indepently, along with some classes, studied American history. But, I suppose I don't have your great experise my friend, espeically with your revision history- no offense.
I gave you one source "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History." He only has a PHD in American history so I hope that meets your criteria my friend. What you said about the founding Fathers show bias and lack of real understanding of that era. They were human and full of flaws just like your ancestors from that period.

PS. I love it when a conservative tries to talk to me about the constitution and citizens rights...have you heard of the patriot act? Didnt conservatives support that?

I had a lot of problems with the Patriot Act so please don't stereo type and lump all conservatives together. In that area I tend to be more of a conservative Libertarian.

I have to get back to work- best regards TGS
In many ways it is good to know my sister thinks like you so it helps me see you are probably a decent person, even for a commie-

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2010 at 17:58
You must well recognize, that in many instances, we seem to agreee


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 25-Apr-2010 at 12:54
Originally posted by eaglecap

Lets see, so what do you think of the new immigration law passed in Arizona?

I support state rights, but this is for another thread. What does this have to do with it? You are free to start a thread about this if you want but not here.

This has to do with too much government power and unconstitutionality...its very relevant. Do you, as a conservative, support such a law which gives the government so much power in Arizona? Whats the difference between a big state government and a big federal government? Arent they both governments?

Originally posted by eaglecap

What do you think of the people having to buy car insurance

First, this is based on State law and not Federal law. It is a shame we are forced to but too many people refused to buy it. I have been hit more than once by someone without insurance. It still violates the 10th Amendment, although, if forced I will comply like car insurance. I support small government not big government.


Originally posted by eaglecap

Also, still waiting on you to prove me wrong about taxes and the still doing your "research"?

I have not had the time but I will put that first and find support for my view.

Waste all the time you want, the FACT is that Obama has lowered taxes for 95% of the US population and taxes today are the lowest in decades. NO AMOUNT OF RESEARCH YOU DO CAN CHANGE THE FACT THAT THIS IS TRUE...LOL

but be my guest, do all the research you want, but when you find out youre wrong, be a man and admit you were wrong.
here is a start:
Obama Health Care Will Destroy the Job Market and Private Insurance - [/quote]

You should be ashamed for using that source. It does not have an author, it looks like a blog post by a conspiracy theorist, and has no facts to support its claims.

But I probably shouldnt expect much from a supporter of the Know Nothing Party.

Originally posted by eaglecap

First, my degree is in Pre-Greek and Greek history but I have indepently, along with some classes, studied American history. But, I suppose I don't have your great experise my friend, espeically with your revision history- no offense.
I gave you one source "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History." He only has a PHD in American history so I hope that meets your criteria my friend. What you said about the founding Fathers show bias and lack of real understanding of that era. They were human and full of flaws just like your ancestors from that period.

Yea, base all your information on one book. Sounds like a really good idea...ConfusedLOL

Originally posted by eaglecap

I had a lot of problems with the Patriot Act so please don't stereo type and lump all conservatives together. In that area I tend to be more of a conservative Libertarian.

What I can tell you is that the overwhelming majority of Conservatives did support the Patriot Act, just like they support the new Immigration law passed in Arizona.

Originally posted by eaglecap

In many ways it is good to know my sister thinks like you so it helps me see you are probably a decent person, even for a commie-

If I'm a commie then you're a Neo-Nazi Fascist. That is, after all, on the right side of the political spectrum.LOL

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 25-Apr-2010 at 18:25
A good case for the American Pledge of Allegiance!

TGS, have you ever even heard of "Red" Skelton? He is a "Red" that I could support! Laugh! But a "Red" Obama, I cannot!



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 10:26
Whose really behind the tea party and why?

Read this:

Corporations and Conservatives

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 11:24
Did you see this on the NBC news? Read about in your newspaper?, etc.?

What do you think the news coverage would have been like if these were Tea Party protesters?


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 11:29
Originally posted by opuslola

Did you see this on the NBC news? Read about in your newspaper?, etc.?

What do you think the news coverage would have been like if these were Tea Party protesters?

Yea, anarchists are freaking crazy and selfish people in my opinion.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 14:46
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by opuslola

Did you see this on the NBC news? Read about in your newspaper?, etc.?

