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Why are You proud of Your Country

Printed From: History Community ~ All Empires
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Topic: Why are You proud of Your Country
Posted By: majkes1
Subject: Why are You proud of Your Country
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 03:39


Name three things that You are most proud of in Your country/nation history.

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 04:20
I think that my country sucks, but when compared with the rest it may even be saved, at least we haven't invaded anyone since the Neanderthals... 



Posted By: majkes1
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 04:44

Hey Maju

Where are You from?

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 05:29



Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 06:17

Fundamentalist Islam, Khomeini and Ahmadinezhad

More seriously, architecture, art/culture and landscape.


Posted By: Anujkhamar
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 06:42

1) Food

2) History/architecture

3) Rani Muckherjee

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 07:04
I'm not particularly proud of my country, Germany, but there are a few could be mildly be proud of...

1. ...of the German people admitting that they committed the worst genocide in history, the Holocaust, and being solely responsible for the outbreak of the most destructive war in history. (This of course should be natural thing to do, but as many other nations still have problems to admit to their past crimes, it unfortunately still something of an exception)

2. ...of those German people that actively resisted the Nazi-regime, many of them being killed. tortured and imprisoned.

3. ... of Germany winning the Football World Cup three times, and the European Championship three times as well. (Guten Morgen, Paul)


Posted By: gcle2003
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 07:05
Originally posted by Anujkhamar

1) Food

2) History/architecture

3) Rani Muckherjee

You have reason.

In fact for my money you could have included Indian women in general.

As for England

1) The legal system

2) The Parliamentary system

3) Stoicism. (Not the philosophical school, but the attitude)


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 07:08


... haggis? Kilts?

The Highlands, Edinburgh and Scottish people in general.


Posted By: gcle2003
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 07:10

I forgot my adopted country.

1) Captain Vimes

2) Veterinari, the most efficient and least burdensome dictator ever

3) the amazing tolerance of Ankh-Morpork culture


Posted By: majkes1
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 09:29


I've heard that Basques are very nice people from. And I was told this by Spanish

Posted By: Emperor Barbarossa
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 09:30
Well, my country has done some horrible things, but there are many things to be proud of.

(1) the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812- Where Americans outnumbered 2 to 1 beat a British army with only 500 casualties in the end

(2) Being the one of the only democracies while Europe was still full of Imperialistic Monarchies.

(3) The Battle of the Bulge(particularly the Battle of Bastogne) - The American led Allied Forces hold back a huge surprise offensive by the Germans in the Ardennes Forest in Belgium while being low on supplies and ammunition until they are relieved by Patton's 3rd Army.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 09:52
Tolerant politics and the fact that half our country is beneath sea level though not underwater


Posted By: majkes1
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 10:04

Tolerant politics and the fact that half our country is beneath sea level though not underwater

You could say the same about Netherlands

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 10:35
I am from the Netherlands (I've changed my location to Denmark to show my support for the Danes in the cartoon row)


Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 10:42

1.For more than 3.000 years of historical contribution to humanity.

2.For the humanistic and ecumenical character of the Hellenic Civilization

3.For the complexity ,vastness and greatness of the Hellenic Language(Ancient-Medieval-Modern).

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: wilpuri
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 10:55

1) The Finnish people

2) History: fighting around 40-50 separate conflicts, in some form or other, against Russia, losing pretty much all of them and STILL STANDING!!

3) Strong democratic foundations

4) Ice Hockey world champions of 1995, Den glider in!


Posted By: Mila
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 11:04
1. "In this city, an amazing alchemy of cultures and religions merge into a single one - yet each keeping something of its character and being recognizable for what it is." While it is all but destroyed in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and severely damaged in Sarajevo, I am most proud of the centuries of religious and cultural diversity and tolerance that existed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are other cities around the world with mosques, churches, and synagogues - though most are not as close together, or were built at nearly the same time, as in Sarajevo. But certainly there are very few other places where villages with less than 2,000 people often have two or three different religious buildings.

2. Our ability to survive, and continue to hold old, against the nationalist objectives of our neighbors. From the era of the Bosnian Church, to today - we have never given in and become either Croatian or Serbian and - God willing - we never will. Likewise, our self-centered culture that - with the exception of siding with Croatia during the Second World War - has been focused mainly on being ourselves, on living, without the constant wars with outsiders commonplace in the histories of our neighbors.

3. The 1984 Winter Olympics. Sarajevo was the center of the world and we, in no way, disappointed.


Posted By: D.C.
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 11:31

Please excuse the lack of explaination to my choices here but its 2:30 in the morning here...I will include links where I can.

In general the way in which Australian fighting man has conducted himself in battle over the nations short history. Always fight with pride, respect and honor and the fact our adversaries respect us for such qualities (the Turks and Vietnamese are a prime example of this). Examples of said traits:

The Battle of Long Tan -

The Battle for Beersheba -

Well there are many other examples (Isurava, El Alamein, Gallipoli, Kapyong), you get the point.

There isn't anything else that I will put down as this is the reason I am a proud Australian, I'm not going to come up with any other reasons why its good to be Australian as they would just be fillers (I am happy being an Aussie don't get me wrong, but I don't have the national enthusiasm of some of AE's other members). We neither have the history nor the impact culturally to come up with anything else.

Posted By: Ahmed The Fighter
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 12:52
  1. Cradle Of Civilizaton.
  2. Inventing Chariots.
  3. Flourishing Baghdad.

