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Israel’s Big Crime!

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Topic: Israel’s Big Crime!
Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Subject: Israel’s Big Crime!
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 03:40
They are forcing poor Jews to leave their homes in Gaza Strip, it is really sad! but I think their worse crime is that they are in fact giving more training camps to Palestinain terrorist groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades!


Posted By: Mortaza
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 04:12

are you serious about poor jews?


Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 04:38

huh ? !!

Palistinian Terrorests and poor jews? !!

intersting, i must ask Cyrus What do you think is the "Ideal" Solution for the Palistian/Israeli Conflict?

and what do you think of Israel as a State formed in 1948?



Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 05:18

intersting, i must ask Cyrus What do you think is the "Ideal" Solution for the Palistian/Israeli Conflict?

The problem won't be solved unless all Palestinain terrorist groups are annihilated.

and what do you think of Israel as a State formed in 1948?

This is a very legal state, more than UAE which was fomed in 1971!


Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 05:20


these what you call "terroest groups" are supported by the majority of Palistinians and they are considered an occupation  resistance groups,

so i guess your ideal solution will be giving Israel  " Legal state " full control. by building settelments where ever they want and tread the rest of the people as secound class,




more legal than UAE?

can you explain that more if you dont mind?



Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 05:30
In a conflict,there are always 2.You cannot blame only the Palestinians.You must also blame the Israelis.They are not angels themselves.

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 05:40
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

The problem won't be solved unless all Palestinain terrorist groups are annihilated.

It might contribute to the solution of the problem in Palestine, if the Israeli terror group, commonly refered to as the "Israeli army" would be dissolved or at least stopped its terrorist actions against the Palestinian population. The Israeli state was formed with the help of a terror group,the "Haganah" that employed similar tactics as the Palestinian militant groups do now, and the "Haganah" evolved into the Israeli army which until today continues the proud traditions of its predecessor.

If anybody could tell me what the moral difference is between the murder of innnocent Israeli children by suicide bombers and the murder of innocent Palestinian children by Israeli Army helicopter gunships, I would be grateful.


Posted By: baracuda
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 05:44
maybe its time, for the Turks, to brush off the terrorists out of our lands that were in the Ottoman empire hahaha phah..

I really loved it when the isreali minister was argueing with the palestinian on the 'land's' our minister(tukish) say's "what lands are you talking about? the state/and lands that was ours until it was stolen from us?, our lands?" the other ministers stop, and looked at him with blank eyes..he continues 'now we can begin talks'

Posted By: Yiannis
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 05:59

It's beyond me, how can every discussion, end up talking about the Turks! Even here, where people talk on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Plus, everytime Armenian genocide comes up, the argument is: "It wasn't the fault of Turkey but of the Ottoman Empire". When it comes to Ottoman heritage in the region, it autometically becomes "Turkish"

Anyway, I also feel that the real terrorist is the Israeli army and the politicians who command it to do such acrocities.

The basis of a democratic state is liberty. Aristotle, Politics

Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 07:27


Israel is breaking international law when it allows settlements to be built on the occupied territory of another people. I hope the Jews in the West bank suffer the same fate as those of the Gaza strip.

Occupation leads to terrorism, Komnenos, there is no difference between a child getting killed by a tank, helicopter gunship or a suicide bomb.

The number of Palestinian civilians killed by the IDF is over three times higher than the number of Israeli civilians killed by Palestinian militants.

Israel is not too disimilar under the skin from Nazi Germany.


Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 08:22

these what you call "terroest groups" are supported by the majority of Palistinians and they are considered an occupation  resistance groups

so what I said can be expanded to the majority of Palistinians, if they all want to blow up buses of schoolchildren!  


Posted By: Mortaza
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 08:30

cyprus what you can be said to the majority of jews? or what can you said expand majority of USA, brits? or other races?Or killing woman in Iran can be aslo expanded majority of persians? You love to kill young woman?  If I am not wrong you choose a conservative goverment.


when you are expanding your words, be careful, or you will  claim half of the world as guilty.



Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 08:50

If anybody could tell me what the moral difference is between the murder of innnocent Israeli children by suicide bombers and the murder of innocent Palestinian children by Israeli Army helicopter gunships, I would be grateful.

The first one is killed by hate but the second one is killed by accident!


Posted By: Perseas
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 08:54

From Encyclopedia of Orient -

1845: The number of - Jews in - Palestine is about 12,000.
1897: The - Zionist movement is started in Basel, Switzerland. Zionism's goal was to establish "for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law".
1917 November 2: - The Balfour declaration , a letter by the foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour to the English Zionist leader lord Rothschild, gives support to the Zionist case.
1918-39: The Jews organize their own social and political institutions, which exercise much control over their own population. - Hebrew language is fostered, and the Hebrew University is founded in - Jerusalem .
1922: The League of Nations adopt the Balfour declaration, and leaves Britain in charge of Palestine, and in assisting the Jews in "reconstituting their national home in that country". Jews represent 11% of the population in Palestine with their 85,000, compared to the 670,000 Palestinians.
1930s: Large influx of Jews, frightened by persecution in Germany. New towns and villages were created, hundreds of kibbutzes founded.
1931: 175,000 Jews and 860,000 Arabs live in Palestine (17%).
1936: - Arab revolts against the constant Jewish immigration, but there was no suppression by the British forces until 1939. 385,000 Jews and 980,000 Arabs live in Palestine (28%) by now.
1937: Great Britain suggests that Palestine should be divided into a Jewish and an Arab state.
1939: The British impose a stop on the Jewish immigration. AT this time 450,000 Jews and 1,060,000 Arabs live in Palestine (30%)
1945: With the ending of World War II, and the horrors of holocaust were laid open, Zionist demands on self-government increased. From now on, illegal immigration to Palestine was organized.
1947: UN takes control over Palestine.
November 29: A UN plan for dividing Palestine into two countries, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem as international zone, is presented. This plan was immediately met by violent protest from the Arabs. 590,000 Jews and 1,320,000 Arabs live in Palestine (31%).
1948 May 14: The new Jewish state, State of Israel, is proclaimed by the Jewish Provisional State Council. Chaim Weizmann becomes president, and the Zionist leader - David Ben-Gurion the new prime minister. The secret Jewish army, - Haganah , is declared as the new army of Israel.
May 15: - Egypt , Transjordan, - Syria , - Lebanon and - Iraq join the Arab guerillas in fight against the Jews.
1948-51: Around 700,000 Jews immigrate to Israel.
1949 February 24: Peace in the - Middle East . Egypt declares that the agreement on cease fire, is not an acceptance of the state of Israel. The Israeli territory has increased from the 15,500 km² that the UN-resolution of 1947 gave them, to 20,700 km². - Gaza Strip becomes Egyptian, and the - West Bank Jordanian. There had been 800,000 Arabs living in the area that now became Israel, and only 170,000 had been able to stay. The remaining hundreds of thousands, moved into refugee camps in neighboring countries.


From the numbers above its obvious that by the time of the 1948 UN Resolution of Partition,  Jews were the minority while Arabs were the majority of population in Palestine. I find the plan was unfair for Arabs since i believe nobody would have accepted a plan which gives 55% of the land to the minority population thus Arabs rejected the partition. However UN had no right to partition a country against the will of the majority.

A mathematician is a person who thinks that if there are supposed to be three people in a room, but five come out, then two more must enter the room in order for it to be empty.

Posted By: baracuda
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 09:12
Originally posted by Yiannis

It's beyond me, how can every discussion, end up talking about the Turks! Even here, where people talk on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Plus, everytime Armenian genocide comes up, the argument is: "It wasn't the fault of Turkey but of the Ottoman Empire". When it comes to Ottoman heritage in the region, it autometically becomes "Turkish"

Anyway, I also feel that the real terrorist is the Israeli army and the politicians who command it to do such acrocities.

Right, what sort of a remark is that?; firstly to a turk, the armenian genocide never existed, it was trialed, and the ottomans found not guilty, then the so be lovers of minorities re-wrote 'reality' to make things appear the opposite, and now this so be history, is in all EU history books, and used in the 'news' by armenians for lobbying against turks, propaganda.. just propaganda for minor people who cant do anything better.

Secondly the 'state' of Isreal as you call it, was ottoman soil from 1517 till 1918, so if we need preach on something, then we can say it is our land.

In late Arafats' own words "We are paying very dearly for the betrayal we have done"

Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 09:29

Jews escape Nazi Germany to treat the Palestinians in every way that the Nazis treated them, perhaps minues the gas chambers - the West Bank and Gaza strip are like ghetto prisons.

You know, if some state sponsored man came and had my house demolished (or that of my friends, family or countrymen) and built his on top of it and used some ancient book to justify his actions, I would be pretty hateful towards him and his state, irregardless of whether he was Jew, Muslim, Christian et al, I would hate him.




Posted By: Seko
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 09:37
Hopefully those Palestinians in the Gaza strip will enjoy a better quality of life now. The Israeli pullout is real. Hope the good faith measure is not a ruse.


Posted By: Yiannis
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 10:21

Israel had no benefit from protecting 9000 settlers in the middle of 1,500,000 Palestinians and on land that is not its own. If it would deside to include Gaza into its borders, then it would have to include the palestinian as Israeli citizens as well. Instead it will use Gaza as ghetto for the Palestinians (remember Soveto?)

Sharon is not a pacifist or a humanist. Disengagement from West bank will never happen, instead the illegal settlements will be expanded at the expence of palestinian/Arab land.

The basis of a democratic state is liberty. Aristotle, Politics

Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 10:24
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

The first one is killed by hate but the second one is killed by accident!

Any bombing of a house in residential area will kill civilians, men, women and children, that's were they usually live. I'm sure even the Israelis could work that out.
With the same argument you could excuse a suicide bomber on a bus:
"Sorry mate, the bus was the real target, that the passengers were killed was just an accident."


Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 11:40

Who are these Palestianins that we are talking about? There is no country called "Palestine", so why do we call these Arabs as Palestinains?

We know many things about Parthia and Parthian language, religion, ... but no one in Iran claims to be a Parthian, it is really interesting these Arabs claim to be Palestinan just because a people with this name lived there more than 3,000 years ago, however, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, there are no documents in the Palestinain language, which was probably replaced by Canaanite, Aramaic, and, later, Greek. Nor is much known of the Palestinain religion ...


Posted By: Artaxiad
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 11:46

Israel is pulling out of the Gaza Strip where 1.5 million Palestinians live, so that it could cement its' rule in Jerusalem and West Bank. New houses are being built (for some of those relocated Israelis) in the middle of Jerusalem's Old City's Arab quarter...

