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"I do apologize for the Crusades!"

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Topic: "I do apologize for the Crusades!"
Posted By: Komnenos
Subject: "I do apologize for the Crusades!"
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 13:29

Just read again, in November the Pope returned the relics of St. John Chrysostomos, which the Venetians stole in 1204, to the Patriarch of Constantinople (that’s the official title, I know it’s now called Istanbul).Which then reminded me of his numerous apologies for the crusades and so on. The Germans apologized, quite rightly, for the atrocities committed in WW2 to the Jewish and Eastern European people, and I seem to remember that some European or North-American statesmen apologized for slavery.

My questions: 1. Do you know of any similar apologies?  2. Do you think such apologies have any value or relevance for both sides, the former victims and the former perpetrators?

 3. If yes, who do you think should urgently apologize for which events?

4. How far should one go back in history hereby?


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 15:11
I think such apologies are worthless! why? because this Generation were NOT the perpatrators! period.

Posted By: J.M.Finegold
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 15:57
I think it has worth in the way that such atrocities are acknowledge, and it's a sign that populations and their ideologies change over time, and it's a sign of progress in humanity.


Posted By: Genghis
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 16:04
Exactly, you shouldn't have to apologize for anything you didn't personally help commit.

Member of IAEA

Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 16:16
Originally posted by Dux

I think it has worth in the way that such atrocities are acknowledge,
and it's a sign that populations and their ideologies change over time,
and it's a sign of progress in humanity.

I agree with that. There is no reason to apologize for something that happened 800 years ago (as with the Constantinople thingie, especially since the town has been occupied by a third party since), but for things as the WWII there might be a point. The Germans have apologized over and over again, and developed good relations with their neighbours. Japan on the other hand totally ignores their war crimes as if they didn't happened, and is not so popular in certain areas - just look at the final of the Asian football cup.

Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 18:25

Originally posted by Styrbiorn

Originally posted by Dux

I think it has worth in the way that such atrocities are acknowledge,
and it's a sign that populations and their ideologies change over time,
and it's a sign of progress in humanity.

I agree with that. There is no reason to apologize for something that happened 800 years ago (as with the Constantinople thingie, especially since the town has been occupied by a third party since), but for things as the WWII there might be a point. The Germans have apologized over and over again, and developed good relations with their neighbours. Japan on the other hand totally ignores their war crimes as if they didn't happened, and is not so popular in certain areas - just look at the final of the Asian football cup.

Hmm. I think Sweden didnt apologised yet for becoming rich on WW2 and cooperation with Nazists.

Posted By: Gubook Janggoon
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 18:32
I think there's an apology week or something in Australia for Aborigional opression.


Posted By: J.M.Finegold
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 19:43
Prince Harry is going to Aushwitz (pardon for the spelling; I pulled a tendon in my neck so I'm typing with one hand)


Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 20:10

Originally posted by Dux

Prince Harry is going to Aushwitz

(Sigh) 60 years too late.

Light blue touch paper and stand well back - -

Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 22:26


Posted By: Tobodai
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 22:48
the only thing its right to apologize for is if something JUST happened, and even then if I had nothing to do with it then I dont have to apologize.

"the people are nothing but a great beast...
I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value."
-Alexander Hamilton

Posted By: I/eye
Date Posted: 15-Jan-2005 at 23:58

the people, that did not commit the atrocities should not apologize, but the stateman, on behalf of the state should make apologies.. especially if the atrocities were state-sponsored like WWII Nazis or Japanese


Posted By: vagabond
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 03:14

No individual should be expected to apologize for wrongs that they did not commit.  I live in the States and I've never killed an Indian (unless they were mis-marked and I killed one by mistake) and I've never owned a slave (I keep trying to buy one - but noone I know will sell their Canadian! ) 

As already mentioned - state sponsored stuff fall into a different category. States and their representatives should acknowledge when they have gone astray.  It is, however, a particularly difficult thing for many states to do - as the concepts that allowed the state to go astray in the first place are not immediately gone simply because the administration has changed.   For governments - international law does (did? ) cover the various possibilities - although there are countries today that flaunt international law at will.

Germany is an unusual case in both apologising for and offering compensation for the events of WWII beyond anything that was forced by the surrender.  Most nations barely meet the conditions of their surrender, and certainly never actively and of their own will take responsibility for their collective actions.  I believe that WWII saw - in Germany - a collective change in the way that one generation thought - and that those who survived the war were, in many cases, genuinely sorry that they had been led to where they were and regretted having been involved in some parts of the German War effort.  The Germans have in some cases, taken this to such an extreme that there has been discussion about how much collective guilt is enoug, and when it is time to stop flogging themselves for the crimes of their ancestors.  (I've decided - it's time - you can stop flogging yourselves now - as long as you don't forget and don't allow us to forget either.)

Such has not been the case in some other countries following WWII - where the general population never underwent this soul searching and the new governments never required them to - the attitudes and prejudices that allowed the events to come to pass are not only still there boiling under the surface but have been passed on to later generations.  To frame an apology would mean having to address these issues and admit that the attitudes have not changed.

There are other circumstances, time being one of the largest factors, where apologies become irrelevant.  Often those victimized by a government keep the memory of the pain alive long after all reason says that nothing constructive can be gained.  There are groups trying to extract reparations from Russia for damages done to them by the Tsarist regime, other groups seeking apologies from Turkey for events that occurred under the Ottoman Sultans, and so on around the world.  I think that after a century or so - it does become time to let go of the anger and look at where we are now and what can be done constructively to help everyone get on with their lives.  This - however - is a concept that I would only recommend applying after a century or so.

Poor little rich kid Harry has just gotten himself into another press scandal for his inconsiderate behavior on just such an issue.  His family has living subjects who suffered losses during the WWII.  Certainly while there are those living who have suffered loss,  the issues surrounding those histories shold be dealt with somewhat sensitively by those with such responsibilities.  Knowing that they know how to deal delicately with such matters will leave the rest of us to sit back comfortably and enjoy John Cleese in "The Germans" episode of Faulty Towers.

Originally posted by Paul

Originally posted by Dux

Prince Harry is going to Aushwitz

(Sigh) 60 years too late.

     I laughed so loud I woke the neighbors dog, who started barking and woke the neighbors...