"May the eyes of cowards never sleep"
Khalid Bin Walid

Posted By: Sino Defender
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 14:08

1) 5000 years of history

2) the great wall

3) architecture

4) food

5) had a lot of ancient inventions

"Whoever messes with the heavenly middle kingdom, no matter how far s/he escapes, s/he is to be slaughtered"

Posted By: Kalevipoeg
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 15:02
1) The victory in the War of Independence against Soviet Russia.

2) The fact that we have been at our present location since the formation of our ethnicity and haven't carried out wars of invasion.

3) Not turning into a country of shifting dictatorships after the collapse of the USSR, but a democracy with Western and Nordic rolemodels. Moving away from the Soviet heritage as fast as the years make it possible.

There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge...

Posted By: Ikki
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 15:32
1. Go across the seas, explore the entire world, turn around the Earth by first time.

2. Make a bridge between the muslim, cassical an christian world.

3. Our painters, specially Velázquez, Goya and Picasso.

Posted By: gcle2003
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 16:48

Originally posted by Emperor Barbarossa

Well, my country has done some horrible things, but there are many things to be proud of.

(1) the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812- Where Americans outnumbered 2 to 1 beat a British army with only 500 casualties in the end

Jackson's men only beat off the first attack. Before the British could launch another attack they heard the war had already been called off.

So it was a draw - time out, and no penalty shootouts


Posted By: gcle2003
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 16:50
Originally posted by D.C.

Please excuse the lack of explaination to my choices here but its 2:30 in the morning here...I will include links where I can.

In general the way in which Australian fighting man has conducted himself in battle over the nations short history. Always fight with pride, respect and honor and the fact our adversaries respect us for such qualities (the Turks and Vietnamese are a prime example of this). Examples of said traits:

The Battle of Long Tan -

The Battle for Beersheba -

Well there are many other examples (Isurava, El Alamein, Gallipoli, Kapyong), you get the point.

There isn't anything else that I will put down as this is the reason I am a proud Australian, I'm not going to come up with any other reasons why its good to be Australian as they would just be fillers (I am happy being an Aussie don't get me wrong, but I don't have the national enthusiasm of some of AE's other members). We neither have the history nor the impact culturally to come up with anything else.

You forgot Don Bradman and Shane Warne.


Posted By: D.C.
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 21:28
Well yeah, I guess I did forget our sporting achievements, then again I don't consider cicket a sport...spending 5 days out on a field is more akin to grazing.

Posted By: Emperor Barbarossa
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 21:39
Originally posted by gcle2003

Jackson's men only beat off the first attack. Before the British could launch another attack they heard the war had already been called off.

So it was a draw - time out, and no penalty shootouts

It was not a draw. The British army in the area was completely decimated. Therefore, that battle was not a draw, but a Decisive American Victory, not a draw or any crap.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2006 at 21:42

Old culture

Korean Language

'Miracle of the Han River'=Rapid economic development from 1970's


Posted By: Censored
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 00:02
chingis khan

Posted By: flyingzone
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 00:09

1. Multiculturalism

2. Non-aggressive foreign policy

3. Social progressivism (the recent Conservative victory is only a temporary setback)


Posted By: Genghis
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 02:08

1)powerful capitalist economy

2)melting pot of the world cultures

3)stable government

4)powerful military

Member of IAEA

Posted By: sinosword
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 05:18

we got nothing to be proud. now is one of the most ashamed time for my country. we only hope we can built a new glorious history by ourselves. our refulgence is in the future, not now, let along the past. 


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 07:36

there are a lot of things to be proud in Turkish history

so i cant write just a few things

Posted By: Ikki
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 08:13
Originally posted by sinosword

we got nothing to be proud. now is one of the most ashamed time for my country. we only hope we can built a new glorious history by ourselves. our refulgence is in the future, not now, let along the past. 

Man, go out of China , you know? The entire world look at China, your culture is expanding, your economy is the jealousy of 3/4 of the countries... No, believe me, this is not your worst time.

Posted By: ill_teknique
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 11:44
Originally posted by Mila

1. "In this city, an amazing alchemy of cultures and religions merge into a single one - yet each keeping something of its character and being recognizable for what it is." While it is all but destroyed in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and severely damaged in Sarajevo, I am most proud of the centuries of religious and cultural diversity and tolerance that existed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are other cities around the world with mosques, churches, and synagogues - though most are not as close together, or were built at nearly the same time, as in Sarajevo. But certainly there are very few other places where villages with less than 2,000 people often have two or three different religious buildings.

2. Our ability to survive, and continue to hold old, against the nationalist objectives of our neighbors. From the era of the Bosnian Church, to today - we have never given in and become either Croatian or Serbian and - God willing - we never will. Likewise, our self-centered culture that - with the exception of siding with Croatia during the Second World War - has been focused mainly on being ourselves, on living, without the constant wars with outsiders commonplace in the histories of our neighbors.

3. The 1984 Winter Olympics. Sarajevo was the center of the world and we, in no way, disappointed.

I pretty much hold the same views on that.

On America.

