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All Battles Quiz

Printed From: History Community ~ All Empires
Category: General History
Forum Name: All Battles Project
Forum Discription: Forum for the All Battles military history project
Printed Date: 07-Jun-2024 at 12:50
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.56a -

Topic: All Battles Quiz
Posted By: Northman
Subject: All Battles Quiz
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 11:27
Welcome to the


Round 2 Finished

The Quiz has ended and we have our winners!

Moderators: Rider & Northman

All Battles Quiz is a contest in which participants attempt to answer questions relating to history. Any forum member or guest may participate.

Instructions: Use the form in the link above to submit your answer to the question. You are allowed an unlimited number of submissions and you may use any source, reference or search engine to help you with your answering. Points are awarded for correct answers. The participant with the most points win. If you have gotten a question correct, you do not need to re-submit the correct answer. The scoreboard will be updated at 4-hour intervals when possible. Only use this answer sheet to submit answers, DO NOT post answers on the forum.

Note: Unlike in previous editions, question authors will not be revealed until the end of this quiz.

The second round lasts 5 days.

Answers to questions presented in Rounds One and Two:

Question 1
What battle has been described as following: "..the kings of Europe, after the lapse of eighteen centuries, trembled once more before a conquering military republic"? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battle of Valmy

Question 2
The field of Panipat has served as the site of three major battles over a modern and medieval capital city. In all three battles the attackers have been victorious. Name the city, the years in which the battles were fought, and the names of the three victorious rulers. (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: Delhi; Babur in 1526; Akbar in 1556; and Ahmed Shah Abdali in 1761.

Question 3
This battle was caused by a gold miners revolt in 1854. It is the only rebellion in the history of this country. What country was it fought in? (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: Australia.

Question 4
Who commanded the Mamluke army in the battle of Ain Jalut? (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: Qutuz.

Question 5
This battle was fought by two empires, a growing one and a dying one. The old empire timidly won the battle, but eventually lost the war. A stuffed toy was named after one of the participants for a future event. (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: Battle of Las Guasimas

Question 6
This battle was fought by two Christian nations, although it has been thought later on that it was a Christians versus Muslims battle. Some time after the battle took place, an unknown person wrote an epic story of the battle, and the story became the beginning of a genre. In that battle, a knight was supposed to die a heroic death. What battle is this? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battle of Roncesvaux Pass

Question 7
What are one of the most famous words, put into another man's mouth that speak of hostilities and animals? Where were the words mentioned and by whom? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: 'Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war!', spoken in the play 'Julius Caesar', what was written by William Shakespeare and about Julius Caesar.

Question 8
In this battle, a naval force of few ships, not more than 10 strong (without nonmilitary vessels) defeated a much larger force. The larger force lost half of the vessels with the smaller one losing none. The battle took place at night and due to the result of this battle, the winning side could capture a large area. Name the commanders of both sides.

    Answer: Winning: Vice-Admiral Kondo; Losing: Admiral Doormann.

Question 9
This was a major battle the first war between two European forces. The one attempted to fight its way to relieve a besieged garrison. It sustained heavy losses, and had to retreat. That side never fought with its colors again, because four ensigns were shot in battle carrying the colors. (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: Battle of Laing's Nek

Question 10
This battle was fought in a war that was held over a long period. It happened so that on a field, one commander crushed the other and later on, as it was thought very important, the commander went to meet a herold of the opposing side to decide a name for the battle. The battle was named after a nearby castle. What battle is this? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battle of Agincourt

Question 11
This important battle, one of the greatest in the region, occurred during a civil war. The two main sides counted with the financial and military support of many foreign powers. The outcome of the battle is still disputed, with both sides claiming victory. Two of the foreign powers involved faced economic embargos at the times of the war. (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale

Question 12
What is a quote about the battle of Verdun, 1916? The quote is somewhat a token to the price of glory that was gained by French in the battle. (Question by Rider)

    Answer: "It was the indecisive battle in an indecisive war, the unnecessary battle in an unnecessary war, the battle that had no victors in a war that had no victors."

