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stop fluoridation poisoners

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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: stop fluoridation poisoners
    Posted: 21-Apr-2014 at 15:03
The reason i am posting this is because i am sick of being powerlessly poisoned. Day after day after day this keeps going on and no one is doing anything (urgent) about it, and this is like urgent as water is one of the most essential necessities of life and all the options i have tried are not working (can't just keep drinking/eating their poison (can't sleep etc), no friend/family will help, can't get a filter, can't suicide, can't get (delivered) unfluoridated bottled water, God won't save me, can't take em to court, can't not eat/drink, can't shift, etc). The authorities refuse to stop despite that we have disproven/answered/smashed their reasons for doing it by getting-to/showing/proving the root issues. They claim they are doing it for disadvantaged children, and they wrongly claim it is easy for anyone just to get a filter, and don't care that we are disadvantaged and being denied a neccessity of life or forced to difficult measures that others aren't. They won't stop unless we are able to somehow heavily prove enough that fluoride is harmful which is not easy to do even for the scientists. (That doesn't mean it is not harmful or isn't any evidence. There is no doubt from my own experience that it is harmful. Just for one example whenever i am out of clean water or milk and forced back to fluoride i don't sleep very well. [I know that i have other health/lifestyle/diet/cleanliness (and other) imbalances but it is not just them.]) Just because some of us have mental illness shouldn't mean they can just get away with it, otherwise it is okay for anyone to commit any crime against any ill. The only way to stop this now seems to be people power so i am posting this on every net/web forum i can. Sorry if this isn't very good but i have poison fluoride in me at present and am under urgency to get these evil poisoners stopped. I don't like posting copy of whole articles from my blog but i guess i can't just post a link to my blog article (, so I will post the whole fluoride article here now. I know some of you will be pros or sceptics who won't believe unless can prove by scientific experiements/studies, but you can not deny the evident root issues of increased incidence of childrens tooth decay that is their only claimed reason for doing it.

There are (only) 2 sides to this dispute, the pro-fluoridationists and the “anti-”/non-fluoridationists. The pros say tooth decay is the problem and fluoridation is the solution, the “antis”/nons say that fluoridation is a problem and there are other answers to tooth decay.

(1) fluoridation not best solution to tooth decay
(2) fluoridated water is harmful.
() refs
() abbrevs
(addenda) “easy, get a filter / bottled-water”.

(1) fluoridation is not a/the only/best solution to tooth decay problem, there is/are other/better solution/s.
These 4 points are the answer to their “reasons” for their (“cheap, safe, effective”) fluoridating because of “increased (childrens) tooth decay” (& “leveling dental inequalities”) : (1) sugar. Today our childrens & adults food & drink are full of sugar esp breakfast cereals. Ingredients lists are in order of amount. Even wheatbix is full of sugar. The government has no right to force fluoride when they won’t stop this. It is almost as if it is being done on purpose…. People can darn buy their own sugar &/or fluoride easier than i can get water. (2) oral cleanliness (brushing teeth, etc). Most people these days brush their teeth (& with fluoridated toothpaste). Topical is more effcetive than ingested. The stupid saying that fluoridated water is oral health on tap is moronic and evil, you can not substitute real oral cleanliness, fluoride doesn’t make us more clean/hygenic. The fact that you[s] have to both fluoridate water and toothpaste shows that there is some artificail exaserpator of tooth decay. (3) diet ((processed) carbs). I know from my own experience that carbs are worse for teeth. (4) diet (decent nutrition). The truth is that the authorities are using fluoridation as an easy “answer” because they are either not willing or not able (ie incompetant) to address these root issues. Either you are admiting that the authorities are incompetant (& also that NZers are unclean, & evading individual responsibility), or else they are doing it on purpose. Dentists are only specialists in their field and do not understand the whole picture or root issues.
One friend of mine said she stoped eating food with more than a certain percent sugar and she hasn’t had any holes for #th year running.
Another friend said she had fluoride treatments when younger but still ended up with a mouthful of fillings.
The Maoris had good teeth before modern western european diet/lifestyle (same is true of modern tribes outside of the western world).
A friend also looked up skulls from time of Christ and said they were surprised to see they had good teeth.
Fluoridation didn’t stop my mother’s dog from loosing all its teeth except a few.
Fluoride has no benefit to us except for a little with lessening tooth decay (if needed). (Some sources also mention that fluoride also benefits a little with osteoperosis but this is never given as a reason by the pros/pushers so is not relevant.)
“10% of NZers are medicated….”
You don’t level (dental) inequalities by poisoning those who are inequal (artificially making us more inequal), you level inequalities by addressing the socio-economic and other inequalities.
If you are going to force fluoride then why don’t they at least force it on everyone equally (tho how are you going to force farmers etc? and even if you could we still all have unequal situations/circumstances, eg i am single at 40), you contradicting hypocrites. Ban water filters, Close the petone artesian well. Fluoridate farmers too. Why is mainland europe now fluoride free while UK/Ireland, USA, RSA, Australia/NZ fluoridating. Why is petone & korokoro fluoride free for mere “historical reasons” (ie a few activists years ago) while all rest of wellington, lower hutt, upper hutt, porirua, masterton fluoridating?
Clean running tap water is an essential necessity of life. We can’t live for more than 3 or 4 days with out water. (The body & brain are #% water. ["The brain is 90 percent water" / "brain 75% water, blood 83% water, bones 22% water, muscle 75% water".]) (Compare that the bible says one third of the worlds water would be turned to wormwood/bitter/blood.)