1 - The Decleration of Independence

2 - The continious push for more internal democracy, even though the movement has been slower in the last three decades.
3 - The Bill of Rights


Posted By: DayI
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 13:29

-creating of great empires

-estabilishing empires for hundreds of years, not like the mongols after a 100 year ruled disappearing

-War of independence

-Allways finding a way to survive or to win while the most think its impossible

-Having real lived hero's, not fiction-made hero's such as arthur or something

-Having of no fear but expert in spreading fear such as "mamma il turchi"


Bu mıntıka'nın Dayı'sı - [IMG - -

Posted By: Ikki
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 14:01
Originally posted by DayI

-Having real lived hero's, not fiction-made hero's such as arthur or something




1. Who do you think that was El Cid, Joan of Arc and the Black Prince???

2. LOOOOLLLLL!!! Hicsus, lybians, nubians, assirians, persians, greeks, romans, arabs, ottomans and finally english. Anybody you say?



Posted By: erci
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 14:02
Egypt did all these?   j/k

Originally posted by DayI



Posted By: DayI
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 14:04
Originally posted by Ikki

Originally posted by DayI

-Having real lived hero's, not fiction-made hero's such as arthur or something




1. Who do you think that was El Cid, Joan of Arc and the Black Prince???

2. LOOOOLLLLL!!! Hicsus, lybians, nubians, assirians, persians, greeks, romans, arabs, ottomans and finally english. Anybody you say?



Meself did speak as a Turk not as a Egyptian or something. Also i mean with "not being conquered" not being conquered as a whole.

Bu mıntıka'nın Dayı'sı - [IMG - -

Posted By: erci
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 14:07
Originally posted by Ikki

Originally posted by DayI

-Having real lived hero's, not fiction-made hero's such as arthur or something




1. Who do you think that was El Cid, Joan of Arc and the Black Prince???

2. LOOOOLLLLL!!! Hicsus, lybians, nubians, assirians, persians, greeks, romans, arabs, ottomans and finally english. Anybody you say?



what about them? afaik they all got conquered by another and all of them dissappeard from the scene as of today.

edit: oh, you thought he's an Egyptian lol

Posted By: Ikki
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2006 at 15:33
 DayI, if you post a message in an international forum, and you have in your hand a flag from Egypt, please say "i'm turk" when you exclaim "us!". I thought you was egyptian

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07-Feb-2006 at 18:44


..having given this a great deal of thought, more than i could handle!!......i still found it very hard to come up with any 'specifics'.... football team? Chelsea and the national squad?..our sense of pride? our general friendliness? our govermental structure?, not these really...!!!!

...a more difficult exercise than i first imagined!!!.......there were so many 'pros and cons'....moreover, many of my initial thoughts could be debated forever...and being from England, i am very much aware that my country is quite easy to 'attack' and 'criticise'...but... 

..In no particular order, and i am still not sure...and bound to be controversial i think.....but here goes....

....Our history and heritage, in particular the last 1000 years, truly and educational period....i am proud of the positives we English have learnt from this time and the positives that have been exported round the globe...

...the extension of cultural and racial tolerance in the modern world after the my eyes, England is still many years ahead compared to some nations around the world....

...last but probably not least....the English language, a global phenomenon...the very basis of communication throughout much of the, politics, learning etc...i am quite sure it will not always be like that, but for now, as it stands, i think this is an appropriate 'thing' to be proud of....

...well, i will now go and grab some sandbags and build my redoubt!!!!


Posted By: Otuken
Date Posted: 12-Feb-2006 at 04:03
as a Turk

-great foods
-nice girls
-old and successful history(it may mean a horror for other peoples, but we cant change the history, right?)
-great war arts and materials,(tatar crossbow, special alloy swords etc)
-cool warlike woman/man dresses(before Islam)
-my homeland(except politics)
-turkish style of living, its very different from others, i cant discribe it, you have to live it

Ölümüne TuraN, Delicesine Intikam, Türk'e Kefen Biçenin Sonu Felakettir
Tanrý Türk'ü Korusun,Yüceltsin

Posted By: Ahmed The Fighter
Date Posted: 12-Feb-2006 at 07:28

I want to add somethings:-

  1. Inventing Writing.
  2. First Legal Code.
  3. First Library&Museum.

"May the eyes of cowards never sleep"
Khalid Bin Walid

Posted By: Beowulf
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 09:01

1. Courage through history

2. Scientists - Nikola Tesla, Mihailo Pupin, Milutin Milankovic, Jovan Cvijic...

3. Sports - basketball (since 1995. 3 times euro champions(1995., 1997., 2001.) 2 times world champions (1998., 2002.), silver on Olimpics 1996.); current waterpolo world champions (and numerous other medals); volleyball - gold at 2000. Olimpics (and a few other medals I can't remember

... Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)

A promise lives within you now ...

Posted By: Frederick Roger
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 09:19

Originally posted by Ikki

1. Go across the seas, explore the entire world, turn around the Earth by first time.

2. Make a bridge between the muslim, cassical an christian world.

3. Our painters, specially Velázquez, Goya and Picasso.


I beg your pardon?


Posted By: Luv_ya_Azerbaijan
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 09:39

First of all , Hii to ya'll

hmm let me think, what do I like about my country, i'd say fooood, our folk dances, flag, jokes, girlzz, language, architecture......

Turk milletlerinin birlik yoluna!!!!

Posted By: Digenis
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 09:57
Originally posted by Spartakus

1.For more than 3.000 years of historical contribution to humanity.

