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Indo-Afghan War

Printed From: History Community ~ All Empires
Category: Regional History or Period History
Forum Name: History of the South Asian subcontinent
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Topic: Indo-Afghan War
Posted By: Gharanai
Subject: Indo-Afghan War
Date Posted: 26-Jan-2006 at 10:49

The Third Battle of Panipat took place on - January 14 , - 1761 at - Panipat (Haryana State, - India ) about 80 miles (130 km) north of - Delhi , between the - Maratha forces of north-western - India aiding their allies, the - Mughal Empire , and - Afghan forces under - Ahmad Shah Abdali . It is believed that nearly 100,000 people either died or were injured on both sides in the one-day battle, though some historians estimate the total to be nearer to 60,000.

The battle pitted the - French -supplied and trained - artillery of the Marathas against the famous light - cavalry of the Afghans. The matchup would have been rather one sided in favor of the Marathas had not their own cavalry decided to charge prematurely leading to their defeat. Both forces were so heavily attritted that the Mughal Empire fell, the expansion of the Maratha's power ended, and Ahmad Shah's - Durrani Empire suffered continual attacks by the growing - Sikh power and eventually retired to the north of - Kandahar . The Marathas had also pursued his fleeing army right up to Attock at the foothills of Afghanistan in 1756 under Raghobadada.


Prelude to Panipat


The Mughal Empire of north-western India had been in decline for some time after Ahmad Shah's first attacks against them in 1749, eventually culminating in his sacking of Delhi in 1757. He left them in nominal control however, which proved to be a fateful mistake when his son, Timur Shah, proved to be utterly incapable of maintaining control of the Afghan troops. Soon the local Sikh population rose in revolt and asked for the protection of the Marathas, who were soon in - Lahore . Timur ran for the hills of Afghanistan.

Ahmad Shah could not allow this to go unchecked, and in 1759 raised an army from the - Pashtun tribes with help from the - Baloch , and invaded India once again. By the end of the year they had reached - Lahore , but Marathas continued to pour into the conflict and by 1760 had formed a single army of over 100,000 to block him.

There followed much maneuvering, with skirmishes fought at Karnal and Kunjapura. After the Marathas failed to prevent Abdali's forces crossing the Yamuna River, they set up defensive works in the excellent ground near - Panipat , thereby blocking Ahmad's access back to Afghanistan just as his forces blocked theirs to south. Abdali slowly tightened the noose by cutting off the Maratha Army's supply lines. Sikhs and Jats (with the exception of Ala Singh) did not support Marathas because of their refusal to sack Delhi, which was at that time a Maratha protectorate. Their supplies and stores dwindling, the Marathas then moved in almost 150 pieces of modern long-range - rifled French made artillery. With a range of several kilometers, these guns were some of the best of the times.




The Afghan forces arrived in late 1760 to find the Marathas in well-prepared works. Realizing a direct attack was hopeless, they set up for a - siege . The resulting face-off lasted two months. During this time Ahmad continued to receive supplies from locals, but the Marathas own supply line was cut off.

Realizing the situation was not in their favor, the Marathas under Sadashivrao Bhau decided to break the siege. His plan was to pulverize the enemy formations with cannon fire and not to employ his cavalry until the Muslims were thoroughly softened up. With the Afghans now broken, he would move camp in a defensive formation towards Delhi, where they were assured supplies.

The line would be formed up some 12km across, with the artillery in front, protected by infantry, pike men, musketeers and bowmen. The cavalry was instructed to wait behind the artillery and bayonet wielding musketeers, ready to be thrown in when control of battlefield had been fully established.

Behind this line was another ring of 30,000 young Maratha soldiers who were not battle tested, and then the roughly 30,000 civilians entrained. The civilians were irrationally confident of the Maratha army, regarding it as one of the best in the world, and definitely one of the most powerful in Asia. Behind the civilians was yet another protective infantry line, of young inexperienced soldiers.


Battle opens


Before dawn on - January 14 , - 1761 the Maratha forces emerged from the trenches, pushing the artillery into position on their pre-arranged lines, some 2km from the Afghans. Seeing that the battle was on, Ahmad positioned his 60 smoothbore cannon and opened fire. However, because of the short range of the weapons, the Maratha lines remained untouched. Ahmad then launched a cavalry attack to break their lines.

The first defensive salvo of the Marathas went over the Afghans' heads and inflicted very little damage, but the Afghan attack was nevertheless broken by Maratha bowmen and pike men, along with some famed Maratha gardi musketeers stationed close to the artillery positions. The second and subsequent salvos were fired at point blank range, and the resulting carnage sent the Afghans reeling back to their lines. The European-style plan had worked just as envisioned.

The Marathas then started moving their infantry formation forward, led by the artillery. The Afghans responded with repeated cavalry attacks, all of which failed. About 12,000 Afghan cavalry and infantrymen lost their lives in this opening stage of the battle. Gaping holes were opened in their ranks, and in some places the Afghans and their Indian Muslim allies began to run away.