(2) fluoridation is risk/harmful not “safe/scientific/peer-reviewed”.
No one should be allowed to force “medication” without a doctors [diagnosis and] prescription (or court order), nor without us (being informed that it is being done and) being given all the information on ingredients, side-effects, risks, and all other possible alternative options (as to whether it is really the only/best option for us or not); nor without proper objective trial testing/studies/research (& monitoring) before & during use.
It is illegal to give out “medication” without labeling on the bottles.
It is not possible for them to control the intake/dosage of water & fluoride.
It is not very “scientific” to dump a mass “medication” in the water without considering the effects on each different individual.
“This park contains fresh/clean air please don’t smoke in it” – Upper Hutt city council park sign.
The difference between safe and unsafe amount of fluoride is very small (1 part vs 2 or/to 3 parts per million).
If we could see/taste/smell the fluoride people might be more concerned, but because fluoride is invisible, tasteless & odourless people don’t care. (Though we can see its effects.)
The pros have not and can not and will not prove that it is not harmful. If they can’t prove it not harmful then they shouldn’t be allowed to do it. When non-orthodox come-up with a new thesis/theory all the onerous/”burden-of-proof” is (unfairly) all on us to heavily/thoroughly prove every jot and tiddle to archsceptics, yet why can the pros/orthodox get away with such light claims/arguments/reasons/answers (“they are scientists [& you aren't]“, “stats show rising health/lifespan/iq”, “you are just ocd”, “i know several people a 100 years old who have been eating upper hutt water all their life”)? No one has shown me any adequite scientific proof/studies that fluoridated water is not harmful. We don’t have to prove it is harmful, you have to prove it is not harmful since you are forcing it on half the country.
There is no doubt that fluoride is harmful is have seen/heard/felt its effects in my (& other people) hands/skin, throat/thyroid, hair/balding, mouth/lips, pineal/dreams, sleeping, clumsyness, brain/mental ability, ocd/mental state, tinnitis, joints, prostate/private parts, chest/shoulders/back/posture, etc.
So many people i have heard/seen in hospital/surgery/operation, sick, died, cancer, bald, homeless, dumbed down, single, etc. (I am not saying that it is all or just fluoridated water causing it (there are other collective/individual problems like sprayed food, etc), but there is no doubt that it is harmful.)
Fluoride is proven to harm peoples thyroid which is a serious issue [and i think i have seen that thyroid harm also retards mental?]
Fluoridation is proven to harm horses, and babies, and sensitive people / people with allergy. (If its not safe for infants its not safe for adults in my opinion.)
It is proven fact that fluoride effects, or deposits in, or causes deposits in the heart, prostate, joints, pineal gland, kidney, [thalamus,] carotid, [pituitary,] thyroid, etc.
According to science/reference books etc the element Fluorine &/or the compound Fluoride is one of the most reactive/volatile elements/compounds. ["Most reactive element known", "vigorous oxidizing agent" etc.]
The packaging labels of the fluoride they put in our water (& on toothpaste labels) says “poison/toxic/hazchem /danger”.
The fluoride they add to our water is/was used as a (rat) poison/pesticide.
(The fluoride they put in our water is an industrial waste.) “It is illegal to dump the fluoride (which they put in our water) in the sea”.
“Fluoride is classed in the same group of toxins as arsenic, mercury and paraquat”.
Fluoride is a neurotoxin.
“Effects of fluoride on mice alarming”.
“Fluoride spill eats concrete”.
“Fluoride causes cancer”.
Fluoridated water is not good for impaired kidney.
“The risks of fluoride outweigh any alleged benefits”.
“More than 4,200 health and science professionals have signed the Professionals’ Statement calling for an end to Water Fluoridation.”
Fluoridated water is reckoned to be connected with some heart disease. “Heart disease is NZ’s biggest killer”.
The nazis allegedly used fluoride in concentration camps.
NZ is stuck up to think we know better than mainland Europe who have banned it.
“exposure to toxic substances can kill you, slowly” – environmental protection agency web/net advert, 31 mar 2014.
“Modern nutritionists, however, are beginning to be concerned with 2 more kinds of nutritional disorders; and although the study of both kinds is in its infancy, both will be introduced in this account. The first deals with the effects of comparatively small amounts of harmful constituents in our diet, introdcued either voluntarily or involuntarily, and consimed for a long period of time….” – pears cyclopedia, 1988.
{“We have approximately 420 clients on our books currently and around 11 new referrals every week.” – community mental health team leader couple of years ago.
“30% of NZers/Wellingtonians over 20 are singles” – sarc.
“There has been a significant increase in mental health diagnoses, particularly under the heading of “anxiety.”” – NZ, Jan 2013.
“1 in 3 NZers suffer [mental health issues] at some point in life” [- mental health week?]
(Though again, i know fluoride isn’t the sole/whole/only cause of these but it is a part. We should be eliminating all possibilities. Even if it is a combination it is no fair to only concentrate on one half and not also the other.)}
You have no right to force me to eat/drink your sh*t poison. (I can’t control/dictate what you eat/drink.) Do you know what it is like for me to be powerlessly forced to eat/drink poison, &/or to have to thirst/starve/ration.
Do unto others as you would have done to you.
Oh no, thats right, “Its all good”…. “Upper Hutt a great place to live!”?

References: see my blog full article.

“5%”/”12countries” (or/not “60 countries”) of the world is fluoridated (incl UK, (R)SA, NZ, Australia, USA; excl Russia, Nigeria).
Mainland Europe has banned/stopped fluoridation of water (not of salt/milk/toothpaste), UK/Ireland still fluoridate.
Half of Israel settlements are fluoridated half aren’t.
“50 cities” or “…61% of reticulated water supplies in New Zealand are fluoridated, with 52% of New Zealanders receiving …”
All of wellington/lowerhutt/upperhutt/porirua are fluoridated except for petone/korokoro.


“Get a Filter / Bottled-water”:

The fluoridation pushing authorities constantly pass of the problem on to us “antis” and excuse themselves by saying that it is “easy” for us to just filter it out. Therefore it is necessary for me to add this section info to show that this tactic is both wrong and unfair.

“things you can do”. These are the quotes from the South Taranaki court case paper:
“an individual has the ability not to consume fluoridated water” / “no one is compelled to consume the water” / “a citizen has the choice of supplying their own drinking water or filtering” / “no obligation to consume the fluoridated water” / “the city is not compelling [anyone] to drink it… …. His freedom to choose not to ingest it….” ; “a range of measures we can employ to avoid ingesting fluoridated water” / “He is free to filter it, boil it, mix it with purifying spirits, purchase bottled water.” / “easily filtered out by an end user” .

These are my and others problems with their “range of” “easy” answers that we are supposedly so “free/able/not-compelled” to “choose” do:

Get Filter:
- some of us are unable to get/have filters because of plumbing problems (water sitting in tanks, pipes, fittings). (Filters have to be plumbed into the taps (“It can fit into a benchtop [or underbench] housing that you connect to the bench tap by a divertor valve.”), we can’t just get manual filters where we can pour water into them or manually connect to tap.) I’d have to get *All* this flat’s plumbing redone (which is costly, invasive of my privacy/ocd, and plumbers have stupid quotes system, plus is pointless since i still need/want to shift anyway). (With plumbing problem I can’t just get one to just remove fluoride. Would need 2 part filter to remove dissolved/chemical as well as physical substances/sediment. But then would loose good nutrients too.)
- there are no local filter shops, the nearest is ngauranga and plimmerton or paraparaumu.
- Wikipedia article on filters/filtering said filtering is dangerous [without expert knowledge and decent diet] because we can either/both take out good nutrients (beneficial phosphorus & clacium) &/or put in bad things (eg certain filters have/use aluminium (oxide)/alumina).
- we have to have 2 filters one for kitchen and 1 for bathroom
- filtering is costly (refil cartridges / filter screen replacement $75.00 plus gst every 6 months, one off price of $159.00 plus gst).
(Btw it is not fair that filter business can make money out of us?)
- filtering is slow. (Quote “The only thing is the flow is only 2 lpm, so may be a little slow but we can adjust the divertor to make stay open and you wouldn’t have to keep holding the rod out.”)
- we have to trust that the filters really get out the fluoride. (Only two filter types (1 is reverse osmosis, other 1 is selective ion exchange resin) allegedly actually remove the fluoride, the others are useless (incld the jug/bottle ones).) [One source says "reduces fluoride by about 90%".]
- all very well for our house but what about in public (cafes, workplaces, school, etc). (We can’t carry around bottles of water (heavy, bulky, leaky, plastic toxins [since can't get wineskins or ...]) everywhere all the time.)
- if everyone is going to get filters then why/what is the point in fluoridating anyway?
- Filtering is stupid having to filter out something they are putting in.
- I don’t want to be getting more stuff (re OCD, shifting, clutter) i have enough stuff as if is.

Get artesian water (self):
I can’t keep always getting water from petone because:
- Some of us don’t have cars and can’t get water from the next city (Petone) spring ca15km away .
- i can’t always/keep getting out all the time (every week/fortnight). (Even if i could it dictates my timetable and all my time & effort is taken up having to get water.)
- carrying water by hand/foot wears our my shoes, etc.
- i can’t get a decent hand truck or “hand trolley” here in nz. The only ones the shops have are not very good. Can’t find one like the picture in wikipedia hand truck article photo.
(- The new lower hutt spring at dowse hasn’t been tested like the petone one has? (even tho they say its from the same miles long underground water source.) It is still almost as far/difficult as Petone anyway.)
- not fair that others have home running tap water (a necessity of life/civilisation/progress) while we don’t. (Its like some of us been forced back to the dark ages getting water from wells.)
- The Upper Hutt council can’t/won’t put in an artesian well (or open to public the one in trentham park) because of government regulations.
- There is no artesian well in upper hutt only in the next city over 15km away. Having to take 20L on trains/buses is a huge hastle and costly and time consuming.
- i can’t be carrying around empty or full 20/10 L bottles of water in other places like shops, libraries, etc. (There are no lockers that i know of anywhere apart from bike ones at station (which cost abit).) I have to either get water from Petone first before going/doing other places/things or come back before too late to pick up container and then go alway back down to Petone and come back again.
- if we have to get our own water then why don’t yous/everyone have to get own water (fluoridated or not).