In the time of your life, live - so that in that wonderous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it. (Saroyan)

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 03:52
Originally posted by vagabond

 The Germans have in some cases, taken this to such an extreme that there has been discussion about how much collective guilt is enoug, and when it is time to stop flogging themselves for the crimes of their ancestors.  (I've decided - it's time - you can stop flogging yourselves now - as long as you don't forget and don't allow us to forget either.)

As a German, I’m glad that our soul searching continues, because I believe that the memories of the Holocaust and all the other atrocities must be kept alive by both sides, victims and perpetrators. For me, it is not vital to discuss the question of collective or individual guilt, I think that has now been settled, but to debate, how it could all happen, how a people that by the midst of the 20th century had made enormous contributions to the advancement of global culture, could then fall back in a state of collective barbarism and do what they did. This is our then legacy, not to “flog ourselves for the deeds of our ancestors”, but trying to understand them (I still haven’t) and serve as warning for others. Not that anybody seems to listen

To the question of apologies, I think, it is not so much a question of time, but if the implications of historical events still have relevance today.

The effects of slavery or colonialism, for example, are still very much felt today, and especially the latter, will come to haunt the former major colonial powers in a big way.

So apologies were on order here, but I have the feeling that such could be a cheap way to clear one’s conscience. If apologies were followed by deeds, if, for example, the former colonial powers, whose wealth is based on the exploitation of their former possessions, would really try to rectify the consequences of their rule, and materially help those countries they left in a mess (especially in Africa), now that I would call an apology. Fat chance !



Posted By: Yiannis
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 06:49

Originally posted by Komnenos

  For me, it is not vital to discuss the question of collective or individual guilt, I think that has now been settled, but to debate, how it could all happen, how a people that by the midst of the 20th century had made enormous contributions to the advancement of global culture, could then fall back in a state of collective barbarism and do what they did. This is our then legacy, not to “flog ourselves for the deeds of our ancestors”, but trying to understand them (I still haven’t) and serve as warning for others.


Hear, hear!

Congratulations Comnene, my thoughts exactly! Actually the Germans still feel strongly about this and have recognized their mistake and this shows to the kind of relationship that they are building with their neigbors. More over the state is taking measures to ensure that the crimes of the past are not forgoten but reminded in order to make sure that they won't happen again.

Kudos to them!

The basis of a democratic state is liberty. Aristotle, Politics

Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 15:07

wll i've written a really long message but our glorious forum has eaten it...

Originally posted by Komnenos

how a people that by the midst of the 20th century had made enormous contributions to the advancement of global culture,

oh how much i hate this statement...I hope you realize that eaxtly this way of thinking has let to the rise of eliteism and Naziism in Germany. "oh look how our superior country has maltreated our inferior neighbouring countries, let's apologize by the things inhabiting it..."
culture and civilization has nothing to do with a nation, neither can cultures or civilizations be ahead or behind any other cultures/civilizations. those are values that can't be measured, like art or beautiness, everyone likes different stuff, and everybody adopts the cultural achievements they want. that's why there are different kinds of music and food. and just because some people like Italian food better it has nothing to do with Italy as a nation. everyone could have "invented" it...


Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 15:20
Originally posted by Mosquito

Hmm. I think Sweden didnt apologised yet for becoming rich on WW2 and cooperation with Nazists.

Que? Sweden did not cooperate with the Nazis. If you want to discuss that, open a new thread.

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 15:29
but they did, just like Switzerland (espeically Switzerland) and Spain to some degrees.


Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 15:41
It's quite a difference between "get rich and cooperate" and give in to threats in order to survive though...

Posted By: Jorsalfar
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 15:52
Originally posted by Styrbiorn

Originally posted by Mosquito

Hmm. I think Sweden didnt apologised yet for becoming rich on WW2 and cooperation with Nazists.

Que? Sweden did not cooperate with the Nazis. If you want to discuss that, open a new thread.

The Swede Erik Sigfrid Erickson who was active in German oil trade knew where all the oil refinerys in Germany was located so he let the Allies know where they where.No matter how good the Germans tried to camouflage them Allied bombers found them and destroyed them.

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:13

Originally posted by Styrbiorn

It's quite a difference between "get rich and cooperate" and give in to threats in order to survive though...


it's much more than that, there were also camps and not to mention Sweden did completely symphatize with nazi ideology. and if every country would have thought like that...a rather weak excuse...


Posted By: Jorsalfar
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:24
Originally posted by Temujin

Originally posted by Styrbiorn

It's quite a difference between "get rich and cooperate" and give in to threats in order to survive though...


 Sweden did completely symphatize with nazi ideology.

Not the Swedish citizens?Or? 

Posted By: TJK
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:41

Do you know of any similar apologies? 

 The letter of the Polish bishops to the German bishops  from 1965 which contained the sentence "..We forgive and ask for forgivness.."


Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:44
Originally posted by Jorsalfar

Not the Swedish citizens?Or? 


this question is hard to answer because we never know how much citizens of a country actually believed in the racist teachings and which not, but apparently there were some rascist laws in Sweden at that time...


Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:45
Originally posted by Temujin

Originally posted by Styrbiorn

It's quite a difference between "get rich and cooperate" and give in to threats in order to survive though...


it's much more than that, there were also camps and not to mention Sweden did completely symphatize with nazi ideology.

What utter BS. Where did you get this idea?

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:46 -


Posted By: Jorsalfar
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:50
Originally posted by Temujin

Originally posted by Jorsalfar

Not the Swedish citizens?Or? 


this question is hard to answer because we never know how much citizens of a country actually believed in the racist teachings and which not, but apparently there were some rascist laws in Sweden at that time...

I have a book about the war that is nearly as old as the war itself.It states that most swedes were against Nazism.Everybody in Sweden that knew Erik(the guy who traded with the Nazis) walked over to the other side of the street if he came near them in public.( that was before they knew that he tricked the Germans).

Maybe we should start a thread about this.( we are goin a bit off topic here)

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 16:50
Originally posted by Temujin

oh how much i hate this statement...I hope you realize that eaxtly this way of thinking has let to the rise of eliteism and Naziism in Germany.


