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Why vote? Mistakes hurt!

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Category: Scholarly Pursuits
Forum Name: The Minefield
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Topic: Why vote? Mistakes hurt!
Posted By: opuslola
Subject: Why vote? Mistakes hurt!
Date Posted: 24-Oct-2010 at 21:21
I would suggest that any American who might be on the edge of the fence concerning the on-coming elections in November might well want to refresh their brains with the following;

"Makes me tingle!"

Respect Democracy and vote in November!


Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 05-Mar-2011 at 20:00
Looking at the date I made the above post, do any of our American members regret their vote?

I do not!

Maybe even Mrs. Obama regrets her's?




Posted By: medenaywe
Date Posted: 06-Mar-2011 at 03:55
I am not American citizen and live far away from your country.Situation inside your country reflects all around the world.Long time have followed impacts of your inner politics and economy to the rest of the world.I believe your experts founded recession could come.American establisment needed someone that would been blamed for this!?!Person ideal  for this role  in virtual  console of every American was founded!?!Vote Obama for president!Benefits were dual!War conflicts during recession were possible also!Your army have a lot of people with different colors .Those people will fight for colored president also!
  Words that were spoken by me above,have included respect for all people no matter of color or religion.They have been spoken only,situation inside America and World could be analyzed by me.
  Remind you,we have similar situation as in time of Paul the Arab,have not we?

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2011 at 17:50
We have for the last few years been warned by President (then candidate Obama) that we, the taxpayers of the USA, should be prepared to pay a lot more for gasoline and energy. Mr. Obama actually said for us to be ready for our energy costs to "sky-rocket!" Wow, I am glad that did not happen! Other wise I would not have been able to take those expensive vacations around the world, just like Mrs. Obama and friends and family. Just think, if we were one of the rich and priviliged like the Obama family, we would be able to take a gigantic "public" jet aircraft across the world without any costs! Wow! I really like that idea, maybe I could take a "public" jet aircraft to Spain or S. Africa, etc., with hundreds of my friends and family, with out any cost to me?

After all the "rich and famous" do not worry about the cost, that is only what the average American has to do! You see it is the "taxpayers" who pay for this families little trips.

We are the same ones who are also expected to dontate to their own retirement accounts, and save the planet by riding a bicycle to work, instead of driving, or even better taking a train or a bus!

Of course the President does not have to invest any of his money in a retirement plan, it is already built in, and we, the real taxpayers will pay for it (and feee medical care) for the rest of the Presidents life and beyond!

I would also like to play golf once a week as a fancy private golf course gratis! I am sure the President does not pay the visitors green fees out of his own pocket, since he is a man of the people, a grass roots organizer, etc.!

Possibly one of his golf clubs might well accidentally get stuck up his ass whilst playing golf some day?

Perhaps one of our "public" aircraft will develop some problems while the family is stuck in some five star hotel in Spain, or Africa someday, the horror of horrors the family might well be stuck in such a sitiuation for a day or so!

How tragic!

Let us all now sing our favorite Progressive Democrat song "Kum ba ya!"

Come on, I know some of you know the lyrics?

Please read this if you do not; -

Now we can all "sing along!"

Yes, now we can all feel better whilst the debt crisis looms closer and closer, and while we await "our" energy costs to "skyrocket!", as well as food costs, and insurance, and we can only await the coming rise in interest rates with open arms!

Yes I am now as calm as I can be!

Thanks for the change President Obama! I did have a "dollar" but now all I have left is some "change!"


All of the above words are original and copyright@2011, by Ronald L. Hughes, state of Mississippi, USA. (I might as well protect myself if possible, laugh!)

Yes, I am laughing, all the way to the bank, where I will soon have to withdraw the few dollars I have left to pay for my air-conditioner and gasoline! Since the price of food products is also beginning to "skyrocket" in part due to the stupid idea to turn food (corn) into fuel, I am looking with an increase of saliva into my mouth, at one of the legs of my dogs! Of course I would not eat a good dog of mine all at one time! LOL

Regards to all,

PS, if you did not see the video that started this thread, perhaps you should?

If not, perhaps you should watch an listen to this?; -

This is a site where such words can be said, is it not?


Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2011 at 18:41
Originally posted by opuslola

We have for the last few years been warned by President (then candidate Obama) that we, the taxpayers of the USA, should be prepared to pay a lot more for gasoline and energy.
I can comment this statement only in one way : welcome in the real world Thumbs Up

"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2011 at 18:50
Originally posted by opuslola

Since the price of food products is also beginning to "skyrocket" in part due to the stupid idea to turn food (corn) into fuel.....
I think that because of that "corn eating" many Europeans somtimes consider USA as the third world country ;) Imho the only use of corn can be turning it into fuel, but not using it as foodLOL

"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 28-Jul-2011 at 22:28
My dear irrating, buzzing, blood sucking insect! Ciao!

It is a shame that you do not eat the food of your ancestors! But, perhaps, if you have never visited the the Southern part of the USA, I.e. the Latin part, then you have never really tasted corn as have I!

Corn, roasted or grilled upon charcoal or wood, can make a most exciting dish, just by itself! Creamed corn in a black skillet, will make you want to slap your grand-mother, if done correctly, and the dishes go on and on.

So, give up the blood sucking and stick your probocus? into a well cooked or even raw ear of sweet corn!

You will thank me for it!

Regards, or rather ciao, ciao!

Please note here in the Southern part of the USA, some of us, still call regular milk as "sweet milk" to make it different from "butter-milk" which is almost bitter!

And, as well I think I did make drgonzaga look bad when I think I correctly proved him wrong concerning the spelling of one of his favorite words, and that word correctly spelled by every authority is not the way he spelled it then and the way he spells it now! (Note I do keep track of those guys!)

Can you mention the word without laughing?

Can anyone?


Posted By: red clay
Date Posted: 29-Jul-2011 at 08:25
Originally posted by Mosquito

Originally posted by opuslola

Since the price of food products is also beginning to "skyrocket" in part due to the stupid idea to turn food (corn) into fuel.....
I think that because of that "corn eating" many Europeans somtimes consider USA as the third world country ;) Imho the only use of corn can be turning it into fuel, but not using it as foodLOL
That may be because in Europe you only grow feed corn.  Sometimes called field corn.  In NJ, feed corn is grown for livestock, Sweet Corn is grown for Human consumption.  Sweet Corn comes in several varieties, the best being Sugar White. 
And in the US we consider any place that doesn't have this delicacy, underprivileged. Your missing out on some great foods.  Corn Chowder, corn bread, roasted corn and pepper salad, just to name a few.  And all because of a silly notion that all corn is animal food.

"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".

Posted By: red clay
Date Posted: 29-Jul-2011 at 08:29
Oh Yeah, don't forget tortilla chips and Popcorn.  And as Opuslola mentioned, if it's good sweet corn, picked at the right milk stage, raw is out of this world.

"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".

Posted By: red clay
Date Posted: 29-Jul-2011 at 08:46
Originally posted by opuslola

Looking at the date I made the above post, do any of our American members regret their vote?

I do not!

Maybe even Mrs. Obama regrets her's?


Nope! don't regret my vote.  Been voting for Cal Coolidge for years.

"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".

Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 29-Jul-2011 at 19:52
I here thru very good sources that the "write in vote for old "Cal" is adding up rapidly! But it has yet to exceed the write in votes for Khrushchev! LOL

But to really laugh at the above response one really has to remember "Mad" magazine, and a cover they made during the Kennedy years!

I think the exact words were "Khurshchev demands a recount of the write in votes!" Laugh

I actually have a copy of said mag.!

I also have a few copies of "Cracked", "Thimg", and others from the same time period, E.g. the 1960's.



Posted By: toyomotor
Date Posted: 04-Feb-2014 at 05:49
Ron: In Australia, voting is compulsory for all Federal and State Elections. Local Government voting is not compulsory, but there is talk of changing that.
If you don't vote, you get fined.
I saw a bumper sticker some years ago that, in my opinion, said it all.


Posted By: opuslola
Date Posted: 05-Feb-2014 at 12:58
Originally posted by toyomotor

Ron: In Australia, voting is compulsory for all Federal and State Elections. Local Government voting is not compulsory, but there is talk of changing that.

If you don't vote, you get fined.


I saw a bumper sticker some years ago that, in my opinion, said it all.



Doing so would be just "FINE!" LOL


Posted By: toyomotor
Date Posted: 08-Feb-2014 at 20:03
Originally posted by opuslola

Looking at the date I made the above post, do any of our American members regret their vote?

I do not!

Maybe even Mrs. Obama regrets her's?


Ron, tell me, an Outlander, why is it that so many Americans seem to dislike Barry O'Bama, when he seems to have his priorities right, as opposed for example, to Dubya?
Maybe if voting in the US was compulsory you might get a better view of the peoples choice.


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