And what about those Israeli settlers who killed 4 Palestinians during the pullout?

Baracuda the Armenian Genocide has been debated a lot of times here, and in the end, the only argument Turks could find is that the Ottoman Empire commited the crime, and not modern-day Turkey.

Posted By: Kenaney
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 12:00
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

Who are these Palestianins that we are talking about? There is no country called "Palestine", so why do we call these Arabs as Palestinains?

We know many things about Parthia and Parthian language, religion, ... but no one in Iran claims to be a Parthian, it is really interesting these Arabs claim to be Palestinan just because a people with this name lived there more than 3,000 years ago, however, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, there are no documents in the Palestinain language, which was probably replaced by Canaanite, Aramaic, and, later, Greek. Nor is much known of the Palestinain religion ...

Omg... Palestina is recongnised by the hole world except Israel as a COUNTRY!!!

Im just shocked by youre posts, only a Jew can say such things lol but true... 

I whas of plan to debate about yours country name but forget about it


Posted By: Gavriel
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 12:02
Why couldnt these two peoples get along better? after ww2 when the Jews went to palestine/israel did the conflict start straight away? what happened?
Can you imagine how rich that country could be?If Jerusalem was safe to visit it would have millions of visitors every year,creating thousands of jobs, the people who live there would have a very high standard of living.
I dont know too much about this conflict,but if i offended anybody,i apologise.

p.s  is there any Israeli/ jews on these forums?

Posted By: Artaxiad
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 12:20

Why couldnt these two peoples get along better? after ww2 when the Jews went to palestine/israel did the conflict start straight away? what happened?
Can you imagine how rich that country could be?If Jerusalem was safe to visit it would have millions of visitors every year,creating thousands of jobs, the people who live there would have a very high standard of living.
I dont know too much about this conflict,but if i offended anybody,i apologise.

Unfortunately, Jerusalem has become a city for all those Ultra-religious Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

Posted By: Kenaney
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 12:20
maybe cyrus the great ahhaha


Posted By: Mortaza
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 12:30

 It looks like at least in mind this is true.

 Cyrus arent you much pro-jews? Arabs are also human, and their country occupied and occupiers are not so innocent guys.

Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 12:53

Then the rule must also be true for other nations, no country such as Syria or Britain exists - the people of Southern England were only referred to as Britons by the Romans, yet the inhabitants of those isles today call themselves British when they clearly cannot be... 

Sorry but that Zionist propaganda does not work for me.


Posted By: strategos
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 13:29
Originally posted by Zagros

Then the rule must also be true for other nations, no country such as Syria or Britain exists - the people of Southern England were only referred to as Britons by the Romans, yet the inhabitants of those isles today call themselves British when they clearly cannot be... 

Sorry but that Zionist propaganda does not work for me.

The people of Scotland and Wales sometimes will refer to themselves that way, as a Scottish Brit or a welsh Brit.


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 13:57
I was being ironic, there is not such a thing as a Scottish Brit or Welsh Brit, British refers to the peoples of the whole of the isles. One either says he is Scottish, English, Welsh or British, there is no British ethnicity.


Posted By: Gavriel
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 14:18
I dont know any one who refers to him/her self as British,its English,Scottish,Welsh and Irish.
I dont know what to call myself now (LOL) am i  Celtic/brigante, Roman,Anglo-Saxon,Danish (i live in the North of england) ,Norman or even Scottish (Armstrong clan)! i could be any one of them.

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 15:48
Before we carry on with this discusion, I would like to point out that there is a slight confusion about the terms "Jews, Israelis, Zionists and so on", and I'm myself are not wholy innocent here.
Jews are a religious community, by far not homogenous, and for any Orthodox Jew settling illegaly in the Gaza strip, there are many more liberal Jews all over the world, who have no intentions to live in Israel.
Not every Israeli does agree with the actions of his/her government, past and present, against the Palestinians and other Arabic countries, there is large movement in Israel for a peaceful conciliation with the Palestinians, recognising their rightful demands.
Zionists are members of a political movement, founded in the 19th century, that demanded and finally created a homeland for the Jewish population in Palestine, and I'm not certain if you still can apply this term today.

To clarify for once , what I deplore are the politics of most post-independence Israeli governments, the Orthodox hardliners and the like. That doesn't mean, I despise every Israeli or Jew, or hold them responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
I think we should use our words carefully here, before we all fall into the Anti-Semite trap once again.


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 16:46
Zionists exist; they are the settlers, they are the ones who wish to settle illegally on anothers land forcibly without any consideration for the livelihood of the previous occupants, this lack of consideration and dehumanisation has born fruit in the shape of Palestinian terrorism and resistance.


Posted By: Mortaza
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 17:02
70% of Israeli supports pulling out of the Gaza. I think they are not  happy too living with fear.

Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 18:13
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

these what you call "terroest groups" are supported by the majority of Palistinians and they are considered an occupation  resistance groups

so what I said can be expanded to the majority of Palistinians, if they all want to blow up buses of schoolchildren!  

well yea you can expand that to the majority of Palistinians, But not all of them want to blow up buses of schoolchildern

thats littel shalow thinking, the majority of Palistians support the something Called "" OCCUPATION RISSISTANCE""  those Groups were created After the Israeli Occupation.

also you didnt tell me how Israel is more Legal than UAE?

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

If anybody could tell me what the moral difference is between the murder of innnocent Israeli children by suicide bombers and the murder of innocent Palestinian children by Israeli Army helicopter gunships, I would be grateful.

The first one is killed by hate but the second one is killed by accident!

yea Accident full of love when shooting "school childern" on the Head.

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

Who are these Palestianins that we are talking about? There is no country called "Palestine", so why do we call these Arabs as Palestinains?

We know many things about Parthia and Parthian language, religion, ... but no one in Iran claims to be a Parthian, it is really interesting these Arabs claim to be Palestinan just because a people with this name lived there more than 3,000 years ago, however, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, there are no documents in the Palestinain language, which was probably replaced by Canaanite, Aramaic, and, later, Greek. Nor is much known of the Palestinain religion ...


ok Cyrus  you are saying those Arabs are not the original Palestinans and they dont have any right to live in this land  right?

then why you just tell us what should be done to these Pathatic Arabs who claim that they are Palestinians ?

if you dont mind please just give us your totall conclusion about the situation and after the Terrorests are destroyed what should be done to the rest of the remaining of the population "who supported " the late terrorests its very  intersting  to know such facts from you.



Posted By: strategos
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 18:17
Most arabs are not even ethnically related to the Arabs of the arabian penninsula, and the Palestinian "arabs" are no different.


Posted By: Perseas
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 19:21

Originally posted by Komnenos

If anybody could tell me what the moral difference is between the murder of innnocent Israeli children by suicide bombers and the murder of innocent Palestinian children by Israeli Army helicopter gunships, I would be grateful.

Let me try to sum it up. There is a popular belief among others, that people who have no state cant form a 'legal' army and therefore are declared terrorists. In this category of course we have the Palestinians. Its more than obvious that in a hypothetically open warfare of Palestinians against Israelis, Israely army would obviously win more than easy. This leads the palestinians not to have the viable option of open warfare but prefering alternative available actions hence engage in a secret war.

Now if the deal is to declare terrorism the secret warfare whereas open warfare, in which far more civilians will undoubtedly die and this to be seen as "acceptable war", this leads to the logical conclusion that only those with a certain economic, military and political power have the right to engage in warfare. Personally I see no moral distinction between openly bombing villages and secretly bombing nightclubs.

Surely there are large groups of people in the world who are denied of their rightful political power and rights. To say that the groups who kill innocent civilians in attempts to reclaim their rightful political power are somehow worse than those who have all the political power, but still kill innocent civilians, is simply unaceptable.

Here i would like to add that terrorism in any form is unjustifiable but people should comprehend that suicide bombing, as a tactic, is different than terrorism. If suicide bombing is used against perpetrators - in our case, occupiers- then its not terrorism but in case of using suicide bombing against innocent civilians then it is terrorism.

The so-called war against terrorism of Israelis involves murdering of civilians in order to retain their political power. From the other hand, the Palestinians, from whom the Israeli's have taken their political power, murder civilians in an attempt to reclaim the power which was stolen from them. There is no moral difference i can see here.

A mathematician is a person who thinks that if there are supposed to be three people in a room, but five come out, then two more must enter the room in order for it to be empty.

Posted By: Tobodai
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 22:16
If I was an Israeli I would hate those settlers so much! They go steal land illegally and then expect the poor army to come and have to defend them!  Those settlers are selfish and racist, they are liek the Boers of hte middle east.  If I was Israeli I would either want them to be shot for resisting or fed to the Palestinains as food.

"the people are nothing but a great beast...
I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value."
-Alexander Hamilton

Posted By: Shahanshah
Date Posted: 18-Aug-2005 at 23:48

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

They are forcing poor Jews to leave their homes in Gaza Strip, it is really sad! but I think their worse crime is that they are in fact giving more training camps to Palestinain terrorist groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades!

Cyrus jaan, were you being sarcastic? or are you really brain washed by the propaganda machine of american and western media?

The only terrorist groups are zionists, Zionists started terrorising the land, before world war 2, the jewish zionist movement was considered terrorism, but all that changed after the war and the discovery of the haulocost.

Palestinians are the great descendents of the ancient hebrews, other people who had settled the land. believe it or not. how in the world did white jews from europe with no genetic connection to the land say "palestine is a jewish homeland"??? isnt that religious extremism, isn't that fanatism? isn't that stupid? how can someone be part of a race just being part of a religion? it's like saying all muslims are arabs!!! or saying all budhisst are chinese.

Judaism is not a race, but a religion, zionist make up stupid sh*t like they were part of the "lost tribe" of israel. ahhaha. even in india, a group of population converted to judaism and said they were a lost tribe of israelates. zionism is an evil idealogy

and idealogy combined with religous extremism and racism. it is a political movement.

1875-1877: Russian pogroms; first Zionist aliya (migration) to Palestine.  They were called the "lovers of zion".

before that, palestinians (arabs, hebrews (yishuv yahud), muslims, jews, christians) lived together in peace and harmony. which then was part of the Ottoman empire. Everything changed with the coming of the zionists of europe.

they started terrorising the population, thus increasing local tensions against their own jews, therfore the native jewish people started rallying around the zionists, this terrorism continued untill 1948. which created an even worse kind of terrorism: STATE terrorism.

i say palestinians are doing what we all would do.

King of Kings, The Great King, King of the world.

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 00:05
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

Who are these Palestianins that we are talking about? There is no country called "Palestine", so why do we call these Arabs as Palestinains?