2.For the humanistic and ecumenical character of the Hellenic Civilization

3.For the complexity ,vastness and greatness of the Hellenic Language(Ancient-Medieval-Modern).

Not at all spartake!!

1.Euro (football) 2004

2.Eurobasket -2005

3.Eurovision -2005

Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 14:08

1) Patriotism
2) Passion for defending independence
3) Honor and Pashtunwali


Posted By: BlindOne
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 14:28
I am not

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss, will I run

Posted By: JiNanRen
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 14:37
haha women's sports especially volleyball
LIU XIANG male 110m hurdles world record
YAO MING huston rocket center
military tradition, Sun Tze's Art of War, three kingdoms period
Korean War
all the inventions that changed the world

Posted By: Anujkhamar
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 17:59
Originally posted by BlindOne

I am not

A greek not proud of his country??? Well that has to be a first

Normally when i ask a greek their nationality i always get the answer "i'm greek and proud" like the "and proud" has joined into the nationality

Posted By: Quetzalcoatl
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 18:33


1. Having the fairest, largest, most developed country in western Europe.

2. Being a world power now for nearly 1500 years since creation by Clovis.

3. THe culture, architecture, cuisine claim to be the most sophisticated in the world.

4. French great projects like the Eiffel tower, Louvre, versaille, Milau bridge, channel tunnel and lately the construction of a massive tunnel under the alps to link Lyon and Milan.

Everything except the the strikers and unionists that I despise.


Posted By: Ikki
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2006 at 18:36
Originally posted by Frederick Roger


I beg your pardon?

  You can claim too the 1 and 2, but you can't refuse me both achievements.

Posted By: NikeBG
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 07:00
Hah, I guess all people are proud with their girls! Well, me too! 
Also with what else...
- Nature - A nice relatively sweet-watered sea, wide open plains and beautiful high mountains
- History - Not only ours (although even only ours would be enough), but also of our lands - we're the country 3rd in Europe with most archaeological monuments - Prehistoric, Thracian, Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Bulgarian, Ottoman cultures
- Cuisine - although it may not be much for the Westerners taste, but at least we have one of the best natural yogurts (ask the Japanese )
- People - well, John Atanasoff (the one, who invented the first modern computer ABC - Atanasoff-Berry Computer) should be enough. But there's also a high probability that Cyril and Methodius (inventors of the Glagolitic alphabet) were half-Bulgarian, half-Greek (Greek father, Bulgarian mother) and Kliment of Ohrid (student of the two brothers and inventor of the Cyrillic alphabet) was definitely Bulgarian. For sports players I can't say much, cuz I'm not so interested in this, but at least: the golden football generation from 1994 (being fourth in the world), especially Hristo Stoichkov and this years chess champion for men, Vesselin Topalov, and for women - Antoaneta Stefanova (plus Liubcho Spasov for veterans; hey, we're currently ruling the chess world). All in all, we're a nation of individuals...
- The famous Bulgarian hospitality (which, unfortunately, is starting to disappear in the big cities), tolerance, hard-working, love for freedom etc.

Posted By: the Bulgarian
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 07:17

From my Bulgarian side I would quote Nike's post. From my Russian side I need to say only one thing : winning the most epic and decisive war in human history and saving all the other peoples in the world from certain annihilation.

Posted By: Socrates
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 09:20

Originally posted by JiNanRen

haha women's sports especially volleyball
LIU XIANG male 110m hurdles world record
YAO MING huston rocket center
military tradition, Sun Tze's Art of War, three kingdoms period
Korean War
all the inventions that changed the world

You forgot Lao-Tsu...

Posted By: Le Renard
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 09:33

1- seperating from Britian and surviving

2- becoming the strongest nation when others thought we could not

3- the aid we give to other nations


Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 17:34

Hmmm as the Pole

1. For having one of the first democratic systems in Europe, multicultural society with the policy of religious tollerance in times when in the rest of Europe people were being burned for their religion, and first in europe, second in the world written constitution,

2. for taking Moscow in 1610 and defeating Russians on the battlefield more times than did any other nation in history

3. for making whole eastern block and Warsaw Pact collapsed

"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: mamikon
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 20:05
On Armenia

1) Homeland of Noah's Ark

2) Adopting Christianity before anyone else, and staying Christian

3) Surviving every empire that has risen and fallen in Western Asia/Europe   for the past 3000 years (one not fallen) lol, 

Posted By: Cezar
Date Posted: 14-Feb-2006 at 21:57
  1. Being what we are
  2. Still being what we are
  3. Hoping to keep on being what we are

Posted By: the Bulgarian
Date Posted: 15-Feb-2006 at 10:37
Originally posted by Mosquito

Hmmm as the Pole

1. For having one of the first democratic systems in Europe, multicultural society with the policy of religious tollerance in times when in the rest of Europe people were being burned for their religion, and first in europe, second in the world written constitution,

2. for taking Moscow in 1610 and defeating Russians on the battlefield more times than did any other nation in history

3. for making whole eastern block and Warsaw Pact collapsed

When was your constitution adopted? It couldn't have been before 1918 and Bulgaria's constitution was adopted in 1879. The Polish constitution couldn't have been first in Europe. France had a constitution from the 18th century, if I'm not mistaken.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 15-Feb-2006 at 11:23

Hello everyone, I guess this is my first post. i was introduced to this site by a friend of mine. So far I like the look of it. Now as far as what I am proud of regarding my nation.