Question 13
Between these two events were half a dozen of years. They both symbolized a clash of sides, and as usual, blood was spilled, of nobility and fraternity. These two events determined the way of life for the next hundreds of years. One decided to shape the fate of an organization, that was dissolved and the remnants incorporated to another similar organization; the other marked the boundaries of powers for hundreds of years to come. On both events the masters were killed and a great lot of subordinates as well. Once in a wet grave, the other time under the hot sun. (Question by Rider)

    Answer: 1. The Battle of Sauga, 1236, where the Latgals and Semgals defeated the Livonian Brethern of the Sword; 2. The Battle on the Ice, 1242, where the Livonian Order was defeated, and many men fell into the icy waters of Lake Peipsi.

Question 14
A religious man started a war for independence, got the masses to support him, and marched towards the capital, winning victory after victory. His forces fought near the capital, won, yet the leader turned around. After this, everything went downhill for him. Where did this battle happen and what was the leader's name? (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: Monte de las Cruces, Mexico, in 1910, during the first phase of the Mexican independence war. The leader was priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

Question 15
It was an important battle, but often neglected. A new nation invaded an older one in its West. It marked the last offensive into the West from this new nation, and the absolute control over this territory by its enemy.

    Answer: Battle at Perryville or Battle of Chaplin Hills

Question 16
The names of two different wars, in which two different future super powers fought, are drawn from the year in which this battle was fought. The battle took place at a village outside a capital city, and was particularly bloody. No clear result was obtained from the battle, although one side withdrew at nightfall. The side that withdrew ended up winning the war largely as a result of this battle. Which battle was it? What war was it in? (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: The Battle of Borodino. The War of 1812.

Question 17
The strong military ally of a country refused to openly defend it. Instead, it attacked the country's aggressor, and declared war against another neighbour. The country joins with the other two, forming an alliance that defeats and ruins the ally for decades. What is the name of this war? (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: The War of the Triple Alliance - between Argentina, Brasil and Uruguay vs. Paraguay, in the 19th century.

Question 18
I was a great man during troubled times for my country. I was born into nobility on a land far away from my original homeland. I made war against four different states, but I should mention that I was not always in command - after all, I started as a pretty low man in the army. I was wounded in a battle, and I gained a higher rank due to the wound. A daring assault, led by me, which would remind some of the feats of the Noldoli took me even higher up in command. I controlled later on, in a catastrophic war, and army and I won great glory by devising a tactic new to the generals of our lands. I was most glorious in war but often misunderstood by my contemporaries. I died a few years after the long and exhausting war, being a count. I had no heirs of my line. I will award you with half a point more if you tell me which of my actions resembles a feat of the Noldoli. (Question by Rider)

    Answer: Barclay de Tolly, Field-Marshal of the Imperial Russian Army. Feat of the Noldoli was the crossing of the Bay of Bothnia.

Question 19
In these two battles, a large trading empire fought bravely. In one of these, the empire outnumbered the enemies around two to one and although it lost a large number of troops to the enemy, it still managed to withstand the assault and drive the enemies away. By this encounter, the empire maintained a large and quite important territory. Around two hundred years later, the second battle took place. Now the sides had switched and the culture that had been defeated before, repaied the old debt. According to a legend, the troops of the empire that outnumbered the enemies around five times, deserted and fled the field, however one contignent withstood the assault and were annihilated to the last man. What were the two battles? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battles of Alalia and Crimissus