What do you think the news coverage would have been like if these were Tea Party protesters?
Yea, anarchists are freaking crazy and selfish people in my opinion.

But, TGS these are the very storm troopers of your side! They are not "right wing" they are "left wing!" They are not against all government, they are against most Democratic governments! They do not have these events in Cuba, or Venezuela, or Thailand, or Cambodia, or China, or any of the other socialists nations in this world! If they are really anarchists then they expect to really walk over those soft socialits nations whenever they choose!

As Yoda might say, "From them, distance your self, must!" But, that would seem to be hard for any progressive to come out and demand the imprisonment of anyone wearing a mask in public! Even if that is the law in most of America, except for Halloween!

When anarchists win, just who/whom would be "in charge?"

Do you have a "big stick?"

Anarchists were reportedly a large part of the Russian Revolution in 1917 and later! And, supposedly, most of them were later eliminated during the purges! Be careful who you trust!

I would suggest that we treat anarchists like we should legally treat arsonists! Legally, any police officer can shoot an arsonist in the back! Check it out!


Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 15:00
I read portions of the patriot act and some aspects I supported and others I did not.

This is for another thread but I simply want to say the AZ crack down on illegal immigration mirrors federal law and I support it 100%. I won't say any more since this is another thread so respect that please. I do live in Arizona!

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 15:28
I wont be surprised if there is another Oklahoma City Bombing type incident happening again

Sorry I missed this one. Tim McVeigh, as documented in the Third Terrorist, had Middle Eastern connections. Most Conservatives viewed him as a nutcase anyway and opposed what he did. He got what he deserved - execution. Left or right evil is evil and should be opposed.

Earth First are extreme lefties and still active

Black Panthers with clubs during the last election.

Illegal immigrants throwing rocks at the Police on May Day. You don't see that in the News but if it had been the Tea Party groups then it would have made the news big time. The media has a double standard and ignores anything done by the left but goes on the war-path when it comes to conservatives.

Left wing Union thugs attack African American at Tea Party gathering simply because he passed out flags that said, "Don't Tread on Me!" I put up a link for that story!!

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 15:37
Originally posted by opuslola

But, TGS these are the very storm troopers of your side! They are not "right wing" they are "left wing!"

How are they on my side? Anarchists are like libertarians, in fact, they're pretty much the same. The differences lays in that some libertarians are a little bit more conservative in their libertarianism, while anarchists may be a little bit more liberal in their libetarianism...but its practically the same ideology.

The term - anarchism derives from the - Greek ἄναρχος, anarchos, meaning "without rulers", - [14] - [15] from the prefix ἀν- (an-, "without") + ἀρχή (archê, "sovereignty, realm, magistracy") - [16] + -ισμός (-ismos, from the - suffix -ιζειν, -izein "-izing"). There is some ambiguity with the use of the terms " - libertarianism " and "libertarian" in writings about anarchism. Since the 1890s from France, - [17] the term "libertarianism" has often been used as a synonym for anarchism and was used almost exclusively in this sense until the 1950s in the United States; - [18] its use as a synonym is still common outside the United States. - [19] Accordingly, " - libertarian socialism " is sometimes used as a synonym for - socialist anarchism , - [20] - [21] to distinguish it from "individualist libertarianism" (individualist anarchism). On the other hand, some use " - libertarianism " to refer to individualistic free-market philosophy only, referring to free-market anarchism as " - libertarian anarchism ." - [22] - [23]

Originally posted by opuslola

 They are not against all government, they are against most Democratic governments! They do not have these events in Cuba, or Venezuela, or Thailand, or Cambodia, or China, or any of the other socialists nations in this world! If they are really anarchists then they expect to really walk over those soft socialits nations whenever they choose! Once again

As Yoda might say, "From them, distance your self, must!" But, that would seem to be hard for any progressive to come out and demand the imprisonment of anyone wearing a mask in public! Even if that is the law in most of America, except for Halloween!

When anarchists win, just who/whom would be "in charge?"

Do you have a "big stick?"

What the heck are you talking about? I'm so lost....