Surviving this far into the future.

Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 15-Feb-2006 at 11:38

Originally posted by the Bulgarian

When was your constitution adopted? It couldn't have been before 1918 and Bulgaria's constitution was adopted in 1879. The Polish constitution couldn't have been first in Europe. France had a constitution from the 18th century, if I'm not mistaken.

Polish constitution was first in Europe and second in the world. It was 3rd May 1791.

King of Poland, Stanislav August Poniatowski carried by the people, with constitution in his hand, just after Seym (parliament) enacted it:



For more details wikipedia article: -

"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: the Bulgarian
Date Posted: 16-Feb-2006 at 05:23

Please forgive my ignorance.

Posted By: majkes1
Date Posted: 16-Feb-2006 at 07:33

Please forgive my ignorance.

Yuo are forgiven

1. Polish tollerance in XVI Constitution. Fact that although most of Polish were catholics most of members of polish parliament were prothestans.

2. Polish Winged Hussars - the best cavalry in the world history, well maybe second after Mongols.

3. Uprising of Warsaw 1944 and all the others uprisings.

Posted By: BlindOne
Date Posted: 16-Feb-2006 at 09:59

Originally posted by Anujkhamar

Originally posted by BlindOne

I am not

A greek not proud of his country??? Well that has to be a first

Normally when i ask a greek their nationality i always get the answer "i'm greek and proud" like the "and proud" has joined into the nationality

 It sound strange to you, right?. But let me try to explain it to you.

 Almost all the Greeks say that they are proud for their country they actually mean that they are proud for their history.

 I really am not proud for my morden country. My country has only 180 years life and in those years only few thing happed that i can be proud of. For example, When we try to build a statement at the 19 century we try to estamblish it on democratical rules and goverment (although that it did happen) and later in the 20 century that we was the first country that defeat a force of axis (italy). But if you look at the last 60-50 years there is nothing that a greek can be proud of....... My country have made really great steps to come closer to Western countries and it have succed but it really need more work in the aspect of the rellationship between the goverment, laws and cittizens.

 Well i really haven't explain it well right?. It is really hard to me to express feeling that i have to look it more deeper .

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss, will I run

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 16-Feb-2006 at 12:00
Originally posted by Spartakus

1.For more than 3.000 years of historical contribution to humanity.

2.For the humanistic and ecumenical character of the Hellenic Civilization

3.For the complexity ,vastness and greatness of the Hellenic Language(Ancient-Medieval-Modern).

1. nearly 3,000 yrs of Arts of War (by Sun Zi). A great book of war art

2.the seed of oriental civilisation. the Chinese character system is widely using by east and southeast countries. Although some asian may not like my country that much, they still cannt avoid the culture impacts on them.

3. We won the Hun and compelled them to Europe.


A biggest shame of China is we don't have humanistic civilisation like Greece, but a superior empire with restricted contralised monarchism, even now.


Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 16-Feb-2006 at 14:35
Originally posted by the Bulgarian

Please forgive my ignorance.

There is nothing to forgive. Im not an expert of Bulgarian history but im learning it here from you guys.

"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: Nart_Saga
Date Posted: 16-Feb-2006 at 15:04

Hmm I got a few here:


1. Democracy and Freedom (well I know there is Bush now)

2. Only Super power in the world (now days China is closing)

3. Succesfull at sports


B/ Canada:

1. Peaceful

2. Freedom


C/ Turkey:

1. Wrestling and  weight lifting.

2. Most advanced Middle Eastern (except Israel) and Muslim Country.

3. Ancient ruins all across the country.


D/ Circassia:

1. Indigenous People (Native peoples secret)

2. Peaceful

3. Honor above all attitude. 


Posted By: Encoberto
Date Posted: 18-Feb-2006 at 18:52
Originally posted by Ikki

Originally posted by Frederick Roger


I beg your pardon?

  You can claim too the 1 and 2, but you can't refuse me both achievements.

It is true, Spain must be credited for number 1 and 2, although Portugal were pioneers in "discovering" the "New World" .

Quando vir�s, � Encoberto,
Sonho das eras portugu�s,
Tornar-me mais que o sopro incerto
De um grande anseio que Deus fez?

Posted By: Encoberto
Date Posted: 18-Feb-2006 at 19:09
Reasons to be proud of my country

1) Explored the unknown world (at least to the europeans), from the Pacific to the Atlantic, while other nations were still at war with each other

2) Portuguese Discoveries being the first step towards the end of the Dark Ages

3) Maintenance of an empire for nearly five centuries

Quando vir�s, � Encoberto,
Sonho das eras portugu�s,
Tornar-me mais que o sopro incerto
De um grande anseio que Deus fez?

Posted By: erkut
Date Posted: 18-Feb-2006 at 19:22

We had an empire controling 3 continent. we were always had indipendence. We were the only free muslim country in first years of 20 century. And we are the first secular muslim country.


Posted By: Encoberto
Date Posted: 18-Feb-2006 at 19:25
Reasons for being proud of my country

1) Exploring the unknown world (at least for Europe), bringing new knowledge to the Old Continent

2) Having established and maintained for nearly 500 years an Empire, from the Pacific to the Atlantic

3) Being decisive to ending the Dark Ages and contributing, with the knowledge brought by the Discoveries, to the beginninf of Renaissance.