Get bottled water (self):
- You can buy fluoridated bottled water but I can’t buy unfliuoridated bottled water because the goverment made it legal/law that they don’t have to label/list fluoride as an ingredient or not ( or say whether it is un/fluoridated or not).
- plus bottled water bottles are all PET(E) #1 which has endocrine disruptors (some have bpa?). Some bottled water can have bpa.
- i don’t have a car and can’t be carrying water to/from supermarket (i don’t have a car), i already have enough trouble carrying groceries.
- We don’t know where the water has been that is in bottles, it could have been sitting in metal tanks for example.
- I can’t always get out and to shops. (Btw the dairy near me doesn’t have full cream milk, it only has low fat. And they don’t have 2L only small/er size/s.)
- “mineral water may contain higher fluoride than other natural NZ water”.

Get artesian/unfluoridated/bottled water (delivery):
- who is going to take away the empty bottles? (Extra note: Also, we are not allowed to put rubbish in rubbish bins.)
- no authorities or friend/family/church/fannz would help with water/milk (except one pastor). (Everyone has their own work/problems/families/lives/interests, etc). Even the person that did help couldn’t be “reliable”/regular.
- we have to trust that the water deliverers (and/or neigbours) don’t tamper/poison the water , &/or that it really is artesian water not fluoridated etc.
- the citizens advice bureau (CAB) said “there is no one that delivers water or milk, [other than] try church”. (Though this last time they pointed out that the fannz site has a couple of spring water dleivery contacts. But if i remember correctly the fannz site said the problem with these is that some is fluoridated and not sure which are/aren’t.) (I only mention milk because it is that only other alternative to water if i don’t have any water.)
- big blue water coolant company are no good. They state on their site that they filter all nutrients [good and bad] out. And they say that their water can sit in metal tank/pail for upto 12 or 24 hours [which is no good since water sitting in fittings/pipes/tanks while we sleep picks up enough heavy metals to be dusty in mornings (despite the councils claiming the risk is "only slight/small potential/minute traces" (and only run a mug full/for few seconds)).]. Plus they never answered me about quality & ingredients of the bottles and water. Plus water reserviour bottles have some metal in them. The picture of their deliverer the man is bald too.
- i can’t buy via woolworths/countdown online more than once every few weeks due to it costing twice or more the shop prices, the delivery cost, etc.
- the Artestian well/spring/fountain in Petone leaks/drips around the button cracks into bottles and i have to be able to do myself to make sure no drips, and to make sure that the water is run abit or used by someone else immediately before to avoid metal from sitting in fittings/pipes/pump.

Boil it:
- boiling the water doesn’t get it out (as someone in the South Taranaki court case paper claimed). (Cory says boiling loss for chlorine/chloride, but no boiling losses for fluoride.) Not sure about freezing it like my friend Kerry does but i don’t think that would remove or neutralise it either.

- fluoride is very hard to detox, esp when we are being dosed with it every time we eat/drink (and wash/rinse in) it.

“Distil(l) water”
I can’t distill water as there are problems with that (electricity cost, takes out good not just bad, ocd).

Get an Atmosh
Atmosh (which gets water from the air like condensation on windows or like water vaporator in Star Wars) is no good either for various reasons. (Ocd. Don’t want water being in metal/etc parts? [Doesn't have nutrients of ground/rain water?]) Maybe one like the one they have in Africa might be alright but i don’t know if or how we can get one.

Rain water:
I can’t collect rain water here because of attached neighbours / company share flat problems, as well as that rain water can have pollution and dirt from roof/gutter/birds.

“Bible says God protect us from poison”:
Ok, but not easy, as this is only if we have faith without doubt/wavering. I have tried to have faith but i still seem to suffer effects of fluoride and some other poisons/toxins. I also see other Christians suffering un/knowingly from fluoride.
Its not fair for God to force me to eat/drink poison and have to have faith he will protect me.
Bible also says to be as wise as serpents.
Bible also says 1/3rd of all water of world woudl become wormwood “bitter”/blood and many would die from it.
It was seemingly God that told/revealed to me about the fluoride and mercury fillings and other things that i was suffering from.

“You have right to legal [action]” (as Police said to me):
I can’t take them to court even though i am confident i could win because i have disproven their reasons by showing the root issues of the issue because i have a mental illness and bad situation, and because i can’t afford it. (Plus after seeing the Tarankai court notes i am not so sure we can win as they are so evil-ly cunning and dismissive etc that we have to be able to be as cunning and conter-dismissive to each and every trick they pull out of their bag.)

“Range of measures”: General:
- it is all very well to get a filter or artesian water but we are still effected by it effecting other people.
- it is all very well to get a filter or artesian water but what about others (don’t we have to care about others too)? It is selfish not to care about others. I also have to care about other people who are also being poisoned since I don’t like that/when no one cares about me. [The people with water filters or going to Petone spring while they won't take/support action are selfish, they don't care about the rest of us. (Only 7 people including me & the 1 or 2 organiser/s turned up to fannz wellington region meeting.) (Only a few submissions to councils years plan.)]
- Its easier for people to get any desired/needed fluoride from various sources (natural fluoride already in water, soy, tea, tablets, bottled water, toothpaste, fluoridated milk/salt, mineral water (“mineral water may contain higher fluoride than othr natural NZ water”), &/or to avoid/get sugar than it is for us to avoid fluoridated water &/or get unfluoridated water (filter, detox, get own spring/bottled water ourselves/delivered).
(- If we are so free to do those things why are others Not so free to get their own fluoride/fluoridated water?)
- it is not fair that we are artificially/unnecesarily forced to have to be able to get filter or water (because of them evading collective & individual responsibility) while others have tap water and/or are not forced to similar difficult measures.
- it is not fair to force what amounts to water privatisation (get filters or own water) on some of us and not others. (Plus we also have to pay either/both rates for council water &/or linecharges/userpays privatised water/waste.)
- if it is too hard for the authorities to address the [range of] root issues of tooth decay incidence that they have to use easy answer of mass fluoridation, then why can’t they see/admit that it is not easy for some of us to do their “easy” ["range of"] answers of filter/etc?
- isn’t it a hypocritical contradiction that they/you don’t fluoridate everyone. If they are so right then people with unfluoridated water would have worse tooth decay than people with fluoridated water.
- it is not fair to not force fluoride equally on everyone (including themselves too).
- if they are so genuine then they should take a national survey or include in the census questions about whether households have filters or not, and/or whether households have (use/drink/eat) fluoridated or unfluoridated water.
- its like saying that we can make as much noise as we like and its the neighbours faults for not getting earplugs or double glazing.
- The judges and lawyers and councillors etc are rich/etc, have cars, etc, they have no idea how difficult/impossible it is for some of us. I have a hell situation (including water/fluoride/plumbing problems, neighbours problems, location, beneficiary, alone/single, etc) and condition (aspergers, ocd, anxiety, etc) and my studies.
- Everytime its always me being forced to have to consider others only other offered unsuitable options , and never the options that best suit me that i want/need/ask.
- We can’t change water companies like we can change banks or electricity or phone or isp companies.
(- the fannz site has all links not website addresses which is a pain to write down, and the deliverers have phone nos only not emails.)