The Marathas cavalry charge


At this stage it looked as though Bhausaheb would clinch victory for the Marathas once again. However, some of the Maratha lieutenants, jealous of the exploits of their artillery chief (Commandant de la gard - Ibrahim khan Gardi), decided to exploit the gaps in the enemy lines & dash; despite strict instructions not to charge or engage Afghan cavalry in hand to hand fight. The mass of Maratha horsemen raced through their own artillery lines and charged towards the demoralized Afghans, intending to cut the faltering army in two.

The over-enthusiasm of the charge saw many of the half starved Maratha horses exhausted long before they had traveled the two kilometers to the Afghan lines; some simply collapsed. Making matters worse was the suffocating odor of the rotting corpses of men and animals left on the field from the fighting of the previous months. Still, a major mass of Maratha cavalry collided with the Fagan cavalry, initially taking down a few thousands Afghans.

In response, the Afghan officers stiffened their troop’s resistance. Abdali sent his body guards to call up his reserves of 10,000 from his camp and arranged it as column right in front his and cavalry of musketeers, and swivel mounted cannons on the back of camels. Because of their positioning on camels they could fire an extensive salvo over the heads of their own infantry and at the Maratha cavalry, who were unable to withstand the rifled muskets and camel-mounted swivel cannons of the Afghans.

With their own men in the firing line, the Maratha artillery could not respond, and about 7,000 Maratha cavalry and infantry perished before the hand to hand fighting began at around 2PM. By 4PM the tired Maratha infantry began to succumb to the onslaught of attacks from fresh Afghan reserves, protected by armored leather jackets.

Sadashivrao Bhau, seeing his forward lines dwindling took flight from battle. Unable to accompany the womenfolk he left instructions with his bodyguards that, if the battle were lost, they must kill his wife Parvatibai, as he could not abide the thought of her being dishonored by Afghans.

Some Maratha soldiers, seeing that their general had disappeared from his elephant, panicked and began to flee. Vishwasrao, the son of Prime Minister Nanasaheb, had already fallen to a stray shot, in the head. Sadashivrao Bhau and his loyal bodyguards fought to the end, the Maratha leader having three horses shot out from under him.




The Afghans pursued the fleeing Maratha army and the civilians, while the Maratha front lines remained largely intact, with some of their artillery units fighting until sundown. Choosing not to launch a night attack, made good their escape that night. Parvatibai escaped the Armageddon with her bodyguards, and eventually returned to - Pune .


The Massacre


The Afghan cavalry and pike men ran wild through the streets of Panipat, killing any Maratha soldiers or civilians who offered resistance. About 6,000 women and children sought shelter with the north Indian local ruler, the - Shuja-ud-Daula (alley of Abdali), who was actually undecided before the war whether to join the Marathas or Abdali. His Hindu officers persuaded him to protect the - Maratha women and children. A conservative estimate places Maratha losses at 35,000 on the Panipat battlefield.


Following the battle


To save their kingdom, and in the name of Islam, the Mughals once again changed sides and welcomed the Afghans to Delhi, forgetting that Marathas had just lost 100,000 men and women for their cause. However, the news soon arrived that Marathas had organized another 100,000 men in the south to avenge their loss and to rescue the captured prisoners. He left Delhi two months after the battle, heading for Afghanistan with his loot of 500 elephants, 1500 camels, 50,000 horses and at least 22,000 women and children.

The Mughals remained in nominal control over small areas of India, but were never a force again. The empire officially ended in 1857 when its last emperor was accused of being involved in the - Sepoy Mutiny and exiled.

This 3rd battle of Panipat saw an enormous number of casualties and deaths in a single day of battle, perhaps unmatched even today in the later wars. The Marathas expansion was stopped in the battle, and soon broke into infighting within their empire. They never regained any unity, and were soon under increasing pressure from the British.

In March 1761, Ahmad Shah Abdali was returning triumphant. He had destroyed Maratha power in Haryana at the battle of Panipat.



Posted By: Kapikulu
Date Posted: 28-Jan-2006 at 18:03

I have a question, when had Afghanistan been founded as a united, official state and by whom?

We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli

Posted By: Jhangora
Date Posted: 29-Jan-2006 at 01:53

THE SUN RISES FROM THE EAST and sets in the west.

You post good articles Gharanai.I assume they arn't written by you or maybe they are,since you don't provide any link.

Jai Badri Vishal

Posted By: Decebal
Date Posted: 30-Jan-2006 at 22:42
In any case, Gharanai, keep on posting. There's not enough content on Indian history on this forum. I find it very interesting. You might want to post all these articles in the South Asia section instead though.

What is history but a fable agreed upon?
Napoleon Bonaparte

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.- Mohandas Gandhi

Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 07-Feb-2006 at 17:48
Originally posted by Kapikulu

I have a question, when had Afghanistan been founded as a united, official state and by whom?

