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Richard Dawkin's remedy...

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Topic: Richard Dawkin's remedy...
Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Subject: Richard Dawkin's remedy...
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 05:55
I've been looking around at a lot of literary criticism about The god delusion after reading a fair bit of it, and I and many of the reviewers have come up with one little tick in his argument. It's not a tick in his argument against Theism - I think it's a good a well argued book which deserves its reputation. But many acedemics have argued that Richard Dawkins suffers from what is ultimatley a kind of Christian view of his ideology. He seems to come to the conclusion that by everyone being Atheist, the majority of world conflict will stop. I don't know about you guys, but I think that's rubbish. Humanity is ALWAYS going to fight over something, it's in out nature.

Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 09:19
South Park seems to have been way ahead of the literary establishment in this conclusion. Check out the episode where future society is based upon Dawkin's book.

Light blue touch paper and stand well back - -

Posted By: SearchAndDestroy
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 11:53
As long as there is and ideology, there will always be conflcit. One person will always rise with new ideas, and many will follow him. We are a tribal species, and if we were all Athiest, then there'd just be rules made one how to live that someone else will disagree with and start the cycle again. We are just violent animals.

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." E.Abbey

Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 12:55
I'm actually reading the God Delusion right now and although i haven't finished it yet i dont find him concluding that all conflicts will cease to exist once religion is done away with.
Instead what would seem more accurate is that if all Abrahamic religions cease to exist then all the factions and various interpretations of those religions and variations of the various interpretations will stop arguing about who is right and who is wrong and who speaks for god and who doesn't and who is carrying out gods will and who is not and so on, then there would be no conflicts over religion.  Quite logical and obvious.
There will always be conflicts, wether over politics, territory, economy or jealousy or whatever.  Its more important that we evolve progressively in our ways of dealing with them. 
What i find is that Dawkins argues brilliantly the stupidity of religion, which without any actual proof, followers believe what is in fact (at least as far as the Abrahamic religions are concerned) the dated and primitive corrupted (and in some cases plagiarised) folk tales of a very self centred tribe from the ancient past in the Middle East.  All the three major religions and their variations evolve from them.

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 13:43
If you want a better understanding of where Richard Dawkins is coming from you can check out his website - particularly his articles and check out the forum there too.
here he is reading out his new preface to the paperback edition of the God Delusion -
and asnwering questions after the reading -
Id suggest for those interested to subscribe to the poster RationalResponse.  They post many videos from various atheists that are interesting. - -
Richard Dawkins on C-span Reading excerpts in the first part and asnwering questions (some silly ones from Jerry Falwell's Liberty "University") in the second part.
oh and heres something on a common christian excuse, not Dawkins but just as good LOL -

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 18:51
Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a great book! It's invaluble reading! It's just that there are many new emerging fundamentalist atheists who seem to think that if ALL religion and philosophical schools apart from Atheism ceased to practice then ALL conflict would stop. That, to me just seems ridiculous. I do like the book, but he does "rant" a little - we all understand the issue of religion (at least in this board) and some people seem to overstate the case a little. In fact, the professor of Mathematics at his university (Oxford or Cambridge, I think...) did in fact say just that.
Many Atheists seem to get rather high and mighty to anyone who is not an atheist- frankly, that's appalling. It doesn't matter what your ideology is, fundamentalism works both ways, and intolerant Atheists are in theory no better. I'm a Deist, so I see myself and others who have the same philosophy as being completely outside of the spectrum- it's just interesting from an outside perspective seeing the rational side giving irrational amounts of anger. Don't get me wrong - I fully support and respect many Atheist views and many Deistic principles are fundamentally Atheistic in nature, but I just think that the way that some Atheists go about displaying their philosophy is wrong.


Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 19:26
Originally posted by Earl Aster

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a great book! It's invaluble reading! It's just that there are many new emerging fundamentalist atheists who seem to think that if ALL religion and philosophical schools apart from Atheism ceased to practice then ALL conflict would stop. That, to me just seems ridiculous.
I dont think there is a misunderstanding. Smile
I was just under the impression from your OP that you thought it was Richard Dawkins who believed that an end of religion would result in an end to any form of conflict.  That is an extreme position to hold, I agree some atheists might think that and it is rediculous if they do.
I do like the book, but he does "rant" a little - we all understand the issue of religion (at least in this board) and some people seem to overstate the case a little. In fact, the professor of Mathematics at his university (Oxford or Cambridge, I think...) did in fact say just that.
RD is a brilliant storyteller as well as a thinker, in his books he can go on a bit but i think its more in the meaning of telling than ranting.  Most of his "rants" are a result of the extremist accusations against him and i think its the process of having to explain the sillyness of the accusation or question that makes him go on a bit more than if he was asked a normal question.  If you view the vids where he is answering questions i posted then the questions that are asked by the fundamentalist Liberty University students are good examples, and his answers seem to me are not rantings as such but pwnage Wink
Some critics make the mistake that RD is as fundamentalist as those he opposes.  I wouldnt call it fundamental but he is just as enthusiastic in what he believes as those who he opposes.  The difference is however that he even admits himself that as a scientist if all the evidence supported creationism then even he would believe it, however those who oppose him would still believe what they believe even if all the evidence (as is the case) opposed them. 
That is fundamentalism and RD is not one of them.
Many Atheists seem to get rather high and mighty to anyone who is not an atheist- frankly, that's appalling. It doesn't matter what your ideology is, fundamentalism works both ways, and intolerant Atheists are in theory no better.
Definately agree.  I hate arrogance and if atheists show these traits then it is appaling.  However you have to also take into account who they are arguing against.  If against a religious person who doesnt wish to discuss the issue then it is appaling but most times you will find they are against extremely narrow minded religious folk who come up with the most rediculous and irrational arguments to support their so called faith.
I think some people consider some atheists to be fundamentalists because they themselves feel that religion is beyond criticism even if one disagrees mildly.  This is fundamentalism from theists not atheists.
I'm a Deist, so I see myself and others who have the same philosophy as being completely outside of the spectrum- it's just interesting from an outside perspective seeing the rational side giving irrational amounts of anger. Don't get me wrong - I fully support and respect many Atheist views and many Deistic principles are fundamentally Atheistic in nature, but I just think that the way that some Atheists go about displaying their philosophy is wrong.
I consider myself a deist too.  I can not get religion at all and ive even tried to before when i was younger but my independent mind wont agree.  Too many unfufilled questions and the more i looked into religion the less believed it. 
What exactly do you think is wrong about how some atheists go about things and what would you consider to be the right way?