Maybe you prefered they were called Israelis and that Israel wouldn't be anymore an racist Jew entity? That's precisely what Palestinians have asked for all the time before Oslo: that Israel should disapear and a non-religious non-ethnic state be created in Palestine... of course they didn't call it Israel.

Btw, Palestine (the PLO before the PNA now) is recognized by the UN. After all it was the UN who blessed the partition of Palestine to give much more than their share to the Zionist cause.

We know many things about Parthia and Parthian language, religion, ... but no one in Iran claims to be a Parthian, it is really interesting these Arabs claim to be Palestinan just because a people with this name lived there more than 3,000 years ago, however, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, there are no documents in the Palestinain language, which was probably replaced by Canaanite, Aramaic, and, later, Greek. Nor is much known of the Palestinain religion ...

They use the name Palestine because that was the name of the region before 1948: it was a British mandate named Palestine (not Israel or Judea or Hebrewland or New Washington) and 80% of its population were Muslims (100% Arabic-speakers). It is Israel the name that has been rescued from history books, along with the Hebrew language, that wasn't spoken anymore outside the synagogues. It's like rebuilding the Roman Empire and restoring the quotidane use of Latin... or, if you prefer a more oriental scenario, the resoration of that Median civilization from nothingness that you talk about.

Palestinians were, are and will be a real people of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The British Mandate of Palestine as defined in Versailles (1919). In 1922, Transjordan (now Jordan) was separated and the Mandate was restricted by the League of Nations to the area west of the river Jordan and the Dead Sea.

Palestinian Arabs were fighting for their independence as soon as 1936 (Great Uprising or Arab Revolt). Increased Jewish inmigration (due to Nazism but favored by Britain and the League of Nations) was partly behind this early Palestinian nationalist manifestation.

Year Total Muslim Jewish Christian Other
1922 752,048 589,177(78%) 83,790(11%) 71,464(10%) 7,617(1%)
1931 1,036,339 761,922(74%) 175,138(17%) 89,134(9%) 10,145(1%)
1945 1,764,520 1,061,270(60%) 553,600(31%) 135,550(8%) 14,100(1%)
Population in British mandate of Palestine by religion.
(Source: - Wikipedia )



Posted By: strategos
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 00:06
Originally posted by Shahanshah

Cyrus jaan, were you being sarcastic? or are you really brain washed by the propaganda machine of american and western media?

Maybe he is just not brain washed byh the propaganda machine of al jazeer or all those pro islam anti western/christian propaganda. They all can be equally as bad.


Posted By: Shahanshah
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 00:25


REPORT FROM JENIN REFUGEE CAMP, WEST BANK: Jenin, Like Qibya in 1953, Is Another Massacre by Ariel Sharon -

As the world knows, this is not Ariel Sharon’s first massacre. In 1953, Ariel Sharon led his Unit 101 into Qibya, a civilian village, to execute Israel’s official policy of collective retaliatory punishment, ostensibly because there had been a recent killing of three Israelis. When Sharon left Qibya, sixty seven civilians had been killed by Israel’s military operation, between one half and two thirds of whom were women and children. Fifty six houses, the village mosque, school and water tank were destroyed. There has never been any dispute among historians as to whether Qibya - which has parallels to the scope of indiscriminate killing in Jenin - was a massacre.

some really disturbing images of Israeli crime, i warn you its realy realy disturbing: -

Occupation of Jenin: -

A Timeline of the Zionist Program: - on%20Editorials/March/10%20o/A%20Timeline%20of%20the%20Zioni st%20Program%20By%20Joachim%20Martillo.htm

Human Rights Watch report on JENIN: -

Use of Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields
Among the most serious "human shielding" cases documented in Jenin by Human Rights Watch were the cases of four brothers, a father and his fourteen-year-old son, and two other men who were used to shield IDF soldiers from attack by Palestinian militants while the IDF soldiers occupied a large house located directly across from the main UNRWA compound in the camp. In separate interviews with Human Rights Watch, the victims described how they were forced to stand on the balcony of the house to deter Palestinian gunmen from firing in the direction of the IDF soldiers. The Palestinian civilians also described how the IDF soldiers had forced them to stand in front of the soldiers when the soldiers fired at Palestinian gunmen, while resting their rifles on the shoulders of the Palestinian civilians.

King of Kings, The Great King, King of the world.

Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 04:37

Any bombing of a house in residential area will kill civilians, men, women and children, that's were they usually live. I'm sure even the Israelis could work that out.
With the same argument you could excuse a suicide bomber on a bus:
"Sorry mate, the bus was the real target, that the passengers were killed was just an accident."

Please don't play with words, you know yourself those are outwardly residential areas but in fact terrorist camps, these ignoble Palestian terrorists use women and children as human shields!

well yea you can expand that to the majority of Palistinians, But not all of them want to blow up buses of schoolchildern

Yes it is obvious that all of them don't dare to do it but they are also criminals, if they, as you said, support these crimes!

also you didnt tell me how Israel is more Legal than UAE?

Because UAE illegally claims some Iranian islands.


Posted By: Mortaza
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 05:13

well, I think If UAE occupy some Iranian land, and exile Iranian population, and puts their population at that land, UAE will be more legal.

Did I miss something

Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 06:25
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

well yea you can expand that to the majority of Palistinians, But not all of them want to blow up buses of schoolchildern

Yes it is obvious that all of them don't dare to do it but they are also criminals, if they, as you said, support these crimes!

its not about "dare" or anything, AS i said they support the occupation resistance. any occupation to others land will face some type of resistance, is this hard to understand !! they occupied those lands and the people on those land formed a resistance groups,

may be when your dream will come true and US army occupied Iran you will see or know what is Occupation resistance and what shapes they can be in, and off course you'll call them terrorists.

and what about the Israelis? are they peace keepers or what?

anyway i dont see that you commeted on any of the earlier posts about Israeli Army is also considered Terrorists group. more organised somehow


Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

also you didnt tell me how Israel is more Legal than UAE?

Because UAE illegally claims some Iranian islands.


yes as you said Claims some Islands which are currently under iranian Occupation opps "control" and add to that Claims them peacefully.

still even if UAE do claim those Islands i dont see how Israel is more Legal than UAE !!

and is it More legal when it is Building Illegal Sattelments in the West Bank and Gaza strip?

Those sattelments are considered Illegal not by me but by the UN while UAE claim to those islands are not Considered Illegal by the UN.

and wasnt that why you made this thread for? the Poor jew are forced to leave their homes ( which again the UN consider Illegal homes ) and that is Isael's Big Crime !!

how can it be a Crime !! what rights they got to be in others peoples land and build sattelments in it?

the Crime is that these lands will be Terrorest camps?!!

hmmmm  lets see, they occupied these lands for more than 50 years and what you call Terrorest are increacing instead of decreasing !! hmmm no wait wait these terrorest actully formed BECAUSE of the occupation,

anyway you shouldn't worry much since Israel is building a wall in all its borders with Gaza and the West bank.

lets Israel be safe and to hell to everybody else.

can't just all form one democratic country not based on religion, everybody will have freedom to practice their own religion and just live together in peace ? opps wait wait again  that was the Arabic League proposal which the Israeli refused.





Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 08:02
Originally posted by Shahanshah


REPORT FROM JENIN REFUGEE CAMP, WEST BANK: Jenin, Like Qibya in 1953, Is Another Massacre by Ariel Sharon -

As the world knows, this is not Ariel Sharon’s first massacre. In 1953, Ariel Sharon led his Unit 101 into Qibya, a civilian village, to execute Israel’s official policy of collective retaliatory punishment, ostensibly because there had been a recent killing of three Israelis. When Sharon left Qibya, sixty seven civilians had been killed by Israel’s military operation, between one half and two thirds of whom were women and children. Fifty six houses, the village mosque, school and water tank were destroyed. There has never been any dispute among historians as to whether Qibya - which has parallels to the scope of indiscriminate killing in Jenin - was a massacre.

some really disturbing images of Israeli crime, i warn you its realy realy disturbing: -

Occupation of Jenin: -

A Timeline of the Zionist Program: - on%20Editorials/March/10%20o/A%20Timeline%20of%20the%20Zioni st%20Program%20By%20Joachim%20Martillo.htm

Human Rights Watch report on JENIN: -

Use of Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields
Among the most serious "human shielding" cases documented in Jenin by Human Rights Watch were the cases of four brothers, a father and his fourteen-year-old son, and two other men who were used to shield IDF soldiers from attack by Palestinian militants while the IDF soldiers occupied a large house located directly across from the main UNRWA compound in the camp. In separate interviews with Human Rights Watch, the victims described how they were forced to stand on the balcony of the house to deter Palestinian gunmen from firing in the direction of the IDF soldiers. The Palestinian civilians also described how the IDF soldiers had forced them to stand in front of the soldiers when the soldiers fired at Palestinian gunmen, while resting their rifles on the shoulders of the Palestinian civilians.



Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 08:29

End of discussion, you are right, those are all occupied Arab lands and islands and these Iranians and Israelites have occupied them for thousands years, the only legal states are Arab states and all other ones are illegal, do you know how many Palestians, Syrians, Algerians and other Arab brothers were martyrized in the Saddam's army for obtaining liberty of occupied Khuzistan, sorry Arabistan, during Iran-Iraq eight-year war? One day finally all occupied lands of Arabs will be liberated and all non-Arab infidels who live there will be killed! Allah is Great!


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 08:37

Most modern Israelis are not Israelites and they have not lived on those lands for thousands of years (more like 50).  Real Israelites are Sephardic Jews and [Yes] Arabised "Palestinians" -  The rest of the Jews are Ashkenazim and if they want to claim their original homeland then they will have to settle in the Northern Caucasus/Southern Russia, the area their Khazar ancestors occupied.



Posted By: Nagyfejedelem
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 09:20
Khazars weren't Jews. They were Turks. The religion of the Khazar nobles was the Judaism, but most of the Khazarz were Muslim or Christian.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 09:23
Originally posted by Tobodai

Those settlers are selfish and racist, they are liek the Boers of hte middle east.

That's a very good comparison.

Of course those settlers should leave the occupied areas. How in earth can there be peace when Israeli settlers are living in (the most fertile) parts of Palestina.

Although I praise Sharon's initiative to force the settlers out of Gaza, I don't trust his potive. Gaza will be given back to the Palestinians, but still everything important (including the borders) will be controlled by Israel. Gaza will change from an occupied area to a kind of reservation or bantustan. Hardly an improvement IMO.


Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 09:26
The original land of Iranians and Turks is also the central Asia, they all have already occopied Arab lands!


