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Analogies between Religions

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Topic: Analogies between Religions
Posted By: Arthur-Robin
Subject: Analogies between Religions
Date Posted: 30-Sep-2017 at 04:11
I'm interested in analogies between biblical Judaeo-Christianity and other religions or political philosophies, and also comparing them (eg Jesus vs Muhammad, Bible vs Quran). There are probably analogies in most religions etc for almost everything. Here we will try to post some examples, just a few shallow ones for starters and hopefully progressively more afterwards. Corrections and additions are welcome, and discussions. This topic was inspired by my recent article on origins of Allah here , though i have been interested in these analogies for a number of years.

0. religions/sects/philosophies:

Buddhism/Tantrism/Zen *
Mithraism *
Christianity/The Way. *
Islam/Mohammedanism/Moslems/Wahabism. *
Bahai Faith.
Freemasonry ?
Golden Dawn.
British Israelism/Christian Identity.
Christian Science.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Moonies/Unification Church.
Hare Krishna / Krishna Consciousness/Iskcon ;
/ Vedanta / RamaKrishna Mission
New Ageism.

1. God(s) (excluding Devil(s) which will be a separate block) :

Taoism: the Tao; Yin & Yang; Yu Huang Shang-ti; Pan-ku; (Lao-tze.)

Shintoism: Amaterasu; Susano; Tsuki-yomi; Emperor/Mikado; Izanagi; Tenri.

Hinduism: Atman; Brahm(a(n)); Vishnu/Krishna; Shiva/Rudra; [Sat.] Kali/Devi/Durga/Shakti. Maya. Agni. Varuna.

Lamaism: Tara? Dakini? Yab & Yum?

Tengrism: Tengri (sky); (blue wolf.)

Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda; Zervan Akarana; Mithra; Asha/Arta/Urta.

Mithraism: Mithra. Sol Invictus.

Atenism: Aten/Aton.

Atlantis: Poseidon; Zeus; Atlas; Cl(e)ito; Athena; Neith.

Odinism: Odin/Wotan; Thor/Donar; Frey; Uralten.

Pythagoreanism: Apeiron.

Judaism: Yahweh/Jehovah / Adonai / Elohim; Chiun; Egli/Golden Calf; Mammon; Afikoman. En Soph. Abraxas. (Kether, Binah, Hokhmah.)

Christianity: Trinity / God / Lord ; Father/Abba; Jesus; Holy Ghost/Spirit.

Islam: Allah/(Al-)Ilah.

Arthurian: God; "Lord Jesus Christ"; "Virgin Mary"; [Dragon.]

Yezidis: Malek Taus the peacock angel / "Devil"; Sheikh Adi / Sheikh Shems?

Sikhism: Allah / Vishnu / God(head).

Templars: Baphomet?

Faustianism: Mephistopheles.

Rosicrucians: Rose & [Cross];

Masonry: Ja(h)bulon; GAOTU. Prusani.

Evolution: None; Nature; Man.

Psychoanalysis: archetypes; complexes; Anima & Animus; Id? Libido? Shadow? Ego? Self? Will? Persona? psyche?

Mormonism: Elohim; Jehovah / Jesus Christ.

Mythos: Cthulhu. Nyarlahotep. Azathoth?

Jehovah's Witnesses: Jehovah.

Nazism: Providence; Got(t); Uralten; Hitler called "my Fuhrer & my God".

Satanism: Satan/Sat Tan/Lucifer/Devil; Baphomet; Nature; Dark Force.

Temple of Set: Seth-Hen.

Thelema: Hadit; Aiwaz; Set-Anubis.

Kosmon: Eoih [spelling?]

TM: Narayana; Brahma.

Hare Krishnas: Krishna; Rama.

Wicca: Pan; RH.

Jedi: The Force (light/dark side).

Antichrist: Alamahozim; Antichrist; Dragon/Serpent; Abaddon.


2. Founder(s)/Prophet(s)/Reformer(s) :

Taoism: LaoTze. ChuangTze.

Shinto: Jimmu Tenno; [Shotoku. Bunjiro. Mishima.]

Confucianism: Confucius; Mencius.

Hinduism: Manu. Sankara.