I don´t know why but these polls always seem very nationalistic . So, I´ll include 3 things I´m not proud of:

1) Alongside pioneering in descovering the "unknown" world being the pioneers in slavery (at a large scale)

2) Not having taken advantage of all the money we had during the XVI (Portugal  obtained a monopoly for spice´s trade after discovering the sea route to India,) and again in the XVIII century (discovery of gold and precious jewels in Brazil)  to develop our nation .

3) Being so damn pessimistic!

Quando vir�s, � Encoberto,
Sonho das eras portugu�s,
Tornar-me mais que o sopro incerto
De um grande anseio que Deus fez?

Posted By: D.C.
Date Posted: 18-Feb-2006 at 23:38

I don´t know why but these polls always seem very nationalistic . So, I´ll include 3 things I´m not proud of:

There was just recently a thread dedicated to "you're countries sins"€ which discussed that very subject.

Posted By: Ikki
Date Posted: 19-Feb-2006 at 13:10
Originally posted by erkut

We had an empire controling 3 continent. we were always had indipendence. We were the only free muslim country in first years of 20 century...

Persia was not muslim?

Posted By: Iranian41ife
Date Posted: 19-Feb-2006 at 16:07
Originally posted by Ikki

Originally posted by erkut

We had an empire controling 3 continent. we were always had indipendence. We were the only free muslim country in first years of 20 century...

Persia was not muslim?

yea, Iran (Persia) was also never colonised. infact, we kicked russia, portugal, and britain out many times.

and Iran (Persia) also became secular in the 1920's, all the way up to 1979.



1. 7000 years of history and still going strong.

2. the many cultural, scientific, and political contributions to human history.

3. always managing to stay independent, and when conquered, always managing to resurect itself. (and the islamic occupation will end one day also!)


1. being the greatest democracy on the planet.

2. being the richest and strongest on the planet.

3. the many many many many contributions it has made to human society and history.

"If they attack Iran, of course I will fight. But I will be fighting to defend Iran... my land. I will not be fighting for the government and the nuclear cause." ~ Hamid, veteran of the Iran Iraq War

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 23-Feb-2006 at 06:59
1. Existence
2. Independence
3. Early mass-literacy

Posted By: Kalevipoeg
Date Posted: 23-Feb-2006 at 13:37
Yes, i forgot about mass-literacy during the czarist Russian empire.

The lutherians had the highest literacy level of 70,4%. Estonians were higher than that: about 79% literacy level. And to bring some comparisons: The country people - farmers and so forth, were basically on the same level with urban Estonians. The women had higher literacy then men. Even the capital of the empire had lower literacy level: Moscow with only 55% and St. Petersburg with 60%
The second were the Jews, then Catholics.

There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 23-Feb-2006 at 14:06

Diamond Business.


Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 27-Feb-2006 at 08:58

Originally posted by majkes1

Name three things that You are most proud of in Your country/nation history.

1.We suck

2.We really suck

3.We suck to high heaven


Posted By: Jay.
Date Posted: 27-Feb-2006 at 21:12
Originally posted by Maljkovic

Originally posted by majkes1

Name three things that You are most proud of in Your country/nation history.

1.We suck

2.We really suck

3.We suck to high heaven


 Really? When I visited Croatia, I liked it. Maybe it was because I visited Krajina!
lol, kidding. Well, I visited Zagreb, also. I liked it, other than the fact that some of the Croatians kidnapped Serbian tourists and tourtured them.

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 06:42
Originally posted by Jay.

Originally posted by Maljkovic

Originally posted by majkes1

Name three things that You are most proud of in Your country/nation history.

1.We suck

2.We really suck

3.We suck to high heaven


 Really? When I visited Croatia, I liked it. Maybe it was because I visited Krajina!
lol, kidding. Well, I visited Zagreb, also. I liked it, other than the fact that some of the Croatians kidnapped Serbian tourists and tourtured them.

So you were that moron that put up the picture of Draža Mihajloviæ expecting... what? An applause? If I'd put a picture of Paveliæ on the Belgrade main square, I'd expect a beating. You were lucky there was a cop near by or you'd of been in real trouble...

Posted By: Jay.
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 07:27
...That wasn't me, wtf?

Posted By: Socrates
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 08:02

So there we are....Finally- a Croat not affraid to compare chetniks and ustashas.I've seen similar comparings at your national television...First of all: Ustasha’s were fascists,chetniks weren’t.

Chetniks were resistent fighters.A number of them joined Italian fascists after 1943. when the Allies switched to supporting partisans ( communists).Yes, they did commit crimes-most of them being against their (our) own people-communist  Serbs.In spite of that, they saved several hundreds of Anglo-American pilots, and their leader Draza Mihajlovic was awarded with the medal by Americans just after WWII, although he was already slained by Tito, and it was disapproved by some, since the communists ruled Yugoslavia.However, those american pilots saved by chetniks were insisting, and the american goverment finally granted it.Mihajlovic’s offsprings received a medal from american goverment in may 2005-it had to be semi-public, because the Croatians somehow felt offended -. However, since it is my freedom to write whatever i want, and I very well could be lying- it’s best to find some reliable sources:

 ’’Bosnia and Herzegovina, History of: Bosnia in the Yugoslav kingdom’’

The killing that took place in Bosnia between 1941 and 1945 was terrible in both scale and complexity. The Ustaša, the fascist movement that ruled Croatia during the war, exterminated most of Bosnia's 14,000 Jews and massacred Serbs on a large scale: more than 100,000 Serbs from Bosnia died in this way, roughly half in death camps.