Question 20

This event began with a few hundred riders and a larger number of foot soldiers storming through the city. The man commanding this force was a noble, who previously had served at high offices during times of war and peace. Now, he wanted to repay a debt - his enemy had imprisoned his sons and nephew on false charges as he wanted the man to submit to his rule. The sons were released, but the nephew was kept in captivity. His enemy lived near him, and so he was informed of the gathering forces and he managed to slip away unharmed. The assault group was divided into three; one of these groups found an enemy detachment and leading them a traitor. The two contingencies began fighting and for a long time neither side had any success. One man, loyal supporter of the attacker, was a fabled warrior. He killed the nephew of his lords' enemy, and two other well known warriors. Still, the assault group started an orderly retreat. They remained actively in combat throughout the night. As they were tired, the enemy pinned them down with archers. When most men had lost hope, a large force came to support the assault. They didn't however use the moment of surprise and waited; enemy fortified himself on the streets. The enemy leaders also created a document which stated that the attackers were part of a rebellion. On these news, a large part of the attackers' force deserted. The rebels still managed to assault and advance, but suddenly the whole army turned to rout and flight due to an interesting event in which one of the rebels' leaders was killed. During the flight, the leader of the rebellion and his sons were killed in combat. However, the fabled warrior who had been successful from the start, gathered as many men as he could and escaped over water. What is this event known as? What was the event that brought the army into rout? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: 1) It is known as the Wada rebellion; it took place in Kamakura, on the 2nd and 3rd of May, 1213. 2) The rout of the army was caused by an arrow that struck down a leader of the rebels. The arrow seemed to come from a temple and therefore it was thought to be a divine sign. Seeing this, the army ran.

Question 21
About the same event as the previous question: Who was the leader of the rebels? Who was the fabled soldier (who first killed three men, including a nephew of their enemy's lord and two others and then retreated with a large force over water)? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: 1) Wada Yoshimori 2) Asaina (Asahina) Yoshihide

Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 13:08
Originally posted by Northman

The first round lasts 5 days.

Scores will be updated every four hours whenever possible.
have you no life - every 4 hours for 5 days. Wink


Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 13:32
Once a day seems good to me


Posted By: Seko
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 13:34

What else would you expect from a man who lives 55 degress north of the equator. Long winter nights. Warm coffee and the All Battles Quiz should keep him occupied till he see's any sign of sunlight again.Smile


Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 13:49
What's the point?Decebal will win it again!WinkLOL

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 14:05
Pay attention people - and notice........whenever possible!
Its not possible if I'm sleeping, eating, driving, watching tv, working on something else etc. etc. etc....Wink
Rider will moderate LOL - I'm merely the assistant... - I hope!


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 15:01
great ... we bugged you now you won't update scores Ouch


Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 16:16
But now I want to see how well I have done


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 16:22
Scores updated !
- and corrected 22:38 CET
Sweet revenge Dawn LOL 


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:10
I am sorry. I weren't here when  I should have been. It's that few minutes before the hour striked 7 EET (or 5 CET); I was informed that I have to leave extremely quickly... I had no time to respond and am happy that North begun it. Thanks,


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:18
Maharbbal, Ovidius; the Verdun one specifically speaks of one quote that was considered and to which the accompanying sentence hints to. 


Posted By: Ovidius
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:25
hmpf? Ermm

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:41
Yes, not a random quote about it; but a certain quote that is hinted to in the accompanying sentence. Why else would it be there for?


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:41
Scores updated!


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:57
Originally posted by rider

I am sorry. I weren't here when  I should have been. It's that few minutes before the hour striked 7 EET (or 5 CET); I was informed that I have to leave extremely quickly... I had no time to respond and am happy that North begun it. Thanks,

No worries Rider things happen and we where just teasing Northman cause we can.Big%20smile


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:59
Btw, can one of you (Dawn or North) unlock and publish the AllBattles Forum part too? It is currently unavailable for normal users.


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 17:59
Originally posted by Northman

Scores updated !
- and corrected 22:38 CET
Sweet revenge Dawn LOL 
you will pay ,I don't know when you will pay or how but will pay. You have the word of a Valkyrie on that TongueLOL


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 18:23
scores updated.. i was learning the engine...


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 18:36
I believe you are open for buisness Rider


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 20:52
Scores updated!
Next update in 6-8 hours


Posted By: Xshayathiya
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 20:57
I didnt have much time, so i just went through it quickly and made wild guesses on a few. I'll have to retry it again later. Some of those are really tough Tongue. Great Job.

"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - Mitch Hedberg

Posted By: pekau
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 22:33
How hard is it? I might give it a try, but Decebal's legend makes me believe that it's a waste of time...

Join us.

Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 02-Mar-2007 at 22:52
First it is never a waste of time (well it is but it is fun)
and second you never know until you try and try and trySmile
We also have another legend among us this time around. Most of you have not been around long enought to know but TJK is a very dangerous fellow to play against. auhg 10 right off the bat.
Good to see you old freind. Welcome back TJK


Posted By: pekau
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 01:01
Um.... so the quiz is just one trial then? No re-trial, right?

Join us.

Posted By: Praetor
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 01:32
"I was born into nobility on a land far away from my original homeland"

If you're born somewhere doesn't that make it your original homeland? please clarify.


Posted By: pekau
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 01:46
I don't think they can. Others managed to finish the quiz without asking the clarification of the question. But if so, I know I got tons of questions to ask...

Join us.

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 02:19


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 02:25
Now, about the question with Verdun, I do respect all of your answers but I was looking for a special quote. So, keep searching.

Praetor; that "I was born into nobility on a land far away from my original homeland" means that the man was born as a nobleman, on a land far from his families' original homeland, meaning their family had moved to that place.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 02:26
Originally posted by pekau

Um.... so the quiz is just one trial then? No re-trial, right?

Pekau, you may try as many times as you wish to do so.


Posted By: Praetor
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 03:16
Originally posted by rider

Praetor; that "I was born into nobility on a land far away from my original homeland" means that the man was born as a nobleman, on a land far from his families' original homeland, meaning their family had moved to that place.

I expected as much its just that if interpreted literally it doesn't make sense and I wanted to make sure for me and others.

Thanks for the help


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 05:46
Scores updated.
Giannis; read the question through. I couldn't read your answer for the third correct since that was not the question. Thanks,


Posted By: Giannis
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 06:06
Oups!! Thanks Rider!
I really thought that I got the 11nth right, anyway, nice quiz.

Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 06:14
Thanks for the nice words.


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 11:23
Scores updated!
Next update in 6-8 hours if Rider is out partying and doesnt beat me to it Wink


Posted By: pekau
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 16:31
Crap. Lost my answers. Nooooooooooooo~

Join us.

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 18:41


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 22:26
Scores updated


Posted By: Omar al Hashim
Date Posted: 03-Mar-2007 at 23:31
Of a difficulty we have all come to expect from AE quizes


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 03:18
Scores updated.


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 05:06
Scores updated.


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 09:41
Scores updated.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 13:53
Scores updated...

I see that people either don't have much time or the questions are too difficult. Oh, and the questions (all of them) were written with a specific answer in mind. So, get it or... but if you find an alternative answer to the question, that fits with all given points in the question and yet unavailable hint, then you'll get 0.5 points.


Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 14:11
Questions need more revelations...Because there may be a hundred of similar events, especially for 1-2 questions.
Anyway, I seemed to detect a problem in the question regarding the four ensigns, I dropped a note to you rider, among my answer...Or maybe I have found the wrong answer, as there are many who found the right one.

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 14:29
Kapikulu, the answer was correct. 


Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 14:53
Then there is a problem with the question

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 17:20
Scores updated at 02:10 western europe time (8:10 PM EST)
Rider will update in 6-7 hours!


Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 04-Mar-2007 at 21:20
Originally posted by Kapikulu

Questions need more revelations...Because there may be a hundred of similar events, especially for 1-2 questions.

Anyway, I seemed to detect a problem in the question regarding the four ensigns, I dropped a note to you rider, among my answer...Or maybe I have found the wrong answer, as there are many who found the right one.

Expert quiz writers wrote these entries. If you have a problem, you can take it up with them.

Also, keep in mind that there is often one key word or phrase that gives away the right answer.

But we will keep your criticism in mind and make a point of writing in the key phrase. Hey, maybe we can even write in a theme as crossword puzzle makers do!


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 00:46

Anyways, Scores updated.

And Kapikulu, tell me which questions have several answers? As said, the answer must be correct and correspond both, to the question and the hint (currently you can't see that one). But without this remark, which ones do? Okay, I admit, 12th is a little wide but the hint makes it clear... and one answer has been terribly close to it too. - I read the pm Kapikulu. I will talk with the author.


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 04:56
Scores updated!


