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Books you bought

Printed From: History Community ~ All Empires
Category: Scholarly Pursuits
Forum Name: Literary Pursuits
Forum Discription: all things relating to the written word
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Topic: Books you bought
Posted By: Master of Puppets
Subject: Books you bought
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2004 at 14:52

Just add the books you recently bought to this thread!

I still had the money I won with the translation competition, so I decided to spend it on some books (the first to still have to arrive (I ordered them all)):
Franz Kafka, Gesammelte Werke (8 volumes)
Aischulos, Oresteia (Fagles translation)
Homeros, Iliad and Odyssey (Dutch translation in hexameters)
Hesiodos, Theogony and  Works and Days (Dutch verse translation)
A Dutch translation of what is left of Gorgias's texts with two essays on Gorgias.
A book of about 650 pages featuring "essays" by Kees van Kooten, a famous Dutch comedian/writer/etc. Really cool.
A small book by Umberto Eco, featuring ironic articles on all sorts of things.

I also used some of my own money to buy:
Friedrich Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
La Chanson de Roland

Unfortunately I've very little time to read it all, as university started, but I'll try to keep it up!

Wherever I turn, there is Death.
The Epic of Gilgamesh; Tablet XI, line 245

Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2004 at 15:44
Friedrich Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra

Odd title, are you translating it?
I think its called Thus Spake Zarathustra in English


Posted By: Master of Puppets
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2004 at 16:42
Yeah, it's called Thus Spoke Zarathustra in English. I read it in Dutch before once but only understood like 1% of it  Now I got it in German so I can read it in the original language (which is always better when it comes to philosophical works, or for any book, actually). I hope I'll understand it better when I try reading it again. Maybe I'll have to get a biography of Nietzsche or a commentary or something like that to fully understand it. I'm not planning to translate it, though - I'm not that brilliant

Wherever I turn, there is Death.
The Epic of Gilgamesh; Tablet XI, line 245

Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2004 at 19:53
I read a bit of it after borrowing it from a libary a few years back, was fortunate to live in a city that actualy had a good central library. Never finished it though, maybe i'll try again some time.
Anyways, no list for me, i'm a library guy


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 10:41
 Because I own a small used book store I buy books almost daily. And a few weeks ago someone brought in about 60 books on medevil mostly England and Scotland(which i promptly kept all for myself) I haven't bought any recentlyand won't for awhile. But the most recent fiction I bought was The kings justuce by Katherine Kurtz.  


Posted By: TheDiplomat
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 11:57

Great thread,pal!Muster of Puppets!

the latest one is:

-The Russian Chronicles-The UK published Russian history course book ;starts with the land of rus and ends with the October Revolution of 1917.huge size,colorful;costed me 1.200 russian rubles=$40

i have been saving some money to buy the books i have choosen via internet.i have already choosen 70 books about history,politics,international relations,sexuality,psychology,art and language

ARDA:The best Turkish diplomat ever!

Posted By: TheDiplomat
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 11:58

Originally posted by Dawn

 Because I own a small used book store I buy books almost daily. And a few weeks ago someone brought in about 60 books on medevil mostly England and Scotland(which i promptly kept all for myself) I haven't bought any recentlyand won't for awhile. But the most recent fiction I bought was The kings justuce by Katherine Kurtz.  

i thibk we will never be able to competite with you...........

ARDA:The best Turkish diplomat ever!

Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 13:07
Originally posted by TheDiplomat

i thibk we will never be able to competite with you...........

well if it was a contest i would have an unfair advantage. I lend my books all the time and you are welcome to them but you either have to come and get them or pay postage  ohh I love books


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 13:18
  Because I own a small used book store I buy books almost daily.

Damn, you, if there was one business i'd like to own and call my own, it would be thats sort of thing. Well, maybe one day.