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 09:35

Originally posted by Nagyfejedelem

Khazars weren't Jews. They were Turks. The religion of the Khazar nobles was the Judaism, but most of the Khazarz were Muslim or Christian.

They were Turkic Jews, the fact is that their empire was ruled by Jewish elites and when - Vladimir Svyatoslavich  destroyed it they fled to Europe, they are the original source of Jews in Europe, the same Jews that are claiming Palestine as their 'promised' land.

I saw this program on TV here not long ago, this middle class, well-to-do Jewish family who owned a nice house in England (and they looked completely English) had recently got a settlement home on the cheap - The Israeli governemnt practically gives them away to non-Israeli Jews with a deliberate agenda against the Palestinians. Anyway, the woman claimed it was her 'divine' right to claim any pieve of that land and had nothing but racist contempt for the Palestinians.

I actually found the images of the settlers being dragged away kicking and screaming like little babies quite funny.  The thing that bothers them most is actually giving the Palestinians any continuous stretch of land - they will most likely be resettled in the West bank anyway.


Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 10:14
I think the largest Jewish empire was the Ilkhanid empire, however the rulers were mongols but the power was in the hands of their grand viziers who were mostly Jews such as Sa'd ad-Dawlah, the grand vizier of Arghun and the great historian Rashid ad-Din who was the vizier to Ghazan Khan and Oljeitu.


Posted By: Kenaney
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 11:49

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

The original land of Iranians and Turks is also the central Asia, they all have already occopied Arab lands!

Didnt the iranians came from europe years BC? sorry i can be wrong also i didnt know that, thanks in advance.

Also, khazars are of etnic Turkic but from religion Jewish, also im not a Arab when i believe in Islam.


Posted By: Kenaney
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 11:52

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

The original land of Iranians and Turks is also the central Asia, they all have already occopied Arab lands!

You can be right in youre previous posts, but this is nonsens man


Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 13:42
You are welcome for my nonsense words!


Posted By: Kenaney
Date Posted: 19-Aug-2005 at 14:54

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

You are welcome for my nonsense words!

ow ow, dont give up so quickly.

I said:

Didnt the iranians came from europe x years BC? Or is it like what you said? Or are those both correct (homeland as central asia and europe?) Pfff im confused.


Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 20-Aug-2005 at 01:29
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

End of discussion, you are right, those are all occupied Arab lands and islands and these Iranians and Israelites have occupied them for thousands years, the only legal states are Arab states and all other ones are illegal, do you know how many Palestians, Syrians, Algerians and other Arab brothers were martyrized in the Saddam's army for obtaining liberty of occupied Khuzistan, sorry Arabistan, during Iran-Iraq eight-year war? One day finally all occupied lands of Arabs will be liberated and all non-Arab infidels who live there will be killed! Allah is Great!

Israelis have only occupied Palestine since 1948, that's less than 60 years... they will still need 940 years to reach their first milennium. I hope that doesn't happen.



Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 20-Aug-2005 at 03:07
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

End of discussion, you are right, those are all occupied Arab lands and islands and these Iranians and Israelites have occupied them for thousands years, the only legal states are Arab states and all other ones are illegal, do you know how many Palestians, Syrians, Algerians and other Arab brothers were martyrized in the Saddam's army for obtaining liberty of occupied Khuzistan, sorry Arabistan, during Iran-Iraq eight-year war? One day finally all occupied lands of Arabs will be liberated and all non-Arab infidels who live there will be killed! Allah is Great!

ok end of discussion as you wish i dont mind.

and iam right , in my posts? ok thank you.

ok now the rest of your post is not my words and i didnt say that and i dont  know from where you got that from and dont know if that even relevant to my posts. may be you misunderstood me i was talking about Israel Occuping Gaza strip if that help. and Arab league gave a proposal about a democratic country in that region consist of all the people live in that land to have equal rights in all ways religion included.

but anyway i posted my opinion and idea about this thread and dont think there is much i would add to it.



Posted By: Shahanshah
Date Posted: 20-Aug-2005 at 04:19

okay those 3 islands are iranian and will always be iranian. besides, UAE should be greatful that it is even a country, it should greatfull that iran didnt annex all of it. besides Bahrain was an iranian province, stolen by british.

you arabs are pushing your luck. you should be thankful that iranians support palestinians, and all we get from your pothetic wahabbi rulers is hatred and anti-iranian propaganda all supported by your american overlords. get real. Iran can change its policy and side with israel and america easily, and will leave you arabs begging for allies, the palestine will be no more but history. you should be really thankful to persians specially. all your leaders are yes-men for america.

King of Kings, The Great King, King of the world.

Posted By: tubo
Date Posted: 20-Aug-2005 at 06:11

israel/palestine is always on SNAFU mode .they both have imagined/real  pasts and harbour fear/hatred towards other.maybe it is justified .who know.....?

 the contemptible suicide bombings against the civilians by the jihadists made me turn pro israel.the palestininas have legimate grivences but killing children will not make the goal of independent palestine closer.


ps:israel should also control its army and courtmartial those who deliberately target civies.

Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 20-Aug-2005 at 06:26
Originally posted by Shahanshah

okay those 3 islands are iranian and will always be iranian. besides, UAE should be greatful that it is even a country, it should greatfull that iran didnt annex all of it. besides Bahrain was an iranian province, stolen by british.

you arabs are pushing your luck. you should be thankful that iranians support palestinians, and all we get from your pothetic wahabbi rulers is hatred and anti-iranian propaganda all supported by your american overlords. get real. Iran can change its policy and side with israel and america easily, and will leave you arabs begging for allies, the palestine will be no more but history. you should be really thankful to persians specially. all your leaders are yes-men for america.

thats need new thread to discuss since your statments has lots of errors

but anyway just to remind you  this thread is Not about UAE and those tiny three islands and Irans supports or whatever in that regon.

this thread is about poor jews forced to leave their homes and by that making Gaza a Terrorest camp to Bomb school buses full of childern.




Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 05:30

I think people need to look at maps of what Israel was originally allocated and what Historic Palestine actually is.

Israel was allocated the Negev desert because it was mostly Jewish, that accounts for a large land mass handed over, as well as the coast line. Also, settlements built by the Israeli’s attracted Arab neighbors, this also accounts for the large amount of Arabs that were in Israel when it became independent. Israeli settlers founded colonies away from the Palestinians.

Historic Palestine encompasses all of Jordan as well as modern day Israel.

If Israel hadn’t taken that land in 1967 then the Palestinians would be fighting the Egyptians and Jordanians today.

Who has screwed over the Palestinians more than anybody? Other Arabs have. Who started the war in 1948? Palestinian guerillas, mixed with Arab powers competing with each other for land. The fact is, the Jordanians, Egyptians took the Palestinian lands and destroyed any hope for a Palestinian state in 1948 (plus the Palestinians did them selves in). If the Arabs weren’t so obsessed with destroying Israel in that region then there would be peace and Israel would own less land than it owns today.

Overall, Arabic peoples live from north Africa down the Arabian peninsula, the Jewish population needs a homeland because if history has taught us anything it is that everybody hates Jews.



And for you who believe these Hamas types are heroic fighters, if walking into a pizza parlor and killing your self with a bunch of innocent women and children is resistance then they are mighty heros.

If Israeli soldiers were such Nazis then why did they chose to save a Palestinian boys life when he got cold feet in an attempted suicide bombing?

What justice is there in the lands under the control of the so called Palestinian Authority? When I open my news paper and see a suspected collaborator hanging upside down with a knife in his stomach am I to believe that this is a place governed by laws?




The Jews have lived in Palestine for thousand’s of years, the Arabs took that land, so why isn’t it ok for the Jews to retake their land?

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 07:09
Originally posted by Loknar

I think people need to look at maps of what Israel was originally allocated and what Historic Palestine actually is.

Israel was allocated the Negev desert because it was mostly Jewish, that accounts for a large land mass handed over, as well as the coast line. Also, settlements built by the Israeli’s attracted Arab neighbors, this also accounts for the large amount of Arabs that were in Israel when it became independent. Israeli settlers founded colonies away from the Palestinians.

This is nonsense: Jewish settlement has only been (still is) strong in the coastal strip around Tel Aviv and some pockets in the interior (mostly around Jerusalem. Negev was allocated to Israel capriciously and probably with very bad intentions of disrupting Arab unity. But this can apply also to most of Galilea as well.

Historic Palestine encompasses all of Jordan as well as modern day Israel.

Another biased statement. As I posted above, the Treaty of Versailles (1919) alotted Palestine+Jordan under the name of Palestine as British Mandate of Palestine, but this sitaution was reformed in 1922 when the League of Nations agreed to separate Transjordan from Palestine, so Plaestines was from 1922 to 1948 only what today we know as such (including all Israel except the disputed Golan highlands). Jordan (Transjordan) only belonged to Palestine for 3 years, mostly on paper.

Besides, the historical name of Palestine before WW-II was imprecise and given to an undefined region around Jerusalem that didn't include the Negev desert.

Overall, Arabic peoples live from north Africa down the Arabian peninsula, the Jewish population needs a homeland because if history has taught us anything it is that everybody hates Jews.

Not more than they hate Mormons or Gipsies/Roma, still nobody claims that they should have a homeland in Utah or Rajastan... Serious people think that the problems of those ethnicities should be solved through constructive integration (not simple and plain assimlation).

Besides, if the Holocaust would be the only reason for the Zionist entity, they should have created it in Bavaria, not in Palestine. Or, as Soviets promoted, in Eastern Siberia.

And for you who believe these Hamas types are heroic fighters, if walking into a pizza parlor and killing your self with a bunch of innocent women and children is resistance then they are mighty heros.

Well, this is arguable. But I would like to see the same statements when Israel bombs indiscriminately refugee camps. Maybe nobody cares because there are no Pizza Huts in Gaza.

The Jews have lived in Palestine for thousand’s of years, the Arabs took that land, so why isn’t it ok for the Jews to retake their land?

False again. Only a small minority of Jews have lived in Palestine for thousands of years. The Roman Empire comitted throught genocide in Palestine, after the Jewish revolts, supressing the Jewish nation in their homeland. Most modern Jews are descendants from the Jews that were already living outside Palestine (mostly in Asia Minor) when this happened (and some are descendants from Khazars a Turk tribe that converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages).

The Arabs never expelled the Jews from Palestine: it was the Romans. For what we know of genetics, Palestinian Arabs could perfectly be as much descendants of Jews as the Jews of Diaspora themselves, only that most of them converted to Islam.



Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 09:52

I think the enmity between Arab Muslims and Jews goes back to 627 AD when, according to Islamic sources, Muhammad the prophet ordred to kill between 600 and 900 of the captive men of two Jewish villages in one day, and divided the surviving Jewish women and children amongst Muslims!


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 10:20

I think the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 614 when the Jews massacred 60-90,000 Christian Palestinians after the the Jews were given some power by the conquering Persians.  Palestinain Christians today are as much at odds with Israel as Moslem Palestinians are.

According to some sources, the Christian captives at Mamilla Pond were bought by Jews and were then slain on the spot’.  An eyewitness, Strategius of St Sabas, was more vivid: ‘Jews ransomed the Christians from the hands of the Persian soldiers for good money, and slaughtered them with great joy at Mamilla Pool, and it ran with blood’.  Jews massacred 60,000 Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem alone.  The earth’s population was probably about 50 million then, 100 times smaller than today.  A few days later, the Persian military understood the magnitude of the massacre and stopped the Jews. -

wow interesting reading on this page:

The holocaust of the Christian Palestinians in the year 614 is well documented and you will find it described in older books, for instance in the three volumes of Runciman’s History of The Crusades.  It has been censored out of modern guides and history books.  It is a pity, as without this knowledge one cannot understand the provisions of the treaty between the Jerusalemites and Caliph Omar ibn Khattab, concluded in the year 638.  In the Sulh al Quds, as this treaty of capitulation is called, Patriarch Sofronius demanded, and the powerful Arab ruler agreed, to protect the people of Jerusalem from the ferocity of the Jews.

After the Arab conquest, a majority of Palestinian Jews accepted the message of the Messenger, as did the majority of Palestinian Christians, albeit for somewhat different reasons.  For local Christians, Islam was a sort of Nestorian Christianity, but without icons, without Constantinople’s interference and without Greeks.  (The Greek domination of the Palestinian church remains a problem for the local Christians to this very day.)

For ordinary local Jews, Islam was the return to the faith of Abraham and Moses, as they could not follow the intricacies of the new Babylonian faith anyway.  The majority of them became Muslims and blended into the Palestinian population.  The accommodation of Jews to Islam did not stop in the 7th century.  A thousand years later, in the 17th century, the greatest spiritual leaders of the new-founded Sephardi Jewish community of Palestine, Sabbatai Zevi and Nathan of Gaza, the successors to the glorious Spanish mystic tradition of Ari the Saint of Safed, also embraced ‘the law of mercy’, as they called Islam.  Their descendants, the comrades of Ataturk, saved Turkey from the onslaught of the European troops during WWI.


Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 12:09 -

wow interesting reading on this page

This guy is a good example that too often you have to choose between being honest or a patriot. It's the first Jew that Iread speaking so hardly and so plainly about Israel.

Honor to the brave and honest,  praise to those that have a heart and a mind.  



Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 14:52
We good Persians! You know we attacked Israel, conquered it then gathered 90,000 Christian Palestinians [from where we don't know because there is no knowledge of ancient Palestinians] and gave them to Israelites, of course we didn't know they wanted to kill Palestinians, when we understood it, we stopped them.


Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 15:03
Population of pre-Partition Palestine in maps:

Map of land property in 1948, showing UN partition line and armistice line:

Source: -



Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 15:07

No Israel existed then, so that is impossible, Israel only existed for 70 years in antiquity and less than sixty in modern times. 

And we do know from where, from the land, "Judea" which we conquered from the Christian Byzantine Empire. 

These massacres are recorded in history, it is ridiculous to rubbish them, they were as real as the holocaust.   


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 15:08
Oh and these "poor" Jews are being resettled inside Israel in new homes.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 17:51

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

The original land of Iranians and Turks is also the central Asia, they all have already occopied Arab lands!

Maybe we should share those lands again, like in the good old days...

Anyway, today, Turkey doesnt occupy any Arabic lands. Only Urfa and Siirt have major Arabic populations.

BTW, Khazars were Turks, their rulers were also Turks who prefered Jewish religion by their own will. They arent Hebrews.

So according to this logic, we have two alternatives;

1.If modern Israelis are descendent from Khazars, they originate from Turks. So Turkey can claim rights on Jarusalem, then unite Jarusalem and all holy lands to Turkey. And finally, we will have Israel of Turan(j/k)!!

2. Since Khazars have been assimilated in the Russo-Ukrainian (ex Soviet) society, it would change into Israel SSR, and Salemgrad for Jarusalem.



Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 19:32

Tell me, anybody, was the original partition fair? why or why not?

It seems to me that it was fair, Israel had a strip of land along the Mediterranean sea and the negev desert.

Finally, the Jews are an ethnicity. When I say the Jews need a home, I mean Hebrew people need a homeland. Just as the Gypsies need a homeland as well, everybody hates them as well.

Mormons have a home, and they are a religion and I am not talking about religion.

Hebrew people have a genetic marker just as every ethnicity does. The Lamba of South Africa who practice the Jewish faith have a genetic marker that their surrounding tribes do not have, a marker unique most likely to the middle east.

Historically the Jews occupied Palestine for a very long time, after the disporia they wandered to many different places, no doubt mixing in with the locals as they went but their original racial makeup has not changed. They merely came home. The Arabs have a huge amount of land as it is, Israel was allocated a strip of land along the Mediterranean sea and the Negev, so why did the Arabs attack them? They should have left them alone, if they did then Israel wouldn’t be as big as it is today.

The Arabs and Jews are related, from the same man, Abraham, I do not see why they cant get along. You reap what you sow. -

Yeah the Jews wrote this, so it must not be true because the JEWS are liars!


the man who wrote the article is very petty. He must bring up events which happened 1400 years ago to justify what the palestinians do today. it is pathetic.

Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 19:44

Well, this is arguable. But I would like to see the same statements when Israel bombs indiscriminately refugee camps. Maybe nobody cares because there are no Pizza Huts in Gaza.

Just have the courage to say what you think, that it is ok for suicide bombers to kill innocent people.

What do you say when they kill Muslims as well? I though suicide was against Islam,. or am i mistaken?

And of course the ones who kill them selves are typically poor people sent in by well educated doctors. I remember Yassir Arafats wife stating “I’d give my children to a suicide bombing, however, I have a daughter and girls don’t do that.” (of course this isn’t an exact quote) Well, girls are doing that now, where is Yassir Arafat’s daughter? Oh I know, living in France sitting on 1 billion dollars that the scumbag Yassir Arafat swindled from his own people.


Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 20:55
Originally posted by Loknar

Tell me, anybody, was the original partition fair? why or why not?

The original UN proposed and never enforced/applied partition wasn't fair. The only pseudo-fair partition, as you can see from the above maprs would be to detach a small 5-10 km thick strip of coast from Palestine to give the  Jews their obsession. If we were to giev them only th districts where Jews were majority, theyw would get only the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa area. It would have been unfair anyhow, as the very original Zionist settlement to start with was a very unfair decission. But if it was to have a partition, give each what they are majoritary in: Jaffa for Israel, the rest for Palestine.

But they would better gave them Silesia or Schlewig-Holstein. What partition of Germany would you think it would have been fair to compensate from the Holocaust? Before the Nazi crime there was about 10% of Jews in Germany, more than that in Poland... why weren't these lands partitioned instead than that of people who had done them nothing?

Finally, the Jews are an ethnicity. When I say the Jews need a home, I mean Hebrew people need a homeland. Just as the Gypsies need a homeland as well, everybody hates them as well.

They do? Hope that you are giving them your homeland because I plan to defend mine by all means necessary. Nothing againts Gypsies, but my country is not in sale.

Mormons have a home, and they are a religion and I am not talking about religion.

They are the exactly kind of "nation" that Jews are: a nation formed round religion and claiming a holy land. Jews are not a nation: they are French, German, English, US-Americans, Belgia, Russian, Turk, Arab... and Palestinian. They are just a religious minority that want to be a nation resuciting a language dead 1900 years agon and invading a land lost 1900 years ago... That's not my problem: it is theirs.

It's like Catholics wold want to recreate the Roman Empire, Muslims the Umayyad Caliphate or Buddhist the Asoka Empire. Sorry, no way.

Hebrew people have a genetic marker just as every ethnicity does.

Not fully true. First not all ethnicieties have any special genetic marker nor this is anything that is exclussive to them nor that is not spread among other peoples. You probably can't pick up a Frenchman from a German or a chinese from a Japanese, what doesn't mean that they are the same nation. You can easily pick apart an Afroamerican from and Angloamerican but they are the same nation, or so they say (else, are you going to give way to Neo-African claims?).

Second Palestinian Arabs and Sephardic Jews are indistinguishable while Askhenazi and Sephardic Jews, are much more easy to pick apart from each other, this is probably caused by a bottleneck in Askhenazi difussion history and mixture with Khazaks (convert Jews of Turk origin).

Historically the Jews occupied Palestine for a very long time

Originally the USA was in hands of the Native nations, originally Britain was a Celtic nation, originally Japanese lived out of Japan. Originally we were all in Tanzania and Kenya and no nation or "race" existed yet.

Palestine was a Jewish nation only since c. 1300 BCE to before 100 CE, that means that it was Hebrew less time (1400 years) than it has been Palestinian (Christian/Muslim) (1900 years). It also means that originally, as it is very graphically and shamelessly depicted in the Bible, Jews conquered Palestine to other nations, most notably the Canaanites. Canaanite most ancient claim could well be linked to that of Arabs, as they did speak a Semitic language.

, after the disporia they wandered to many different places, no doubt mixing in with the locals as they went but their original racial makeup has not changed.

Who cares? "Races" are meaningless.

They merely came home.

They didn't came home... if your ancestor's bloodly conquered "home" was expropiated 2000 years ago (two milennia!!!) and your home sold or gifted to a third person, what valid claim would you have?

I want the same reasoning applied to Native Americans right now.

[quote]the man who wrote the article is very petty. He must bring up events which happened 1400 years ago to justify what the palestinians do today. it is pathetic./QUOTE]

Well he is a Jew and nevertheless he is not using things that happened 2000 years ago to justify Hebrew claims to that land. Your reasoning obviously has two different measures: for Jews is fair to claim a land that they hadn't been able to claim in 2000 years but for Palestinians it is not relevant to quote what happened 1400 years ago, even if only as part of history of their land?

Not 2000 but 150 years ago Atlanta was Cherokee land. But Cherokees seemingly don't have the same rights as Jews do... I wonder why?



Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 23:21
Originally posted by Loknar

Well, this is arguable. But I would like to see the same statements when Israel bombs indiscriminately refugee camps. Maybe nobody cares because there are no Pizza Huts in Gaza.

