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Numeric symbolism in Myth & history (lists)

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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Numeric symbolism in Myth & history (lists)
    Posted: 26-Mar-2006 at 23:35
Part 1 the lists, part 2 analysis/conclusions still to come.

12:- pillars Hercules, Titans/Zagreus, Olympians, Ages Rome, bks Virgil, bks Homer, tablets Gilgamesh epic, apostles/disciples, Aesir, months yr, signs zodiac, planets, kings Schera/Phaeacia, Adityas, yrs Jupiter, gods Assyria-Babylon, 120 poles Gilgamesh, patriarchs/tribes Israel/Ishmael, grt gods Etruscan, minor prophets, nights Xmas, divs Tuat, age div 12 parts (Esdras), citie states Etruscans, yrs king Calicut, days novena/couvade, Chinese beasts/cycle of yrs, labours Herakles, (double) hours, picture cards, jury, long hundred, Paladins, 'ennead', edges cube, dozen, Shia Imams, 24 kts rnd tab,

11:- yrs sun spot, Aesir minus Baldr, Apostles minus Judas, rudras/Maruts?/Manas/Atman, mighty helpers, 3x11 devas, caves DSS,

10:- "bks Herodotus"?, kings Atlantis, pre/post flood patriarchs, antediluvuan kings Sumer, months yr, horns beast, planet X, digits/toes, commandments, pranas, lost tribes, Apeiron, talents, righteous men (Abraham), avataras Visnu, world div 10 parts (Esdras), directions of space, days couvade, Caesars, sons Haman, countries Mu, Prajapatis?, 100, god-kings dyn, tithes, sephiroth?, lepers, gens Perez to David, bows/arcs, worlds/trees Edda, 'ennead', dekans, yrs war Titans/Troy, children Job, plagues, orig labours Herakles, asses/denarius, monks/dean, EEC, strings harp, dimensions, kings Mahabharata, kings [Azores/Canaries], curiae, decade, tribes Onogur, tetraktys (1+2+3+4), sybils,

9:- gods Ennead, lives cats, bks Herodotus, months pregnancy, cloud 9, worlds/trees, nights Odin, days tempest Shu, Deucalion, durgas, saktis/mataras, angles/maidens, bks Confucianism, 999, heads Hydra, 99 names Allah, lords of the nt hrs, Muses, wind of 9 serpents/caverns, lepers, bows/arcs, steps Thor, cubits high souls, 18 Titans

8:- gods Ogdoad, Seth 8th (following Cainite generations), 8th day man, Sleipnir, spider, stages paradise Arab, mataras, Vasus, Lokapalas, 8th cont/Atlantis, 88 keys, 88 Mercury, 888 (Jesus), octopus, souls Ark, buddhas, hand crow, 8th day?, comp pts, hour day, octave, corners cube, noble 8fold path, runes,

7:- remaining horns beast, heads beast, septenary spheres/"stars/planets", holes head, days creation/week, archangels, cities, rivers India/Egypt, sages (Solon), Cainite generations, Pleiades/sisters, Manus, hills Rome, churches, menorah, continents, seas, 777, root races/aeons (ONA), stages Sufism, climate zones, heavens, earths (Hebrew), stages hell Arab, Septuagint, mataras, heads Rugievit, sleepers, G7, Caesars, islands Persephone/Atlantic, headed snake-monster/serpent/dragon (Sumer/EDP), headed serpent (Phoenican), Hathors, spirits, cavern of 7 chambers, wk of yrs, gods invoked at daybreak (Zaire), nitrogenous bases, swords?, Rishis/Prajapatis?, churches Paul (letters), animals ark, Maskim, tones?, vowels, colours, hills pre-dyn Egypt pottery, kings Rome, spheres Mithraism, castes Egypt, stages Steiner, days Babyl flood, against Thebes, stages Tower of Babylon/Borsippa, dwarves, wonders world, yrs Joseph/Tribulation, spurs Meru/circles Patala, karshvars, dispensations,

6:- days working week, 666, seraphim, 6th day man, Adityas, pairs Titans, Pleiades, grt gods Etruscan, insects, carbon, winds, hexagram, Roman numerals, sides cube, digits giants, day war,

5:- "planets/stars", digits/toes, days week, days epact/epagomenal, rivers India, Olympic symbol, oceans, yrs election, root races, zones, Torah, heads Brahm, 50 names Marduk, Thoth "the grtest 5", vowels, pentagram, children Nut, dhyanibuddhas, Jnanendriyas/Karmendriyas, bks psalms, "star-races" (Mazaqin, Shedim, Lilim, etc), groups Dio Sic, senses, quintessence, races Coon, clans (Indian?), Hyades

4:- quadrants/quarters/compass pts/winds, cherubs, dogs Nabiru, moons Jupiter, suits, leap yr/election/Olympiad/Sothis, wheels, beasts Daniel, heads leopard (Dan), cities Nimrod, sides/corners pyramid base, seasons, elements, Vedas, living creatures Rev/Adonai, evangelists/gospels, yugas, heads Brahma, heads Sventovit/Porevit, Celtic beasts?, YHWH, tetrarchs, cross/swastika, dimensions, quadruped, Corinthians, firkin, zodiac pts (L,T,A,S), horsemen Apoc, Mide, weeks, Jungian types, sons Ham, suns Aztec, rivers Eden/Thera/Dilmun/Kardunyash, 3 in 1 = 4, cities Celtic, sons Horus, tetraktys (1+2+3+4), regions (S&A),