Oh how much I hate this practice of chopping sentences in half when quoting…….Firstly, I quite clearly and intentionally did not speak about Germany as nation, contributing to global culture, but about its people, which is a slight but important difference, and secondly, I did not imply, that any of their contributions were in any way superior or indeed inferior to any others. What I quite simply meant, and I don’t think that’s terribly difficult to understand, that I am rather mystified that my people on the one hand had indeed contributed to the processes of enlightenment and cultural progress and seemingly had adopted at least some of their findings, and then on the other hand allowed for the Nazis to happen. That Kant, Hegel, Marx etc., who did their bit for enlightenment ( in want of a better word) were German is coincidal, but they were Germans, as were Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann and all the other Nazis, and all the others who collaborated and looked on. Even if I were proud of  the above philosophers as being German and my fellow German countrymen, as Temujin seems to imply, the Nazis would have made me even prouder, when they burnt their books.

I am not saying that states that guarantee human rights to its people or practice religious and ethnic tolerance are in any way morally or racially superior to states that do not, as people and societies have the right to undergo their own development, but I think that, on the whole, human rights and tolerance are indeed advancements.

The question therefore is, why a nation that already had acknowledged the value of human rights and tolerance, then suddenly regresses into a state of barbarism and revoked all advancements made. That’s what puzzles me.



Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:01
Originally posted by Temujin -

Why don't you try a good source instead of the writings of some schoolkids I can't even read? "Completely sympatize..."

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:06

well just look at other great cultural nations like Iran or China, and what opressive regimes they have nowadays...


Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:07

Originally posted by Styrbiorn

Why don't you try a good source instead of the writings of some schoolkids I can't even read? "Completely sympatize..."


but you could udnerstand it's written by schoolkids?


Ignorance is bliss!


Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:17
Didn't see the "Auf Schwedisch" link. Try a real source if you want to learn something. Do you take all your knowledge from school projects?

"Ignorance"? Your statement that Sweden sympathized with the Nazis and 'there were camps' is simply nonsense. This is quite off topic though.

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:22
but of course, there was never a Holocaust...


Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:25
Originally posted by Temujin

but of course, there was never a Holocaust...

WTF are you implying?

Posted By: Jorsalfar
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:27
Maybe we should make a thread about this beacuse the current discussion is off topic.

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 17:44

Originally posted by Styrbiorn

WTF are you implying?

well, didn't you knew that in 1915 nothign happened to Armenians?


Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 18:15
Whatever. I've wasted more time on you then I've should already.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 18:37
But he is right.
Sweden did have concentration camps and sterilization programs. And Sweden allowed German troops to move through the country (until 1943), even though it was a violation of neutrality.
Why do many people always want to deny things that their country did in the past, and feel personally offended when it is mentioned?


Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2005 at 18:43

Originally posted by MixcoatlToltecahtecuhtli

But he is right.
Sweden did have concentration camps and sterilization programs. And Sweden allowed German troops to move through the country (until 1943), even though it was a violation of neutrality.
Why do many people always want to deny things that their country did in the past, and feel personally offended when it is mentioned?

I have myself seen swedish made documentary about swedish sterilization program which was exactly the same as the one in Nazi Germany.

And affcourse Germany wouldnt be able to fight so long without buying raw materials from Sweden. Like it or not but Sweden made great buissnes on WW2.

From Nazi Germany to Sweden was going real stream of gold that Nazists stole from Jews and all the occupied countries, and from Sweden to germany the stream of iron. But as Wespasian said: pecunia non olet

"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 04:38
Originally posted by MixcoatlToltecahtecuhtli

But he is right.
Sweden did have concentration camps and sterilization programs. And
Sweden allowed German troops to move through the country (until 1943),
even though it was a violation of neutrality.
Why do many people always want to deny things that their country did in
the past, and feel personally offended when it is mentioned?

But he isn't. He claimed Sweden completely sympathized with Nazi ideology. That is nonsense, and close to slander. As for the - troop transports (with one exception, this was 'soldiers on leave', without equipment) - Timeline , Sweden did not have a choice, the Germans basicly threatened with war would they not be allowed. They were utterly impopular among the population who saw it as a betrayal towards the Norwegians. This and the ore transports were lessened and finally stopped in 43/44 when it was clear the Germans had no ability to invade Sweden. Sweden was trapped between two evils, the arch-enemy Russia/Soviet and Germany and did what it had to to stay out of the war. Early, pre-war, the Germans were seen as a counter against the True Evil, Russia&communism, and because of that had quite a support at least in the upper ranks. Later this would change though.

As for the allegation of sympathy, Sweden did everything it could to put spokes in the German wheels. Ball bearings were smuggled to the British and kept their aviation industry running, a brigade of Norwegian resistance forces were trained by the Swedes with air capacity provided by the American 8th Air Army, the Americans were allowed to have special forces bases in Sweden and allied bombers were inofficially allowed to fly over Swedish territory, whereas the Germans were shot at. Also, the Jews of Denmark were all put to safety in Sweden, and diplomats did their best to hand out Swedish passports to all Jews down in Europe that they could. This way a hundred thousand people were saved from the camps. The army assembeled to invade and liberate Denmark in the late phases of the war, but of certain circumstances it never came to that.

The sterilization program which until very recently have been kept secret by the social democrats is indeed a very black chapter in our history, but had nothing at all to do with the Nazis or the war, so keep that out of this discussion.

The reason I feel offended should be easily understood, Sweden did what it could to avoid a German or Russian invasion, but did not support either one of them. There is much I dislike about the bootlicking government (among other things it kept its knowledge of the concentration camps secret from the public - the Swedes broke the German codes immidiately and listened to their communication from start till end) of the war, but to accuse the people of being Nazi sympathizers and whatnot I simply do not appreciate, to put it mildly.

And affcourse Germany wouldnt be able to fight so long without buying raw materials from Sweden. Like it or not but Sweden made great buissnes on WW2.

From Nazi Germany to Sweden was going real stream of gold that Nazists stole from Jews and all the occupied countries, and from Sweden to germany the stream of iron. But as Wespasian said: pecunia non olet

Not true. In exchange of the ore, Sweden received the necessary coke and coal to keep the country running. The main reason that Sweden emerged "rich" was that it was saved from the devastation the war caused. There has been some investigations of Nazi gold though, but as far as I know that mostly ended up in Swiss banks. Sure, the ore was very important to the Germans up to mid-war, after that they had plenty of other reasources (and the Swedish ore did stop to come). - quite accurate wiki link

edit: forgot those "concentration" camps. During the war the SÄPO -- during the war called Hestapo by the people - collected information about who where syndicalists, communists, nazis and the like, in order to intern the groups in case of a war (for example, not good to have a bunch of nazis running around in a war against Germany, that was their thinking). Hardly constitutional, but many rules were sadly ignored in these times. Now, in 1939 about 300 of the Stalin-supporting communists were drafted into the army and put in a work platoon and stationed in Northern Sweden on the sole reason of their political opinions. It was planned to "recruit" about 3000 people to keep them too busy from whatever they might've done to support the enemies. It never happened though, in 1941 the plans were abandoned. This is what you call concentration camps...