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 13:40
Well I'm not sure I can classify it as a buisness It's more a well paying hobby. You see a number of years ago when we bought this 100 year old commercial building (Big about 7000 sq feet) and turned about 1/2 of it into our house. half the remained is an apartment I rent to a freind I was left with 1/4 of it to do something with. My husband had complained bitterly about moving the 76 cases of my books and said I should do something with them. I also need someway to suppy my addictions( books and art materials) so I went to a few auctions and bought more books,made a few artisain peices( I don't call myself an artist ,I weave ,make stain glass works, soap,candles quilts,do some folk art painting etc,) and opened a small shop. I couldn't make a living at it(thats why  i still work as a chef,mostly nights) but it pays most of the bills on the building,supplies my addiction and I have fun doing it. Thats how it started 76 boxes of books a few trips to auctions and an addiction. That was 6 years ago now I have about 8000 book in stock and more coming in weekly.  


Posted By: Cywr
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 14:14
A hobby that earns money, thats even better.
Hmm, my dream is to own a little one, in one of those narrow winding backstreets you find in old European cities, like something out of a time warp. Most likely to stay a drem, but you never know.


Posted By: cattus
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 14:25
 perhaps such as Johnny Depp in "the 9th Gate". Bookstores with the rarest of dusty little obscure books.


Posted By: Cornellia
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 16:50

I love those obscure little book stores and spent a whole day in one in Paris a few years back.  LOL

Until you can afford your own little obscure book store, you can do what a friend of mine has done.  She worked in the computer business in Austin until the crash shut a lot of that down.  So, she started selling books over the internet, beginning in ebay and now sells most of them at  Of course, they do get a commission.

She spends her time going from library to bookstores all over the southwest and buying books at auctions.  She then sells them and is making a very nice living - actually makes more now than she did when she worked in corporate America.  AND helps supply her book addiction.

She emails me with the neat titles she finds on subjects I'm interested in and I usually buy directly from her.  I recently ordered several books on druids and archaeology.

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas

Posted By: JanusRook
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 20:34

I love those obscure little book stores and spent a whole day in one in Paris a few years back.  LOL

Yea I go to a little store like that. If anyone here is ever in Muncie (dear God never be) then there is a real nice book shop called the White Rabbit. The owner's really nice and has some really neat stock like a first edition Origin of Species for $35 or so.

Economic Communist, Political Progressive, Social Conservative.

Unless otherwise noted source is wiki.

Posted By: Tobodai
Date Posted: 14-Sep-2004 at 21:02
crap loads of Osprey books Temujin helped me select...

"the people are nothing but a great beast...
I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value."
-Alexander Hamilton

Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 12:55
Well can't go by a book store without going in ,can't go in without coming out with something. Yesterday (after saying I didn't need any more books right now) I bought a copy of Micheal Grants Cleopatra (really cheap I might add) and a couple of novels for my trip - Vancouver - a Sarum like novel set on the west coast of Canada and on by Christian Jacq.


Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 14:26

Originally posted by Tobodai

crap loads of Osprey books Temujin helped me select...


haha yeah, I own like 60 osprey books or so, they should hire me...

I will get that Mongolian encyclopedia as soon as I find a gold-carrying goblin somewhere...and robb him...


Posted By: Tobodai
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 17:26

Heres what you do:

Go to Ireland

Open a box of Lucky Charms

A rainbow will shoot out of the box

Follow that unti you reach the post of gold and cerial

Beat up the obnoxious Leprecaun

Take the gold

"They re magially delicious!

"the people are nothing but a great beast...
I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value."
-Alexander Hamilton

Posted By: Jalisco Lancer
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 17:28


  Santa Anna, the seductor of Mexico.

  Agustin de Iturbide Biography.

  Borders of Paper ( a novel about the Mexican American War).

Posted By: BattleGlory
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 20:24
I haven't been to a bookstore in a long time .

~If you don't know history, you don't know anything.
~Time can change me, but I can't change time.

Posted By: Cornellia
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 20:47

I found a book by book by Peter Berresford Ellis on The Druids for seventy five cents at

I just love Amazon....LOL

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas

Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 18-Sep-2004 at 23:01
I have that one. Not bad but alittle dry in places.  75 cents is good for any book.  


Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 11-Nov-2004 at 15:30
Just got  a copy of Cutter's Island along with my new I Claudius  Looks like it should be good  


Posted By: J.M.Finegold
Date Posted: 12-Dec-2004 at 01:24
Just picked up a copy of Thucydide's narrative - I decided to read the original work, instead of so much Donald Kagan .


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