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: Boreasi
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 21:26
According to nature mammals seem to live and reproduce in clusters. The higher primates the higher degree of social complexity and accountability seems to be required, since their perpetuation depends on well organized families, flocks and communities.

Growing out of the reptilian cages the mammals evolved into the more sensitive and sensible beings - until some a$oles learned how to turn off their basic instincts and re-develop a more reptilian (i.e. scruple-less) behavior. Still it seems that the human being is the only primate that have developed the ability of warfare, murder, rape, torture, bestiality, brutality, pillage and plunder - towards its own kind.

Thus it should be rather obvious - the human being was hardly born this way, from the very start. In that case we wouldn't exist today since nature seem to have rid itself of all other self-destructive species. Thankfully we're still here - still surviving the fall we once made; from the grace of the full-grown specie of a primate today labelled as "early mankind".

Today's supersonic shells of stealth-hammered steel resembles just another issue of the pre-historic reptile-format. That still doesn't prove that the concept of a Stealth killer-machine was here already during Eocene - but were used first by the "modern" man of the "atomic age"...

Only the most advanced technical knowledge and the sharpest mechanical skills of modern man - are ever recorded to have produced such ideas, projects and productions as the high-tec industry of today. To bad these skills occurs as humankind still is in a hangover from the most insensitive and anti-social period in history, as a culture of strife and war grew into the world - from the start of the "iron age" to the end of the middle ages.

We may ponder when and where men - and finally mankind - started falling out of the natural order, as in the social instincts of higher mammals and primates. When and what made the ancient men and women suddenly abandon the primary characteristics of unselfishly feeding and fostering their young, guarding their elder and always supplying their own kin' - indiscriminately?!

Be good or be gone.

Posted By: Mughal e Azam
Date Posted: 15-Jul-2007 at 23:24
I read it. I also ordered the Atheist Manifesto.
I personally didnt like God Delusion. I read it a while back, i found it approaching religion like many other atheists do. The biggest problem with Atheism arguing against Christianity, i believe, is its self-centered.

Mughal e Azam

Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 16-Jul-2007 at 14:38
AyKurt, I know what you mean, and I also know what fundamentalism is. It's just that I've met many Atheists who are close friends of the family but use Richard Dawkin's book as a rallying point for their ricuolously aggresive Atheism. One of them even insulted one of my close friends- a moderate christian- at the table for no reason. If people want to speak seriously about their beliefs in open debate, that's great! But many Atheists just seem to snipe and insult religious people in an un-constructive way which doesn't help anyone. Accusations like "Religious people are all inherantly stupid" and "I don't talk to people who believe in fairy-tales" are appalling. Perhaps my fustration is clouding my judgement, but I just hate that kind of behaviour. I've highlighted the Atheist extremists in this thread not because I view them as more dangerous than religious people- far from it- I've put in it because I feel that they are ignored because relgious fundamentalism is obviously more dangerous.
Definately agree.  I hate arrogance and if atheists show these traits then it is appaling.  However you have to also take into account who they are arguing against.
Fine, if they are arguing against a religious fundamentalist, but frankly, if they are arguing against a moderate Christian or a member of a completely impartial philosophical school, then that's ridiculous.


Posted By: Eondt
Date Posted: 20-Jul-2007 at 07:41
Funamentalists usually assumes they possess greater knowledge than others and as a result think themselves better than others, the root cause for ideolagy-based conflicts.
Atheists are no different. It has become a religion and one that shows a disturbingly large proportion (or it could be extremely vocal proportion) of fundamentalists that dismiss other's viewpoints to the point of causing conflict.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 21-Jul-2007 at 12:46
The use of the word "fundamentalism" and its derrivatives in the general population is starting to grate on me. Fundamentalism is actually something to be proud of, it means sticking to the basic truth of one's beliefs. Please do not use it as a synonym for "extremist" as many people seem to do, including the world media.

In other news I have read dawkins book, and find it generally drivel. It lacks significant evidencial back-up for many of its claims, the logic is extremely poor, assumptions are made which are fundamentally flawed and the general tone of the book is offensive and arrogant. By Dawkins own logic one can prove that he does not exist, and that none of you do either. He is damaging his own cause.


Posted By: malizai_
Date Posted: 21-Jul-2007 at 16:49
Originally posted by Earl Aster

I've been looking around at a lot of literary criticism about The god delusion after reading a fair bit of it, and I and many of the reviewers have come up with one little tick in his argument. It's not a tick in his argument against Theism - I think it's a good a well argued book which deserves its reputation. But many acedemics have argued that Richard Dawkins suffers from what is ultimatley a kind of Christian view of his ideology. He seems to come to the conclusion that by everyone being Atheist, the majority of world conflict will stop. I don't know about you guys, but I think that's rubbish. Humanity is ALWAYS going to fight over something, it's in out nature.
Somebody once said that 'atheism is a pointless creed'. It seems that Dawkins has tried to disprove that by offering a 'conflict free world' as part and parcel of atheism. Thus becoming from 'Dawkins the scientist' to 'Dawkins the prophet'. Some before him had offered peace in heaven, he seems to promise it on earth. Hey!, ..i would love that MR. Dawkins, but is that not at odd with your own nature based models of 'survival of the fittest' and 'competition'.


Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 21-Jul-2007 at 20:16
Originally posted by malizai_

Somebody once said that 'atheism is a pointless creed'. It seems that Dawkins has tried to disprove that by offering a 'conflict free world' as part and parcel of atheism. Thus becoming from 'Dawkins the scientist' to 'Dawkins the prophet'. Some before him had offered peace in heaven, he seems to promise it on earth. Hey!, ..i would love that MR. Dawkins, but is that not at odd with your own nature based models of 'survival of the fittest' and 'competition'.
The only problem with your analysis is that Dawkins has never said there would be a conflict free world with Atheism. 
Oh well there goes your Dawkins the Prophet theory.
There seems to be alot of empty generic criticism of Dawkins but not much actual criticism of his work and ideas. 

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 21-Jul-2007 at 20:20
Originally posted by Zaitsev

and find it generally drivel. It lacks significant evidencial back-up for many of its claims, the logic is extremely poor, assumptions are made which are fundamentally flawed and the general tone of the book is offensive and arrogant. By Dawkins own logic one can prove that he does not exist, and that none of you do either. He is damaging his own cause.
You could just as well be describing the Bible there.
Out of interest, and i havent finished the God Delusion yet, could you give examples of where Dawkins lacks significant evidencial back up, where the logic is extremely poor, where he makes assumptions which are fundamentally flawed and of the offensive and arrogant tone of his book?
I ask because from what ive read, so far, i havent come across what you claim yet.