But what I gather is you're asking me what I would do if anarchists win? I mean, I dont think anarchists will win, they are too few in number. Libertarians/anarchists have little political power if any.

But I personally advocate bigger government, so why are you associating me with libertarians/anarchists? NOT EVEN CLOSELY RELATED LOL

Originally posted by opuslola

Anarchists were reportedly a large part of the Russian Revolution in 1917 and later! And, supposedly, most of them were later eliminated during the purges! Be careful who you trust!

Not true at all. Anarchists were no where near a significant part of the Russian Revolution. Get your facts straight.

After the Tsar abdicated, power passed on to a provisional government control by bourgeois members of the Duma. This government shared power with the Soviets (made up of, at that time, Mensheviks and SR's). The Soviets were later taken over by teh Bolsheviks with massive popular support.

Anarchists played no part in this whatsoever.

Originally posted by opuslola

I would suggest that we treat anarchists like we should legally treat arsonists! Legally, any police officer can shoot an arsonist in the back! Check it out!

Remember when I said: "if the shoe fits..."

Also, I dont think eaglecap would appreciate you wanting to have him shot in the back!LOL

Originally posted by eaglecap

I read portions of the patriot act and some aspects I supported and others I did not.

This is for another thread but I simply want to say the AZ crack down on illegal immigration mirrors federal law and I support it 100%. I won't say any more since this is another thread so respect that please. I do live in Arizona!

There is a thread about the AZ immigration law, I started it. Second of all, you wouldnt have anything to worry about with this new law, thats for sure.

Originally posted by eaglecap

Sorry I missed this one. Tim McVeigh, as documented in the Third Terrorist, had Middle Eastern connections.

Oh boy, here we go again...which conservative started this lie/piece of propaganda? Surely a white man would never have done such a thing on his own, there must have been a middle eastern connection!LOL

Originally posted by eaglecap

 Most Conservatives viewed him as a nutcase anyway and opposed what he did. He got what he deserved - execution. Left or right evil is evil and should be opposed.


Sorry, he wasnt crazy, he was very sane. Dont try to call him crazy to cover up for the fact that he was a white conservative terrorist.

Originally posted by eaglecap

Earth First are extreme lefties and still active

Oh those rowdy environmentalists!

Originally posted by eaglecap

Black Panthers with clubs during the last election.

Yikes, scary black men with weapons!

Originally posted by eaglecap

Illegal immigrants throwing rocks at the Police on May Day.

Jeez I wonder what they're angry about Confused

Originally posted by eaglecap

 You don't see that in the News but if it had been the Tea Party groups then it would have made the news big time.

Because they like the attention, absolutely no one should be giving news coverage to those NUT CASES for any reason whatsoever in my opinion.

Originally posted by eaglecap

 The media has a double standard and ignores anything done by the left but goes on the war-path when it comes to conservatives.

I 100% agree, the conservative media is so anti-conservative! Thank goodness for our fair and balanced news network.

Originally posted by eaglecap

Left wing Union thugs attack African American at Tea Party gathering simply because he passed out flags that said, "Don't Tread on Me!" I put up a link for that story!!

I thought he was a white guy dressed up in black face?

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 17:20
TGS wrote another inflamatory statement when he said;
"I thought he was a white guy dressed up in black face?"

You must note there was no happy face after this post, so he must have been clearly making a statement he thought true!

Again, another case of racism from TGS!

But, what the heck!


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 18:03
Originally posted by opuslola

TGS wrote another inflamatory statement when he said;
"I thought he was a white guy dressed up in black face?"

You must note there was no happy face after this post, so he must have been clearly making a statement he thought true!

Again, another case of racism from TGS!

But, what the heck!

I didnt know that a smiley face was required to make sarcasm clearn SmileTongueLOLBig smileEmbarrassedDeadClapOuchConfusedShocked

Opuslola, if you dont like the discussion, dont look at the thread, if you want to participate, then participate and quit putting all your effort into silencing someones opinion who you do not agree with. Guess someone really isnt a constitutionalists deep down huh? LOL

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 19:20
By the way, this was The Great Simba's opening sentence when he or she started this very thread;

"The Conservative movement has shown its ugly face, violence. The Conservative movement has truly become a fascist movement, with no respect for democracy or the democratic process.