Dear you may refer to my other post by the name of ( - History of Afghanistan ) which clearifies all your questions but still if you want it in short the answer is that in 1747 the country was found and the name "Afghanistan" was formed for it and it was done so by Ahmad Shah Durani (localy known as Ahmad Shah Baba).


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 10-Mar-2006 at 13:19

Ahmad Shah Durani is one of the least popular of the afghan invaders, known as a fanatic and despotic ruler, particularly amongst the sikhs.  Durani attacked the holy sikh city of Amritsar and massacred thousands of sikhs of the city including women and children, at the end of the ordeal approximately 20,000 to 30,000 sikhs were martyred in the name of their faith.


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Afghanan
Date Posted: 11-Mar-2006 at 00:35
Originally posted by Rajput

Ahmad Shah Durani is one of the least popular of the afghan invaders, known as a fanatic and despotic ruler, particularly amongst the sikhs.  Durani attacked the holy sikh city of Amritsar and massacred thousands of sikhs of the city including women and children, at the end of the ordeal approximately 20,000 to 30,000 sikhs were martyred in the name of their faith.


It was also a Sikh who wrote the Biography of Ahmad Shah Durrani.    I believe his name was Ganda Singh, and the book called "Ahmad Shah Abdali"  in Urdu.  There is also another biography of Ahmad Shah Abdali written by Ahmad Shah Abdali himself called - Diwan-i-Ahmad Shah Abdali written in Pashto.

If anybody can find the latter book in Pashto, please let me know.

The perceptive man is he who knows about himself, for in self-knowledge and insight lays knowledge of the holiest.
~ Khushal Khan Khattak

Posted By: AFG-PaShTuN
Date Posted: 16-Mar-2006 at 10:09
Originally posted by Rajput

Ahmad Shah Durani is one of the least popular of the afghan invaders, known as a fanatic and despotic ruler, particularly amongst the sikhs.  Durani attacked the holy sikh city of Amritsar and massacred thousands of sikhs of the city including women and children, at the end of the ordeal approximately 20,000 to 30,000 sikhs were martyred in the name of their faith.


Yet the Sikhs were angels, they had done nothing bad to us.

It was the Afghans whom gave Sikhs authority, and at the end of the day, these slaves turned against their masters, the Afghans.

I don't say this, your very Sikh biographer of Ahmad Shah Abdali says that.


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 16-Mar-2006 at 11:53

Originally posted by AFG-PaShTuN

Yet the Sikhs were angels, they had done nothing bad to us.

What did the Sikhs do to you?  History show if anyone had done anything 'bad' to your was the mughal empire...but i'm curious what the sikhs did to your people...? 

Originally posted by AFG-PaShTuN

It was the Afghans whom gave Sikhs authority

Nope, the Sikhs defeated afghan  backed pathan sardars and assumed power, but if you refute this then back it up with some proof please.  Also note that it was an Afghan king, Shah Shuja, who was given refuge to by the Sikh king Ranjit Singh and in return he paid with the Kohinoor. 

, and at the end of the day, these slaves turned against their masters, the Afghans.

They were hardly your slaves, except for maybe one Sikh sardar none of the others ever paid any tribute to the Afghan.  The Sikhs ruled all the way up to Jalalabad, Afghanistan until your people revolted under the typical muslim banner of 'jihad' against the kafir.   

I don't say this, your very Sikh biographer of Ahmad Shah Abdali says that.

So who is this 'biographer' and of what merit are his biographies?  Also quote from the book and page # etc.  I find very little merit in your post, just hate, ignorance and 


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 16-Mar-2006 at 12:04

AFG-PaShTuN  their ancestors conquered the afghan tribes under Bapa do they look like 'slaves' to you?  Hardly, I'd say that the majority of afghan invaders to india were hell bent on looting and pillaging so what does that prove about them?  Where as the Rajputs and Sikh kings can be traced back to the ancient Kshatriya tribes of India.


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: malizai_
Date Posted: 16-Mar-2006 at 16:29

I note the two gentlemen are wearing the shalwar-kameez, is it an indian or afghan clothing item. Because i am looking into the histories of y rajputs have so often fought along the afghans against others.

I think there is a mention in some books about the non-muslim afghans fighting with assistance from the rajputs at the time of ghaznavi.


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 17-Mar-2006 at 08:05

Originally posted by malizai

I note the two gentlemen are wearing the shalwar-kameez, is it an indian or afghan clothing item.

The rajputs in this picture are from rajasthan and are not wearing a salwar-kameez, they're wearing a dhoti-kurta which is an indian outfit but changes in its appearance depending on what part of india you travel to, the salwar-kameez, no doubt is afghan attire, and is prefered amongst the pakistani population. 

Because i am looking into the histories of y rajputs have so often fought along the afghans against others.