Posted By: Jorsalfar
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 09:37

Whenever Norwegian Commandos sabotaged german interests in norway they hid in Sweden and from Sweden they managed to get back to Britain.The Norwegians surrendered to the Germans after 2 months of fighting,but one Norwegian Infantry division still fought the germans for one month after the surrender.After they realized they could not win they marched over to Sweden.

During the war  55 000 norwegians civilians fled to Sweden and was allowed to stay there.

Sweden did some good things during the war too.

Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 10:56

From: - w23.htm

Many people say that Sweden's worst treachery during the Second World War was the extensive export of iron ore to the German weapon industry. When the world, during the Winter War period, understood how Hitler prepared for war and the danger for a new war became obvious, the Swedish iron ore became a big interest. The ore was regarded to be Hitler's Achilles heel, since he was so dependent on it. Sweden had the power to reduce the export, which would reduce Hitler's armament industry as well. Calculations say that the Swedish iron ore export lengthened the war with two years.In a message from Ralph Glynn, a member of the English parliament, he let us know just how dependent Germany was of Sweden. If we stopped our export it would lead to an end of the war within six months, and if German troops would attack Sweden, the English would come to our rescue. But the Swedish government had other plans in mind, since the iron ore financed much of the Swedish life during the war. We received coal in exchange, and what the iron ore was used for was not Sweden's problem, the main thing was that the Swedish people lived a good life.The Allied tried to get Sweden to reduce the export, and finally the country came to an agreement about a yearly iron export to Germany. The Germans were still co-operative, because Sweden had found a good way to cheat the Allied. Sweden did not keep any record of the export to Germany.When the war went worse for the Germans, Sweden turned its interest towards the Allied. Another thing the Germans had need of was ball bearings and Sweden had the best. Sweden evaded the trade agreement and smuggled goods to both Germany and England.In 1944, Sweden promised the Allied to reduce the ball bearing export as well, but found a loophole in the agreement and started to export ball bearing steal and ball bearing machines. Sweden was prepared to do everything, and made money of the war even though it condemned it.

Swedes warmed themselves with coal from occupied parts of Poland, while the Polish people suffered. Many people were against what was happening, but the risk to loose their jobs if they said anything was to big so they just pretended not knowing anything about it.

From: -

C. Sweden’s Cessation of Trade With Germany

During the last 18 months of World War II, unremitting Allied diplomatic pressure and the crumbling of the Nazi war effort moved Sweden gradually to reduce and ultimately to end its trade to Germany. In implementation of the September 1943 agreement, Swedish exports of iron ore to Germany, which had averaged more than 9 million tons annually during the War, were reduced to 7 million tons in 1944. The export of Swedish ball-bearings to Germany was also steadily reduced during 1944. During the War, Germany made extravagant use of ball-bearings, and almost a third of the total German production went into aircraft production. Nearly 90 percent of the approximately 100 million bearings used by Germany annually was manufactured in Germany, and 60 percent of these were produced in Schweinfurt by a subsidiary of the Svenska Kullagerfabriken (SKF) owned by the Enskilda Bank of Stockholm, which was owned by the Wallenberg family." name=09>9

In 1943 Allied war planners singled out the German ball-bearing industry as a potential bottleneck in the German war economy. In an effort to eliminate this critical component in German war production, U.S. bombers mounted major high-risk air raids on Schweinfurt during August and October 1943. The 16 raids against these ball-bearing targets, of which those on August 17 and October 14 were the largest, were the most disastrous American daylight bombings of the war. More than 50 U.S. heavy bombers were lost and many others damaged in the two major raids. The bombing temporarily set back but failed to cripple German ball-bearing production, and Germany reorganized and decentralized this production so as to avoid further efforts to destroy it from the air." name=10>10 Postwar analyses determined that the Allied bombing campaign reduced German ball-bearing production by at least a quarter, but German industrial countermeasures and improvisations, including the determination that fewer ball-bearings were necessary for various production purposes, warded off any serious consequences. Moreover, the Allied-Swedish trade agreement of September 1943, which halted exports of ball-bearings, neglected to impose restrictions on exports of high-grade steel used to manufacture ball-bearings and appears to have allowed Sweden, largely through an SKF subsidiary, to undertake to provide Germany with 30,000 tons of ball-bearing steel, largely offsetting the drop in the export of finished ball-bearings." name=11>11

After the unsuccessful air campaign against the Schweinfurt ball-bearing plants, the SKF plant in Sweden assumed even greater importance to U.S. officials. SKF was the largest foreign supplier of ball-bearings to Germany, supplying up to 70 percent of German imports." name=12>12 The FEA, whose analysis of German ball-bearing shortages contributed to the Schweinfurt bombing campaign, followed up the raids by taking the lead in negotiating a special $5 million preclusive purchase deal between the U.S. Commercial Corporation (USCC) and SKF for a portion of SKF’s June-October ball-bearing production. The agreement was concluded in April 1944. In March the Joint Chiefs of Staff had expressed to Secretary Hull their deep concern over the continued flow of SKF ball-bearings to Germany and sought his assistance in halting it. He replied in a May 19 letter that reflected the appreciation within the U.S. Government of Sweden’s force majeure arguments for moving slowly in cutting off exports to Germany:

From the same site:

The Allies were also concerned that Sweden did not sufficiently resist German demands for concessions that directly aided Germany in its conduct of the War in Europe. In July 1941 a fully-equipped German division crossed Sweden from Norway to Finland; through much of the War, Sweden permitted German troops and matériel to transit Sweden to and from Norway and Finland. According to U.S. estimates, 250,000 trips by German troops (presumably on leave traveling in "sealed cars") crossed Sweden in each direction, and 250,000 tons of equipment transited Sweden.