I can’t easily shift (to a place that has unfluoridated water options) as i have difficulty finding at place that meets all my requirements (afford, not socially isolated (re single & 40/aging), safe for my studies books/papers, not noisy/attached neighbours, unfluoridated water, not plumbing problems like here, can have a garden, no microwaves beside me, etc), and no one will help me find a place.

“Get a plumber in”/”fix plumbing/pipes problem””
Plumbers have a stupid quotes system. Last time i tried i went to all the hastle to be able to let them in thinking they were going to do the thing/s i’d asked about and all they (2 men!) did was look at it and give a stupid quote. They could have fixed it there and they didn’t.
It will cost alot and be alot of intrusion (esp with ocd) to get *All* the plumbing redone in this place since almost all the plumbing has problems (bad fittings/joint spout tap, pipes all way from street, tank in roof, hot water tank, shower head too much water, toilet runs down back of inside of pan and splashes up back side when i poo and the ballcock leaks slightly, dripin tap, shared pipes with the other 4 flats (i sick of hearing gushing sounds everytime they use water, and of pipes banging when they use washing machines), plumb in a filter in kitchen and bathroom, etc). What is the point when i still need/want to shift anyway?
As it is the main local plumbers outfit have been nasty to me in connection with next door neighbours and drains.

“find a farmer who will let you get water from their bore or rain water.”
I would if i could but need help finding one/any.
Though i would need the water to be tested to be sure no harmful in it. (Shallow bores are soft water. Rain water can have pollution and roof/gutter toxins and bird dropings.)
(Note Upper Hutt is the/2nd largest “city” (urban) in NZ and the/2nd smallest population “city” in NZ. A valley surrounded by hills on almost all sides.)

My/other/general/extra options:
I can’t just drink/eat fluoridated water because it badly effects my health (just for some minor examples whenever i have to go back to fluoriated water i can’t sleep as/very well, effects my thyroid, not able to do my studies as/very well, balding, etc).
I can’t go without water/milk for more than 3/4 days or i will die.
I can’t keep starving or being dehydrated.
Can’t suicide.
I can’t get anymuch social support for my mental illness.
Medication/mental health is not very easy as i have had tons of problems with them every time i have tried (delayed weeks/month(s), side effects, pharmac won’t bring in some meds, mental health act, etc).
Milk (&/or raw milk) is not ideal because i have a slight cow milk allergy, and because is high copper content, and sits in metal pails/tankers/tanks, plus have to be careful of heart, and no one will take empty bottles away. (Also not sure if lactose (sugar) may effect teeth? plus always a worry they could fluoridate milk.) (But it doesn’t seem as bad for me as fluoridated water.) (Btw milk is only decent natural source of calicum i have.)
I have tried to find/get (fresh) goats milk (like my mother used to get years ago) but it is almost impossible. (They usually say the goats are pregnant or goats are resting.) The long life stuff is no good as has additives, the packaging (ocd), the packaging (possible bpa lining), the small size/quantity, and is uht?
Rice milk or soy milk are no good. (The don’t have (natural) calcium. Soy has fluoride. Not enough quantity?)

“Make a submission”:
Making submissions to councils is useless since I can’t appear/present in person due to my condition/situation, and the UH council say they can’t stop even if they want because all 4 cities share same water supply and has to be all or majority of 4 cities (or greater regional council), &/or unless enough people make submissions.
I sent appeal letter to all 150 mps in parliament, and to all councilors in the 4 cities, and to the 4 newspapers but none would do anything (apart from just 2 councilors replying that they agreed but couldn’t do anything as the rest of council are otherwise).
The minister of health goes along with the MOH officials.
The Greens party refuse to take a stand on the issue.
Not fair on some/others that it is made a local council by council issue and not a national issue.
Some of us are not able to write good enough submissions/papers/letters, and it takes a lot of time and effort to write quality papers/letters/submissions (and to read court notes, papers, submissions, etc).

My right to clean running tap water supercedes your right to fluoridate(d water), or at least is no less valid or important.
The government’s duty to supply or not infringe on supply of water supercedes/equals any alleged “duty” to supply fluoride.
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  Quote medenaywe Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-Apr-2014 at 15:57
they put it fluor in public water supply system!I drink it this water.Shocked
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Mountain Man View Drop Down

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  Quote Mountain Man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-Apr-2014 at 17:53
Here is your problem:  "Just because some of us have mental illness shouldn't mean they can just get away with it..."

There is ZERO EVIDENCE of flouride levels high enough to "poison" people.

Don't like flouride?  Drink bottled water.

Edited by Mountain Man - 21-Apr-2014 at 17:55
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  Quote TheAlaniDragonRising Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-Apr-2014 at 21:47
Arthur-Robin, I have not seen one piece of evidence, as yet, which holds any water in regards to fluoridating water being a bad thing, a part from under one circumstance, and that is when a local water supply is naturally fluoridated, and the water company involved has not adjusted the level of fluoride in accordance. Now as you're so knowledgably about your own water supply, can you please tell us the measurement you used in order to come to the conclusion that your fluoridated water is toxic, and the level at which it stands?
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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-Apr-2014 at 18:01

Thank you for your replies.

Look i have a *Natural* right to clean running home tap water, natural water. They have no right to force it on me. They have no doctor prescriiption

They can not prove that it is not harmful so they have no right to put it in our water.
There are plenty of evidences if you/they really want to find/see them. Google "flouride + prostate", "fluoride + multiple schlerosis", "fluoride + thyroid", etc etc etc.
Everytime i am forced back to fluoride i can't sleep very well.
Fluoride harms horses and babies etc so why not us?

"Poison" means any negative effect on our best ability &/or health.

If i have to get bottle water then everyone should. I have already listed the problems with getting bottled water in the post.

I have already demolished their only reason for doing it.

Why should i be forced to drink something that i am positive is effecting me just because they don't want to address the root issues of sugar, diet, cleanliness, socio-economic?

Any level above the natural level.
They can not control the dosage or intake of water or fluoride. Some of us have a higher water intake.
Some of us have sensitivity or allergy and are more vulnerable "lower" dosage than others.

I have proven it to myself from being on unfluoridated water for months then going back to fluoridated. Everytime i go back i have problems (thyroid, dry mouth/lips, sleeping trouble, skin on hands, mental ability not as good, balding, etc).

By the time i win this i will be 50 or dead!

I am sick of this Why the hell should i have to prove heavily enought that it is harmful, why don't they have to prove it is not? Stuff it. If i had cyanide/arsenic i would kill myself. I hate the posioners and everyone who agrees with them. Do unto others as you would have done to you.