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 08:24
Scores updated (no clear update seen however).

I wanted to point out a few things; for those that don't know yet, Question 20 is worth a total of four points (one for each of four questions posted in 20 and 21). That might boost your stats. If it passes into the second round, the total would be 1.5 for each question, ergo 6 points...

And I am getting very interesting answers for number 6. Still, Dawn got the right one so it is pretty easy to figure that out if you begin in the correct direction. Some others have also gone onto the right path, although the quotes are wrong. Anyways, I will surely post the better sounding of the answers when the quiz is finished.


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 09:54
don't you mean question 7?


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 11:13
Sorry. Indeed question 7.

Now, I got an interesting remark for number 15 which stated that there are many such battles. Indeed, I know there are. And I know that I have multiply stated that the right battle must also apply to the hint, that you cannot currently see. Still, I encourage you to keep searching.


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 11:30
I must say that is a departure from all other quizzes. In the past if you could prove that your answer fit the peramiters of the question exactly as it was written(no hint) then you were awarded points or portions of points. I'm not sure I like this direction- writting question specifically to make a round 2.


Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 12:12
Originally posted by rider

Now, I got an interesting remark for number 15 which stated that there are many such battles. Indeed, I know there are. And I know that I have multiply stated that the right battle must also apply to the hint, that you cannot currently see. Still, I encourage you to keep searching.
The question, especially that one, needs a hint...If we are to search to try and fit a hundred answers, then that question is already destined for Round 2...
e.g. as I remarked in my answer, that battle exactly fits the definition as well.

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 12:57
Alright.. then I say that every answer correct to the current question will get 0.4 points, but if the question isn't answered fully in this round, it will pass to the next with an hint? Also, the person wanting to have the answer read right must pm me or include things corresponding to the question in the answer. I will look through some of the current answers already (questions up to 10).


Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 13:00

Sounds just , but then you would have to search if the answer fits to the questionWink

Oh, by the way, I am an endless complainer, see my new PM :D

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 13:02
I saw it and looking up if you are right but it seems you are wrong.


Posted By: TJK
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 16:49
Good to see you old freind. Welcome back TJK
Hi Dawn Smile !
I was really lucky when I have enter the AE and found the next quiz starts within 2 days, however it seems the quizes are "a little more"  difficult now...

Posted By: Decebal
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 16:56
Well I don't have much time these days, which is my excuse. WinkOn the other hand, I must admit that I did try my hand at first and got frustrated because I thought that a couple of questions simply allowed for way too many answers (and mine got rejected). It's a good quiz though: I'll try to give it another shot before it's over.

What is history but a fable agreed upon?
Napoleon Bonaparte

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.- Mohandas Gandhi

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2007 at 18:17
Scores updated!


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 03:04


Posted By: Neoptolemos
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 03:27
Verdun quote OuchAngry


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 05:43

Scores updated!



Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 10:06
Scores updated - no change though!


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 13:04
Neoptolemos, I'd suggest you concentrate on other questions rather than the Verdun one. Although if someone would indeed find it, I'd congratulate him personally (or her).


Posted By: Bonde
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 13:20
How much time is it still to answer in the first round?  I am in a hurry because I saw this quiz only yesterday.  Ouch

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 14:18
The first round ends tomorrow GMT 19.00... 


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 14:29
Scores updated. 


Posted By: Bonde
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 17:45
In the box above it says that I only have "Posts: 1". This is wrong since I have posted about the Pre-columbian Americas last summer. Why is this?  Ermm

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2007 at 18:09
Scores updated!  Close top 5 race.... Watch it Dawn, Neo is moving Smile
Bonde:  The post counter is irregulary - we are working on it.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 02:06
Scores. I must congratulate Knights on getting the answer for 18th. It was a difficult one... and he answered the feat too...

Omar, I'd suggest you to answer the second half of number 6...


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 05:39
Scores updated.

I have received many wrong answers; so I repeat. To have you awarded 0.4 for a question that's answer is partially correct, you need to report it to me by pm and also state the reasons and pages where I could find proof to it.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 09:46
Scores updated.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 12:35
Scores update in a few seconds.