Jainism: Mahavira / Jina. [Calanos/Kalanos?]

Buddhism: Gautama Siddhartha/Sakyamuni/Buddha; Asoka. Boddhidharma.

Zoroastrianism: Zarathustra/Zoroaster/Spitama; Yima/Jemshid.

Manicheanism: Mani.

Atlantis: Poseidon; Atlas; Helio-Arconaphus. Sonchis; Solon; Critias; Timaeus; Plato; Donnelly; Cayce.

Pythagoreanism: Pythagoras.

Atenism: Akhenaten/Amenhotep.

Atomism: Democritus. Leucippus.

Eleatics: Xenophanes; Parmenides; Zeno.

Epicureanism: Epicurus.

Stoicism: Zeno of Citium.

Cynicism: Diogenes. Antisthenes.

Neo-Platonism: (Plato.) Plotinus.

Judaism: (Adam; Shem) Abraham; (Isaac; Jacob/Israel;) Moses; (David. Ezra; Judas Maccabeus; Hillel. Gamaliel. Bar-Kokhba; Josephus; Simeon bar Yokhai.) Maimonides. Herzl.

Christianity: Jesus Christ; Paul; John the Baptist; (Stephen. St Pat.)

Roman Catholicism: Jesus; St Peter/Kephas; Linus; Jerome; pope Gregory 1. Church Fathers.

Monasticism: Pachomius. Antony. Simon Stylites. Telemachus. Augustine. Benedict. Francis. Dominic. Friar Tuck. Sergius the Monk.

Eutychianism: Eutyches.

Arianism: Arius of Alexandria.

Nestorianism: Nestorius.

Islam: Abraham; Ishmael; Mohammed/Muhammad; (Yakov; Sergius the Monk; Khadija; Ali.)

Arthurian: "(King) Arthur"; Ambrosius; Merlin; Nennius; Geoff of Mon; Malory.

Armenian Orthodox Church: Moses of Khoren. [Hayk. Ara.]

Jacobites: Jacobus Baradaeus.

Maronites: Maron.

Sikhism: guru Nanak; Govind Singh.

Yezidis: Sheikh Adi / Sheikh Shems?

Odinism: Odin/Woden; Snorri; widows 3 sons; Mirabelo.

Moravians/Bohemians/Hussites: Jan Huss. Count Zinzendorf. (Bohler.)

Lollards: Wycliff. Oldcastle.

Protestantism: Luther; Calvin; Henry VIII. Zwingli. Hus.

Jesuits: Loyola.

Faustianism: Faust; Goethe.

Rosicrucianism: Rosenkruz.

Enochian: Dr John Dee.

Masonry: St John; Maitre Jacques; GAOTU; Nimrod? Solomon; Hiram Abiff; [Bruce; Pike.]

Illuminanti: Weishaupt.

Bahaism: Bahaullah; the Bab.

Anglicanism: Henry 8th; Cranmer; [Augustine. Theodore.]

Presbyterians: Knox; (Calvin.)

Quakers: George Fox. [Penn.]

Capitalism/FreeTrade: Adam Smith. (Calvin.)

Adventists: Miller; (White.)

Golden Dawn: Levi.

Brethren: Darby & Cronin.

Homeopathy: Hahnemann. (Wier.)

Evolution: Darwin, Wallace.

Swedenborgianism: Swedenborg.

Communism: Marx, Engels, Lenin, (Trotsky, Stalin, Owen, Mao, Castro, Pot, Minh; Tito.)

Mormonism: Joseph Smith; Brigham Young; Jesus Christ; Lehi; Nephi; Moroni; Mormon; Spaulding.

KKK: Forrest. [Duke.]

Christadelphians: John Thomas.

Spiritualism: AJ Davis. Moyes. (AC Doyle.)

Salvation Army: Booth.

Methodist: Wesley. Whitefield. (Coke.)

Congregationalists: Brown. Barrow. Greenwood.

Egyptian Masonry: Cagliostro.

Opus Dei: J E de Balaguer.

Pentecostalism: Ozman. Barratt. Jeffreys. MacPherson.