Serbo-Croatian Cetnik member of a Serbian nationalist guerrilla force that formed during World War II to resist the Axis invaders and Croatian collaborators but that primarily fought a civil war against the Yugoslav communist guerrillas, the Partisans.


In Yugoslavia the Serbian nationalist Chetniks under Dragoljub Mihailovic and the communist Partisans under Josip Broz Tito fought each other as well as the Germans,

’’Croatia,History of:World War II’’

once in power, the Ustaše began a ruthless and violent persecution of Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, and antifascist Croats. The Ustaše planned to eliminate Croatia's Serb minority partly by conversion to Catholicism, partly by expulsion, and partly by extermination. As many as 350,000 to 450,000 victims were killed in Ustaše massacres and in the notorious concentration camp at Jasenovac.

                                      C.W. Bracewell


To make their state more purely Croatian, the ustaše set about exterminating its Serb, Jewish, and Gypsy inhabitants with a brutality that shocked even the Germans and occasionally obliged the Italians to intervene.

        Copyright © 1994-2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc

        Now, it’s not excatly the same being ustasa and chetnik.

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 08:22

Originally posted by Jay.

...That wasn't me, wtf?

But that was the incident you were talking about, wasn't it? I didn't know there were any other Serbian tourists in the neigbourhood at the time, sorry.

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 08:36


The cethniks commited crimes mostly against Croatian civilians, in WWII and 10 years ago. Thats why we found the later celebration of the medal awarding at Flat Mountain highly offensive, not the ceremony itself. Cethnik supporters are still claiming parts of Croatian teritory.

The only reason for the, IMO condeming, rise of support for the ustashe in Croatia is the same rise of support for cethniks in Serbia.

As for events of WWII, the ustasa were in my opinion agents of Mussoilini and traitors to their own people. Cethniks were a continuation of greaterserbian policy.   

Posted By: Socrates
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 09:06
Originally posted by Maljkovic


The cethniks commited crimes mostly against Croatian civilians, in WWII and 10 years ago. Thats why we found the later celebration of the medal awarding at Flat Mountain highly offensive, not the ceremony itself. Cethnik supporters are still claiming parts of Croatian teritory.

The only reason for the, IMO condeming, rise of support for the ustashe in Croatia is the same rise of support for cethniks in Serbia.

As for events of WWII, the ustasa were in my opinion agents of Mussoilini and traitors to their own people. Cethniks were a continuation of greaterserbian policy.   

I know that all Croats aren't ustashe.Chetniks commited crimes against Serbs(commies) and Bosniaks (as an act of vengence for what Hanchar division did as well as some acts of absurd violence).There is quite a bit of difference between chetniks and ustashas...the crimes r beyond comparing.

Anyway, i  reacted because u were indirectly comparing Mihajlovic and Pavelic which is beyond comparing-even according to ''western'' historical sources. Don't try to deminish what ustasha's did....And u accused this kid Jay - he's only 14 and he lives in Canada!

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 09:20
Originally posted by Socrates

Originally posted by Maljkovic


The cethniks commited crimes mostly against Croatian civilians, in WWII and 10 years ago. Thats why we found the later celebration of the medal awarding at Flat Mountain highly offensive, not the ceremony itself. Cethnik supporters are still claiming parts of Croatian teritory.

The only reason for the, IMO condeming, rise of support for the ustashe in Croatia is the same rise of support for cethniks in Serbia.

As for events of WWII, the ustasa were in my opinion agents of Mussoilini and traitors to their own people. Cethniks were a continuation of greaterserbian policy.   

I know that all Croats aren't ustashe.Chetniks commited crimes against Serbs(commies) and Bosniaks (as an act of vengence for what Hanchar division did as well as some acts of absurd violence).There is quite a bit of difference between chetniks and ustashas...the crimes r beyond comparing.

Anyway, i  reacted because u were indirectly comparing Mihajlovic and Pavelic which is beyond comparing-even according to ''western'' historical sources. Don't try to deminish what ustasha's did....And u accused this kid Jay - he's only 14 and he lives in Canada!

Only difference is there were no cethnik concentration camps and they had different political agendas until 1943. Everything else is the same.

And there is a comparison between Mihajlivic and Pavelic-Pavelic for the Serbs is the same as Mihajlovic is to the Croats. The difference is that to most Croats Pavelic is a traitor, and for most Serbs Mihajlovic is a hero. As for Jay, if he's gonna insult people, he'd better be ready to be insulted back.

Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 09:21
For having the world's greatest national symbol, the leek.


Posted By: Socrates
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 11:49
Originally posted by Maljkovic

Originally posted by Socrates

Originally posted by Maljkovic


The cethniks commited crimes mostly against Croatian civilians, in WWII and 10 years ago. Thats why we found the later celebration of the medal awarding at Flat Mountain highly offensive, not the ceremony itself. Cethnik supporters are still claiming parts of Croatian teritory.

The only reason for the, IMO condeming, rise of support for the ustashe in Croatia is the same rise of support for cethniks in Serbia.

As for events of WWII, the ustasa were in my opinion agents of Mussoilini and traitors to their own people. Cethniks were a continuation of greaterserbian policy.   