Sirius99, in the 11th question, you had to write the name of the battle, not the war.


Posted By: Suren
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 13:16
Originally posted by rider

Scores update in a few seconds.

Sirius99, in the 11th question, you had to write the name of the battle, not the war.
I gave it up. ConfusedOuch


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 13:29
Scores update...

Give as many answers in in these last minutes as you can. We will check them all... and you have a better chance of hitting the correct one.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 14:12
Okay, people. The first round is up. I must congratulate everyone, this wasn't easy, especially the post-7 questions. All answers (to questions not advancing) will be posted shortly.
Final Scores Round 1.

Now, soon, Round 2 will begin. The questions advancing to Round 2 are number 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20 (along with 21). Of these, double points will be awarded for: 8, 12, 15, 17, 19 and 20 (along with 21). Number 13 and 18 are for people to get more chances at these but as they have been answered correct once, they will not be awarded double points.

As said, round 2 will begin shortly.



Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 14:14
Results for 1 finally updated. No change from previous.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 14:21
Round 2 Opened. - Please click here for access.

Round 2 will end on Monday, the 12th, 20.00 CET.

Of all questions presented here, only number 8, 12, 15, 17, 19 and 20 (alongside 21).

Thanks for participating in the previous round and be sure not to miss this one.


Posted By: TJK
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 16:41
When we can expect the correct anwers for already answered questions ?
I must say the hints for 8 and 20&21 are not very informative (for me ) - I have even assumed the same during 1st round Thumbs%20Down
PS Hell, I was pretty sure of my answer for 18 Ouch

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 17:10
I will update shortly TJK - as a rule every 4 hours when possible.


Posted By: TJK
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 17:41
Originally posted by Northman

I will update shortly TJK - as a rule every 4 hours when possible.
Well,  I was not look for the current - actual scoreboard but for the answers of already answered questions (  1-7, 9-11, 15, 16 and 18).
It's up to the moderators  when they decide to post the answers, some post it after every round and some after finish of whole quiz (round I and II).

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 17:49
Scores updated! -


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 07-Mar-2007 at 17:55
Originally posted by TJK

Originally posted by Northman

I will update shortly TJK - as a rule every 4 hours when possible.
Well,  I was not look for the current - actual scoreboard but for the answers of already answered questions (  1-7, 9-11, 15, 16 and 18).
It's up to the moderators  when they decide to post the answers, some post it after every round and some after finish of whole quiz (round I and II).
I think Rider forgot about that... - although I'm not sure he meant to.
Best to leave it up to him.
- but TJK .... question 15 and 18 did advance to round 2 as well.


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 00:15
question: in this quiz are you giving 2 points for questions answered in round 2


Posted By: Knights
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 01:26
Originally posted by Rider

Now, soon, Round 2 will begin. The questions advancing to Round 2 are number 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20 (along with 21). Of these, double points will be awarded for: 8, 12, 15, 17, 19 and 20 (along with 21). Number 13 and 18 are for people to get more chances at these but as they have been answered correct once, they will not be awarded double points

Is that what you were looking for? Hope it helpsSmile


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 02:10
yup i thought i read it somewhere thanks


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 03:54
Okay. Scores updated.

Sorry TJK; I haven't found the time. I promise to them as soon as I get home.


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 07:10
Scores.. Good work TJK... You are in the lead now. 


Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 12:20
As promised, the answers to Round One.

Question 1
What battle has been described as following: "..the kings of Europe, after the lapse of eighteen centuries, trembled once more before a conquering military republic"? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battle of Valmy

Question 2
The field of Panipat has served as the site of three major battles over a modern and medieval capital city. In all three battles the attackers have been victorious. Name the city, the years in which the battles were fought, and the names of the three victorious rulers. (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: Delhi; Babur in 1526; Akbar in 1556; and Ahmed Shah Abdali in 1761.

Question 3
This battle was caused by a gold miners revolt in 1854. It is the only rebellion in the history of this country. What country was it fought in? (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: Australia.

Question 4
Who commanded the Mamluke army in the battle of Ain Jalut? (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: Qutuz.