Nazism/Fascism: Mussolini, Hitler; Drexler; Eckhart; Rosenberg; [Wagner; Nietzsche; Schopenhauer.] (D' Annunzio, Ludendorf, Julius Streicher; Rockwell, Serrano, "Hitler's Pope", Staempfil, Huxley, S Devi, Joyce, Mosley, Manson.) [Franco. de Rivera.)

Anarchism: Godwin. Proudhon. Bakunin. Warren. (Thoreau. Tolstoy.)

Satanism: LaVey; Rushdi; Jantsang.

Temple of Set: Aquino; [Uncle Setnakht.]

Scientology: Ron Hubbard.

Christian Science: Mary Baker Eddy.

Jehovah's Witnesses: Charles Taze Russel.

Psychoanalysis: Freud. (Reich. Adler. Jung.)

Thelema: Crowley.

Mythos: Lovecraft. [Mad Arab.] (Simon.)

Theosophy: Blavatsky. Besant.

Anthroposophy: Steiner.

Wicca: Gardner; B Walker? E Jong; M Murray? [forgot.]

TM: Guru Dev; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

ArmstrongismWWCG: Armstrong; [Flurry.]

Kosmon: Newborough.

Unification/Moonies: Moon.

Way International: Wierville.

ONA: Myatt? Beest?


Jedi: Geo Lucas; (Yoda; Obiwan Kenobi; Skywalker; MonMothma; J Campbell.)


3. Scriptures/bible/books :

Taoism: Tao Te Ching.

Confucianism: I Ching. Analects.

Shinto: Kojiki; Nihonigi.

Hinduism: Vedas; Brahmanas; Upanishads; Mahabharata/Bhagavad Gita; Puranas; Tantras; Ramayana; Sakuntala; Code of Manu. [Aquarian Gospel.]

Buddhism: Tripitaka; Pali Canon; Puranas; Tantras. (koans.)

Lamaism: Tibetan Bk of the Dead; Dhammapada? [Waddell.]

Zoroastrianism: Zend Avesta / Gathas.

Atenism: Hymn to Aten. [Amarna letters.]

Atlantis: Atlantis Account (Timaeus, Critias, "Plato"). Atlantis Antediluvian World (Donnelly). Atlantis & Lemuria (Scott-Elliot).

Odinism: Eddas; Nibelungenlied; Volsung Saga; Wayland - Dietrich Saga.

Judaism: Old Testament/Taanach/Masoretic Text/Torah; DSS; Talmud; Midrash; Cabala; Zohar; Josephus; OT Pseudepigrapha; Septuagint/OT Apocrypha; Jashar.

Yahad / Qumran sect: DSS. (Bible excluding Esther.) [Josephus.]

Falashas: Kebra Nagast; Book of Enoch; Bible (excluding Esther).

Christianity: Bible/Septuagint/New Testament/Gospel; Ben Hur; NT Apocrypha; Sibyline Oracles; 95 theses; CS Lewis; [Gildas, Aquarian Gospel?]

Roman Catholic: Vulgate (Jerome); Rheims-Douay version.

Islam: Koran/Quran; Hadith/Sunna; Green Book. Zabur/psalms. Injil/gospel. Torah.

Arthurian: HB/Nennius; HRB/Geoff of Monmouth; Mort/Malory; Y Gododdin; Once Again Arthur's Battles/Jackson; [DEB/Gildas; EH/Bede.]

Sikhism: Adi Granth.

Faustianism: 'Faust' (Goethe).

Anglicanism: KJV/AV? New English Bible? Book of Common Prayer.

Evolution: Origin of Species.

Communism: Das Kapital; Little Red Book.

Mormonism: Book of Mormon; JST; D&C; Pearl of Great Price.

Nazism: Mein Kampf; Myth of the 20th Century; Turner Diaries; 25 Pts; Ring Cycle (Wagner); Nietzsche.

Satanism: Satanic Bible; Satanic Verses. Grimoire. Codex Gigas / Devil's Bible.

Thelema: Stele of Revealing; Law is For All; Liber Legis; Magick (Without Tears); Magick (in theory & practice); 8 lectures on Yoga.

Christian Science: Science & Health.

Jehovah's Witnesses: NWT; [Watchtower; Awake.]