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 22-Apr-2014 at 18:03
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  Quote red clay Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Apr-2014 at 09:29
There are several in home, in line filtration systems that actually remove all contaminates, everything!  They also make mineral additives to give the water natural taste as all minerals are also removed.
In my area, well water is contaminated with arsenic as well as other compounds.  Folks who cannot get city water are faced with either using bottled water or using a filtration system.  Others are like yourself, they don't trust city water, so they either use a filtration system or they filter the water using something like a Britta or Zero Water pitcher.
We use a Britta filter that attaches to the Kitchen faucet.  Where it doesn't remove everything, it gets about 80%.
The only consideration is cost.  A pitcher syst. runs about 30.00 US with replacement cartridges going about 10.00.
Others run from about 70.00 for a faucet system, to around 300.00 for an inline whole house system.
We filter our water yes, but not because of Fluoride.  The mineral content is very high. People here say the water is "crunchy" as a result.
I have to purge the hot water heater about once a month to flush out the mineral buildup.
With the technologies available to the homeowner now, there's no reason to put up with stuff in the water you don't want in your body.
"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Apr-2014 at 20:27
Thanks redclay. The problem is it removes the good nutirents as well as the bad, though I had not heard of ones that do mineral additves that you say. (Are they natural minerals or artificial ones?) The only filter here any good is selective ion exchange resin. WOuld have to get ones you mention from overseas.
The other problem is the filters here have to be plumbed in to the taps which i can't do because of plumbing prpblems here (i'd have to get almost all the plumbing redone). It is no excuse to the people doing it just because they claim "oh you can easily filter it out". Why can't the pros put their own fluoride in their own water instead if they can't be bothered stoping sugar in food and cleaning their teeth and addressing diet.
It also isn't right that we are forced to pay for what amounts to water privatisation.
Not fair should be same for everyone.
What about other people don't we have to care about them too not just self?
If everyone is just going to get filters (and so "able/easy" to) then why do they bother putting the stuff in the water?
Man that is pretty bad/rough where you live! Though at least you are able to work around it (unlike me because of condition & situation).
There is no excuse here why the authorities couldn't filter the water rather at twin lakes source rather than every household having to.
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  Quote TheAlaniDragonRising Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Apr-2014 at 20:56
Arthur-Robin, I've just looked over what you've said again. Are you saying you've got hypothyroidism? If so, out of the many causes of the condition, how did you come to the conclusion that fluoridation of water was the cause?
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-Apr-2014 at 23:35
Pictures speak louder than words so here: are you happy they put either of these (note labels posion/toxic/hazchem) in our (usa/uk/nz/australia/ireland/rsa/israel) water (not mainland europe/russia/nigeria)?

(insert edit post:
2 of the pictures seem to not have posted so will have to give a link to site that has them: about 3 quarters of the page down, pictures for sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate.)

ps/btw It is not just that i "don't like/trust" the public water, it is that i have had experience over months/year(s) in which it seems that the water is causing problems like not sleeping well, etc.
Also, it is not just the dosage they put in, but that the compound is different to the natural one, and is labeled toxic and is an acid etc.
What i meant about filters etc is that they don't seem to understand that some of us aren't able to do these things because disadvantaged situation &/or condition. And that it is wrong that it is always us that is forced to somehow be able to do things that they make us have to while they/others are not forced (and/or we can't force them to admit/answer wrongs).

Thanks Alani.
I don't know that i have hypo or hyper thyroidism. What i do know is that when i was/am on fluoridated water i have/had symptoms connected with thyroid such as balding, dry mouth/lips, etc, and when i was/am not on fluoridated water i don't have any or as much. (And that although i have other health/etc imbalances there is no doubt it was the fluoride because nothing else was changed except eating/drinking or not eating/drinking lfuoridated water.) Fluoride is indisputably agreed to cause thyroid of many people. Even if there is genetic it still has to be brought out by environment. (My mother got thyroid and i am sure from the cirumstances that it was fluoride in her medication and in the water.) People don't just get things for no reason. I was not aware of many causes. I know that iodine/iodide deficiency can cause it, and i have had deficiency of it at times but doesn't seem to be that.
I have other problems whenever i am on fluoridated water such as not sleeping very well, tiredness, not as good mental ability, worse mental state/ocd, ringing ears, premature aging, etc.
I would like to be wrong and just be able to eat/drink it without worry but its not possible for me to deny i am worse on it regardless of how much "everybodies" arguments may make me feel they are right and i'm wrong.

anyway i have to let this go as God seems to tell me that i am wrong for way gone about this (ie i have not been perfect in way i have reacted to/despite wrong done me). God is my only hope, no hope in this world.
I am sorry for whatever bad/wrong of my own (tho i am certain i am not wrong about that it shouldn't be forced on me).

(sorry to temporarily push out your cute baby pictures, but this was important, and anyway i feel bad that i am cursed to be 40 and still single and no children. You[s] are very lucky.)

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 23-Apr-2014 at 23:40
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  Quote TheAlaniDragonRising Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24-Apr-2014 at 21:33
Arthur-Robin, I may disagree with your findings. However I am in no doubt that you have medical issues. My advice is to have your thyroid checks done. You have family history, and the symptoms you describe seem to go along with that.
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26-Apr-2014 at 05:51

I am cutting off from God and world and everyone as i am angry at being poisoned, and at being 41 in May and single, and other reasons, and that no one cares and everyone shifts all the blame on to me. So I won't be posting here anymore after this.

However I couldn't just leave this thread/topic ending the way it has. I must say that it is wrong to shift the blame on to me/individuals and excuse the authorities blame. This is their fault not mine. The only reason they claim they are even doing this fluoridation is because of "increased incidence of disadvantaged childrens tooth decay". The fact is i have shown that this is because they refuse to address the real root issues of (1) sugar put in our food/drink by food industry, (2) oral cleanliness, (3) diet ((processed) carbs), (4) diet (nutrition), (5) socio-economic inequalities/disadvantages. (That is the smashing that i mentioned on historum.)
It is all very well for people to disagree with me but it is not all very well to agree with it being forced on me. It is also wrong if you don't force it on everyone (though even if it were possible to and if they did it is still unfair because we all have different situations and conditions (eg i am single at 40).) Plus if mainland Europe banned/stopped it while anglo-world continues how can the anglo world be right? Moreover how people can dismiss the "toxic/hazchem/poison" labels and other harmful/risk evidences is beyond me.
Also i am tired of people saying go to a doctor. If doctors support the poisoning of the water then how can i trust them? No doctor ever told me about the things that i found out in the last 5 years that were effecting my health (dusty water, mercury fillings, fluoridated water, tin can food, uncleanliness, living alone/lack of love, diet, allergies, stress, etc etc).
I am also tired of people in life always treating me like my thoughts/intelligence/observation/evidence/experience have no value (just because i am not a scientist/doctor).

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 26-Apr-2014 at 05:53
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  Quote TheAlaniDragonRising Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26-Apr-2014 at 10:46
Arthur-Robin, this is a forum where debate is encouraged on subjects submitted, and not a dumping ground where people can simply dump their rants and run. You have surely been a member here long enough to understand this fact.
I gave you advice to seek medical assistance because in my opinion you may require it. If you don't seek it then how on earth are you going to be able to carry on with those things you're after changing? In my opinion you are better getting your thyroid checked out due to your family history and your symptoms. Even if it had been fluoride causing your thyroid condition, with the symptoms you've described, taking the fluoride out of the water would get rid of the thyroid condition. Now either those symptoms you described are real and so have a probable thyroid condition, which you need to address, and wouldn't disappear with the removal of fluoride, or you might possibly have another condition altogether with possible imaginary ailments brought on by your insomnia. Magnesium deficiency could be a good candidate for that, even though a difficult thing to test for.
Yes I know that in some way with what I say you might feel paranoid, or become paranoid now even, although it is probably up to you to realise that there's always a possibility with your sleep disorder that you might feel paranoid, or become paranoid, come to terms with that possibility, and try to figure out what would be the best course of action in those circumstances.
I do hope you understand that in no way am I trying to belittle you, or trying to undermine your feeling you're experiencing due to the symptoms you perceive. Whatever they are they're still medical, and need a medical professional to investigate them.
Now enough of the bs about leaving your AE family here. You are one of us and we care about you. The therapy you get here is free of charge.

For your reference:
What a handsome figure of a dragon. No wonder I fall madly in love with the Alani Dragon now, the avatar, it's a gorgeous dragon picture.
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  Quote red clay Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30-Apr-2014 at 10:20
Now enough of the bs about leaving your AE family here. You are one of us and we care about you. The therapy you get here is free of charge.
Ditto to the above.
We aren't criticizing you, it's our way of trying to help.  Clumsy perhaps, but well intended.
"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-Mar-2017 at 02:05
Updated Fluoridation article from my latest letter to authorities. Part One.