I know that all Croats aren't ustashe.Chetniks commited crimes against Serbs(commies) and Bosniaks (as an act of vengence for what Hanchar division did as well as some acts of absurd violence).There is quite a bit of difference between chetniks and ustashas...the crimes r beyond comparing.

Anyway, i  reacted because u were indirectly comparing Mihajlovic and Pavelic which is beyond comparing-even according to ''western'' historical sources. Don't try to deminish what ustasha's did....And u accused this kid Jay - he's only 14 and he lives in Canada!

Only difference is there were no cethnik concentration camps and they had different political agendas until 1943. Everything else is the same.

And there is a comparison between Mihajlivic and Pavelic-Pavelic for the Serbs is the same as Mihajlovic is to the Croats. The difference is that to most Croats Pavelic is a traitor, and for most Serbs Mihajlovic is a hero. As for Jay, if he's gonna insult people, he'd better be ready to be insulted back.

Once again-I have given u the citations from Britannica...Beyond any comparing !!!And your hostilities towards Serbia began before the ustasha's-you commited crimes in WWI as well...and they were well investigated by swiss criminologist Archibald Rodolph Reiss, so there's plenty to read if u want to.However, the "equality'' of chetniks and ustashas is proven by this quotation:

''The crimes of the fascist Ustashe against the Serbs in the notorious camp of Jasenovac must be known - crimes that are the worst ones along with those committed against the Jews in the Holocaust''

                  Simon Wiesenthal

Serbs, Maljkovicu....not Croats.It's a well-known fact...Or maybe Wiesenthal is not good enough for u...Maybe Primorac or Tudjman have more authority on the subject...

Btw, in the entrance in Jasenovac it says 59000 people got killed there-when the true number is at least 350.000!!!Every reliable source says so.

Posted By: Theophos
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 12:00

Originally posted by Ikki

turn around the Earth by first time.

Actually, Fernão de Magalhães was portuguese, though he was at the service of the Spanish Crown.

"I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me."
--John 14:6

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 12:26
Originally posted by Socrates

Once again-I have given u the citations from Britannica...Beyond any comparing !!!And your hostilities towards Serbia began before the ustasha's-you commited crimes in WWI as well...and they were well investigated by swiss criminologist Archibald Rodolph Reiss, so there's plenty to read if u want to.However, the "equality'' of chetniks and ustashas is proven by this quotation:

''The crimes of the fascist Ustashe against the Serbs in the notorious camp of Jasenovac must be known - crimes that are the worst ones along with those committed against the Jews in the Holocaust''

                  Simon Wiesenthal

Serbs, Maljkovicu....not Croats.It's a well-known fact...Or maybe Wiesenthal is not good enough for u...Maybe Primorac or Tudjman have more authority on the subject...

Btw, in the entrance in Jasenovac it says 59000 people got killed there-when the true number is at least 350.000!!!Every reliable source says so.

I thought you had more sense then this... I was wrong. You're just another one of Seselj's folowers.

Posted By: Socrates
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 12:53

Why?Because I'm quoting reliable historical sources and one of the most famous Nazi-hunters?

And I don't vote...There isn't a single political partie that interests me...They r all a bunch of thieves wrapped in nationalistic/democratic cover.

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 13:06

Because you haven't even read what I wrote. Or maybe you just didn't understand it? What I've been saying from the begining was that Croats are offended by glorification of Mihajlovic just as Serbs would be by glorification of Pavelic. For Croats, Mihajlovic is a mass murderer. 

Posted By: Jay.
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 15:32

I think it's safe to say that you cannot compare Chetniks and Ustasha..The Ustasha militia were simply monsters and Nazis who had one objective and that was to exterminate Serbs.
Their main specialty was to gouge out their eyes, and through them into a pit, which by the way, there are still the first and last names of the victims in several Bosnian and Croatian villages.
You can tell that history has forgotten about the Ustasha and the Serb genocide.

For you, a Layout of the Territories in the area of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) which have been investigated -

^ At the botttom of the page.

Posted By: Jay.
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 15:35
By the way:

I found this qoute.


Slavko Kvaternik [the second in command to the Croatian WWII fuehrer, Dr Ante Pavelic] explained [on the day of formation of the WWII "Independent State of Croatia", on April 10, 1941] how pure Croatia should be built - by forcing one third of the Serbs to leave Croatia, one third to convert to Catholicism, and one third to be exterminated. Soon Ustasha bands initiated a bloody orgy of mass murder of Serbs unfortunate enough not to have converted or left Croatia on time. The enormity of such criminal behavior shocked even the conscience of German commanders...

End quote

You can find other qoutes by the Ustasha monsters on this link, sir. -

Posted By: Maljkovic
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 15:54

First off I never said anything about ustasha or cethniks, so quit putting words in my mouth!


Posted By: Halevi
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 17:51
Originally posted by Cywr

For having the world's greatest national symbol, the leek.

Come again? Which country is that?

Posted By: Halevi
Date Posted: 28-Feb-2006 at 17:55
I think it's silly (although quintessentially human) to be proud of things i, personally, have had nothing to do with.

That being said, as a 3rd generation Canadian, I'm 'proud' of this country's:

1) Tolerance and multiculturalism (in the urban centres)

2) Well-functioning social services (heath care, relatively low crime rates, etc)

3) Lack of pride

4) Politeness

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