Theosophy: Secret Doctrine. Atlantis & Lemuria (Scott-Elliot).

Mythos: Necronomicon.

Adventism: Great Controversy; [National Sunday Law. Two Be One?]

Hare Krishnas: Baghavad Gita / Mahabharata? [Ramayana?]

Kosmon: Oahspe.

Moonies: Divine Principle; Christianity in Crisis.

Jedi: Journal of the Whills; 'Star Wars'; 'Hero With A Thousand Faces'.


4. Capital(s)/centre(s)/geopolitical :

Sumerian/Babylonian: Eridu. Babel/Babylon.

Inca/Quechua: Tiahuanaco.

Nahua: Tenochtitlan / Mexico Ciy. Teotihuacan. Aztlan.

Chinese: Tien Shan. Tien Tan / Peking. Nanking. "within the 4 seas".

Polynesian/Maori: Rapa Nui / Easter Island; Moa; Whare; (Ponape/NanMadol.)

Hinduism: Adam's Peak; Mt (Su-)Meru; Kailasa; Sarasvati; Agartha. Dwarka?

Buddhism: Mt Kailasa? Sarnath; Sanchi. Shambhala. Bo-tree/Uruvela.

Lamaism: forbidden city Potali/Lhasa. Shangrila?

Greek: Delphi. Olympos. Constantinople. Atlantis.

Atlantis: royal island capital city of Atlantis [Tiahuanaco]; Sais; Athens.

Egyptian: Giza/Cairo. Atlantis.

Atenism: El-Amarna.

Romans: Rome. Constantinople.

Judaism: Jerusalem; Tabor; Safed; New York; Hollywood; Eden; Bethel; Capernaum; Sinai/Horeb.

Samaritans: Mt Gerizzim.

Christianity: Jerusalem/Zion/Moriah / Calvary/Golgotha; Rome; Constantinople; Canterbury; York; Salt Lake City; Antioch; Alexandira; Sarras; Selecia/Ctesiphon; Artashat; New Jerusalem/Heaven; Nazareth/Capernaum; Adam's Peak; Eden; Ephesus;  Laodicea; Babel; Ararat.

Roman Catholic: Rome/Vatican.

Eastern Orthodox: Constantinople. (Moscow.)

Falasha: Tana; Axum.

Islam: Mecca; Medina; Jerusalem; Damascus; Baghdad/Kufa; Judi; Petra.

Druidism: Tara (Mide/Meath); Stonehenge.

Arthurian: RT, Camelot; Legions; Sarras; Badon; Guinnion; Avalon; Carduel; Isneldone; "Jerusalem"; "Rome".

Armenian: Artashat; Etchmiadzin; Constantinople; Jerusalem. [Ararat; Medzamon; Nachicevan.]

Sikhism: Golden Temple at Amritsar.

Lutheran: Wittenberg. Speyer. Worms. Trent. (Rome.) [Lusanne?]

Anglicanism: (Rome;) Canterbury; York; Rochester; London.

Odinism: Mountain of Promise; Asgard/Troja; Heligoland; Uppsala.

Bahai Faith: Haifa. (Sydney.)

Masonry: Grand Lodge (London).

Evolution: Siwalik; Hadar; East Rudolf; Olduvai; Laetolil; Boskop; Kanam/Kanjera; Piltdown; Choukoutien/Peking; Mauer/Heidelberg; Swanscombe; Shanidar; Neanderthal; Cro-Magnon.

Communism: Moscow; East Berlin, ..., ....

Mormonism: Cumorah; Salt Lake City; Zarahemla; Nauvoo; Fayette.

Jehovah's Witnesses: New York.

Christian Science: Boston.

Nazism: Berlin; Wewelsberg; Wolfschlucht; Wolfschanze; Munich; Berghof.

Satanism: Black House; Hell.

Thelema: Boleskin House at Loch Ness.

Jedi: Coruscant; Dagobah; (Yavin; Hoth; Tatooine; Bespin; Death Star.)


5. Head/Leader/High Priest/Hierophant :

Polynesian/Maori: paramount chief/ariki; tohunga; rangatira.

Chinese: Emperor / son of heaven / heavenly monarch.