From - w21.htm

The Swedish Neutrality

When the Second World War broke out, Sweden had many times stated herself as a strict neutral country. It had not been involved in a war since 1814, which was exactly the way it should be in the minds of the Swedes. Today they do not know much about their involvement in the Second World War, probably since it is nothing to be proud of. The Swedish history books do not tell about Sweden's involvement in the war, you only read about the official version which says that Sweden was a neutral country. In reality, it broke the neutrality in the beginning of the war, and supported the Nazis.

The war between England, France and Germany seemed so far away from Sweden, but when Russia attacked Finland and "The Finnish Winter War" started, Sweden suddenly became very close to the war. The prime minister, P-A Hansson, established a coalition government, with all the political parties included, except the Communists. They believed that they should stick together, to avoid political disruption. The first purpose was to keep Sweden outside the war, no matter the cost. The second purpose was to stop the opposition from the inhabitants. Per Albin Hansson continued to be Prime Minister and his strategy during the war was not to be strong and clear, and not to be neutral. Instead he chose to be weak and vague, and not clearing out the arising problems until it was absolutely necessary, and even then he often solved them in the Nazi's advantage.

Sweden, for example, refused England and France to transport troops through Sweden to help Finland.

In the spring of 1940, "The Phoney War" ended. On the 9th of April, the Nazis attacked and occupied Denmark and Norway. On the 18th of June, Sweden gave the Nazis permission to transport soldiers through Sweden. 2140 000 German soldiers, were transported on the Swedish railways during three years to August in 1943, when it was clear that Germany would loose the war.

The population managed, and food supplies functioned better than it had done in the previous war. Sweden was cut off from the west, but convoys from Gothenburg brought the necessary food supplies. Large scale exports of iron ore to Germany continued. It was probably one big reason for the German occupation of Norway, since the iron was shipped out from Narvik, and the Englishmen started mining that area, to stop the iron export. Sweden ignored that Germany made guns from the iron.



Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 11:07

I found also note about sources which you may find interesting:

1. Aalders, Gerard and Cees Wiebes. The art of cloaking ownership: the secret collaboration and protection of the German war industry by the neutrals: the case of Sweden. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press and the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation, 1996. v, 210 pp.
Note: The authors deal with the activities of Swedish businessmen, representing "neutral" banks and corporations, who cooperated with their counterparts in Nazi-Germany; specifically, there is a focus on the Wallenberg family and their Stockholm Enskilda Bank. Cloaking, or hiding the true Nazi business ownership from Allies is noted, as is the way neutral banks, including Enskilda, helped to dispose of assets looted from occupied territory or Jews.

2. Aalders, Gerard and Cees Wiebes. "Stockholms Enskilda Bank, German Bosch and IG Farben: a short history of cloaking". Scandinavian Economic History Review 33, no.1(1985): 25-50.
Note: This article represents the authors' early research into the cloaking, or the hiding of Nazi business ownership from Allies, performed by neutral countries.

Posted By: cavalry4ever
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 11:31
This is an intersting thread. I like exchange about Sweden.
There is another country that escaped the self-examination in Europe. It is also a country with strong neo-nazi party.
I am talking about Austria which disguised itself as a victim after WWII.

Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 11:43

Originally posted by cavalry4ever

This is an intersting thread. I like exchange about Sweden.
There is another country that escaped the self-examination in Europe. It is also a country with strong neo-nazi party.
I am talking about Austria which disguised itself as a victim after WWII.

Aye, Austrians seems to belive that all the bad things during WW2 were commited by Germans and that they are innocent and blameless.

Posted By: Styrbiorn
Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 12:11
Mosquito, that is schoolwork written by 15-16-year olds. Most of the factuals are correct, but their reasoning and conclusions are not. Read my last post and follow the links. For a good study on the topic I recommend: - sl*get om Nordkalotten .

There is a splendid site - here , that discusses the actions of the Swedish government and its correctness and the like. Unfortunately it is Swedish only.

The point is that the aim of the Swedish government was to stay out of the war, and help the "struggling brother peoples" (the Finns and Norwegians, basicly) as long as it was possible. Every concession that were made to Germany were due to threat of invasion, not of support. Germany was also the only country exporting coal, which was badly needed for heating and the industries - without that, everything would've stopped. Meanwhile the ore transports went to Germany, everything possible were made to help the allied forces or the prosecuted people in Europe. It is quite clear where the allegiance were, despite the unfortunate ore and troop transports.

Concerning the Nazigold, it was as I suspected. The London Commision came to the following conclusions concerning the Swedish ore payments (the gold part, not the coal):

    • In total 28.9tonnes of gold and 1.5 tonnes of coins were transferred from the German Reichsbank to the Swedish Riksbank
    • the Commision found no indications that the Riksbank bought Jewish gold
    • 16.4 tonnes may however have contained a small part confiscated or plundered private gold
    • there is a single case of a Swedish statesman who suspected that the offered gold may have come from Jews or other prosecuted persons. This happened in 1944 when Sweden would receive a gold shipment earlier agreed upon. The trade was later concluded after German promises that the gold was not stolen from Jews or similar.

    Posted By: cavalry4ever
    Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 13:15
    How about the ball bearings. It looks that this was a bit more than keeping Swedish homes warm in winter.

    Posted By: Mosquito
    Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 13:25

  • there is a single case of a Swedish statesman who suspected that the offered gold may have come from Jews or other prosecuted persons. This happened in 1944 when Sweden would receive a gold shipment earlier agreed upon. The trade was later concluded after German promises that the gold was not stolen from Jews or similar.
  • Concerning the fact that it was gold im really shocked that there was even 1 who didnt want it.



    You are right and 2 quoted pieces comes from kid's homework. But 2 other are rather not childish.

    So if you could explain:

    1. Why is gold stolen from Poles, French, Norewgians, Danes, Greek's, Yugoslavians better than gold stolen fron Jews?(if you really belive that there was no jewish gold, i dont).

    2. What was the role of Svenska Kullagerfabriken, Enskilda Bank of Stockholm and familly Wallenberg (there were actually more Swedes that were doing good buissnes on war)?

    3. Is 30 tons of gold and coal from occupied countries bad payment for iron ore?

    4. Did Sweden export iron ore to Germany even in 1944 when it was obvious that Germany wont invade Sweden (actually it was obvious even earlier)?

    5. Can you say that Sweden did bad buissnes on suplying Germany with materials which Nazists needed to continue the war?

    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 15:16
    Originally posted by cavalry4ever

    How about the ball bearings. It looks that this was a bit more than keeping Swedish homes warm in winter.