The conservative movement has become a nasty racist violent fascist movement, intent on destroying the democratic system."

So, I ask you all, just which movement has shown "violence?", violence towards people of differing races, or violence towards businessess, or violence towards the police, Labor Union member violence, etc.?

It is the "left" or "progressives" that has shown such and not a one of those "racist, facists"/ "NAZI'S", that TGS so easily places within the members of the Tea Party!

So, whose opinion has been confirmed via their first pronouncements?

There is only one winner, and obviously TGS comes in a poor last!



Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 19:34
As regards my words concerning anarchists and the "great socialist revolution in Russia in 1917", etc.

I would direct anyone to peruse these sites?

It seems the "anarchists" were really the representatives of the poor workers of Russia! While they fought against all sides, there can be no doubt that they mostly assisted the communnists versus all other sides during this conflict!


Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 03-May-2010 at 19:38
TGS wrote; "I didnt know that a smiley face was required to make sarcasm clear!"

But, TGS I have used sarcasm often during our word play! But, of course I always tried to make it clear that it was sarcasm! And, indeed I did recognize that you were also being sarcastic, but to an outside observer, it would be hard to distinguish?

Please be more careful next time?



Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 14:26
Obamacare - Health Bill Floods Business in Paper

The health care bill that the Democrats rammed through Congress at the end of March seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Almost every day we discover some new little gem hidden in the 2,500-page, 400,000-word redesign of the American health care system. Regulations we hadn't heard about, new costs, new taxes, new mandates; it's a bad bill that just keeps getting worse. Cato Institute

From the Cato Institute! -

It is apparent that such increased regulations and red tape will only worsen the current economic climate.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:04
Maybe the Republicans should have read the bill? Then they would've known exactly what was in it.

Eaglecap, give it up, Reaganomics has failed, it has driven this country into the mess we are in now, lets not use a system that we know doesnt work. The truth of the matter is that we need more regulation and more government intervention! (i.e look at Germany)

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:11
Originally posted by eaglecap

Obamacare - Health Bill Floods Business in Paper

The health care bill that the Democrats rammed through Congress at the end of March seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Almost every day we discover some new little gem hidden in the 2,500-page, 400,000-word redesign of the American health care system. Regulations we hadn't heard about, new costs, new taxes, new mandates; it's a bad bill that just keeps getting worse. Cato Institute

From the Cato Institute! -

It is apparent that such increased regulations and red tape will only worsen the current economic climate.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:18
So, TGS, just how do you "rate" the "Cato Group?"


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:21
The CATO INSTITUTE is what you like to call an "anarchist" think tank. What do I think of Michael D. Tanner? Well I know he doesnt like the HC Bill hes even written on about it.

What I find funny about that article is the last statement where he says "As for the rest of us, we will just wait and wonder what surprise the health care bill will bring us next."

Its funny because the HC Bill is online and you can read it, if hes so concerned why doesnt he read the thing instead of "wait and wonder."LOL

There is no reason why he should be surprised by anything resulting from the HC Bill because he can read it if he wants to.

Also, Eaglecap, be careful which sources you use, because they may also say things you dont like...I know how you feel about Homosexuality, how do you think the CATO Institute feels about homosexuality?

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:40
Also, Eaglecap, be careful which sources you use, because they may also say things you dont like...I know how you feel about Homosexuality, how do you think the CATO Institute feels about homosexuality?

What they feel is their right and protected under the first Amendment. I may not agree with them on all issues but I support them on most. You just don't like my source for your own reasons. Homosexuality does not have anything to do with this thread.

No offense my friend but I don't really care what you think about the Cato Institute but I guess the truth can hurt at times. -

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:45
Originally posted by eaglecap

What they feel is their right and protected under the first Amendment. I may not agree with them on all issues but I support them on most.

So you are using the CATO institute as a source, but at the same time telling me that you only like the things they say that suit you, but you dont like the things they say that dont suit you, but you can still show me an article written by one of them that you like but if I showed you an article by one of them that you didnt like it doesnt count?