[Confucianism: True King. (Ideal Man.)]

Hinduism: 10 Avataras. Surya-/Chandra-vansa. MahaRaja; Brahmins; Kshatriyas; Rishis/sages; Prajapatis; Manus.

Jainism: tirthankaras/jinas.

Lamaism: Dalai Lama; [Panchen Lama; Tashi Lama.]

Agarthi: king of Agartha.

Shintoism: Mikado / Emperor/Son of Heaven. Shogun.

Zoroastrianism: Zoroasters.

Egyptian: Pharaoh(s) / son of the sun. high priests. architects.

Atlantis: king of Atlas region; 10 kings.

Roman: pontifex maximus. Emperor/Caesar.

Judaism: High Priest; Rabbi; Prophet/Seer; Judge; Royal/Priestly Messiah.

Qumran sect: Teacher of Righteousness; [Wicked Priest.]

Christianity: Great High Priest (Melchizedek/Jesus); Pope; apostles; deacons; elders; bishops; angels of the churches.

Eastern/Greek Orthodox: (Pope;) patriarch of Constantinople; (Bp of Alexandira.)

Roman Catholicism: (White) Pope / Bishop of Rome / Antipope; (Red Pope / Cardinal Prefect; Black Pope;) [HRE.]

Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria: Coptic (Orthodox) Popes of Alexandria / Pope & Patriarch of (Alexandria &) all Africa.

Islam: Prophets; Caliphs; Imams; Sultans; Ayatollah; Mahdi.

Falasha: Negus Negusti (Prester John); guardian of the ark.

Druidism: arch-druid / arch-flamen. bard. pen-dragon. [saint.]

Arthurian: Fisher King? High King / Pendragon? Tudors? arch-flamens / arch-druid? archbishop of Legions/York; [Bretwaldas?]

Armenian Orthodox Church: Catholicos; patriarch.

Khojas: Aga Khan.

Sikhism: Gurus.

Templars: Grand Master.

Priory of Sion: Nautonier.

Masonry: 33rd degree.

Legio Maria Ch of Africa: Legio Maria Popes.

Palmarian Catholic Church: Palmarian (Catholic Church) Popes.

CaoDai: "Pope".

Jesuits: Pope; Black Pope (Superior General).

Anglicanism: (Pope;) Defender of the Faith; Archbishop of Canterbury; Abp of York.

Mormons: Prophet President; Apostles; Melchizedek priesthood.

KKK: Grand Wizard (of KKK "empire").

BIs/CI: British King/Queen ("line of David").

Communism: Secretary. Chairman.

Nazism: (Deputy) Fuhrer/Duce/Caudillo; Reichsleiter; Reichsfuhrer; Chancellor; [Hitler's Pope.]

Mafia: Mafia Boss (called "the Pope").

Jedi: Jedi Master; (Princess; Emperor; Lord of the Sith.)


6. Love Neighbour as Self is the Law: (i haven't verified that all of these sources do say these.)

"love your neighbour as yourself" (Judaeo-Christian bible.)
"do unto others as would have done to you" (Judaeo-Christian.)
"That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." (Hillel or Gamaliel?)
" What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor " - the Babylonian Talmud (Jewish).

"No one of you is a believer until you desire for another that which you desire for yourself" the Hadith (Moslem).

 " Do not do to others what ye do not wish done to yourself " - the Hindu Mahabharata.

"Hurt not others in ways you yourself find hurtful" - Tibetan Dhammapada.

"Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself" - Confucius.

"Love your neighbor, but don't pull down the fence." - German proverb.

NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.

Posted By: Arthur-Robin
Date Posted: 01-Oct-2017 at 07:39
7a.  in/chosen/masters/followers:

Hindu: Arya. twice-born. Brahmins.

Zoroastrian: Ashavan. Aryan.

Egyptian: Horus (shepherd) race. Ro(m)t.

Atlantis: divine Atlanteans before fell. [Athenians fairest race.]

Judaism: Jews / chosen people. sons of light. clean.

Christian: saved. saints. called/chosen. hot. Jews; Replacement theology; Church/Elect; Lost Tribes. angles "angels". Sethites. sons of god.

Arthurian: Britons.