Just have the courage to say what you think, that it is ok for suicide bombers to kill innocent people.

What do you say when they kill Muslims as well? I though suicide was against Islam,. or am i mistaken?

And of course the ones who kill them selves are typically poor people sent in by well educated doctors. I remember Yassir Arafats wife stating “I’d give my children to a suicide bombing, however, I have a daughter and girls don’t do that.” (of course this isn’t an exact quote) Well, girls are doing that now, where is Yassir Arafat’s daughter? Oh I know, living in France sitting on 1 billion dollars that the scumbag Yassir Arafat swindled from his own people.

i dont say that it is "Allright" to kill civilian and the Same Applies to the Isaeli Army.

But in wars things like these happens and No body has the right to kill innocent civilians of Both the Attackers or the defenders. 

Israeli Army is supported by its governmets ( elected democratic government) and the Palistinian Occupation ressistace is supported by the Palistinians ( which is democratic somehow)

i think Aeolus post here earlier is a good explanation of the situation

Originally posted by Aeolus

Originally posted by Komnenos

If anybody could tell me what the moral difference is between the murder of innnocent Israeli children by suicide bombers and the murder of innocent Palestinian children by Israeli Army helicopter gunships, I would be grateful.

Let me try to sum it up. There is a popular belief among others, that people who have no state cant form a 'legal' army and therefore are declared terrorists. In this category of course we have the Palestinians. Its more than obvious that in a hypothetically open warfare of Palestinians against Israelis, Israely army would obviously win more than easy. This leads the palestinians not to have the viable option of open warfare but prefering alternative available actions hence engage in a secret war.

Now if the deal is to declare terrorism the secret warfare whereas open warfare, in which far more civilians will undoubtedly die and this to be seen as "acceptable war", this leads to the logical conclusion that only those with a certain economic, military and political power have the right to engage in warfare. Personally I see no moral distinction between openly bombing villages and secretly bombing nightclubs.

Surely there are large groups of people in the world who are denied of their rightful political power and rights. To say that the groups who kill innocent civilians in attempts to reclaim their rightful political power are somehow worse than those who have all the political power, but still kill innocent civilians, is simply unaceptable.

Here i would like to add that terrorism in any form is unjustifiable but people should comprehend that suicide bombing, as a tactic, is different than terrorism. If suicide bombing is used against perpetrators - in our case, occupiers- then its not terrorism but in case of using suicide bombing against innocent civilians then it is terrorism.

The so-called war against terrorism of Israelis involves murdering of civilians in order to retain their political power. From the other hand, the Palestinians, from whom the Israeli's have taken their political power, murder civilians in an attempt to reclaim the power which was stolen from them. There is no moral difference i can see here.



Loknar and Cyrus

you both are trying or making it sounds like Arabs  were the secound Hitler and they are anti-semitic and wanted to kill the jews .... etc. 

Arabs were not like Hitler, Arabs didnt and Dont want to kill jew and kick them out of their homes.

Infact Jew lived with Muslims all the time in Baghdad, Damascus and north Africa and Islamic spain not for 100 years but for more than a 1000 years and they lived in peace had their buissness and achieved in many feilds.


Arabs beign anti-semitic is  a propaganda which is in no way true. that plus  that the  Arabis are the largest Semitic group in the world ! and they are accused of being anti-semitic !!

Arabs attacked the declared Israeli state because that it was Unfair to the people of Palistine and it was not like a group of people in the country declared independace no it was more like an occupation of others land and many reasons Maju mentioned Alot  of and i hope you read that.

Arab league proposed that this Area of Palistine to be ONE country for all of its occupants muslims, christans and Jews to live in peace together and practice their religion with no restrictions and have a Democratec Government elected by all of them.

now tell me what was wrong with this proposal?! Jew refused it and many jew refused the UN plan too and that it is unfare for the  Jew too !! and they deserve a Jewish country ONLY for Jews.!!





Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 21-Aug-2005 at 23:44

The original UN proposed and never enforced/applied partition wasn't fair. The only pseudo-fair partition, as you can see from the above maprs would be to detach a small 5-10 km thick strip of coast from Palestine to give the Jews their obsession. If we were to giev them only th districts where Jews were majority, theyw would get only the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa area. It would have been unfair anyhow, as the very original Zionist settlement to start with was a very unfair decission. But if it was to have a partition, give each what they are majoritary in: Jaffa for Israel, the rest for Palestine.

ok read this

"These boundaries were based solely on demographics. The borders of the Jewish State were arranged with no consideration of security; hence, the new state's frontiers were virtually indefensible. Overall, the Jewish State was to be comprised of roughly 5,500 square miles and the population was to be 538,000 Jews and 397,000 Arabs. The Arab State was to be 4,500 square miles with a population of 804,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews. - 3a Though the Jews were allotted more total land, the majority of that land was in the desert."

"Nearly 80 percent of what was the historic land of Palestine and the Jewish National Home, as defined by the - League of Nations , was severed by the British in 1921 and allocated to what became Transjordan. Jewish settlement there was barred. The - UN - partitioned the remaining 20-odd percent of Palestine into two states. With - Jordan’s annexation of the - West Bank in 1950, and - Egypt's control of - Gaza , Arabs controlled more than 80 percent of the territory of the - Mandate , while the Jewish State held a bare 17.5 percent. - 6a " -

But they would better gave them Silesia or Schlewig-Holstein. What partition of Germany would you think it would have been fair to compensate from the Holocaust? Before the Nazi crime there was about 10% of Jews in Germany, more than that in Poland... why weren't these lands partitioned instead than that of people who had done them nothing?

Why should they have any place in Europe? All of know the history of Europeans and anti Semitism and how deep it is rooted there. Hell even today it is on the rise, especially in France (big surprise). Aside from that there were plans to move the Jews to Kenya and Madagascar, but why not Palestine? I don’t care if the locals don’t like the Jews being there, too bad, the Jews must have a state because nobody else wants them.

They do? Hope that you are giving them your homeland because I plan to defend mine by all means necessary. Nothing againts Gypsies, but my country is not in sale.

Well, I dont see a problerm giving them some unused land here in AMerica. However, if they wanted a historic homeland where would that be? Some small strip f land in Romania perhaps? I see nothing wrong with it if the Gypsies want it.

They are the exactly kind of "nation" that Jews are: a nation formed round religion and claiming a holy land. Jews are not a nation: they are French, German, English, US-Americans, Belgia, Russian, Turk, Arab... and Palestinian. They are just a religious minority that want to be a nation resuciting a language dead 1900 years agon and einvading a land lost 1900 years ago... That's not my problem: it is theirs.

Big deal, many modern day countries were founded by religion or with strong religious ties, America is one of those.

The Jews are a branch of the Semitic people bound by their practice religion and belief in God, which no doubt helped to preserve their identity.

It's like Catholics wold want to recreate the Roman Empire, Muslims the Umayyad Caliphate or Buddhist the Asoka Empire. Sorry, no way.

You're talking about an empire, I am talking about a homeland where these people can be safe.

Not fully true. First not all ethnicieties have any special genetic marker nor this is anything that is exclussive to them nor that is not spread among other peoples. You probably can't pick up a Frenchman from a German or a chinese from a Japanese, what doesn't mean that they are the same nation. You can easily pick apart an Afroamerican from and Angloamerican but they are the same nation, or so they say (else, are you going to give way to Neo-African claims?).

Actually you could. There was an archaeological excavation in Xinjiang China where Aryan mummies were found. Hundreds of genetic samples were taken, and for some reason these samples were confiscated by the Chinese government. However some samples were obtained. The results were that one of these mummies had genetic markers in common with the Corsican peoples and another with the Scandinavians. You could pick up a Chinese from say a Korean, the Koreans were actually from the Urals and journeyed west.

AN African American can send in a blood sample to a genetic company and find that their genetic lineage can be traced back to Ghana. Furthermore, among the clergy of the Lamba of South Africa, they have a genetic marker unique to Jewish Clergymen all over the world.

Originally the USA was in hands of the Native nations, originally Britain was a Celtic nation, originally Japanese lived out of Japan. Originally we were all in Tanzania and Kenya and no nation or "race" existed yet.

Good point, I cede this fact to you.

Btw, how can you claim we all were from Tanzania and Kenya?

Palestine was a Jewish nation only since c. 1300 BCE to before 100 CE, that means that it was Hebrew less time (1400 years) than it has been Palestinian (Christian/Muslim) (1900 years). It also means that originally, as it is very graphically and shamelessly depicted in the Bible, Jews conquered Palestine to other nations, most notably the Canaanites. Canaanite most ancient claim could well be linked to that of Arabs, as they did speak a Semitic language.

Yes this is true, but I don care that the Jews conquered the land, the reason being God told them to do it and aside from that these tribes practiced child sacrifice.

Of course today I do not think that the Jews should have a homeland because God promised them a land over 2000 years ago. I believe they should have one because nobody else wants them.

Who cares? "Races" are meaningless.

Not race, perhaps ethnicity is the word i am looking for.

They didn't came home... if your ancestor's bloodly conquered "home" was expropiated 2000 years ago (two milennia!!!) and your home sold or gifted to a third person, what valid claim would you have?

I want the same reasoning applied to Native Americans right now.

Well, I can tell you this, the native American is doing just fine today. And what we did was no different than what the Russians did, what the Chinese are doing ect...

Well he is a Jew and nevertheless he is not using things that happened 2000 years ago to justify Hebrew claims to that land. Your reasoning obviously has two different measures: for Jews is fair to claim a land that they hadn't been able to claim in 2000 years but for Palestinians it is not relevant to quote what happened 1400 years ago, even if only as part of history of their land?

Not 2000 but 150 years ago Atlanta was Cherokee land. But Cherokees seemingly don't have the same rights as Jews do... I wonder why?

The problem here is that no 1 side is entirely %100 correct....but the original plan for Israel was a fair and correct plan, hell the Jews got a big chunk of desert land, wow like the Arabs don’t have enough of that.

Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 00:04

Loknar and Cyrus

you both are trying or making it sounds like Arabs were the secound Hitler and they are anti-semitic and wanted to kill the jews .... etc.

Arabs were not like Hitler, Arabs didnt and Dont want to kill jew and kick them out of their homes.

Infact Jew lived with Muslims all the time in Baghdad, Damascus and north Africa and Islamic spain not for 100 years but for more than a 1000 years and they lived in peace had their buissness and achieved in many feilds.

Yes, how many Jews are left in North Africa? How did the Jews fare under Saddam?

Oh, and what about the Grand Mufti?