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 22-Jul-2007 at 05:40
Anyone that says a conflict free world could arise from atheism hasn't been to an atheist gathering! The internal politics as bad as any church and gets even worse when an old guard Marxist starts having a rant. I have nothing against Dawkins as a person, and like much of what he says, but his arguments keep repeating the same things over and over and that tendancy to rant does not endear him to me.

OK, fair enough the bible does too, but for someone who says they are opposed to dogma to yet continually uses dogma grates on the nerves. You would have to be a true believer of his point of view to listen for too long, He is an assassin "shock jock" in that he uses underdeveloped scientific arguments as a weapon, that is if he stuck to the subject rather in indulge in gratuitous comments that are designed get the obligatory round of applause or gasps of disapproval from his captive audience.


Posted By: YohjiArmstrong
Date Posted: 27-Jul-2007 at 14:43
Anyone who says a world based on atheism would be conflict free is nuts! Religion gave us the Crusades, Conquistadors and Islamic conquests. Atheism gave us Stalinist Russia and Hitler.

Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 27-Jul-2007 at 21:29
We need a third way, a way of showing respect for the world as a whole that goes beyond boundaries. A way where we can draw our social and moral lessons from the wonders, facts and observations of nature rather than be forever tied the false opinions of those who got it wrong. 


Posted By: YohjiArmstrong
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2007 at 04:42

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2007 at 11:37
Originally posted by YohjiArmstrong

Anyone who says a world based on atheism would be conflict free is nuts! Religion gave us the Crusades, Conquistadors and Islamic conquests. Atheism gave us Stalinist Russia and Hitler.

I agree that it's idiotic to expect that a world without religion would be conflict free (it would probably be a bit better though, one cause of misery less), but I fail to see how atheism caused Hitler, who was a Christian, banned atheist and freethought organization while SS uniforms had "for the will of god" written on them.

And Stalin was caused by communism, not atheism.


Posted By: YohjiArmstrong
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2007 at 11:45
Oh alright then, the French revolution and Spanish Civil War. In both cases immense persecution occured because atheists loathed the church.

I like to think a world without religion would certainly think better, be more critical and question itself. But I'm not entirely unconvinved that people need a solid bedrock of faith in something and that alternatives to religion, as equally spurious and potentially dangerous, wouldn't turn up.

As far as I remember the SS uniform part was the belt. Which was a relic of the Wehrmacht I believe. Hitler certainly persecuted the Church (whilst creating his own- which the Confessing Church was founded to oppose).

Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2007 at 14:42
So what do people want in a world that keeps on changing? We all need something to believe in, even if each other and the wonderful world of nature around us. What many religions teach cannot agree with modern knowledge. Denying natural causes always has been a risky business, they don't change but how we think of them does. Those religions that built on their house on the rock of former understanding of the world are now finding their rock was only sandstone after all.


Posted By: Ovidius
Date Posted: 31-Jul-2007 at 08:02
Originally posted by YohjiArmstrong

Oh alright then, the French revolution and Spanish Civil War. In both cases immense persecution occured because atheists loathed the church.

I like to think a world without religion would certainly think better, be more critical and question itself. But I'm not entirely unconvinved that people need a solid bedrock of faith in something and that alternatives to religion, as equally spurious and potentially dangerous, wouldn't turn up.

As far as I remember the SS uniform part was the belt. Which was a relic of the Wehrmacht I believe. Hitler certainly persecuted the Church (whilst creating his own- which the Confessing Church was founded to oppose).

Yes but if you had read any dawkins you would understand this more deeply. Dawkins does not say that Religion CAUSED ALL VIOLENCE, he said that Most Violence is the RESULT of theism. So the French Revolution and Spanish revolution - were the result of Theism, they were caused not by christians, but by the reaction and impact of theism. The Nazi's were the RESULT of a continuance of beliefs that were formed with the church.

You have to get with the Rhetoric here. Dawkins has formed an almost infallible account of why Theism is bad, when compared to Atheism. Its a logical trap - just substitute the words theism/christianity/beliefs in the book to West/Blacks/Monkies and the rhetoric he created would still be valid.

So I'd be careful with using the old "Well it didn't happen this way" argument. Dawkins uses irrational rhetoric to attack something he believes is irrational. He uses ahistorical arguments to logically "prove" that atheism is better, just as he uses fake science to prove that theism is a "condition" that theists are suffering from!

To those who are defending Dawkins - give me a break. Theist or Atheist, I think we should at least be able to understand that Dawkins is the one that is delusional. Using a book like the God Delusion to further Atheism's cause. He is turning Atheism into a religion?! Evangelising his cause... Anyhow, my "memes" are playing up again... LOL

Posted By: Praetor
Date Posted: 31-Jul-2007 at 09:32
Originally posted by Mixcoatl

I agree that it's idiotic to expect that a world without religion would be conflict free (it would probably be a bit better though, one cause of misery less), but I fail to see how atheism caused Hitler, who was a Christian, banned atheist and freethought organization while SS uniforms had "for the will of god" written on them.

Hitler was not a christian, though he was born into a nominally Catholic family, he had a secular marriage and committed suicide (both sins according to Catholicism). Furtheremore there were many accounts by his intimates of his ant-christian views eg.“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"- this is according to Albert speer a statement made about christianity by Hitler. Hitler was clearly not a christian. Indeed Hitler expressed Social Darwinist views frequently to justify his actions.

Regards, Praetor.


Posted By: Dan Carkner
Date Posted: 31-Jul-2007 at 11:07
The problem with him is that he takes many conflicts as "theological" that aren't really.  (Northern Ireland, Israel/Palestine,etc.)   They are between groups with "different" religions, but they are not about theology.  

Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 31-Jul-2007 at 15:44
Originally posted by Ovidius

Yes but if you had read any dawkins you would understand this more deeply. Dawkins does not say that Religion CAUSED ALL VIOLENCE, he said that Most Violence is the RESULT of theism. So the French Revolution and Spanish revolution - were the result of Theism, they were caused not by christians, but by the reaction and impact of theism. The Nazi's were the RESULT of a continuance of beliefs that were formed with the church.
ok good analysis.
Originally posted by Ovidius

just substitute the words theism/christianity/beliefs in the book to West/Blacks/Monkies and the rhetoric he created would still be valid.
bad analogy.  The two cannot be compared.  The "West/Blacks/Monkies" are realities that exist wether you believe it or not.  By choosing those three are you somehow trying to relate Dawkins with racists and supremacists?