Where did you learn to debate and discuss, out of curiousity? If you use a source you have to stick to it, so if you want to use the CATO institute to support your argument that HC Bill is a bad thing, then you must also accept the CATO institutes opinoin of Gay marriage, if not, then you can use the CATO institute as a source! So, you say that you dont agree with the CATO institute with everything, then how are you going to convince me that HC Bill is bad by using a CATO source? See the problem here? I can say the same thing then cant I: "Well eaglecap, the CATO institute is good, but i dont like what they say there, therefore it doesnt matter..."

I'm just giving you advice, you cannot leave such easy ways for your opponent to attack you and poke holes in your argument. You simply failed.

And you guys wonder why Republicans/conservatives/tea partiers dont get any respect from the intellectuals of this country, it definitely not because we're "elitest", I'll tell you that much...LOL

Originally posted by eaglecap

 You just don't like my source for your own reasons. Homosexuality does not have anything to do with this.

Your source by Michael Tanner is simply talking about an increase in paper work...OMG RUN FOR THE HILLS YOU SURE DID GET ME THERE!

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:48
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by eaglecap

What they feel is their right and protected under the first Amendment. I may not agree with them on all issues but I support them on most.
So you are using the CATO institute as a source, but at the same time telling me that you only like the things they say that suit you, but you dont like the things they say that dont suit you, but you can still show me an article written by one of them that you like but if I showed you an article by one of them that you didnt like it doesnt count?Where did you learn to debate and discuss, out of curiousity? If you use a source you have to stick to it, so if you want to use the CATO institute to support your argument that HC Bill is a bad thing, then you must also accept the CATO institutes opinoin of Gay marriage, if not, then you can use the CATO institute as a source! So, you say that you dont agree with the CATO institute with everything, then how are you going to convince me that HC Bill is bad by using a CATO source? See the problem here? I can say the same thing then cant I: "Well eaglecap, the CATO institute is good, but i dont like what they say there, therefore it doesnt matter..."I'm just giving you advice, you cannot leave such easy ways for your opponent to attack you and poke holes in your argument. You simply failed.And you guys wonder why Republicans/conservatives/tea partiers dont get any respect from the intellectuals of this country.
Originally posted by eaglecap

 You just don't like my source for your own reasons. Homosexuality does not have anything to do with this.
Your source by Michael Tanner is simply talking about an increase in paper work...OMG RUN FOR THE HILLS YOU SURE DID GET ME THERE!

I guess we can only agree to disagree at this point!

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στρατιώτες, να θυμάστε αυτό ώστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθερία σας θα ε

Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 10-May-2010 at 15:51
Originally posted by eaglecap

No offense my friend but I don't really care what you think about the Cato Institute but I guess the truth can hurt at times. -

The CATO institute is Libertarian/anarchist, ofcourse their point of view is going to differ, and ofcourse I'm not going to like much of what they say as I am not libertarian. I dont see why this is so shocking to you...have we not been chatting for quite awhile? LOL

Maybe I should go find an article from a communist think tank and try to "prove you wrong" with that?

Originally posted by eaglecap

I guess we can only agree to disagree at this point!

Sure, you can disagree if you thing there is something to disagree about...

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 21-May-2010 at 18:27

So, based upon your "Lack of respect for Democracy or Democratic Proces", just what from the above sites should not get your respect?



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 25-May-2010 at 16:33
We all know that Fox "News" is nothing more than a propaganda network, and by their own admission, they are only a news network 6 hours of the day, and a conservative opinion network the other 18 hours of the day.

Well, here is another example of Fox News' bias:

Fox News Erases Applause for Obama from West Point Cadets (0:46-56), May 22, 2010


In less than two years, Obama rumor-mongers have had nearly twice the output that their Bush counterparts managed in eight years – 87 to 47. And while the Bush rumors split almost evenly true-false, false Obama rumors dwarfed the true ones. The false rumors about Obama outnumbered the total number of rumors about Bush. And while the lies about Obama are almost all negative, some of the false rumors about Bush are quite flattering, along the lines of the George Washington cheery tree rumor – like the rumor that had Bush paying for the funeral of a boy who had drowned near the Crawford ranch.