Afghans were buddhists and hindus at one time too, wasnt Jaipal the last non-muslim king of the hindushahi kingdom in afghanistan/nwfp?  Once he was captured by ghaznavi and his ransom paid, Jaipal committed suicide by burning himself on the funeral pyre.

I think there is a mention in some books about the non-muslim afghans fighting with assistance from the rajputs at the time of ghaznavi.

Definitely malzai the afghans/pathans etc. in some instances fought to the last man to preserve their freedom, similarly so did the rajputs and before the advent of Islam I believe they were allies and some literature even states that they were cousins (although I dont know how much weight you can put on that statement).

On a lighter note....vala bibi habibi!!!!  she's hot as sambosa



“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: AFG-PaShTuN
Date Posted: 18-Mar-2006 at 23:00
Originally posted by Rajput

Originally posted by AFG-PaShTuN

Yet the Sikhs were angels, they had done nothing bad to us.

What did the Sikhs do to you?  History show if anyone had done anything 'bad' to your was the mughal empire...but i'm curious what the sikhs did to your people...? 

Originally posted by AFG-PaShTuN

It was the Afghans whom gave Sikhs authority

Nope, the Sikhs defeated afghan  backed pathan sardars and assumed power, but if you refute this then back it up with some proof please.  Also note that it was an Afghan king, Shah Shuja, who was given refuge to by the Sikh king Ranjit Singh and in return he paid with the Kohinoor. 

, and at the end of the day, these slaves turned against their masters, the Afghans.

They were hardly your slaves, except for maybe one Sikh sardar none of the others ever paid any tribute to the Afghan.  The Sikhs ruled all the way up to Jalalabad, Afghanistan until your people revolted under the typical muslim banner of 'jihad' against the kafir.   

I don't say this, your very Sikh biographer of Ahmad Shah Abdali says that.

So who is this 'biographer' and of what merit are his biographies?  Also quote from the book and page # etc.  I find very little merit in your post, just hate, ignorance and 

Bus, bus. Don't get so excited. You why Sikhs gained so popularity? Because they accepted British Slavery. If British Empire had not stood behind them, God is witness that neither the Sikhs nor anyone else would've done us damage. I feel British are the only people who have given Afghans the hardest blow, we've never suffered as bad as we have in the hands of the British, the same goes for the British. Their defeat by the Afghans was a "black dot" in their history, an Englishman recalls in a documentry.


Posted By: AFG-PaShTuN
Date Posted: 18-Mar-2006 at 23:01
Originally posted by Rajput

AFG-PaShTuN  their ancestors conquered the afghan tribes under Bapa do they look like 'slaves' to you?  Hardly, I'd say that the majority of afghan invaders to india were hell bent on looting and pillaging so what does that prove about them?  Where as the Rajputs and Sikh kings can be traced back to the ancient Kshatriya tribes of India.

The outfit looks more Afghan than it does Indian. Traditional Indian clothing for men is 'Lung', right? That suits yous' the best.


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 19-Mar-2006 at 08:26

Originally posted by AFG-PaShTuN

The outfit looks more Afghan than it does Indian. Traditional Indian clothing for men is 'Lung', right? That suits yous' the best.

AFG-Pashtun...the lungi, as you see your brotherwearing above, is worn in south india and bangladesh, quite far from the region my people inhabit but regardless of that, the particular attire the rajputs wear is called a kurta-dhoti and the way they wear it is completely different from rest of india.

PS.  Muslims dont wear the rajput attire only the hindu rajputs are allowed to wear it.


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 19-Mar-2006 at 08:41

Originally posted by AFG-PaShTuN

Bus, bus. Don't get so excited. You why Sikhs gained so popularity? Because they accepted British Slavery. If British Empire had not stood behind them, God is witness that neither the Sikhs nor anyone else would've done us damage.

The accounts mentioned by me happened during the Sikh raj, before the british even come into the picture you dunce...  and you still have not given a legitimate reply to my questions you dirty mohommadan!

I feel British are the only people who have given Afghaans the hardest blow, we've never suffered as bad as we have in the hands of the British, the same goes for the British. Their defeat by the Afghans was a "black dot" in their history, an Englishman recalls in a documentry.

  Look who's running your lands at current you moron...hahaha

PS.  The only reason why it was a bit harder to subdue afghans is because of the terrain and land nothing else, Rajputs fought on flat lands and we fought face to face like real men.




“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: malizai_
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2006 at 21:38

As to the above post i don't think that it is accurate in its observations, since most Afghans welcome the NATO forces and only about some see them as not as occupation forces but anti-muslim forces. ie. they r both on the same side.


PS.  The only reason why it was a bit harder to subdue afghans is because of the terrain and land nothing else, Rajputs fought on flat lands and we fought face to face like real men.