Originally posted by Ovidius

You have to get with the Rhetoric here. Dawkins has formed an almost infallible account of why Theism is bad, when compared to Atheism. Its a logical trap -
So I'd be careful with using the old "Well it didn't happen this way" argument. Dawkins uses irrational rhetoric to attack something he believes is irrational. He uses ahistorical arguments to logically "prove" that atheism is better, just as he uses fake science to prove that theism is a "condition" that theists are suffering from!
Well firstly what was irrational rhetoric that Dawkins uses?  What you said at the start was not irrational.
Secondly  What you perceive to be ahistorical  would most often just be considered historical facts.  Its only ahistorical because you choose to look at it like that.
And thirdly, when the hell did Dawkins use fake science to prove that theism is a condition?

Originally posted by Ovidius

To those who are defending Dawkins - give me a break. Theist or Atheist, I think we should at least be able to understand that Dawkins is the one that is delusional. Using a book like the God Delusion to further Atheism's cause. He is turning Atheism into a religion?! Evangelising his cause...
Lol well if you want a break then dont open the thread.  simple. Wink
Anyway he isn't evangelising for any atheist religion.  He is a biologist in charge of the public understanding of science.  The God Delusion isn't his only book but his most recent of 9.
The Selfish Gene, which looks at evolution from a gene's view
The Extended Phenotype, a continuation of the first book
The Blind Watchmaker, about the non random evolution by natural selection
River out of Eden, dealing with most of the problems and questions that come from evolution
Climbing Mount Improbable, about evolutionary adaptation
Unweaving the Rainbow, here he begins answering back to the anti-science fanatics basing the title on A.Keats poem that accuses Darwin of destroying the poetry of the rainbow by explaining how it gets its colours, Darwin shows that truth can be just as fascinating as mystery and even enhance or wonder of the world by looking at the wonders of the natural world
A Devils Chaplain, a collection of essays and articles
The Ancestors Tale, a journey going back four billion years of evolution.
Taking all into context then you can clearly see how the God Delusion is actually a natural evolution of Dawkins work as a scientist and one in charge of public understanding.
Well i should thank you Ovidius, at least your the first to attempt to back up your critisicms of Dawkins no matter if it was quite poor.
If we realise the wonders and strengths of knowledge compared to the weaknesses of blind faith then we will see how important scientists like Dawkins are.
So lets get away from the silly myths about Dawkins, hes not leading some pagan cult bent on destroyin the work of god.  I'm not sticking up for Dawkins because im some blind follower of his evil cult lol, rather because its amusing seeing people get into such hysterics over him, with all the baseless and opinionated accusations against him because of one book that most havent even read or put into perspective.  it only reinforces what hes saying.  Some people need religion not becuase its true but because they need something to believe in. 
So embrace the truth, embrace Father Dawkins Tongue LOL
(btw thats a joke, chillWink)

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 31-Jul-2007 at 16:13

When I started this thread, I was not one of the ones who was in "Hysterics" about him- as a PanDeist, I actually share many views with Atheists and think that it is a brilliantly argued and excellent book that certainly should sit on anyone's bookcase - my argument is that he is over-evangelising his philosophy by seemingly blaming religion for everything - one can see that his logic (although it is brilliant) has one flaw, in that it hypothesizes than an Atheist world would have hardly any conflict, and that people who are religious are somehow lower and that Atheists are "superior" to them. I've had many conversations with radical Atheists, and they often use Richard Dawkin's book as a pretext to simply poke needless fun at perfectly moderate believers. People should be allowed to deviate, people should be allowed to have their own interpretation- what worries me is that Dawkins seems to be emphasising that the "true" way is Atheism - THERE IS NO TRUE WAY! (except religious fundamentalism and other wako beliefs). Just because Dawkins sits behind a calm, Scientific exterior that is both brilliant and mind and in literary skill, that doesn't give him the right to effectively use fundamentalist feeling for his own beliefs. He has seen that Atheism is indeed something neccesary for the modern world - contempary religion is dead -, but other strands of Philosophical thinking that do not conform entirely with Atheism are not. It seems that in an effort to appeal to people to rally to Atheism, he is using (as numerous people have said) fundamentalist rhetoric. God is a concept, a theory, an idea - ideas cannot be destroyed - they can be given egos, personalities, but they cannot be destroyed. The fundamental essence behind the concept of god - the "Einstein religion" as Dawkins put it - man's capibility for wonder of the natural world, with never die. If people choose to venerate this with some kind of cultural guise and/or ego, there is nothing that he can do about it and I suggest that he live with it, because religion is not going to die, and Atheism is not the ends and the means. Everyone's got to find their own way, and they've got to find it themselves. Science has advanced to the point that we in the West (and many of you outside of the west) don't need our wonder of the natural world to be given a cultural guise anymore, but infinity/god always has guises, there are always knew philosophical theorems and there will always be conflict.

So lets get away from the silly myths about Dawkins, hes not leading some pagan cult bent on destroyin the work of god. 
In case you haven't noticed, not many of us (I hope) have that view, many of us on this forum are self-confessed (they've said in this thread or other parts of the forum) that they are some form of Deist or Moderate Theist - none of us would make so silly an accusation. As many of us here have said, Dawkin's book is very good and such pieces of philosophy should be enouraged, it's his solution that worries me and many of the other people who have contributed to this thread.
...You have hit on it just there, we have been accused of being adherents of such things as "blind faith" and the other quips that you've mentioned just because we are questioning Richard Dawkins - it's this kind of absolution about a Philosophy, ANY philosophy, that I hate, and in that sense, what Richard Dawkins has inspired is hypocrital to say the least. People should constantly debate. If you don't machine-gun your own beliefs and others all the time (a favourite past time of mine) how are you going to get anywhere philosophically? Many Atheists don't because they see Richard Dawkin's word as final.
If we realise the wonders and strengths of knowledge compared to the weaknesses of blind faith then we will see how important scientists like Dawkins are.
It's important that people understand that the old "God vs. Science" question doesn't exactly hold up anymore - the stories that contradict science are precisely that - stories and don't entirely discredit all religion. When we percieve that god is a concept (Spinoza and Descartes, for example), then we can see that fundamentally, religion slots in fine with science - veneration of this concept is the problem - each culture has devised their own way with their own cultural "limpets" and it is these "limpets" and socio-political issues that cause the trouble. "Blind faith" can be inspired by any ideology, not neccesarily a religious one - for example, with Islamists, it's more for the political and cultural ties that Islam represents to them that create this "blind faith". "Blind faith" is simply the irrational defense that people who are still practising "limpeted" religion feel when their cultural "limpets" are being attacked - it's a war of culture and religious practicing methods rather than the entire concept of religion.
I say again, I realise that Dawkins is an highly respected figure (by me also Smile) but I feel that there are so many ridiculous myths that Atheists assosiate with him that his book certainly desires closer inspection to find out where the basis for these come from.