Question 5
This battle was fought by two empires, a growing one and a dying one. The old empire timidly won the battle, but eventually lost the war. A stuffed toy was named after one of the participants for a future event. (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: Battle of Las Guasimas

Question 6
This battle was fought by two Christian nations, although it has been thought later on that it was a Christians versus Muslims battle. Some time after the battle took place, an unknown person wrote an epic story of the battle, and the story became the beginning of a genre. In that battle, a knight was supposed to die a heroic death. What battle is this? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battle of Roncesvaux Pass

Question 7
What are one of the most famous words, put into another man's mouth that speak of hostilities and animals? Where were the words mentioned and by whom? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: 'Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war!', spoken in the play 'Julius Caesar', what was written by William Shakespeare and about Julius Caesar.

Question 8
In this battle, a naval force of few ships, not more than 10 strong (without nonmilitary vessels) defeated a much larger force. The larger force lost half of the vessels with the smaller one losing none. The battle took place at night and due to the result of this battle, the winning side could capture a large area. Name the commanders of both sides.


Question 9
This was a major battle the first war between two European forces. The one attempted to fight its way to relieve a besieged garrison. It sustained heavy losses, and had to retreat. That side never fought with its colors again, because four ensigns were shot in battle carrying the colors. (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: Battle of Laing's Nek

Question 10
This battle was fought in a war that was held over a long period. It happened so that on a field, one commander crushed the other and later on, as it was thought very important, the commander went to meet a herold of the opposing side to decide a name for the battle. The battle was named after a nearby castle. What battle is this? (Question by Rider)

    Answer: The Battle of Agincourt

Question 11
This important battle, one of the greatest in the region, occurred during a civil war. The two main sides counted with the financial and military support of many foreign powers. The outcome of the battle is still disputed, with both sides claiming victory. Two of the foreign powers involved faced economic embargos at the times of the war. (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale

Question 12
What is a quote about the battle of Verdun, 1916? The quote is somewhat a token to the price of glory that was gained by French in the battle.


Question 13
Between these two events were half a dozen of years. They both symbolized a clash of sides, and as usual, blood was spilled, of nobility and fraternity. These two events determined the way of life for the next hundreds of years. One decided to shape the fate of an organization, that was dissolved and the remnants incorporated to another similar organization; the other marked the boundaries of powers for hundreds of years to come. On both events the masters were killed and a great lot of subordinates as well. Once in a wet grave, the other time under the hot sun.


Question 14
A religious man started a war for independence, got the masses to support him, and marched towards the capital, winning victory after victory. His forces fought near the capital, won, yet the leader turned around. After this, everything went downhill for him. Where did this battle happen and what was the leader's name? (Question by Hugoestr)

    Answer: Monte de las Cruces, Mexico, in 1810, during the first phase of the Mexican independence war. The leader was priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

Question 15
It was an important battle, but often neglected. A new nation invaded an older one in its West. It marked the last offensive into the West from this new nation, and the absolute control over this territory by its enemy.


Question 16
The names of two different wars, in which two different future super powers fought, are drawn from the year in which this battle was fought. The battle took place at a village outside a capital city, and was particularly bloody. No clear result was obtained from the battle, although one side withdrew at nightfall. The side that withdrew ended up winning the war largely as a result of this battle. Which battle was it? What war was it in? (Question by Omar al Hashim)

    Answer: The Battle of Borodino. The War of 1812.

Question 17
The strong military ally of a country refused to openly defend it. Instead, it attacked the country's aggressor, and declared war against another neighbour. The country joins with the other two, forming an alliance that defeats and ruins the ally for decades. What is the name of this war?


Question 18

I was a great man during troubled times for my country. I was born into nobility on a land far away from my original homeland. I made war against four different states, but I should mention that I was not always in command - after all, I started as a pretty low man in the army. I was wounded in a battle, and I gained a higher rank due to the wound. A daring assault, led by me, which would remind some of the feats of the Noldoli took me even higher up in command. I controlled later on, in a catastrophic war, and army and I won great glory by devising a tactic new to the generals of our lands. I was most glorious in war but often misunderstood by my contemporaries. I died a few years after the long and exhausting war, being a count. I had no heirs of my line. I will award you with half a point more if you tell me which of my actions resembles a feat of the Noldoli.