Do you thinki the Arabs evennow tell me what was wrong with this proposal?! Jew refused it and many jew refused the UN plan too and that it is unfare for the Jew too !! and they deserve a Jewish country ONLY for Jews.!!

Simple, the Jews would live in a country where eventually they would be out-numbered and loose political power. The Jews need a state of their own , and all the land that was ceded to them wasn’t much.

Posted By: strategos
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 00:06
Originally posted by Loknar


Arabs were not like Hitler, Arabs didnt and Dont want to kill jew and kick them out of their homes.

Don't be so sure of this. I always see Palestinians yelling death to Israel all the time. I think the original middle eastern jews got along with the palestinians, but since the european ones came over to Israel, thse jews caused most of the problems in my opinion..


Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 00:10

emperor, please edit your post, that quote you have wasnt made by me but by Caliph


you must have decided to click the quote button before i realized I forgot to make a quote box.

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 03:05
I don care that the Jews conquered the land, the reason being God told them to do it

I don't have time right now to reply to all the post of Loknar but this "pearl" is difficult to ignore.

How do you know that any "God" ordered no one to do anything. With such reasonings you can justify even Hitler's genocide. Who dares to say that it wasn't "God" who told him to do such atrocity?



Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 03:35

Originally posted by Maju

I don care that the Jews conquered the land, the reason being God told them to do it

I don't have time right now to reply to all the post of Loknar but this "pearl" is difficult to ignore.

How do you know that any "God" ordered no one to do anything. With such reasonings you can justify even Hitler's genocide. Who dares to say that it wasn't "God" who told him to do such atrocity?


Because it is in the Bible, unlike most people i have read about half of it.


The tribes left behind were semetic tribes who were warned in advance to abandon their pegan worship.


I know I sound like a Zelot, however, when it comes to God and if I know he issued such commands,  I support it.


Besides,   child sacrafice to Ba'al seem barbaric,  though this could just be my opinion.

Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 04:23
Originally posted by Loknar

Loknar and Cyrus

you both are trying or making it sounds like Arabs were the secound Hitler and they are anti-semitic and wanted to kill the jews .... etc.

Arabs were not like Hitler, Arabs didnt and Dont want to kill jew and kick them out of their homes.

Infact Jew lived with Muslims all the time in Baghdad, Damascus and north Africa and Islamic spain not for 100 years but for more than a 1000 years and they lived in peace had their buissness and achieved in many feilds.

Yes, how many Jews are left in North Africa? How did the Jews fare under Saddam?

Oh, and what about the Grand Mufti?

i dont know if sadam killed Jew like he hitler did, actully Sadamm killed many people not Jew in particular.

i was talking about Arabs relation with Jewish comunites BEFORE 1948

Obviously after 1948 Majority of Arabs are Anti-Israel  why?  because they made the life of palistinians hell.

still there is an Anti-Israel feelings but doesn't mean if Arabs got stronger they would've done what Hitler done.

people in Palistine showting "death to Israel"   BECAUSE they are in a WAR situation and they want revenge for their deaths and destroyed homes.

still Doesn't mean if Palistinians got stronger they will do what Hitler did.

and Don't forget that some of these Palistinians were jew and converted to Islam  so they are not different from Jew who stayed Jew.

and What Grand Mufti are you talking about? the Iranian or the saudi or the egyptian or they jordanian or the syrian or what?

as far as i know there are jew in iran living safely. there are jew in yemen , egypt and morrocco too.

and dont confuse the terms  Judaisim is a religion and Arab is a languge.

there are ARAB JEWS too.

Do you thinki the Arabs evennow tell me what was wrong with this proposal?! Jew refused it and many jew refused the UN plan too and that it is unfare for the Jew too !! and they deserve a Jewish country ONLY for Jews.!!

Originally posted by Loknar

Simple, the Jews would live in a country where eventually they would be out-numbered and loose political power. The Jews need a state of their own , and all the land that was ceded to them wasn’t much.

so whats the problem they will live in a democratic country they can live in peace in it !!

they will be out-numbered because they are not the majority Simple ! how can you give the majority of the land to the Minority??

even if they didnt like the Arab proposal, they couldv'e edited it  something like having it in the constitution that jew are always 50% of the government or any other edite ( even if that is not fare) but all for peace.

and if they wanted a state for their own and not having non-jew with them they shouldv'e made that in areas which they owned not Occupy others lands.

they didnt accept Arabs proposal and they didnt accept the UN proposal and they wanted to have everything they owned and everythig they dont own.

and for your information  many Jew belive that Israel land is from the Nile in Egypt to Elphurate in Iraq.

and from maju's post of Palistine map you'll see that the country they wanted to make is not all Jewish land and that Considered an Occupations Arabs didnt accept for their fellow Arabs and they felt that they must Defend their rights.

Originally posted by Maju

Population of pre-Partition Palestine in maps:

Map of land property in 1948, showing UN partition line and armistice line:

Source: -




Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 09:07

They are just a religious minority that want to be a nation resuciting a language dead 1900 years ago

Some pics from Yahudiah (modern Isfahan):

Anceint Hebrew inscription of the tomb of Sarah, the daughter of the patriarch Asher (son of Jacob) in Linjan, one of Jewish villages in the Faridan region of Isfahan:

500 years old Hebrew writing on the wall of one of 23 historical Synagogues in Isfahan:

250 years old Hebrew writing on a Jewish carpet in Isfahan:

150 years old Hebrew writing on a Jewish marriage-contract in Isfahan:


Posted By: Cyrus Shahmiri
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 09:56

I think the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 614 when the Jews massacred 60-90,000 Christian Palestinians after the the Jews were given some power by the conquering Persians.  Palestinain Christians today are as much at odds with Israel as Moslem Palestinians are.

No the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 135 AD when the Palestinians destroyed almost 1,000 Jewish villages and massacred more than half a million Jews, of course it is better to say that it was after this crime that those murderes who also occupied Jewish lands, called themselves Palestinians.


Posted By: Laelius
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 11:30
There certainly is alot of nonsense in this thread but I will say this much.  (from the Israeli pov) The pullout was the right move, the Israelis now have less land to defend, the palestinian extremists will have fewer methods of recruitment and perhaps most importantly Israel is on its way to reclaiming the moral high ground from the Western perspective.

Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 11:45

You will find that it was the Romans who did that and you are talking about Bar Kokhba's revolt, the Romans were merely supressing a revolt and ensuring future rebellions would not happen not killing the poor Jews because they were Jews, they did this in MANY other provinces too, Jews are not special in this instance.

I think the Jews were simply following the wording of their book of religious authority, the Talmud, when they killed the Christians.

And Loknar I am simply shocked to hear that you approve of ethnic cleansing merely because some cracked out racist wrote it in a book of myths  <2000 years ago.

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

I think the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 614 when the Jews massacred 60-90,000 Christian Palestinians after the the Jews were given some power by the conquering Persians.  Palestinain Christians today are as much at odds with Israel as Moslem Palestinians are.

No the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 135 AD when the Palestinians destroyed almost 1,000 Jewish villages and massacred more than half a million Jews, of course it is better to say that it was after this crime that those murderes who also occupied Jewish lands, called themselves Palestinians.


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 13:15

Sickening, but hardly surprising: -

Israeli Army, Settlers Fighting Media War

Aug 22, 6:51 AM (ET)


JERUSALEM (AP) - As Israeli soldiers dragged Jewish settlers from their homes, one settler walked in front of about a dozen television cameras and wailed: "How could they do this? This the land of Israel." When the cameras were turned off, he stopped crying and walked away.

Another family invited a television crew into their homes and then insisted that soldiers drag them out.

There's no question that settlers were genuinely grieving over the loss of their homes, their livelihood and their dreams. But they were also keenly aware that their struggle was being broadcast across the world, showing how difficult it is for the Jewish state to pull settlers from occupied land.

"The (settlers') goal was to create a legacy, a trauma that was so big ... that no Israeli government would dare to do something similar in the future," Nahum Barnea, a columnist for the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, told The Associated Press.

And that goal may, along with intense media coverage, have dovetailed with the aims of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has said that Israel will not consider pulling the bulk of its settlers from the West Bank, the heartland of biblical Israel, despite pressure from Washington to evacuate more settlements.

"The political decision to let the media in was to get every favorable point in world public opinion," said veteran military correspondent Ron Ben Yishai, now a commentator for Yediot Ahronot.

"The reason was to show the world, look how it is when we have to evict ... people from Gaza," Ben Yishai said. "Try to imagine what will happen if you try to evict all the settlements in Judea and Samaria," he added using the biblical names for the West Bank.

The Israeli army, which sometimes limits press coverage of military operations, let more than 500 journalists - one for every three settler families - into Gaza to cover the withdrawal, even providing shuttle buses and refreshments. Journalists were in almost every settler home, embedded with military units and broadcasting live from synagogues as the army dragged settlers out of houses of worship.

"Every side, the Palestinians, the Israelis, the settlers all know the media is the most dominant tool to achieve your goals and they use it," said Maj. Sharon Feingold, a spokeswoman for the Israeli army.

In the months leading up to the pullout, there was a sharp dispute in the army over how to handle media coverage. Some senior commanders favored limiting access for fear that the media would get in the way of soldiers. In the end, the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, intervened and allowed free access.

The army apparently felt that it would be impossible to block the press and was also keen to show the world - and Israelis at home - that it was sensitive to the settlers, an image far different from what the world was used to seeing of an army that has just spent years violently cracking down on Palestinian protesters and militants.

Police trained for a year for the mission and rarely used force, even when settlers taunted them and drenched them with paint. Many soldiers were visibly moved by the settlers and several could be seen breaking in tears as they were forced to pull settlers out of their homes.

"They trained the soldiers and policemen to be aware all the time ," Ben Yishai said. "It means how you look, not just what do you do."

Some of the settlers' publicity offensive may have backfired. Some had dressed in Nazi concentration camp uniforms, wearing Stars of David on their clothing. Many Israelis were angered by the sight of settlers using Holocaust imagery and of photos of children being brought before the cameras and settlers attacking soldiers.

Sharon said the settlers' plight initially moved him to tears, but he told the Haaretz daily that when he saw dozens of ultranationalist youths hurling bottles and pouring harmful substances on the soldiers "the pain turned to rage."

And the fact that the army completed the Gaza withdrawal in just a week may be an indication that the withdrawal was not as gut wrenching as many people had anticipated.

"Until now it was easier than expected," Ben Yishai said. "I don't think that the settlers succeeded in making it look like a national trauma."

The "poor" Jews are also being compensated $300k + house per settler family.  I wonder why this huge fact has bene ignored by the mainstream media.  Hmmm, I wonder.