Posted By: Ovidius
Date Posted: 01-Aug-2007 at 11:17
Originally posted by AyKurt

bad analogy.  The two cannot be compared.  The "West/Blacks/Monkies" are realities that exist wether you believe it or not.  By choosing those three are you somehow trying to relate Dawkins with racists and supremacists?

Yes I am, his attacks on Religion have a similar rhetoric to Supremacist literature attacking Blacks or Jews and a similar rhetoric to attacks on Western Materialism. They use a quasi-Scientific argument to attack everything that is unproved, by offering less supported theories.

So his idea of Memes etc is a totally non scientific theory and Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, neuro Scientists etc with EXPERIENCE and EVIDENCE of how the brain works know that his theory is wrong. However, as with the Historical argument, their position is attacked with a logical trap that is laid by Dawkins - the idea that their positions can not be proved either.

Well firstly what was irrational rhetoric that Dawkins uses? 

Most of his work is irrational. Its based on argument and attack, not on proper science or proper history.

Secondly  What you perceive to be ahistorical  would most often just be considered historical facts.  Its only ahistorical because you choose to look at it like that.

I'm a Post-Structuralist, my belief in "historical-facts" is somewhat questionable. However, i do believe strongly in METHOD and in the discovery of evidence from sources. Dawkins offers no real method or evidence in support of his arguments, they are baseless attacks on theism, not historically constructed criticisms of historical facts.

Basically, his historical work cannot be trusted because he knows what he wants the past to say, before he starts researching. Again, this is similar to people with strong political or racial beliefs - they are using the past and researching the past in an true effort to support what they already believe to be true. This is what I find wrong about his history, oh and that fact that its complete nonsense.

And thirdly, when the hell did Dawkins use fake science to prove that theism is a condition?

Ermm. Viruses of the Mind (1993), The Selfish Gene (1976) and in the God Delusion. He calls Religion a Mind Virus, caused by Memes!

The only problem with this is that there is no evidence of Memes. He has never provided a single shred of evidence to support any of his theories. This is why it is fake science. He is again doing it back to front. Creating a theory based on his own bias against theism. He has created a massive theory of why Relgion is a virus without any evidence, observation or discovery.

He has also attacked the work of Genetecists and other scientists in their work. Claiming that all Religious Scientists are not Scientists. He also attacks the people that have found evidence that counter his theories.

Lol well if you want a break then dont open the thread.  simple. Wink
Anyway he isn't evangelising for any atheist religion.  He is a biologist in charge of the public understanding of science.  The God Delusion isn't his only book but his most recent of 9.

I'm aware of his other work. The God Delusion is, as I said, an attack on Religion. He IS evangelising the cause of Atheism - he has even made TV programmes to that effect.

If we realise the wonders and strengths of knowledge compared to the weaknesses of blind faith then we will see how important scientists like Dawkins are.

So we should substitute blind faith in religion with Blind faith in atheism and Dawkins style of Knowledge? I'd rather stand on the moderates side, with the agnostics. With the rest of the world that 'cannot be sure'. The wonders and strenghts of knowledge and the culmination of enlightenment development of intellectualism are vital and I believe that Dawkins has broken from this development. He prefers to substitute irrational belief in Religion with irrational belief in HIS "science".

So lets get away from the silly myths about Dawkins, hes not leading some pagan cult bent on destroyin the work of god.

No, he's leading a atheistic cult, intent on releasing the world from Theism towards a non-religious utopia, which would inevitably be non-violent etc.

 I'm not sticking up for Dawkins because im some blind follower of his evil cult lol, rather because its amusing seeing people get into such hysterics over him, with all the baseless and opinionated accusations against him because of one book that most havent even read or put into perspective.  it only reinforces what hes saying.  Some people need religion not becuase its true but because they need something to believe in.

I am not in hysterics about Dawkins, I just find his methods, arguments and theories a complete joke. Not because I am religious, but because I hate they way in which he pretends to represent rational thought. Atheism, in my opinion, is just as irrational as theism.

So embrace the truth, embrace Father Dawkins Tongue LOL
(btw thats a joke, chillWink)


Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 01-Aug-2007 at 11:46

Precisely! You've always got to machine-gun your own and other peoples' beliefs (...but not literally, like whats happening in Iraq...). In my mind, anyone that dares to oppose the constant questioning is dangerous- be they Religious or Atheist. We must question everything.


Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 02-Aug-2007 at 00:07
I saw a full program of Dawkins on TV where he called the shots, it was his program where he said what he wanted to say. The first few minutes was interesting and well told, but the rest of the hour was boring, filled with cliches, redundant statements and repetitions. He is one of those people  who after having made a good point keep on and on until the point where the urge to kill him arises!


Posted By: Omar al Hashim
Date Posted: 02-Aug-2007 at 06:40
In my mind, anyone that dares to oppose the constant questioning is dangerous- be they Religious or Atheist. We must question everything.

Questioning is only useful if you understand and are prepared to accept the answer. If you fail on either of those, especially the latter, there is no point in asking the questions.

For example, you could question how a computer works, although if you are not prepared to accept an Engineers explanation, you are a bigger fool than you were before you asked the question.


Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 02-Aug-2007 at 16:02

I'm aware of that, but those things are materialistic and function by the laws of physics - things like metaphysics and philosophy can all have equally valid systems and still be contradictory. People have grappled for millenia with these issues - there is no answer! It's too large a question - t least we can find personal ways which help us look at the question in a way which helps us live our lives.

...Also (this is highly relevant to Mr.Dawkins...) there is such a thing as overstating the case - although they are helpful in today's world, preaching Atheists are boring and frankly tell us the case (which we know is valid) again and again and again.


Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 02-Aug-2007 at 17:29
Fundamentally (Wink) the point is each to their own so long as they keep it to their own.
The problem is for some time religous extremists dont keep it to themselves and insist on shoving it down others throats, be it through education or media or government.  So theres going to be a counter reaction.  An atheist reaction, naturally.  Its necessary for balance. 
Wether you like Dawkins or not he isn't going to go away so long as there are creationists and christian evangelisers.  And no doubt there are and will be many more like him who, although on a smaller scale, will also feel they have to confront the illogical beliefs of those people.
These types of atheists wouldnt exist otherwise.  If religious folk kept their beliefs to themselves then there would be no need to counter them. 
Logical, no?