    Yes, quite a lot more: 2 million Germans waiting to take the step over the Keel and Sound.

    1. never said it was. The gold was German, not stolen. Personally I consider the London Commision a more reliable source than you, so I'll stick with their report until you come up with some evidence.

    2. they made money on the war, as did Boeing, Rolls Royce and thousands of other companies.

    3. No idea.

    4. no. Or yes. The shipments started to be choked severly already in '43 when the government decided the military was strong enough to withstand an invasion. Numerous other concession ceased by this time too, including the troop transports (soldiers on leave/wounded - only one armed transport was made). It was a gradual process - the last ore boat left as late as oct '44 though. An interesting sidenote is that the largest exporter of iron to Germany besides Sweden, both prior and after 1939 was.....France.

    5. Considering the fact that the iron ore export what was kept Sweden from going back to 17th century standards without power, heating or any import products whatsover the answer has to be no. The ore were also used to blackmail the Germans to release more than 130,000 Jews. That being said, money was made and it surely helped the Nazis a lot. I'm personally not so sure how to judge the iron ore transports. The alternative was to get invaded and occupied by the Germans, and keep a German army occupied from fighting other fronts. Either way, the Germans had gotten their ore. To give in to concessions like that may not be "honourable", but I have yet to read upon a tiny nation completely sacrifizing itself in a similar way. Realpolitik runs this world.

    Posted By: Mosquito
    Date Posted: 17-Jan-2005 at 18:23

    So basically you have confirmed my statement that Sweden became rich because of collaboration with Nazists.

    First Sweden made great monay selling iron which was used to destroy Europe and next Sweden made great monay selling iron which Europe needed to rebuilt itself. Anyway you filled full your empty nordic bellies at the expense of the others. But it is, as you said, "realpolitik". From the country which was always one of the poorest in Europe you became one of the richest.

    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 04:09
    It wasn't collaboration of any sort. If the schoolyard bully forces you to give him your lunch money do you call it collaboration?

    It doesn't take much intelligence to realize on which side the Swedes stood when you read about the other actions, such as the resistance training camps, the US special forces camps, the blockade runners, the White Busses, the Scandinavian Jews, Wallenberg and other diplomats in Budapest and those in Paris who saved the city from destruction. I can't understand what's so hard to get, Sweden was presented with an ultimatum, send ore or get invaded. It's not any different from the actions of any other neutral state, eg the Netherlands, Denmark or Norway before the invasions.

    Secondly, the incomes from the ore kept Sweden running during the war (ie the coal), but it didn't make it rich - on the contrary the war strangled the trade incomes and the ore was sold much cheaper than usual. That process had already started in the very early 20th century when the rivers of the north had been equipped with numerous hydropower plants which provided cheap electricity to the industry which was exponentially expanded in the period. Sweden became rich on the hard work of its people, not by the ore transports. Avoiding the destruction was a great help though, but that you can't held against it...

    Posted By: Mosquito
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 11:45
    Well, russians still belive that they have liberated Europe. You have your own belives as good as their. It is strange that you dont see the things which even a kid can see and writes about them in homework.

    Posted By: Komnenos
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 11:52
    Sorry, I lost the plot in the Baltic war of January 2005. To go back to my original question, who should apologise for what?


    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 12:07
    Originally posted by Mosquito

    Well, russians still belive that they have liberated Europe. You have your own belives as good as their. It is strange that you dont see the things which even a kid can see and writes about them in homework.

    Coming from one who doesn't care about sources and believes what he feels for, I don't care being called stupid, even if it's hidden. Since you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and google up the first & best site you can find (well, the first at least...) as your contribution to the discussion, we might as well end it here.

    Posted By: Inquisitor Dei
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 12:10
    One sould not refrain from apologyzing, if such apologyze were truly sincere.

    "I am the way, the truth and the life.
    No one comes to the Father but through me."

    --John 14:6

    Posted By: Temujin
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 12:46

    Originally posted by Styrbiorn

    Coming from one who doesn't care about sources and believes what he feels for, I don't care being called stupid, even if it's hidden. Since you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and google up the first & best site you can find (well, the first at least...) as your contribution to the discussion, we might as well end it here.


    congratulations, you lie like a politician. it should be clear that nazi Germany did threaten other countries, but only countries that were not willing to cooperate on their own. Swedens military was nothign compared to Germans army, the Nazsi would not have wasted time and allow an anti-German country to stay indepednend within its sphere of influence but instead invaded at once and would not have wasted any time trading but just took what they wanted. given this, it renders your whole "sweden had no other choice" whining as garbage. and you still have failed to explain the sterilisations in context to Swedens "democratic" and according to you pro-allied nature...


    Posted By: Mosquito
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 12:54

    Originally posted by Styrbiorn

    Coming from one who doesn't care about sources and believes what he feels for, I don't care being called stupid even if it's hidden.

    I didnt call you "stupid" and i hope that it is clear. Actually i really value your person and your opinions.

    Posted By: Infidel
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 12:58
    Uuh, this is getting hot..

    An nescite quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 13:52
    Originally posted by Temujin

    congratulations, you lie like a politician. it should be clear that nazi Germany did threaten other countries, but only countries that were not willing to cooperate on their own. Swedens military was nothign compared to Germans army, the Nazsi would not have wasted time and allow an anti-German country to stay indepednend within its sphere of influence but instead invaded at once and would not have wasted any time trading but just took what they wanted. given this, it renders your whole "sweden had no other choice" whining as garbage. and you still have failed to explain the sterilisations in context to Swedens "democratic" and according to you pro-allied nature...

    Are you claiming there were no threats, that the concessions made were of free will? Why don't you provide some sources?

    I suppose Winston Churchill was talking rubbish when he wrote this then:

    Our relations with Sweden require careful consideration. Germany acts upon Sweden by threats. Our sea power gives us also powerful weapons, which, if need be, we must use to ration Sweden. Nevertheless, it should be proposed, as part of the policy outlined in paragraph 2, to assist the Swedes so far as possible to dispose of their ore in exchange for our coal; and, should this not suffice, to indemnify them, partly at least, by other means. This is the next step.