Islam: Moslems.

Masonry: above 3rd degree. red mason.

Evolution: fit. predator. blond beast.

Mormons: Nephites.

Jehovah's Witness: JWs / 144000.

BI/CI: Lost Tribes (Ephraim & Manasseh / UK & US).

Communism: proletariat/working class. party.

Nazism: fighters. culture bearers. herren volk / master race. Aryans/Nordics. Junkers. ubermensch. citizens. Germans.

Satanism: esoteric. [predators. Turanians. serpent race.]

Jedi: jedi. light side.


7b. Out/barbarian/aliens/non-men:

Polynesian/Maori: pakeha. parlangi. slaves. (Maori.)

Hindu: anarya. Dasyus. pashu. chandala. outcast. pariah. shudra. panis.

Zoroastrian: Turanian; Drugvan.

Egyptian: Amu. Set race. (Kush/Nahsu. Tamahu.) [Rom(t)?]

Atenism: Habiru/Sagaz. [heretic.]

Greek: Barbarians. (demos. laos. gentiles. natural born slave.)

Atlantis: fallen/decadent Atlanteans.

Jewish: goyim/gentiles/heathen/beasts. enosh-man. klippoth. sons of darkness. kittim/kasdim. eunuchs.

Christian: infidel. pagan. lay. heretic. apostate. cursed. perishing. earth-dwellers. old man. dogs. unclean. harlot/whore. lukewarm. cold. Cainites.

Catholic: deluded. heretic. [rebel/disobedient.]

Islam: kafir. white devil.

Arthurian: pagans / cynbyn "dog-heads".

Odinism: theow/thrall. Welsh. bog men. skraelings.

Masonry: blue mason. below 4th degree.

Evolution: unfit/weak. prey. savage/barbarian. primitive.

Communism: bourgeois. kulaks. gulag.

Mormons: Lamanites.

Nazism: untermensch. Jews. slavs. subjects. foreigners. sufferers. culture distorters/parasites. concentration camp.

Satanism: exoteric. prey. klippoths. dualistic. Adamite.

Jedi: dark side. imperials/empire. smuggler. [rebel]


8. Devil(s):

Hinduism: Vairocana; Kali; Shiva. Mara. Bali.

Buddhism: Mara.

Zoroastrianism: Angra Mainyu / Ahriman; Druj Nasu; Jeh/Jahi; Az.

Egyptian: Set. Apophis.

Judaism: Sammael/Satan/Diabolus; Beelzebub/Baalzebul; Asmodeus; Mammon Lilith. Samyaza. Azazel.

Christianity: Satan/Devil/Lucifer/Reaper/Old Nick; Mammon. Leviathan. Behemoth. Abaddon/Apollyon. Babalon.

Gnosticism: Ialdabaoth. [Abraxas? Ophois.]

Islam: Iblis/Eblis; Shaitan; Dajjal.

Yezidis: Malek Taus.

Odinism: Loki. (Surt. Fenrir. Hel.)

Faustian: Mephistopheles.

Temple of Set: Set(-Hen).

Thelema: Aiwaz; Set-Anubis.

Mythos: Chthulu?

Psychoanalysis: complex; Shadow; Anima.

Wicca: Pan?

Satanism: Satan/Devil/Lucifer. Dark Force [Entropy].

Jedi: Dark Side; Emperor; Vader.

NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.

Posted By: Aeoli
Date Posted: 01-Oct-2017 at 16:12
Hindu Trinity
Brahma - Vishnu - Shiva

Kayrahan - Ülgen - Erlik

Brahma is Creator, as KayraHan who has role in Creation mtyh who flight on Earth ina goose shape.

Ulgen god of goodness very similar with Vishnu protector

Evil underworld god Erlik and Shiva destroyer both use bull 

Posted By: Arthur-Robin
Date Posted: 02-Oct-2017 at 05:09
Great, thanks Aeoli. Have added some more to it:

9. Trinities/Triads :

Babylonian: Apsu Tiamat Mummu. Amelu Mushkinu Wardum. Anu Enlil Ea/Enki. Utu/Shamash Nanna/Sin Inana/Istar.