I agree with your statement that the afghans would have had an advantage over the rajputs because of the terrain, but the earlier part of ur statement is incorrect to say that they were subdued. They still are not. they have always been autonomous, and it is reflected in the continuity of their way of life, which faces its greatest threat from a rapid embrace of modernity, and not conquest.

I want to know how rajputs deal with issues of vengeance once wronged?


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2006 at 22:21

Originally posted by malizai_

I want to know how rajputs deal with issues of vengeance once wronged?

If revenge for death then blood for blood, usually between the 13 days after the person dies, during which his/her last rights are carried out. Feuds amongst relatives end up in deaths as well; Other grudges have held up for centuries, rajputs were never united but they should learn from history. 


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: malizai_
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2006 at 22:33

If that is an ancient custom, if so then i would like to know if that is part of some organised code of values and how far back can they be traced.

Also do u hve any maps of regions that are the primary inhabited lands of rajputs.


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 21-Mar-2006 at 12:45

Originally posted by malizai_

If that is an ancient custom, if so then i would like to know if that is part of some organised code of values and how far back can they be traced.

'Kanhadade Prabhanda' written by the sage Padmanabha Vyasa along with 'Rautavada' and the 'Code of Manu' are probably the major sources. 

Also do u hve any maps of regions that are the primary inhabited lands of rajputs.

The pink and yellow regions have all been under the control of various rajput clans. But our home is Rajasthan (the red area), where all of major rajput clans have their riyasats and clan temples.  For instance my clan, Pundir has its riyasat in Nagaur district of rajasthan and the temple of our godess is there as well.  The hindu-rajputs of Pakistan fled the area during partition in 1947 and were given jagirs on the Indian sides by other kings.  (e.g. Sodha Rajputs).



“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: TeldeInduz
Date Posted: 21-Mar-2006 at 20:19
Originally posted by malizai_

As to the above post i don't think that it is accurate in its observations, since most Afghans welcome the NATO forces and only about some see them as not as occupation forces but anti-muslim forces. ie. they r both on the same side.


PS.  The only reason why it was a bit harder to subdue afghans is because of the terrain and land nothing else, Rajputs fought on flat lands and we fought face to face like real men.

I agree with your statement that the afghans would have had an advantage over the rajputs because of the terrain,


I disagree with you Malizai, and the berk.

NWFP is not difficult terrain - yet it  strongly resisted British occupation. Rajputs were on the same sort of terrain and helped the British into India like true warriors  

Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 21-Mar-2006 at 20:41

Originally posted by TeldeInduz

I disagree with you Malizai, and the berk.

Your mother is a berk, that is why you're reciting the kalma and not the gayatri mantra today.


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Afghanan
Date Posted: 23-Mar-2006 at 23:06

Rajput makes very good points but I would like to add a few things.

1.  Afghans have been shown to fight well in all kinds of terrains.  As the enemy evolves, so does the strategy of Afghans.

2.  Rajputs and Afghans may be linked in some of their frontier tribes.  It was said that many pagan Afghans from Gandhara fought and died with the Hindu kings of Kabul when Ghaznavi invaded.  Others converted to Islam and passed the banner across the Khyber and eventually settled in depopulated areas of Gandhara (Kabul-Jalalabad-Peshawar areas).





The perceptive man is he who knows about himself, for in self-knowledge and insight lays knowledge of the holiest.
~ Khushal Khan Khattak

Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 09:35

Originally posted by Afghanan

Others converted to Islam and passed the banner across the Khyber and eventually settled in depopulated areas of Gandhara (Kabul-Jalalabad-Peshawar areas).

Afghanistan today is muslim for mainly two reasons, one being, the Turks and Persians were able to implement Islam into the Pakhtunwali (pashtonwali) code of your ordinary afghan.  Folklore, stories, bards were used to propagate this religion.  The other reason is that the hindu-shahi dynasty of afghans under Jaipal, Anandpal and Tirlochan, mostly had all died out fighting and their subjects had fled east. 

One of the pakhtun codes, badal, is mainly the same as the rajput code...rajputs call it badla.

I found this site on the net of afghan hindus.... -





“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 13:21
Originally posted by Rajput

On a lighter note....vala bibi habibi!!!!  she's hot as sambosa


Dear Rajput,
I read your posts and found them very informative, but dear to be certain you have to first search and then post (I mean know about something first then write about it), for instance I really didn't see any need for these pictures, I am simply amazed that you post it as it had nothing to do with the article but anyway I would like to tell you about it some.

Her name is Vida Samadzai, born in Kabul in 1980 and moved to USA in 1996.
She was selected as Miss Afghanistan in 2003, while having  a half US nationality (case in progress).

Her participation in the Miss Earth beauty pageant in 2003 was condemned by the Afghan Supreme Court along with the majority of Afghan Women in Afghanistan saying that; "She is playing with her name and her ex-nationality and is showing a very cheap value, as we are not like this and never would be [women of Afghanistan]".