    So, given you persist Sweden would be some kind of pro-German state, would you care to explain why...
    ...ball bearings where shipped to the British?
    ...Sweden lended 500,000+ tonnes worth of merchant shipping to the Allies?
    ...the actions of Swedish diplomats saved 130,000 people from the Nazi camps?
    ...Norwegian resistance forces were equipped by the Swedes?
    ...Norwegian regular forces were trained and equipped by the Swedes?
    ...the Americans were allowed to have secret bases within Sweden?
    ...Sweden stopped giving in to the German threats when it was clear Germany could no invade Sweden?
    ...why allied air forces were allowed to fly over Swedish territory, whereas the Germans were not?

    Also remember the Allies were no threat whatsoever to the Swedes, so ultimatums cannot be the answer. Hmm.

    Anyway, that being said, the Germans did have support by some high ranking people pre-war, of several reasons: mainly revanshism against the arch-enemy Russia (as said, the Russians were considered the really bad guys in the beginning, not the Germans) and economical dependence. Before the war all second-languge taught in school was German, the industry and army was based on German models, and Germany was basicly considered the model nation(I'm talking prior to the Nazis here - Nazism wasn't very well received so to speak) . This changed pretty quickly when the war got underhand and the Germans showed their true intentions though.

    Why you keep bringing up the sterilization program is a mystery to me, since it is completely irrelevant and independent regarding/to the war. However since you seem to be interested in the topic I'll give you some background. The program was a social-darwinistic abonimation and intended to remove hereditary diseases from the population, and most western countries had similar things, including the US. The Swedish version started in '34 and was voluntary until '41, and wasn't skipped until the seventies. It was a disgrace, about 60 000 people where sterilised, 90% women, main reason being mentally diseased but also - at least early - some were "racial hygiene" (don't know what that is, but I don't like the sound of it...) . I believe the government is planning to do some amendments, mainly funds I presume.

    Here's a study on the topic:

    Posted By: Temujin
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 14:06

    so what, even the US made good money with nazi Germany before Pearl Harbour, includign the Bush family. Sweden simply was like Switzerland smart enough to use it's supposeldy neutral status to make money with both sides, like arm dealers always sell their wares to both sides to ensure they'll sell enough before the war is over...

    I just said the stance fo the Swedish governemnt at that time was pro-Nazi, you can claim the sterilizations happened due to "hereditary disseases"...well, from the POV of the Nazis, the Holocaust was the same, the dissease called Jew...there are also numerous Russians today praising Stalin and what he has done good for the USSR, but those Russians just don't belong to the minorities killed by him. either your naive or brainwashed enough to believe Sweden did nothign wrong at all...


    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 14:24
    Que? Sweden didn't become rich on the trade. The aim of the Swedish government was to keep out of the war. It's responsibility was towards the Swedish people, and to an extend the Norwegian and Finnish. No other minor neutral state acted differently.

    The stance fo the Swedish governemnt at that time was pro-Nazi

    On the contrary. Sources, please.
    Don't bother, you won't find anything. The Wiesenthal Centre summed it up pretty neatly: - Sweden, WWII
    Or read something by John Lukacs.

    Posted By: Temujin
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 14:37

    you already provided the source yourself, that si Realpolitik. In Realpolitik, neutrality doesn't exist. as I already said Nazi Germany would have invaded Sweden if it would not have cooperated willingly. the sterilization program is testimony to this, the mass transportation and stationing of German forces on Swedish ground is. Sweden was not much different from Vichy France.


    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 14:48
    "Source" means a written source which support your statements. I understand why you can't find any though, since your statements were nonsense.

    You've to be kidding. The US had a sterilization program. Clearly, the US were closet Nazis who really were pro-German

    Read this line carefully: the sterilization program had nothing whatsoever to do with the war.

    There were no stationing of German forces in Sweden - only American were.

    You still haven't given any explanation of all the points I made.

    Posted By: Temujin
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 15:26

    can you give me a source WW2 has happened? can you give me a source there was war between Germany and te Soviet Union? there was never a declaration of war so how are you supposed there was a war?


    Read this line carefully: the sterilization program had nothing whatsoever to do with the war.

    ...but with the ideology of the Sweden, and that's the major point! Norway or Denmark even though considdered "nordic" by the Nazi ideology didn't had stuff like that, therefore they were invaded, Sweden however had already a long history of this racial pureness ideology, you said it yourself in another thread once, so you can't deny it.


    and as you may have noted or not, I never present online sources, just this time because a) a friend brougth my attention to this a few days ago via this very link I've posted and b) to bring the issue to the attention of other forumers. the reason is simple, most online sources are written by students or lunatics or are just copied from books, and I only quote from books.


    adn a further point not yet discussed, there was a really hgue number of Swedish volunteers fighting in SS Foreign legions (like Wiking and Nordland), yet I've yet to see big numbers of Swedes fighting for the allies.


    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 15:59
    can you give me a source WW2 has happened? can you give me a source there was war between Germany and te Soviet Union? there was never a declaration of war so how are you supposed there was a war?

    Provide sources for your statements. You must have gotten it from somewhere?

    ...but with the ideology of the Sweden, and that's the major point! Norway or Denmark even though considdered "nordic" by the Nazi ideology didn't had stuff like that, therefore they were invaded, Sweden however had already a long history of this racial pureness ideology, you said it yourself in another thread once, so you can't deny it.

    That reasoning is as nonsensical as it gets. Even if the Germans would've cared, they didn't even know of the program. The reason Sweden managed to stay out of the war was of the concessional politics of the government. ANY (serious) source on the war could tell you this. Try the link to the (Jewish) Wiesenthal Centre I gave you. Those people if anyone would be interested in the alleged pro-Naziness of the Swedes. Oh and by the way. how come the Swedes saved over 100,000 Jews (starting in 41) from the deathcamps if they agreed with the Nazi ideology?

    The people sterilized were chiefly women with mental illnesses, not people with "wrong" skin colour (which was often the case with the American program). These kinds of programs were common in all of the democratic West. Further, it was something run by the upper echelon - the population didn't know about it until only a few years ago, till then it was held secret within the mental hospitals. I have never denied this disgraceful practice.
    However the idea of racial pureness is wrong. There was a sort of racial institute which compared differences between the "races" - these didn't go about claiming the superiority of this or that race though, as certain other people did.

    and as you may have noted or not, I never present online sources, just this time because a) a friend brougth my attention to this a few days ago via this very link I've posted and b) to bring the issue to the attention of other forumers. the reason is simple, most online sources are written by students or lunatics or are just copied from books, and I only quote from books.