The hard cold fluoridation facts. Here is a very briefest summary of the root issue of fluoridation, and then the links to my (& others) articles/papers/posts giving more detailed evidences info.

The root issue of water fluoridation is that the pushers  claim that fluoridated water is a cheap, beneficial "effective" solution to "increased incidence of (disadvantaged) (urban) (children's) tooth decay", and that it is "safe" and not harmful (with "studies" and alleged to be "monitored"), and they claim that anyone/everyone who doesn't like it supposedly has an "[easy] range of options" to avoid it. This is either genuine belief or a lie (or half and half). Since we can not prove that they are lying, we have to instead address the real root issues (which is actually the better thing to do anyway). The pushers/pros always falsely make the issue to do with "antis" having to prove that fluoridating/fluoridated water is harmful. We can reasonably prove to ourselves from multiple experiences and evidences that fluoridated (etc) water does negatively effect our (and others) health and ability, but we are not able ourselves to conduct scientific experiements/studies and so we can not prove it to them/others, so we instead address the real root issue (the better thing to do anyway). Now these are them main root issues with tooth decay:

(1) Diet : Sugar. The main cause of tooth decay is bacteria, and sugar exaserbates this. They heap sugar in our foods (esp breakfast cereals (incl wheatbix) and biscuits) (ingredients lists are in order of amount and sugar is often in the first 2 or 3). "We all know that sugar is the new crack cocaine" - quote from Newspaper review of 'That Sugar Book'. They have no right to force fluoridation on one hand while they pour sugar in our food on the other hand. If this goes to court i am instructing my legal aids to bring boxes of cereals to show to the judges eyes.
(2) Diet : (processed) carbs. Main cause of tooth decay is bacteria which processed carbs sticking to teeth exasperbates. My own experience proved this from eating flour porridge and not brushing teeth.
(3) Oral cleanliness/hygene : The main cause of tooth decay is bacteria (esp from sugar, processed carbs, and eating snacks between meals), and acid, and demineralisation. The best ways to deal with these aside from limiting the intake is to clean our teeth by brushing our teeth and rinsing our mouth etc. Any adept knows how we have to take care of things (like machines, guns, cars, etc), my own experience witnessed even holes eating metal from uncleanliness. The the MoH's "oral health on tap" is moronic.  You are admitting that NZers are unclean.
(4) diet : nutrition. Includes calcium together with vitamin d.
(5) socio-economic inequaities/disadvantages: Surely it is easy enough to address sugar and oral cleanliness. Disadvantaged people like me are also harmed/hurt by forced tap water fluoridation.
(6) topical fluoride is more effective than induced/intaken fluoride. Most people already brush their teeth with fluoridated tooth paste. There are already numerous ways people can easily get natural or supplementary fluoride if they want it (toothpaste, tablets, natural fluoride already in water, tea, some foods are naturally high in fluoride, bottled water, etc).

The main ones are the first 3. These are easy enough for authorities and individuals to address (and in fact these nevertheless still have to be addressed despite fluoridating the water anyway), and so they have no excuse for forcing fluoridated water on us, and so either they are incompetant or deceived or lying or serving sectional interests. And, as has been said by some, they are evading "individual responsibility" (while  also violating others rights of consent and freedom of choice). As usual humans are just trying to [mis-]use "science" as an easy answer to consequences of lifestyle choices because they don't want to address the root issue/s. "Prevention is better than cure". I defy/challenge you that no one can deny these facts or prove me wrong about these facts.
The MoH's own study a couple of years ago found that rural Wairarapa children better teeth than other urbans. Maoris had better teeth before modern "western" corporate consumerist diet. I have not seen/heard that Petone is any more plagued with tooth decay than all the rest of the fluoridated region? (But even if the fluoridationists possibly said they do have more incidence of tooth decay, then we have just shown the root reasons why.) Mainland Europe banned fluoridation, are they more plagued with tooth decay? (If they are you know why now.)

Israel stopped fluoridation a couple of years ago, but articles say there still people seriously disputing it. There is no genuine serious dispute, we have proven what the real root issues of tooth decay are.

Just to additionally touch the is or is not harmful: what if they are wrong? We are harmed. What if we are wrong? No one is harmed (as long as they address the real root issues of tooth decay). They have not and cannot prove it is not harmful/hindering to health/ability. They can not control the intake of fluoride or water (some people like me have a higher daily water intake diet due to situation).
Pushers claim that there is already fluoride naturally in varying degrees in all water. But this is untrue twisting. The fluoride they add to our water is not the same compound and not in the same amount. Plus they don't also consider the alluminium also in the tap water which combined with fluoride may be harmful. The packets of fluoride they add to our water say "toxic" "haxchem" etc. Water that is naturally very high in fluoride is also a concern of people. You can not mess around with such an important essential necessity of daily life like water so riskily with such impunity. Water chemical toxins and not just biological toxins have wrecked many peoples mental health throughout history. "Let us all put our hand on our head." (Google image search "hand on head" and see this is common when fluoridated.)
Fluoride in water is colourless/invisible, tastless and odourless, so just because the water looks/tastes/smells clean it doesn't mean its good and not bad.

Its not just the water either, years ago i noticed that the fluoridated tooth paste seemed to be mkaing me dumb during the day.

Secondly the issue is not just about fluoride, they also treat the water with 4 other things and add 3 other things, and various of these things by them selves or in combination seemingly maybe harmful to health/ability.
No one can tell us that they do all these treatments and additives to stop biological toxins (or to stop hard water scales, or to make water more soap lathering and not scum trouble, or ph adjustment), because they said they only treat Petone water (sourced from exact same source) with lime, and they said that the upper (Upper) Hutt river near twin lakes is already pretty clean, plus the Dutch have a water checking system "the Dutch secret" which doesn't even require chlorine/chloride (though we are not so concerned with chlorine/chloride, though we have seen evidences claims that it contributes to cancer etc).

(The fluoride etc also seems to make the water more corrosive/caustic/soft. Soft water sitting in metal fittings, pipes, tanks, pots also picks up heavy metals (lead, cadmium, copper, etc). The council and everyone else never told me this and 9 years ago i got very sick and lost alot in a crisis. They do say on their website about lead in tap fittings, but it is like they only very barely even admit it, and they only say to flush just a cup's amount (in contrast a scientific/technical site on water says [15-30?] mins to flush the lines), and its only on a webpage where only people who have the web/net have to go looking for it.)

quote "We use the following chemicals during the treatment process at our Te Marua Water Treatment Plant:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Lime (Ca(OH)2)
- Polyaluminium chloride (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O) [Alum?]
- Polyelectrolyte
We also dose the following into the treated water:
- Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) [caustic soda]
- Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
- Chlorine gas (Cl2)
- Fluoride (Na2SiF6)"

If yous refuse to address the root issues, then i have the (need and) right to request some other (proven) alternative clean water equal option (offered help not just words or info or force).

Our need and right to (clean) (running) (home/work/school) (tap) water (which is one of the topmost essential necessities of daily life) is not only equal but far greater than everyone else's need or right to sugar or fluoridated tap water. "Majority" vs "minority" doesn't count, since the answer to the root issue nullifies this. Yes i have to care about other peoples tooth decay (and we have give you quick and easy enough asnwers to that), but who cares about my not having clean water and being harmed/hindered because yous force the bad water on me? It is far easier for them to stop putting sugar in food, for people to avoid sugar, for people to add their own sugar, for people to brush their teeth, for people to get natural/supplementary fluoride, etc than it is for disadvantaged people like me to avoid fluoridated water and/or to get clean water (esp from dozens of kilometers away by hand/foot/trolley/train). I have already proven that all the ridiculous hyper-individualistic supposedly "easy enough" alternative water options are not so "easy" or possible for disadvantaged people like me (without equal options help). Everyone just keeps coming up with every possible ridiculous hyper-individualistic alternative water option instead of confronting the root issues / sectional interests.