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: Eondt
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 02:24
Originally posted by AyKurt

, will also feel they have to confront the illogical beliefs of those people. 
It's exactly this kind of language that moved others in this forum to condemn the superior (even, holier than though Wink) attitude of atheists, no offence.
Remember that for someone who is religious your "faith" in atheism seem just as "illogical". 

Posted By: Parnell
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 07:34
Originally posted by Aster Thrax Eupator

I've been looking around at a lot of literary criticism about The god delusion after reading a fair bit of it, and I and many of the reviewers have come up with one little tick in his argument. It's not a tick in his argument against Theism - I think it's a good a well argued book which deserves its reputation. But many acedemics have argued that Richard Dawkins suffers from what is ultimatley a kind of Christian view of his ideology. He seems to come to the conclusion that by everyone being Atheist, the majority of world conflict will stop. I don't know about you guys, but I think that's rubbish. Humanity is ALWAYS going to fight over something, it's in out nature.
I agree, too often people come out with cliche's like 'Religion is the cause of all wars', which is tosh. Religion is in fact rarely a cause of war. It is used as a motivation for the masses by the ruling class who decide to send ordinary people into harms way.


Posted By: Dolphin
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 07:47
Religion often causes war. But it is not the cause of all wars. Religion, don't forget is a very broad term, so even ideologies that clash to cause a war can be construed as or linked to religion. I think personally that if someone wants to support a religious ideology, or if someone doesn't it is their call and they are entitled to make it. Either side should not be punished for their convictions, neither should they attempt to enforce or transplant their convictions onto others. Militant atheism as as pointless as militant religious observance


Posted By: Parnell
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 08:08
Name me one atheist who wants to forcibly convert a believer into an unbeliever. That seems to be a strictly theistic profession.
Nevertheless, while religious beliefs can be beneficial to the individual it often stands in the way of society as a whole - be it scientific progress (Religion opposing Stem cell research, for example) or morality (Religiously derived morals seem to insist on encroaching its habits on unbelievers. Just remember, Homosexuality was strictly an illegal act in Ireland until 1993)


Posted By: Dolphin
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 09:01
Originally posted by Parnell

Name me one atheist who wants to forcibly convert a believer into an unbeliever. That seems to be a strictly theistic profession.
LOLLOL    Richard Dawkins   LOLLOL
Well done Denis ClapClap


Posted By: Parnell
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 09:33
You twat, he doesn't want to do it forcibly. He never suggests that. Disappointed in you to be honest that you'd buy into that lynching gang of anti-Dawkins activists.


Posted By: Dolphin
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 09:48
Originally posted by Parnell

You twat, he doesn't want to do it forcibly. He never suggests that. Disappointed in you to be honest that you'd buy into that lynching gang of anti-Dawkins activists.
Twat? Do you want me to get thick? He is a militant atheist and in fact those are your words from a much earlier topic under the guise of Denis earlier in the year. Why does he feel the need to 'educate' the blind masses? Why is that his job? He has his belief and he like to throw it down people's throats. He is aggresive in his attitude towards the 'brainless' masses of believers. He has no duty, just like the religions have no duty to outwardly transplant his beliefs and convictions onto others, and I personally dont see him as a paragon of truth, I see him as a dogged self-publicist, intelligent but intolerent of other's beliefs in the way that he talks about religion. So what if people want to belief in Jesus, or Allah, or Vishnu, Or the Sun God or whatever, as long as they respect my views I will respect theirs. So I don't buy into anything like a ' lynching gang of anti-Dawkins activists', as you put it, I think for myself and my view is that he is a militant atheist, just like you have said in the past. So don't bother calling me a twat or anything like it, and think about what you are going to say before you make another fool out of yourself. And if you want me to go into detail, down to the very pedantics of the argument, I will, because I most certainly am aware of what i'm talking about.


Posted By: Parnell
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 09:54
LOLLOL    Richard Dawkins   LOLLOL
Well done Denis ClapClap
That is exactly what you said. I said:
Name me one atheist who wants to forcibly convert a believer into an unbeliever
As far as I know, Dawkins has never advocated laws infringing on peoples freedom to worship.
Personally I don't really like Dawkins all that much, he is very arrogant yada yada, but there is a lot of truth to what he says. Why does he have less of a right to try and convince people of the error of his ways than say, a Catholic missionary? why do you get so up in arms over Dawkin's and not say Pope Benedict who regards homosexuals to be scum and Protestants not to be Christian?
An enlightened society accepts diverse opinions, why has he not got such a right to express his? Thats what I was talking about, but your sarcastic reaction to my initial post is what got me up in arms, which aptly deserved the reply, 'twat'.


Posted By: Dolphin
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 10:02
When I get miffed I bring out the facts, when you get miffed you bring out the insults. I think I win in a serious debate.


Posted By: Parnell
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 10:06

What are you on about, seriously? I called you a twat because you indirectly called me a fool in the post before that? You haven't brought any facts to the table so far Emmet.


Posted By: Seko
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 10:09
Parnell and Dolphin. No more trolling.


Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 12:56
Why does he have less of a right to try and convince people of the error of his ways than say, a Catholic missionary? why do you get so up in arms over Dawkin's and not say Pope Benedict who regards homosexuals to be scum and Protestants not to be Christian?
...Because the topic is about Richard Dawkins LOL, not them!


Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 03-Aug-2007 at 20:38

With religion as with atheism the name of the game changes for environmentalism now becomes the de-facto religion of the West. Both believer and atheists alike are in denial of how this world alters especially in our mind and our resulting behaviour. When history happens before our eyes how dull are those who cannot see those changes for they are too busy to care! The emphasis on scientific development alone is madness; to refuse to see this world alone supports us is insanity but the same old games continue. I have a theory that issues where nothing can be are stirred up to divert us from the realities, where something can be done if enough people had a mind to do what it takes

 From that point of view I cannot see Dawkins as a liberator of our consciousness, just one who tries to rearrange the deck chairs on the sinking ship of present disagreements. Better, I suppose, than those who believed the ship of the world they sailed in to be unsinkable and now try to hide away from the consequences of what they have brought about by living in denial of present knowledge.