    So you've based your knowledge in this case by writings of students and/or lunatics. I see. In that case you are forgiven.

    Originally posted by Temujin

    adn a further point not yet discussed, there was a really hgue number of Swedish volunteers fighting in SS Foreign legions (like Wiking and Nordland), yet I've yet to see big numbers of Swedes fighting for the allies.

    Yeah. 200. Huge. Two thirds of which joined only to fight the commies.
    Many more Danes, Norwegians, British, Luxembourgians, Russians and Dutch served in the German armies. Clearly, these nations must've followed the Nazi ideology to their cores.

    10,000 Swedes fought for the Finns, the RAF had many Swedish volunteers, and several thousands manned the ships lended to the allies going in convoy duty (iirc the casualities were some odd thousand, but don't quote me on that). There were also a large number who fought in the allied armies, but these were not kept track of. Further, half a thousand fought in the International Brigades against the Nazi-supported fascists in Spain. ¡No Pasarán!

    Posted By: Exarchus
    Date Posted: 18-Jan-2005 at 16:16
    I know I'm not going apologies for anything.  I've done nothing and it's not in my intention.

    Plus, even if the muslim empire was civilized and develloped. They behaved like barbarians toward us (southern French) when we defeated them at Toulouse (and later with the Franks at the battle of Tours) they kept raiding and plundering the area (though we did the same to northern Spain, but it was an answer), many people were killed by them in surprise raids. Though it's the past, but I see no reason to apology.

    Vae victis!

    Posted By: Exorsis C
    Date Posted: 19-Jan-2005 at 02:17

    Originally posted by Styrbiorn

    There was a sort of racial institute which compared differences between the "races" - these didn't go about claiming the superiority of this or that race though, as certain other people did.

    Actually, I watched a swedish documentary last year where they showed documents that DID claim that people such as the "gypsies" were inferior to the average swede. In Jönköping, for instanse, all the people who belonged to "tattar"families were registered and considered more likely to commit crimes than others. The scientists suggested that the adult "tattare" (don't know the english word for it) all over Sweden should be sterilized and their kids should be taken from them, to be raised by "good" swedish families. And this did happen too, all over Sweden, more in some areas.

    To answer the question in the topic: I think this period of sterilization(sp?) of mentally ill and also "gypsies" and "tattare" is something that Sweden should apologize for. To some extent the government has apologized, but not for all of it.

    Originally posted by Temujin

    ...but with the ideology of the Sweden, and that's the major point! Norway or Denmark even though considdered "nordic" by the Nazi ideology didn't had stuff like that, therefore they were invaded

    That is not quite correct. In fact Norway treated their "gypsies", samis and "tattare" exactly the same way as Sweden did.

    Don't put your mouth into motion before your brain is in gear.
    Member of "the exclusive group of women on AE".

    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 19-Jan-2005 at 13:04
    Originally posted by Exorsis C

    Actually, I watched a swedish documentary last year where they showed documents that DID claim that people such as the "gypsies" were inferior to the average swede. In Jönköping, for instanse, all the people who belonged to "tattar"families were registered and considered more likely to commit crimes than others. The scientists suggested that the adult "tattare" (don't know the english word for it) all over Sweden should be sterilized and their kids should be taken from them, to be raised by "good" swedish families. And this did happen too, all over Sweden, more in some areas.

    That's true. I'm still not sure whether it was something put into system or more local business. Has the government released any numbers and stats on this?

    Posted By: Exorsis C
    Date Posted: 20-Jan-2005 at 01:44

    That's true. I'm still not sure whether it was something put into system or more local business. Has the government released any numbers and stats on this?

    Not that I know of. The last I heard of it, they were going to investigate the matter. And we all know what that means, coming from the swedish government: it will take forever before we get the results of the investigation. IF the investigation ever gets done...

    Don't put your mouth into motion before your brain is in gear.
    Member of "the exclusive group of women on AE".

    Posted By: Styrbiorn
    Date Posted: 20-Jan-2005 at 04:52
    Maybe with a change of government. I doubt the social democrats will do much, since it is not really good PR for them..

    Posted By: Exorsis C
    Date Posted: 20-Jan-2005 at 06:44
    They probably won't, although I personally think it would be good PR for them to confess that they made mistakes in the past and apologize for those mistakes. IMO that's much more admirable than sticking their heads in the sand and pretend it never happened.

    Don't put your mouth into motion before your brain is in gear.
    Member of "the exclusive group of women on AE".

    Posted By: cavalry4ever
    Date Posted: 24-Jan-2005 at 12:13
    Exchange about Sweden is interesting, but I would still like to hear about Austria.

    All this enthusiasm during "Anschluss".

    Posted By: Guests
    Date Posted: 28-Jan-2005 at 22:43
    There is absolutely no reason to apologize, it happened hundreds of years ago, and you are not in any way responsible for it.


    Posted By: azimuth
    Date Posted: 29-Jan-2005 at 00:32

    Topic: "I do apologize for the Crusades!"


    ok ok  as an Arab who are forgivers i would say

    Apology Accepted




    Posted By: Christscrusader
    Date Posted: 29-Jan-2005 at 00:34


    Heaven helps those, who help themselves.

    Posted By: azimuth
    Date Posted: 29-Jan-2005 at 04:03
    Originally posted by Christscrusader


     Hah, looks like you have nothing better to do than to look for my posts and not add anything. Guess you have no clue on the topic. Its ok, i understand.




    Posted By: Ptolemy
    Date Posted: 29-Jan-2005 at 14:23

    Disclaimer: The following post has nothing to do with Sweden.

    This is actually a very important move by the Pope. St. John Chrystosm and St. Gregory (I forget who the relics of the other saint were) are two of the most important saints of Orthodoxy and especially Greek Orthodoxy.

    It takes a courages man to apologize for something he never had to, and for that I congratulate the Pope.

    Posted By: Exorsis C
    Date Posted: 31-Jan-2005 at 02:20

    Originally posted by Ptolemy

    It takes a courages man to apologize for something he never had to, and for that I congratulate the Pope.

    You're absolutely right and I wish that more people would follow his example.

    Don't put your mouth into motion before your brain is in gear.
    Member of "the exclusive group of women on AE".

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