Question 19
In these two battles, a large trading empire fought bravely. In one of these, the empire outnumbered the enemies around two to one and although it lost a large number of troops to the enemy, it still managed to withstand the assault and drive the enemies away. By this encounter, the empire maintained a large and quite important territory. Around two hundred years later, the second battle took place. Now the sides had switched and the culture that had been defeated before, repaied the old debt. According to a legend, the troops of the empire that outnumbered the enemies around five times, deserted and fled the field, however one contignent withstood the assault and were annihilated to the last man. What were the two battles?


Question 20
This event began with a few hundred riders and a larger number of foot soldiers storming through the city. The man commanding this force was a noble, who previously had served at high offices during times of war and peace. Now, he wanted to repay a debt - his enemy had imprisoned his sons and nephew on false charges as he wanted the man to submit to his rule. The sons were released, but the nephew was kept in captivity. His enemy lived near him, and so he was informed of the gathering forces and he managed to slip away unharmed. The assault group was divided into three; one of these groups found an enemy detachment and leading them a traitor. The two contingencies began fighting and for a long time neither side had any success. One man, loyal supporter of the attacker, was a fabled warrior. He killed the nephew of his lords' enemy, and two other well known warriors. Still, the assault group started an orderly retreat. They remained actively in combat throughout the night. As they were tired, the enemy pinned them down with archers. When most men had lost hope, a large force came to support the assault. They didn't however use the moment of surprise and waited; enemy fortified himself on the streets. The enemy leaders also created a document which stated that the attackers were part of a rebellion. On these news, a large part of the attackers' force deserted. The rebels still managed to assault and advance, but suddenly the whole army turned to rout and flight due to an interesting event in which one of the rebels' leaders was killed. During the flight, the leader of the rebellion and his sons were killed in combat. However, the fabled warrior who had been successful from the start, gathered as many men as he could and escaped over water. What is this event known as? What was the event that brought the army into rout?


Question 21
About the same event as the previous question: Who was the leader of the rebels? Who was the fabled soldier (who first killed three men, including a nephew of their enemy's lord and two others and then retreated with a large force over water)?



I would like to congratulate TJK for being the only one to answer Question 13 in Round One and Knights for being the only to answer Question 18 in Round One. Good work.


Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 12:42
I have already written Agincourt for Question 10, probably was missed during the check..
The hint there was so bare with the word "long period"Wink

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 12:53
Originally posted by Kapikulu

I have already written Agincourt for Question 10, probably was missed during the check..
The hint there was so bare with the word "long period"Wink
No Kapikulu, I just checked... - there is only one answer from you to question #10: Battle of Swiecino


Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 13:04
Probably I wrote that answer in another question, mixing them up..

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: Bonde
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 13:22
Nice to have the correct answers.  Smile

As the 19th Century is not one of my strongest areas in history can someone please tell me what the "stuffed toy" thing is in question 5?

You mean of course the Battle of Roncevaux Pass (Batalla de Roncesvalles) 778. As a medievalist I guesed that this is the battle in question but never answered it.  Ouch

Posted By: Neoptolemos
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 14:05
Originally posted by Bonde

As the 19th Century is not one of my strongest areas in history can someone please tell me what the "stuffed toy" thing is in question 5?

It's Teddy bear that got its name from Theodore Roosevelt. The latter participated in the battle with his "Rough Riders".


Posted By: Bonde
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 14:14
Batalla del Monte de las Cruces 30.10.1810 was not held in 1910.

Posted By: rider
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 15:12
Scores updated.


Posted By: Bonde
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 18:17
How many points can one get for answering correctly on eg questions 20 and 21?

Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 18:32
Originally posted by Bonde

How many points can one get for answering correctly on eg questions 20 and 21?
2 points for each question!


Posted By: Northman
Date Posted: 08-Mar-2007 at 19:23
Scores updated
No changes I'm afraid...


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