Refs and/or Links to articles/papers/posts giving the facts:

My paper/article in various stages editions:
health tips:
My net/web comments/posts/threads on fluoridation, water & my situation,1063143,1087088
Post in sceptics in the pub forum.
Fluoridated water called "kool-aid" by pushers/pros:

sedgeford archaeological society paper.
MoH's own wairarapa children study. (prev
award-winning journalist Christopher Bryson on "fluoride deception" . .
South Taranaki court case notes/paper.
"nz dentist exposes/blows whistle on fluoride" news item.
"4,200 health & science professionals sign 'Professionals' Statement'".
Dr Mercola;  Dr Paul Connett; Dr John Colquhoun.
antifluoride (Facebook group page).
national anarchist blog;;
'fluoride detective' blog.
science study on fluoride & multiple sclerosis found by google searching that.
wikipedia article on "kool-aid" (near end of main article).
wiki article of water filter(s) mentions dangers of filtered water

breakfast cereal packaging labels ingredients lists.
fluoride packaging labels.

Part Two is on how the supposedly "easy" "range of options" to avoid fluoridated water are not so "easy" for disadvantaged people like me.

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10-Jul-2017 at 04:46

Poisonous/harmful fluoridated water = "Kool-aid" ('Kephas'), "wormwood" (bible), "aqua tofana" (Italian history), "St Peter's Oil" (AC Doyle), "st Jacob's oil", "Venusapfel" (Hans Dominik), "Titanian blood" ('Spacehounds', EE Smith), "poison"/"toxic"/"hazchem" (fluoride packaging labels), "rat poison" (historical use of Fluoride), 'pharmacia' ("witchcraft", biblical), "centre of Asclepius worship" (Laodicea in Bible), "H 2 go" (bottled water brand name), "Holy Water" (Catholic), "Clear Waters" (yoghurt brand/label), "lotion" / "fresh water" / "aqua vitae" (Hancock forum), "water, the pure, life-giving elixir" (CC), "poison-tasting beverage" (Charlie Chan), "... many times honey in the mouth means poison in the heart" (Charlie Chan), "butler Paradise's tea" (Charlie Chan), "poison mixed with honey from a golden goblet" (Nennius), "wine/blood of the harlot Babylon [Rome]" (Bible), "turn wine into water" (Daily Blog), "vine of Sodom" / "wine of Sodomical grape" (Gildas), "poisonous cups of offenses" (Gildas), "lion's teeth/mouth" (Apocalypse), "Dionysus" (Tarkesh)? "water is irrelevant" (person with same name as me in South Africa), "most bottled spring water is really tap water" (Opure), "seltzer water bottles", "eau-de-cologne", "Aquarius" (Zodiacal / New Age), "organic", "5 stars" (recent food packaging), "all good" / "love the good" (Meadow Fresh), "oral health on tap" (MOH), "I would think anyone dying of thirst in a desert would think the tap water is a God send" (Quinn), "[un]holy grail" (= "wine-mixing vessel"), "Toad" (forum poster called me such, and toads are esp linked with poison), "keep me in the loop" (correspondence).

(Interesting that the Lion in Gildas can match UK &/or Rome? and the Dragon in Gildas can match USA?)

NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-Aug-2017 at 04:09
They have no right to force it because they could be wrong or lying (no matter how much they claim to be "experts"), and because it is not necessary (it is not the only best answer to increased incidence of tooth decay which is due to sugar heaped in foods, and oral uncleanliness, plus some other extra things), and it is sin (sugar, uncleanliness, tooth decay, force/slavery).

"Fluorine ... toxic ... highly reactive ... a most powerful oxidizing agent." - Larousse/Longman.
"Fluorine ... the  most chemically active of all the elements." - Nelson's.
"Fluorine ...  a halogen ... the most reactive element known. ... a vigourous oxidizing agent which will even oxidize chloride ion and water." - Collin's.
"Fluorine ... halogen ... it is very reactive and combines with most elements.... It is acid. ... etches glass... volatile silicon fluoride." - Pears.
"bone progressively takes up fluorine from water percolating through deposits" - Pears.
"Fluorine ... pungent corrosive gaseous element ... extremely active chemically...." - Oxford.
"Fluorine ... extremely reactive ... combines with practically all elements" - Readers Digest.
"Fluorine ... highly toxic.... As the most electronegative element, it is extremely reactive: almost all other elements ... form compounds with fluorine. ... proved difficult and dangerous to separate from its compounds, and several early experimenters died or sustained injuries.... ... corrosive hydrogen fluoride.... Global fluorichemical sales amount to us $ 15 billion a year. ... organofluorine poisons that deter herbivores." - Wikipedia.

"Halogen ... They are all poisonous. They are all oxidizing agents. They react vigourously with metals and hydrogen." - Collins.
"Halogen ... the term halogen means salt-producer". - Pears.
"Halogen ... they are reactive gases or liquids" - Longman/Larouse.

I know that they will try to worm out of this by saying "oh but compounds have different qualities/natures/attributes to elements". So we will also have to do the specific compounds that they add to our water.

Fluoride: "the fluoride ion resembles the hydroxide ion. Fluoride contributes a distinctive bitter taste." (Biblical word "wormwood" means "bitter"?)

Halide: "compound of a halogen with a more electropositive element or radicle". - Longman/Larouse.
Halide: "Metal Halides tend to be ionic". - Collins.

"Sodium fluoride ... used as ... an insecticide." - Penguin.
"Sodium fluoride Danger poison-toxic by ingestion" packaging.
"Sodium fluoride ... toxic" - packaging.
"Sodium fluoride ... poison" - packaging.
"Sodium fluoride ... Keep out of reach of children. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison control center right away. ... do not swallow...." - toothpaste label.

"Fluorophosphoric acids ... have been suggested as nerve-gases for chemical warfare as they inhibit the enzyme cholineesterase" - Readers Digest.

"Hydrofluoric acid ... highly corrosive and poisonous ... used in etching glass" - Longman/Larouse.
Hydrofluoric acid ... corrosive fuming liquid. attacks glass and is used for etching glass." - Penguin.

Fluoride is proven/known/accepted to harm the thyroid gland of many people.
"Thyroid an endocrine gland ... secreting thyroxine, which principally increases the rate of oxidative reactions in metabolism [of the entire organism], thus greatly influencing growth and development" - Longman/Larouse.

We will also have to add combinations like Fluoride & Alluminium (which is said to be linked with MS/ME?).

Presumably though they will also dismiss this with their lying that "oh but it disassociates in the water".
You see no matter what evidences etc that we produce they always have some "clever" cunning smart-ass way to evade/dismiss. They force it to only be one thing and only one thing that they will accept: medical proof of harm. Which one thing is not easy or possible for (fluoridated) common lay people to be able to do (because it takes time and money and resources and education and ability and freedom etc). Its not really about proof/evidence/truth but about Power/psychology/tacitics.

fluoride from fluo "flow". *
flu = influenza = influence (of stars)* = flux/flow.
(* Compare fluoridation with star wormwood fell into earth waters of bible.)