I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 26-May-2010 at 11:48
It seems Obama is ready to face some heat from a portion of his supporters!

Whilst merely a miniscule number compared to the number really needed, it is at least a nod towards that 70% of Americans who actually support Arizona's stand!

But, the "heat" from the Left, or the "Open Borders" support will cry to high heaven over this deceitful act!



Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 26-May-2010 at 12:12
Oh! Here is the video with sound effects!

I never saw a bunch of military men and wome, notably dressed in "Gray!", so excited in my life! The President's speech was repeatedly interrupted by spontaneous applause, etc.! (Not) The applause is more what one would expect to be given to the local Mayor, rather than that given to the "commander in chief!" Polite applause, might be the most graceful way to state it!

Note, I have performed numerous "Google" searches looking for any video of a "president Bush" speach to West Point, even using quotation marks, and can find only "Obama" mentions!

Is there a "conspiracy?"

Well I have seen a number of presidential addresses at West Point, and I have never seen one that could be considered as "polite!"

So, come on you guys, find a President Bush speech? I don't care which one! Then show it to us!

But, I am most sure, that if such copies still exist, someone, sometime, will reveal them!

I politely say, regards! (Light and polite applause follows!")


Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 26-May-2010 at 12:38
Oh! Yeah! Did you see James Carville today? Heck, he sounded just like an old Southern redneck! Heck, he could have been telling President Obama, "Now, get yo black ass, down here rite now, boy! We're dyin down heah!"

Substituting words is so easy! But it sounded very close!

Have any of you heard it?

Well here it is without my "redneck" slant!



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 27-May-2010 at 13:27 - Poll: Latinos Abandoning GOP in Droves – After Short-Term Gain This Fall, Loss of Hispanics Could Kill the Republican Party

As I said in the other thread (America's political transformation) in response to Eaglecaps denial that the Republican Party was losing all minority groups and cannot survive.

I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 27-May-2010 at 14:45
TGS, are the "droves" flying (fleeing) South or North?



Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 04-Jun-2010 at 07:53
Racism in the Republican Party:

Lexington state Sen. Jake Knotts called political rival and Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley a “raghead” on an Internet political talk show Thursday evening.

The term is a slur typically used against Arabs or other ethnic groups who wear turbans or headdresses. Haley, a state representative from Lexington, is the child of Indian immigrants.

“We already got one raghead in the White House,” Knotts said. “We don’t need another in the Governor’s Mansion.”


The Republican Senator claims he made the raghead comment about Obama and Haley as a "joke". But havent we heard that from Republicans before? They make such comments and then apologize and say it was a misunderstanding when they are caught.

I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 04-Jun-2010 at 16:36
Dear TGS, "We are coming!" Yes this is a threat!


Love it or leave it!

I am afraid, that you "progressives" just like the Nippon Empire, in WWII, have awakened another "Sleeping Giant!"

He/she/gay/lesbian/black/white/other, etc. are now fully awake! And our combined target is "YOU!"

Love you guy! Good luck in the elections? Unless you can find another way to fix them?


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 04-Jun-2010 at 17:42
Unfortunately for you, you dont have any gays, the majority of whites, or minorities on your side. How do you expect to win, you are the minority in this country.

I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 04-Jun-2010 at 18:26
TGS, be honest, even if "we" were 55% of the voting public, you and people like you would do everything in your power to steal the election!

Putting armed thugs at polling places! You have already done so! Miscounting or loosing votes, you have already done so! Not counting the votes of Americans overseas, you guys have already done so!, Having the dead vote for your party, you guys have already done do!. having illegal aliens vote for your candidate, you guys have already done so!etc., etc., etc.!

There have been enough stolen elections!

You know it, and I know it!

You actually hate democracy or any thing close to it!


Posted By: TheGreatSimba
Date Posted: 04-Jun-2010 at 18:41
Wait, are you talking about the 2000 election in which Bush actually did  steal the election?

Also, I would love to see your sources supporting your outrageous claims...but my assumption is that you have no facts to back up your words, as usual.

But no worries, nationwide, you are in the minority.

I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.

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