The supreme court preserved her Nationality and she is not known as an Afghan any more (even not then as she had applied for American nationality and had shown here worries toward leaving to her country).

That's all about her now could you please let me know how did this post had any relation with the article, if you thought what I am thinking you may have, then I am sure you know how much and of which grad pictures, clips, movies, captures, scandles and other materials I could provide you and do what you thaught to do with your post.


Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 13:28
Originally posted by Rajput

Originally posted by TeldeInduz

I disagree with you Malizai, and the berk.

Your mother is a berk, that is why you're reciting the kalma and not the gayatri mantra today.

Dear Rajput,
I don't say that all Indians (as I know some very nice people and have very nice friends from there) are soo down minded but surely you are trying to reverse my concept as I really don't know why do you get very HOT  with a few words. We are here to discuss issues not to start fighting and bull...ting each other.
In every post of you I see some impolitness and disregard toward others.
You shall know that you are representing a nation, and by getting involved with the female section of ones (as you mentioned Mother in your post) I am sorry to say that I don't see any stamina in you to argue things and that act isn't of Men(don't know if you are or not (he/she ?)).

So do try to keep your level up to the limit and argue as much as you can if you can't then don't bull...t.



Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 14:04
Originally posted by Rajput

The accounts mentioned by me happened during the Sikh raj, before the british even come into the picture you dunce...  and you still have not given a legitimate reply to my questions you dirty mohommadan!

First of all I really don't see any requirement of the underlined words, as you are talking to a single person and by saying those words you are challenging an entire community and followers. So once again I say, you shall beter keep your limit.

  Look who's running your lands at current you moron...hahaha

PS.  The only reason why it was a bit harder to subdue afghans is because of the terrain and land nothing else, Rajputs fought on flat lands and we fought face to face like real men.


Secondly I didn't know that you didn't know the difference between Invitation and Invasion. But still most of the people of Afghanistan (specially Pashtuns + me myself) dislike there being in our country. I am sure that you know some history and history tells you there hasn't ever been a might which could invade and control Afghanistan so if they (the visitors) thinks as low as you do then they also know what I said.

Thirdly, you mentioned a word Subdue ,  I would like to confess that I really don't know the meaning of this word so could you please explain it to me?
As I have heard it several times and I am dumb enough that I still don't know the meaning of it .
If I am not wrong, I think subdueing means what Mahmood Ghaznavid, Ahmad Shah Durrani, and the Ghorids did.

And about the Mughal that you speak about I want you to compare their map (how much part of Afghanistan did they rule) with Durrani's and Ghaznavi's maps (how much part of India did they control) and don't forget that now Pakistan (Punjab and Sind) belonged to Indians then.


Durrani Empire:

Mughal Empire:


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 14:18

Originally posted by Gharanai

 Her name is Vida Samadzai, born in Kabul in 1980 and moved to USA in 1996.  She was selected as Miss Afghanistan in 2003, while having  a half US nationality (case in progress).

lol 'Dear' the fact that she has applied for US citizenship does very little to change the nationality of her mother and father, both of whom might I add are pure bred afghan MUSLIMS.  Calm down I already know who she is and the reason why I posted those pics up was not to offend the afghans but to serve a higher pupose.  Now seems to me 'dear' that no other people complained with regards to it, so why should you have a problem with it?  And if you have a bone to pick dont go around beating the bush so to speak just be up front about it. could you please let me know how did this post had any relation with the article, if you thought what I am thinking you may have, then I am sure you know how much and of which grad pictures, clips, movies, captures, scandles and other materials I could provide you and do what you thaught to do with your post.

oh man you picked the wrong guy to threaten on here, listen if you were in front of me you would most likely wet your 'shalwar kameez'...dont believe me then let me know and i'll post my pic up.


“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: TeldeInduz
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 14:25
Originally posted by Rajput

...dont believe me then let me know and i'll post my pic up.


Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 14:29

Originally posted by Gharanai

In every post of you I see some impolitness and disregard toward others. 

To me the truth holds more importnace and weight than me being impolite to someone who is dim-witted and cand accept facts. So I guess Gharanai that you will just have to accept this and live with it. 

Originally posted by Gharanai

by getting involved with the female section of ones (as you mentioned Mother in your post) I am sorry to say that I don't see any stamina in you to argue things and that act isn't of Men(don't know if you are or not (he/she ?)).

See I knew you'd get to the point sooner or later, so my quarrel with teldeinduz is what your upset about.  Well to let you and her know I got alot of stamina just send your daughters and sisters over and I'll prove it.

PS. Being a female doesnt give teldeinduz the right to carry on idiotic debates, and it surely doesnt give you the right to promote her idiocy.




“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: TeldeInduz
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 14:32
The Kashtrya in Rajpothead is coming out  

Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 15:04
Originally posted by Rajput

Originally posted by Gharanai

In every post of you I see some impolitness and disregard toward others. 