Edited by Arthur-Robin - 21-Aug-2017 at 04:13
NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26-Aug-2017 at 22:09
Sorry i need to post this public just in case i die soon because of this problem (which has been going on for months/years/decades), and/or in last ditch attempt to get the authorities to stop or give me options help or find someone who will help (i don't mind paying even plenty but i need help to find some clean water option or i am going to die or be locked up or kicked out or other bad) :

I have tried to explain to you regime authorities who are forcing water fluoridation that your policy is destroying my life because you are in actuality FORCING me to eat CUPS of your bad fluoridated (etc) water EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY, because you are forcing fluoridated water on us without giving us any other (equal) options, and i have no other (clean) water options anywhere near here, and because I have to eat alot of grains due to my situation which means cups of water every meal, and I have to eat at least 1 to 4 meals each day. Furthermore since the meter reader picked my door lock and the lock smiths refused to do my locks i have been a prisoner here until/unless i can get the locks fixed (which the water problem is stoping me from being able to try again to do because the water problem keeps coming up 1-4 times every day and causes too much hindrance/burden to be able to do anything else), so i am not able to get any water from Petone by hand/foot/trolley/train as i used to do (though even then it is very difficult to get water from Petone every 1-2 weeks). You people are wrongly forcing this on me for wrong reasons so i have the right and need to ask for options help. I have asked for 10 years and you refuse. Things can not keep going on like this for much longer before i end up in trouble with the courts/law. I can not control my schizo anger when being forced to eat your bad water every mouthful every meal every day. 3 rooms now have walls with many holes in them. The neighbours must be getting fed up and surely will threaten legal action. When i am being forced to eat so vast quantity of your bad water it makes me so unwell that i am not able to do anything. I can not just keep being trapped a prisoner here without sooner or later un-managed things getting out of control (eg i need exercise, sunlight, social, tranquility (not stress), taking care of things, etc for me and property to stay healthy). I have begged everyone i knowto help but humans are all selfish and no one cares (or else are not able). I am thus begging you one last time to please offer me some (equal suitable) (clean) water options help. Whether it is water filter or rain water collector or water delivery (but it must be decent and not a trick, and must be negotiated until acceptable to me & my situation). I am not being unreasonable. You people are supposed to be accontable and responsible. You can not just force water fluoridation without being responsible for effects. Don't try to say its my mental fault because the only reason there has been any major problems the last few years is because of the bad water forced on me, because of the locks picking, etc. I have asked for 10 years. (I also have hundreds of witnesses (even though they don't care to help), and i also have list of tons of major wrongs and hindrances done to me. I have also torn your fluoridation "tooth decay" reason etc to shreds. I have done nothing wrong, but rather you have. So no one can get away with blaming me.) If you want to push fluoridation fine, but you must give us (me) some other options help. That is all i am asking, some help to get some alternative water option. I offered even to pay any/all costs, but i need help (because of hindrances). I am not able to pick from lists of selfish strangers businesses in yellow pages. I have tried that sort of thing before and a;lways being messed around by tradespeople and businesses, besides which i am so depressed and hindered lately that i am not able to do anything much. Water is an essential daily necessity of life. I have to eat grains 1-4 times a day. I am getting so dreading of eating meals that i will have to stop eating altogether. I can't enjoy my meals anymore. You can try blame my mental but its really only been because yous are forcing wrong on me. If you don't offer me some option help then i am going to die.

Things are very bad: I can't eat meals without water (i have to eat alot of grains due to situation) and i can't eat harmful water without loosing control of my anger and shouting and smashing the walls etc. I can't not eat or i will die. I can't go out and get water from Petone (by hand/foot/trolley/train every 1-2 weeks) because picked door locks not fixed due to hindrances/burdens of water etc. I can't get them to stop forcing bad water on me (every mouthful every meal every day) and give me some alternative clean water options help. I can't keep eating bad water because it disrputs my glands/brain, and it makes me destroy the flat walls etc, and i am in danger of being kicked out by attached neighbours. I have no other water options anywhere near here. It is not easy to find and get something like a water filter without someones help, because of my situation and condition, and because no one will help (regime or friends/family or businesses/trades). (It is extremely difficult picking from loists of selfish strangers in yellow pages etc. I need friend/community/family/help. Filter info i've looked at say some scary dangers.) All this serious life threatening trouble just because of water forced on me by elite (mainly because of sugar in food) without any granted/offered/given/availiable water options. They can easily resolve this by simply giving me water options help, but they won't.

Their water definitely disrupts or blocks the endocrine glands or brain, i don't care  what anyone says, i can't be wrong or deny 10 years evidences.

Quote: "We use the following chemicals during the treatment process at our Te Marua Water Treatment Plant:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Lime (Ca(OH)2)
- Polyaluminium chloride (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O) [Alum?]
- Polyelectrolyte
We also dose the following into the treated water:
- Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) [caustic soda]
- Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
- Chlorine gas (Cl2)
- Fluoride (Na2SiF6)"

NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28-Aug-2017 at 09:27
This is a reply i just had from a water filter company which is somewhat typical of my experience in last 10 years. I want to post it to show that it is not so easy as people make out, and i am not so "bum" as people make out. The water filter info is very depressing (and the info about them not adding anything to water is not true). Though the rain water info is more hopeful, but i have to find out if it really is good/possible or not.

There is nothing available to do what you want by connecting to a non threaded tap, remove sodium and fluoride ( which are minerals),   but retain other minerals.   Rain water collection is the only option.
In saying that I do not believe there are many minerals other than calcium ( which is added to the water)  in town supply water and you should be looking at food for mineral intake.  Reverse Osmosis is the most effective treatment option but not suited to a push on tap system as they are slow to produce pure water  ( standard domestic models around 5 litres per hour) and the work on pressure so any hand push attachment will blow off the tap.
For rain water collection, If you only want small quantities such as 200 litres, try Falcon Plastics in Paraparaumu ( also known as Plastic Welding repairs)  web site
If you looking for whole house supplies we can supply tanks, pumps and filtration systems.  The Devan Tank price list is attached.
Kind regards,"

I want to also post a few bits of info about water filters from their site to show some worrying things. (Have to go prepare it and then post it here later when i am able.)
NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2017 at 02:43
If they are wrong we are harmed, if we are wrong no one is harmed (providing they deal with the real root issues of increased tooth decay).

How come we have to totally trust them with our water, but they don't
trust us (eg they have cameras everywhere, they don't trust people with power
meters, etc)? What proof do we have that they (and everyone) practice
(eat/drink) it themselves?

They can't control the dosage/intake of
water/fluoride. They have no doctors individual diagnoses and
prescriptions, etc.

"Endocrine disrputors":
quote: " Quickly he adjusted the anatomy of Wedder, working
kinesthetically, squeezing an artery there, pinching off a gland here.
Here harden the tissue, through which the secretions of a given
endocrine material had to come.  In less time than it would take an
ordinary doctor to describe the process, he had changed Wedder.
Wedder had been tuned down like a radio with dials realigned, like a
space ship with its locksheets reset. The work which Casher had done
was less than any pilot does in the
course of an ordinary landing, but the piloting he had done was within
the biochemical system of Wedder itself.  And the changes which he had
effected were irreversible. The new Wedder was the old Wedder.  The
same mind.  The same will, the same personality.  Yet its permutations
were different.  And its method of expression already slightly
different.  More benign.  More tolerant. More calm, more human.  Even
a little corrupt.... He could tell from the posture of Wedder that
that which had to be done had been done.  That the changes within the
man were larger than the man himself." - Cordwainer Smith 'On the
Storm Planet'.
(Peter Dunne advocated "disruption" one or two years ago.)

I am going to try find out more about the filter Red Clay mentioned in a post way above.
NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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  Quote TheAlaniDragonRising Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Aug-2017 at 04:48
Arthur-Robin you are starting to come over more and more paranoid my friend. Your priority now before carrying on looking at your issues must be your mental faculties. My guess is that you need to find out if hypothyroidism is an issue here. Please don't see this as us trying to put you off your investigations. We truly welcome you here as you are a good member and your contributions are worthwhile.
What a handsome figure of a dragon. No wonder I fall madly in love with the Alani Dragon now, the avatar, it's a gorgeous dragon picture.
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