Polynesian: 3 fingers Maori carvings. Kane Ku Kanaloa/Lono.

Incas: 3 eggs/metals/castes/bands (gold, silver, copper). [Candelabra of Paracas.]

Chinese: Triads.

Taoism: Yu Huang Shangti, Panku, Lao-tze.

Chinese/Confucianism: trigrams. [3 religions.]

Shintoism: Amaterasu, Susano, Tsuki-yomi. [3 religions.]

Hinduism: trimurti / Brahma Visnu Siva; Agni, Vayu, Surya. [3rd eye?] Kama,  Artha, Dharma. Nagarupa, Kamarupa, Pretarupa. 3 gunas (sattva, rajas, tamas). Yogini, Matri, Dakini. 3 steps Vishnu. 3 sons of Manu (Sama/Scherma, Chama, Jyapeti/Prajapeti).

Buddhism: Tripitaka "3 baskets". Kamaloka, Rupaloka, Arupaloka.

Tengrism: KayraHan Ulgen Erlik.

Zoroastrian: Salm/Sayrima, Arya/Eraj, Tur. [Zurvan, Ahura, Angra?] 3 saviours?

Phoenician/Canaanite: Phos, Phur, Phlox; sun, moon, stars. Chronus, Potos, Omicle.

Greek: Zeus Poseidon Hades. Uranus Kronos Zeus. 3 hypostases. Trident. Europa, Libya, Asia. 3 Hermes. 3 headed dog Cerberus. 3 Horae. 3 Moerae.

Pythagorean: beginning, middle, end.

Egyptian: Atum, Shu,Tefnut. Isis Horus Seb/Set/Osiris. 3 pyramids Giza. Ptah-Seker-Osiris. 3 Hermes. Ptah, Sekhmet, Imhotep. Amen-Re, Mut, Khuns. Khepri, Ra, Atum. 3 seasons. 3 kingdoms. 3 dynasties (gods, demi-gods, manes/dead/mortals).

Classical/Greek/Roman:  3 x 3 Muses. 3 fates. 3 harpies. 3 gorgons. 3 graces. 3 furies. Trevia "3 ways" (Heacte).

Romans: Jupiter Juno Minerva. 3 tribes/tribunes. triumvirate.

Celtic: Triads. 3 leaf clover/trefoil/shamrock.

Odinism: Odin Vili Ve; Odin Lodur Hoenir. 3 x 8 runes. Jarl Karl Thrall. Man maid Frost-giant. Harr Janfar Thridi. 3 Norns. "Asgard, Midgard, Utgard".

Atlantis: red white black. [3 circles/rings.] gold, silver, orichalc. brass, tin, orichalc. [gold, silver, copper.]

Judaism: Kether Binah Hokhmah. Law Prophets Writings. 3 teachers of righteousness. Abraham Isaac Jacob. Y H W. Shem Japheth Ham.

Christianity: Father Son HolyGhost; holy holy holy. 3 synoptic gospels. 666. Dragon SeaBeast EarthBeast. 3 days. 3 crosses. "3 magi/wisemen/gifts". Faith Hope Love. Hebrew Greek Latin (Inri). Hebrew Aramaic Greek (Bible languages). body, soul, spirit. 3 enemies (devil, world, self/flesh). Peter, John, Wilfrid. "was, is/isnot, is coming".

Catholic: [white pope, black pope, red pope?]

Arabian: Allat, Uzza, Manat.

Islam: Judaism, Chirstianity, Islam. [Persian: 3 primitive languages (Persian, Turkish, Arabic).]

Arthurian: Arthur Bedver Kay; God Jesus Mary. 3 several battles; 3 x 3/4 battles (Nennius); Tribruit; Triads. 3 guineveres. 3 prisons Gwen Pendragon.

Astrology/Zodiacal: trine; trigon.

Masonry: (3)3 degrees.

Synarchy: Executive, Legislative, Judicial.

Nazism: Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer. Red, White, Black. [President, Chancellor, Party chief.]


Wicca: Triple Goddess (Hecate)? 'Charmed' sisters?

NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.

Posted By: Aeoli
Date Posted: 06-Oct-2017 at 13:41

Zoroaster & Ali both are belong to Iran

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