To me the truth holds more importnace and weight than me being impolite to someone who is dim-witted and cand accept facts. So I guess Gharanai that you will just have to accept this and live with it. 

Originally posted by Gharanai

by getting involved with the female section of ones (as you mentioned Mother in your post) I am sorry to say that I don't see any stamina in you to argue things and that act isn't of Men(don't know if you are or not (he/she ?)).

See I knew you'd get to the point sooner or later, so my quarrel with teldeinduz is what your upset about.  Well to let you and her know I got alot of stamina just send your daughters and sisters over and I'll prove it.

PS. Being a female doesnt give teldeinduz the right to carry on idiotic debates, and it surely doesnt give you the right to promote her idiocy.

First of all about teldeinduz,
I really didn't and don't know anything him/her, as he/she hasn't declared about him/her so you may take out that thought from your mind. On the other hand,  mother is the dearest creature of Allmighty Allah and to respect them is the obligation of everyone whether she is of his/her own or anyone else's, that's why I interfared, but there are some rearities who don't know the meaning of mother because they don't know where they come from and who is there parents.

Afterward as you said you will send me your picture, I am looking forward to seeing it as I would like to see how horrible do you look that you say I may be affraid of. And about the wet Shalwar and bone, I have good words but my attitude does not allow me to take them out so I will just say, Gandai Pani Se Pair Bachana Chaheye! eng: You better secure yourself from dirty water!

Now comes the words "your daughters and sisters over and I'll prove it", I would like to just mention you that we really respect the Sikhs living in our country (Afghanistan) as our sisters and daughters!


Posted By: Gyadu
Date Posted: 24-Mar-2006 at 23:43

Originally posted by TeldeInduz

The Kashtrya in Rajpothead is coming out  

Hi TeldeInduz the correct transliteration would be Kshatriya.

Howcome you arn't posting in the things I like about bollywood thread.

Izan zirelako gara...... Izan garelako izango dira....

Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2006 at 09:17

Originally posted by Gharanai

 Gandai Pani Se Pair Bachana Chaheye! eng: You better secure yourself from dirty water!

  secure myself from dirty water....well i'm sure they would take the dirty water if they could can always boil it and purify...




“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2006 at 17:34

Dear Rajput,
First of all the eng: meaning of that quote was not for you but for those who don't understand urdu, what was for you was Gandai Pani (you know whom I refer) Se Pair Bachana Chaheye!.

Secondly I am still waiting for you horrible picture as you described it as a scary one so don't forget that too.


Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2006 at 17:37
Originally posted by Rajput

Originally posted by Gharanai

 Gandai Pani Se Pair Bachana Chaheye! eng: You better secure yourself from dirty water!

  secure myself from dirty water....well i'm sure they would take the dirty water if they could can always boil it and purify...


Afterwards the pictures that you have added are of Refugees who has suffered for more than 30 years, conflict and war, but still they have tents which shelters them and some boiled (as you mentioned) water anf food.
Now could you please answer me a question, what happened to India (I don't think it has any war or conflict going on in past 30 years), could you explain about the pictures below:

Man you even don't have a tent to shelter yourself, where the refugees of Afghanistan at least has a tent.

Now this one is interesting, I really do think that this water IS filtered, isn't it?
And please don't tell me that it is the holy water (with the last on), so even if one pees in it and the other one drinks it (even not boiled ) nothing will happen.

Now what? I guess if you can see the pictures that you added clearly you will find that the refugees at least had proper clothes on them but I don't see anything proper here so ???

At the end please do not try to give me the old excuse of saying that you have a large number of population because China has a greater number than yours and they are managing them very.


Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2006 at 17:41

And finally see what is the end of these people living on roads: -



Posted By: Anujkhamar
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2006 at 18:16
Gharanai, you may be having an online "battle" with rajput, but please refrain from posting poor naked children. i mean, that boy you posted, his life is probably enough of a misery before he was used as an example between two other humans. posting him naked shows him no respect....

i can understand why you posted them.....but theres some pictures that arn't fit to be posted, like the 9th picture, if possible could you atleast remove that one?

and your picture number 6, isnt that just people bathing in the ganges, a part of hindu tradition to do atleast once in a lifetime?

Posted By: Rajput
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2006 at 23:16

Originally posted by Gharanai

Now what? I guess if you can see the pictures that you added clearly you will find that the refugees at least had proper clothes on them but I don't see anything proper here so ???

lol First of all do you have any idea of the amount of humanitarian aid HINDU-INDIA gives to your country?....Is it just by coincidence that there is a hospital in Afghanistan by the name of INDIRA GANDHI HOSPITAL?    you ingrateful mongrel!!! 

a poor person is the same regardless of color, creed, RELIGION or other factors.

PS. Anuj you dont understand these sons of concubines are only fit for such lowly stunts anyways what else did you expect from them? I personally knew that this gharanai character was going to resort to such but no worries they know who their proper masters are even if they are reluctant to admit it.  Only a matter of time my friend until their leaders will be back in New Delhi begging like dogs for more aid.