Posted By: Miller
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 15:52

Arabs should learn from Isreali example and end their occupation of middle east and north africa and move back to mecca

Posted By: Loknar
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 16:30


That 'book' happens to be the rule book of my faith. What is your religion? How can you act so holier than thou?

It wasn’t ethnic cleansing because they were in many cases the same people. Descendants of Abrahams cousins and brothers.

As for the settlers being forced out of their homes, I feel sorry for them. The government said "go, develop the land, free houses." They did that, made it their home, then are getting the boot. How could they not be angry? I don’t support all settlement activity, only some, but in this case the government maybe doing the right thing, but also at the same time the wrong thing.

Posted By: Phallanx
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 17:17
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri 

]No the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 135 AD when the Palestinians destroyed almost 1,000 Jewish villages and massacred more than half a million Jews, of course it is better to say that it was after this crime that those murderes who also occupied Jewish lands, called themselves Palestinians.

Who occupied Jewish lands and how exactly did this happen??

While there are a couple of theories but probably based on manipulated texts to support the Jewish perspective. It would be interesting to see what they originally wrote for theirselves.

From the EXODUS chap. 13

13:17 " And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said: 'Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt.'

or Genesis chapt. 21:32-34

""So they made a covenant at Beer-sheba; and Abimelech rose up, and Phicol the captain of his host, and they returned into the land of the Philistines.

And Abraham planted a tamarisk-tree in Beer-sheba, and called there on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God.

And Abraham sojourned in the land of the Philistines many days.""

So according to their own texts and not modern propaganda, the Philistines were already in the area before the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, they actually named the land after them.

As for when the enmity began again from another Jewish source, "The First Book of Samuel". Even though of obscure authorship the info is quite  interesting.
"" Now the Philistines fought against Israel, and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gilboa.

And the Philistines followed hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul.

And the battle went sore against Saul, an the archers overtook him; and he was in great anguish by reason of the archers.

Then said Saul to his armour-bearer: 'Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and make a mock of me.' But his armour-bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took his sword, and fell upon it.

And when his armour-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he likewise fell upon his sword, and died with him.

So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armour-bearer, and all his men, that same day together.

And when the men of Israel that were on the other side of the valley, and they that were beyond the Jordan, saw that the men of Israel fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, they forsook the cities, and fled; and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.

And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul and his three sons fallen in mount Gilboa.

And they cut off his head, and stripped off his armour, and sent into the land of the Philistines round about, to carry the tidings unto the house of their idols, and to the people.""

Source for all texts

Finally the name issue. The name Palestine derives from the Egyptian 'plesheth' giving the meaning of 'movement, rolling'. Obviously in connection to their 'migration' from Crete.

To the gods we mortals are all ignorant.Those old traditions from our ancestors, the ones we've had as long as time itself, no argument will ever overthrow, in spite of subtleties sharp minds invent.

Posted By: Seko
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 17:19
Originally posted by Miller

Arabs should learn from Isreali example and end their occupation of middle east and north africa and move back to mecca

Wow! Talk about revisionist history. In other words the Arabs don't have a leg to stand on. Oh well, guess the Israelis should just pack up and go to where they came from too. Poor logic eh?


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 17:35
Originally posted by Loknar


That 'book' happens to be the rule book of my faith. What is your religion? How can you act so holier than thou?

I don't mean to be disresectful against your faith in a malicious way.

If the rule book of your faith goes above and beyond the privacy of faith and sanctions and justifies inhumane acts against others exlcusive of that faith, then it is more than just a faith, it is an ideology, and a dangerous one at that.

I am agnostic, I deem ethnic cleansing perpetrated by any sect or faction as barbaric.

It wasn’t ethnic cleansing because they were in many cases the same people. Descendants of Abrahams cousins and brothers.

"Ethnic" is not solely descriptive of race;

eth·nic">Audio pronunciation of "ethnic" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (thnk)

    1. Of or relating to a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.
    2. Being a member of a particular ethnic group, especially belonging to a national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries: ethnic Hungarians living in northern Serbia.
    3. Of, relating to, or distinctive of members of such a group: ethnic restaurants; ethnic art.
  1. Relating to a people not Christian or Jewish; heathen. -

As for the settlers being forced out of their homes, I feel sorry for them. The government said "go, develop the land, free houses." They did that, made it their home, then are getting the boot. How could they not be angry? I don’t support all settlement activity, only some, but in this case the government maybe doing the right thing, but also at the same time the wrong thing.

  • The state of Israel exists and has its own international borders.
  • The existing settlements are so designed [by location] so as to have maximum disruptive effect upon the Palestinian people, infringing ont heir land in such a way so as to make everyday life that we, in the West, take for granted while the settlers wallow in luxury before their very eyes, on land they once inhabited.
  • As if that wasn't enough the settlements (in the West Bank) have "buffer zones" which swallow up thousands of acres of fertile Palestinian farmland.
  • The water supply to the Palestinians is controlled by the Israelis and is routinely cut off to accommodate the settler's luxurious needs.

I am not against the state of Israel, I am against the apartheid like treatment of Palestinians by Israel.  I do not feel in the least bit sorry for the settlers, they knew they were settling on occupied territory illegaly and they are being more than generously compensated for their "suffering", a a walk in the park compared to that of the Palestinians.


Posted By: Miller
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 18:29
Originally posted by Seko


Oh well, guess the Israelis should just pack up and go to where they came from too. Poor logic eh?

That is what jews in Gaza are doing they are packing up and going where they come from If that is poor logic that should apply to both side if it is good logic it should apply to both side. Either things have to be decided based on current situation or based on history. If you want to use history you can't come up with the exact number of years to favor your side. Why is 40 years is invalid and 100 years is vaild and 2000 years is invalid


Posted By: Seko
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 18:53
The Jews are packing up to a haven in Israel. Still what does that have to do with your desire for the Arabs to leave North Africa and the Middle East? You are right about the number of years thing. It should not matter. But one thing we have learned about history is that the rightfull owners of any land are the ones that currently inhabit that land. It may be ugly, unfair and unjust. But that is the way it is.


Posted By: Miller
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 19:49

Originally posted by Seko

The Jews are packing up to a haven in Israel. Still what does that have to do with your desire for the Arabs to leave North Africa and the Middle East?

It is not my desire but if jews are forced toleave their homes in gaza to a heaven in Isreal then along the same logic arabs should be forced to leave middle east and north africa to a heaven in mecca

Originally posted by Seko

You are right about the number of years thing. It should not matter. But one thing we have learned about history is that the rightfull owners of any land are the ones that currently inhabit that land. It may be ugly, unfair and unjust. But that is the way it is.

yes jews are among the people that currently inhabit gaza


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2005 at 20:32

In that case then North Africa and all other areas u mentioned would be largely deserted, and you are basing your logic on the notion that all Arab countries host a new population that arrived from the Peninsula between 7-9th CE, a practical impossibility. Most Arab lands became Arabised through Quranic influence because of the fact that they had no previous sense of independent identity, unlike Iran, prior to Islam they had been part of one Empire or another throughout their history. This makes said argument null.


Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 23-Aug-2005 at 00:52

Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

I think the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 614 when the Jews massacred 60-90,000 Christian Palestinians after the the Jews were given some power by the conquering Persians.  Palestinain Christians today are as much at odds with Israel as Moslem Palestinians are.

No the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 135 AD when the Palestinians destroyed almost 1,000 Jewish villages and massacred more than half a million Jews, of course it is better to say that it was after this crime that those murderes who also occupied Jewish lands, called themselves Palestinians.


before accusing others for attacking your Poor jews !

how did the Poor Jews got to that land at the first place? !  was it peacefull and harmless sattelments?

Originally posted by Miller

Arabs should learn from Isreali example and end their occupation of middle east and north africa and move back to mecca

yes thats makes sense, also dont froget North and South America and Australia and Newzeland and other countries who are under "Occupation" they should learn from the Israelis too  dont you think so? 

and for your information all Arabs didnt come from Makkah ( mecca ),there are no wells in Makkah which produces Arabs. dont belive anything you dream of.

Originally posted by Loknar


That 'book' happens to be the rule book of my faith. What is your religion? How can you act so holier than thou?

It wasn’t ethnic cleansing because they were in many cases the same people. Descendants of Abrahams cousins and brothers.

As for the settlers being forced out of their homes, I feel sorry for them. The government said "go, develop the land, free houses." They did that, made it their home, then are getting the boot. How could they not be angry? I don’t support all settlement activity, only some, but in this case the government maybe doing the right thing, but also at the same time the wrong thing.

so as the Arabs are semitic if you dont know that yet !

and about the Book of your faith, i guess it explains alot why "jew must have a country" and you must support that even if it doesnt make sense and out of logic.

and before jumping to other topics it would be nice to replay to my replay to your post earlier so i know that iam wrong and brainwashed.



Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 23-Aug-2005 at 01:36
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri

I think the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 614 when the Jews massacred 60-90,000 Christian Palestinians after the the Jews were given some power by the conquering Persians.  Palestinain Christians today are as much at odds with Israel as Moslem Palestinians are.

No the emnity between Palestinians and Jews goes back to 135 AD when the Palestinians destroyed almost 1,000 Jewish villages and massacred more than half a million Jews, of course it is better to say that it was after this crime that those murderes who also occupied Jewish lands, called themselves Palestinians.

Those were the Romans. It was a genocide designed in Rome and executed by Roman legions in revenge for a Jewish uprising that annihilated several legions as well (in revenge for a "blasphemous" Roman sacrifice in a Judaist temple).



Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 23-Aug-2005 at 01:54
Originally posted by Phallanx

Finally the name issue. The name Palestine derives from the Egyptian 'plesheth' giving the meaning of 'movement, rolling'. Obviously in connection to their 'migration' from Crete.

I was thinking that all Palestine (Israel included) should be given as shared mandate to Turkey and Greece, as they are both kind of neutral, and they should be made to agree in a new just solution to all the problem... but I didn't thought that Greeks could reivindicate Palestine based in the supposed Hellenicity of ancient Philistines... so probably it's not the best solution either.



Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 23-Aug-2005 at 01:59
They are just a religious minority that want to be a nation resuciting a language dead 1900 years ago

Some pics from Yahudiah (modern Isfahan) (...)

In the rest of the world at least, Jews spoke other languages: Yiddish in Central Europe, Sephardic (old Spanish) in Turkey and other Muslim areas, and Hebrew was limited to ritual use: it was a dead language as much as Latin. Now, I don't know if they continued speaking Hebrew in Iran... or it was just more of the same: ritual use of an old tongue.



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