Posted By: AyKurt
Date Posted: 04-Aug-2007 at 06:17
Originally posted by Eondt

Originally posted by AyKurt

, will also feel they have to confront the illogical beliefs of those people. 
It's exactly this kind of language that moved others in this forum to condemn the superior (even, holier than though Wink) attitude of atheists, no offence.
Remember that for someone who is religious your "faith" in atheism seem just as "illogical". 
That was me trying to be polite.  Religion is illogical its just stating the fact now before you get offended bear in mind that an expression of truth is not an expression of hate or condemnation.  Also nobody has been moved by this thread or by me, its pretty clear all the contributors have had already made their minds up before this thread even existed and dont go acting like some kind of spokeperson for this forum, your not.  You only speak for your self.
Oh and i nearly forgot to add, i am not an atheist because i believe in Atheism, im atheist because i dont believe in religion.  I dont have a "faith".
One thing this thread has shown is that although many have accused Dawkins of hypocrisy nearly everyone here has shown to be hypocritical in some form or another.  I include myself too.
Only one person has so far actually been able to back up what they say, Ovidius, and although i dont agree fully with his opinion about memes being pseudoscience, i tend to think it the same as mental illness, at least he justified his opinion.  I asked quite a few times for people to back up what they said and that was never answered just more posts from "antis" jumping on a bandwagon.
Ive only read 3 books of Dawkins and i agree with alot and disagree on some, so im not stickin up for the guy just because, if people want to discuss this intellectually then they need to me open minded and look at the facts not on "opinions".

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Posted By: Ovidius
Date Posted: 05-Aug-2007 at 13:33
Originally posted by AyKurt

Oh and i nearly forgot to add, i am not an atheist because i believe in Atheism, im atheist because i dont believe in religion.  I dont have a "faith".

Doesn't that make you an Agnostic? Big%20smile
One thing this thread has shown is that although many have accused Dawkins of hypocrisy nearly everyone here has shown to be hypocritical in some form or another.  I include myself too.

Only one person has so far actually been able to back up what they say, Ovidius, and although i dont agree fully with his opinion about memes being pseudoscience, i tend to think it the same as mental illness, at least he justified his opinion.


As for memes, i'm sorry but they just don't exist. There is no evidence for them at all. This has been clearly proved by things like Genetic science and neurology. Dawkins is not an expert in this field and really shouldn't form biological theories based on the Science of Behaviour.

As far as I know, Dawkins has never advocated laws infringing on peoples freedom to worship.
Personally I don't really like Dawkins all that much, he is very arrogant yada yada, but there is a lot of truth to what he says. Why does he have less of a right to try and convince people of the error of his ways than say, a Catholic missionary? why do you get so up in arms over Dawkin's and not say Pope Benedict who regards homosexuals to be scum and Protestants not to be Christian?

I don't think anyone is really arguing that Dawkins has anymore or less right to evangelise the cause of atheism, than a theist has the right to evangelise their own faith. You have merely misunderstood why the argument has formed when thinking about Dawkins and his work.

The God Delusion especially is a book DIRECTED at evangelising. It is like a political tract attempting to expose the weaknesses of an alternate political party or position. When attempting to show the shallow holes within Dawkins work, this idea of evangelising atheism is used to explain why Dawkins uses so much rhetoric and uses little evidence. It is a book completely on the offensive, there is no part dealing with the Science of his own position or a defence of that position. It is hostile rhetoric. That is why people are trying to lable Dawkins differently to how he would like to be labelled, otherwise Dawkins might be mistaken for a proper Scientist and his work taken to be accurate.

Religion often causes war.

I vehemently disagree with this sort of statement. Where is the evidence that Religion often causes war or has ever "caused" a war. There is a firm difference between the idea of Dawkins which is that "Theism" causes war and Religion causes wars.

If you are going to make such an opinion, maybe you could back it up with examples.. Big%20smile

I would say that Religion cannot cause war often, or perhaps ever. People carry out actions, not "religion". People can have their outlook manipulated by individuals within a religion. If Religion often causes war, why is it not continually causing war or constantly causing war. Why is it a minority of the religious and not the majority? What is the relationship between wars "caused" by Relgion and those not caused by Relgion. etc.

Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 05-Aug-2007 at 23:20
Different strokes for different folks, some find Dawkins inspiring, others find him tedious in him "loving" mankind and yet explaining away mankind's problems in ways to suit his own sets of dogmas! 


Posted By: The_Jackal_God
Date Posted: 07-Aug-2007 at 01:05
meh, i consider Dawkins and his ilk the West's version of the suicide bomber, except that their casualties are culture. personally, i respect the suicide bomber more for their honesty and sincerity.

Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 07-Aug-2007 at 01:19
Those of the West are not about to blow themselves up to prove whatever point there is in self-destruction!


Posted By: The_Jackal_God
Date Posted: 07-Aug-2007 at 09:55
i cannot count the ways in which elements of the West are trying to self-destruct our civilization.

Posted By: elenos
Date Posted: 07-Aug-2007 at 10:22
True, but I'm not about to join their ranks, I like things the way they are! Or should I say the way things could be when everyone settles down. 


Posted By: Parnell
Date Posted: 07-Aug-2007 at 10:43
Originally posted by The_Jackal_God

i cannot count the ways in which elements of the West are trying to self-destruct our civilization.
Elements of the west are destroying their civilisation you say? Is that not a bit, youknow, *edited. Can you give me one good example of how this is so? If anything Dawkins has more to do with the advent of western thought and dominance than destroying it (Think Enlightenment, Renaissance etc.)


Posted By: HEROI
Date Posted: 07-Aug-2007 at 10:58
Think about what the Pope said about the way we live in today.
Dictatorship of relativism* Thats what he called it.Now his point was that is somehow wrong,and by using the word Dictatorship it gives a negative aperance.For me it is just the way it is,humans will always be under some form of dictatorship.Only if there is a god,the concept of freedom can become reality.Being under the dictatorship of forces biger then humanity,is an fact that should be accepted,but being under human dictatorship ( Such as Religious institutions) not only should not be accepted by the humans,IT IS NATURALY UNACEPTABLE.

Me pune,me perpjekje.

Posted By: The_Jackal_God
Date Posted: 12-Aug-2007 at 12:18
i'm pretty sure Dawkins would be burned at the stake if he lived during the Renaissance. i would call his a perversion of that spirit, not a successor.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
John Paul II
Winston Churchill
J.R.R. Tolkien
Roberto Benigni

for a long time in the West, we've had movements arise that proclaimed "matter is evil, spirit is good" in some shape or another. These movements have cut out good elements of life, and denigrated something beautiful and natural to our human nature, and beings of both matter and spirit. Puritanism, Manicheanism, Iconoclasm, Albigensienism, shoot, even the Racism of slavery, dehumanizing fellow humans because of a material difference.

now, this long-winded, short-sighted simpleton wants to go the other way, and cut out the spiritual element of humanity. the renaissance, the enlightenment was about balance, harmony, reconciliation of the the material good and spiritual good.

no, Dawkins is no successor, he's another barbarian at the gates.

Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 12-Aug-2007 at 15:57
Technology and pure faith in Atheism will not encourage rationalism. Although you USE rationalism in the production of science and technology, that doesn't MEAN that it will make you a more rational person. There are still mad-techno lusting "cults" out there and people with completely irrational beliefs who are atheist and follow science. Dawkins, naturally, would argue that these deviations are smaller when compared to relgion - of course they inherantly are! But frankly, religion has been around for much longer to create such deviations, and the very fact that such groups even exist de-validates Dawkins' claim that Atheism is anymore "safe" than relgion. We just haven't seen it yet. Because of the bloodshead and death that religion has been a contributory factor to, it could be seen to many that Atheism is more safe. No complete faith in one ideology at the expense of others is safe.
...These pictures below are JOKES and believe you me people, I wouldn't want you to think that I take them seriously - but basically, extremists are possible in either way:
...Extreme techno
...Or extreme theist!


Posted By: The_Jackal_God
Date Posted: 13-Aug-2007 at 01:29
atheism is just the religious component of nihilism, and in that light, i can think of a lot damage atheism, under the banner of nihilism and cultural revolution has already done. when you say we just haven't seen it yet, it makes me wonder where you were last century.

i mean, do we have to go farther down the road of nihilism to wake up and regain our values? relativism is already run amok. you'd think after fascism and communism we could come to our senses, but i guess hedonism and a form of modern slavery is the next step.

but i agree with your overall message that we need to eschew the extremes. problem is, half a century of relativism assailing the idea of what is normal has dimmed the lights on what is extreme, and cluttered the public sphere with delusion - so that extremists brandishing propaganda accuse common senses of extremism. we are in many areas reaching the point of the absurd.

Posted By: YohjiArmstrong
Date Posted: 22-Aug-2007 at 19:15
Originally posted by The_Jackal_God

meh, i consider Dawkins and his ilk the West's version of the suicide bomber, except that their casualties are culture. personally, i respect the suicide bomber more for their honesty and sincerity.

Better culture than life. Culture can be repaired, corpses can't.

Posted By: JuMong
Date Posted: 19-Sep-2007 at 05:48
Originally posted by Aster Thrax Eupator

I've been looking around at a lot of literary criticism about The god delusion after reading a fair bit of it, and I and many of the reviewers have come up with one little tick in his argument. It's not a tick in his argument against Theism - I think it's a good a well argued book which deserves its reputation. But many acedemics have argued that Richard Dawkins suffers from what is ultimatley a kind of Christian view of his ideology. He seems to come to the conclusion that by everyone being Atheist, the majority of world conflict will stop. I don't know about you guys, but I think that's rubbish. Humanity is ALWAYS going to fight over something, it's in out nature.

I often sensed a kind of Anti-Semitic tone in his arguments. There's a chapter in his book that kind of argues that point. Guardian commentary section often talks about him with lots of commentary by internet trolls.

The rise of so called  New Atheists may have something to do with this stupid war in Iraq. Certainly, Judaism has given rise to three of the most destructive religion in our time: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Often times, religion for Jews seems more politically motivated  than religious.

Fact is, as much as people like to blame religion, war is generally something that people create.  If there wasn't religion it would be something else.  You could argue that Communism killed more people than religion, and that was entirely atheistic. Certainly, Nazism had more to do with Nationalism than anything else.

I personally think religion is kind of silly, and that you can only become an adult when you can peal yourself off of it, but there are many people who have a need to believe in religion. It's difficult to say why.

Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 25-Sep-2007 at 17:10
As Plato said, only the dead have seen the end of war. Humans cause ideologies which can contribute for our inherant barbarism, but it is still humanities' animalistic tendancies that ultimately keep war going.


Posted By: Chilbudios
Date Posted: 25-Sep-2007 at 17:35
I've found a rather dissapointing review: -  
... and not the only one: -
I haven't read that book. But is Dawkins so unfamiliar with philosophy and uses occasionally groundless and aggressive rhetoric? Because this is what these reviews seem to show.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 25-Sep-2007 at 18:03

As an agnostic, I don't feel particular respect either for fanatic religious people or fanatic atheistics.

Atheistics are just the opposite than the follower of a religion. Atheistics "believe" God doesn't exist.... That's important, atheistics are convinced there is no God, and that that conviction is the "truth". With that fixed idea, they sometimes act with the same fanatism as the religious people, and they have resorted to violence as well, particularly in association of totalitarian regimes, like we saw in the Spanish Civil War, in the U.S.S.R. or China, to name a few.

As an agnostic, I don't want to be confussed with atheistics at all. Agnostic believe in the "limits of human knowledge" and it is, therefore, a modest position. We just believe "we don't know!".

Fanaticism is born when people "believe to know"....
In the case of religion, I love free-market of religions and ideas. Let people believe whatever they choose, but stop them from controlling the society and force those ideas upon others. And control fanatic atheistics as well.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 27-Sep-2007 at 08:30
Originally posted by Chilbudios

I've found a rather dissapointing review: -  
... and not the only one: -
I haven't read that book. But is Dawkins so unfamiliar with philosophy and uses occasionally groundless and aggressive rhetoric? Because this is what these reviews seem to show.

Dawkins is his own worst enemy. Unfortunately he's likely his own best friend too WinkLOL


Posted By: Aster Thrax Eupator
Date Posted: 27-Sep-2007 at 15:33
I've found a rather dissapointing review: -  
... and not the only one: -
I haven't read that book. But is Dawkins so unfamiliar with philosophy and uses occasionally groundless and aggressive rhetoric? Because this is what these reviews seem to show.
Although I agree with these reviews, they are hardly very unbias - one is a Christian site!


Posted By: Chilbudios
Date Posted: 27-Sep-2007 at 17:07
However there's some agreement between the reviews (that the arguments for existence of God are poorly handled, that religion itself is poorly handled, that the style is provocative and rhetorical, that the part on evolutionary biology is indeed showing his brilliant scholarship in his field, etc., etc.) and NY times is not a Christian paper. Some particular claims from The Tablet's review can be verified quite easily (indeed, consequentialism is not the only valid secular theory on ethics; indeed Bernard Williams is a critique of consequentialism). I'm not saying about any of the reviews that is not biased, but that an accusation of bias must be targetted with some accuracy because there are lots of points where the lack of specific (Christian) bias can be showed with ease.

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