“If God did not create the horse, he would not have created the Rajput.”

Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 05:43

Originally posted by Anujkhamar

Gharanai, you may be having an online "battle" with rajput, but please refrain from posting poor naked children. i mean, that boy you posted, his life is probably enough of a misery before he was used as an example between two other humans. posting him naked shows him no respect....

i can understand why you posted them.....but theres some pictures that arn't fit to be posted, like the 9th picture, if possible could you atleast remove that one?

and your picture number 6, isnt that just people bathing in the ganges, a part of hindu tradition to do atleast once in a lifetime?

Dear Anujkhamar,
I can understand what you ment and I am extreamly sorry if it has hurt any of you guys (But Rajput), I don't have anything personal with the Indians, you may see my first post telling that I myself have several Hindu and Muslim friends from India and really we can't forget the aid and assistance of them to our people.
So considering your post I am deleting the pictures you and another friend mentioned about. Once again I am extreamly sorry as I didn't wanted to hurt anyone at all.

All I wanted was to let Mr. Rajput know that "Every action has a reaction!" and that "The harder you hit a ball to a wall the harder and faster it will comeback".



Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 05:59
Originally posted by Rajput

Originally posted by Gharanai

Now what? I guess if you can see the pictures that you added clearly you will find that the refugees at least had proper clothes on them but I don't see anything proper here so ???

lol First of all do you have any idea of the amount of humanitarian aid HINDU-INDIA gives to your country?....Is it just by coincidence that there is a hospital in Afghanistan by the name of INDIRA GANDHI HOSPITAL?    you ingrateful mongrel!!! 

a poor person is the same regardless of color, creed, RELIGION or other factors.

PS. Anuj you dont understand these sons of concubines are only fit for such lowly stunts anyways what else did you expect from them? I personally knew that this gharanai character was going to resort to such but no worries they know who their proper masters are even if they are reluctant to admit it.  Only a matter of time my friend until their leaders will be back in New Delhi begging like dogs for more aid.

Hahahaha !
A man back again to his limits reaching parents (I really don't think you have got any), Ok lets start it once again. As I have mentioned that we the people of Afghanistan will never forget the aid and assistance of the Indians, but I am sure that if India was governed by people like you the situation would had been entirely different.

You said Hindu-Indians, I really don't know what you ment by that as their are several other religious groupd in India (I wish to know what religion is your President in) anyway, I am felling that arguing with you is useless as you have nothing factfull and intellectual but street words and fights. And please don't try to bring a flaw between Indian and Afghan friendship.


Posted By: Gharanai
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 06:10

Silence is the best answer to a f**l’s argument!



Posted By: AlokaParyetra
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 13:36

This thread has become the biggest evidence i can find of south asian idiocracy, and is an example of exactly why i despise some noteworthy indian, pakistani, and afgan "intellectuals."

Not that i have anything against you specifically. But this thread simply highlights my concern.

My view (and i will be hated for saying this) is that we indians, pakistanis, and afgans are essentially the same people. Until recently (on our timeframe, considering how long our peoples have existed), we have shared similar histories. We bred similar cultures, languages, and indentities. And now that we are three countries, we find it perfectly reasonable to hate each other's guts?

Seriously, what do you wish to accomplish? The world is getting to big for petty fights between brothers. The family is at stake, and the last thing we need is a rift.

I have no problem with there being a seperate Afganistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and India. In fact, i support it, as it bring power back to the people.

I hate with a vengence, however, useless argumentation as to which people are better.

I am an Indian Hindu, and one of my best friends is a Pakistani Muslim. Infact, his ancestry (before his family moved to the U.S.) can be traced to the pathans. He is as pakistani as he can get while still being an American. I am just about as Indian as i can possibly get while still being American. And somehow, SOMEHOW, we are able to get along perfectly well. We are supposed to hate each other, right? Maybe next time i see him, i'll berate him for events that occured well before our time, by people we share but vague ties to, to actions i have no resposibility for, and for circumstances that bare no significant importance to my life. Yeah, cause that makes perfect sense.

Yeah, this was just a rant that gave no input into the topic. But w/e. This pee-drinking Hindu wants to let other pee-drinking Hindus and dirty-mohammedans alike that the last thing i want (or our countries need) is an argument like this.

Posted By: Fizzil
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 14:14

Wait for people to reach puberty, they kinda put nationalism behind and eventually appreciate each other, regardless of race or religion.

Posted By: Anujkhamar
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 17:12
Originally posted by Fizzil

Wait for people to reach puberty, they kinda put nationalism behind and eventually appreciate each other, regardless of race or religion.

or they become ten times worse and become new world leaders

Posted By: Gyadu
Date Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 19:17

I agree with the previous four posts.Check out the link dudes. - p;PN=1


Izan zirelako gara...... Izan garelako izango dira....

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