3:- uprooted horns beast, vestgal 3rd eye lid, fingers Maori carvings, trinity/Godhead, bks Plato, races, states matter, 666, yrs election, patriarchs, spheres, ribs bear (Dan), conts Old World, terms/seasons (Egypt), 'tribes', globalist zones, body types, phases moon, phases women/humans (sphinx), cities, 33 devas, heads Triglav, steps, levels Ark, letters YHWH, triumvirate, heavens, Muses, dimensions, trident, tripitaka, pastoral epistles, Norns, parts Avesta, runes, crosses, triads, Hermes, 33 degrees masonry,

2:- pillars H, rivers, springs, trees Eden, seas, lands Egypt, heavens, hemispheres, eyes, cherubim ark, twins, tablets commandments?, moons Mars, edged sword, wheels, horns, beasts Rev, cities, banks river, grtest commandments, kings Sparta, consuls Rome, days wkend, months (J,F), pairs Titans, tribes Judah, witnesses, mtn(peak)s, wings, faces Janus, faces/sides moon, semesters/seasons (Israel), letters alpha-bet, feet/biped, Asvins, cross, Venus/Lucifer, binary, dioskouri, fingers, Corinthians, animals ark, wives, pyramids, Ursa,

1:- monotheism, horn/unicorn, eye, monarchy, finger, universe,

Odin, Vili, Ve.
Harr, Janfar, Thrud.
Odin, Frey, Thor.
Jarl, Karl, Thrall.
Istaevon, Ingaevon, Hermion.
Odin, Hoenir, Loder.
Urd, Verdandi, Skuld.
Man, Maid, Frost Giant.
Fenrir, Midgardsorm, Hel.
Napoleon, Ducos, Sieyes.
Napoleon, De Cambaceres, Lebrun.
President, Premier, Party Chief.
Ancient, Medieval, Modern.
Boer, Knight, Priest.

Brahma, Visnu, Siva.
Sama/Scherma, Chama, Pra-Jyapeti.
Rajas, Tamas, Sattva.
Ganga, Sarasvati, Jumna/Lakshmi.
heaven, air, earth//gold, silver, iron.
rise, zenith, set.
Indra/Vayu, Agni, Surya.

Eraj, Salm/Sayrima, Tur.
Rashnu, Mithra, Sraosha.
Saoshyant, ..., ....

Father, Son, Holy G/S.
Gaspar, Melchior, Belshazar.
Nimrod, Joktan, Fenech.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Cain, Abel, Seth.
Shem, Japheth, Ham.
Antichrist, False Proph, Dragon.
Thief, JC, Thief.
Moses, JC, Elijah.
Abram, Isaac, Jacob.
Abram, Nahor, Haran.
Mt, Mk, Lk.
Peter, James, John.
Abram, Eleazar, Isaac.
Kether, Binah, Hokhmah.
Body, soul, spirit.
Holy of Holies, inner court, outer court.
Morn, noon, even.

Tiamat, Apsu, Mummu.
Ea, Anu, Bel.
Sin, Samas, Istar.
Marduk, Zarpanit, Nabu.

Stone, Bronze, Iron.
Chaos, Eros, ....
Kronos, Titan/Typhon, Iapetos.
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.
Europe, Asia, Libya.
Minos, Rhadamantys, Sarpedon/Aeacus.
Aeolos, Dorus, Xuthus.
Medusa, Stheno, Euryale.
Brontes, Steropes, Arges.
Klotho, Lachesis, Atropus.
Horae. Moirae/Parcae/Fates/Fortunae. Cerberus. Hecatoncheires. Muses. Graeae. Trident.
Gratiae/Charities: Aglaia, Thalia, Euphrosyne.
Erinyes/Furies: Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaira.
Artemis, Demeter, Hecate.

Ways/Faces Hecate.
Jupiter, Mars, Quirinus.
Jupiter/Juventas, Juno, Minerva.
Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus.
Octavian, Antony, Lepidus.

Uni "the one", Tin, Minerva.

Isis, Horus, Seb.
Ptah, Seker, Osiris.
Set, Shu, Thoth.
Anquet, Khnemu, Sati.
Osiris, Horus, Isis.
Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure.
Ptah, Sekhmet, Imhotep.
Amon-Re, Mut, Khensu.
Set, Nephthys, Anubis.
Inundation, Winter, Summer.

Guaracy, Jacy, Peruda.

Athirat, Anat, Asherah.
Qre, Ashima, ....
Phos, Phur, Phlox.
sun, moon, stars.
Chronus, Potos, Omicle.
Allat, Uzza, Manat.

Maou, Lisa, Gou.

Amaterasu, Susano, Tsuki-yomi.

Nth I, Sth I, Stewart I.
Kane, Ku, Lono.

Tesub, Tasmisu, Aranzah.

Triglav: heaven, earth, lower world.
Trojanu "triune one".

Leaf clover.

Barbara Walker has some more less familiar/common trinities for those who would like more info/evidence.
NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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Gyadu View Drop Down

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  Quote Gyadu Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27-Mar-2006 at 22:31

Originally posted by Arthur-Robin

Part 1 the lists, part 2 analysis/conclusions still to come.

The list is too exhaustive for me to analyse or come to any conclusions Arthur-Robin.Waiting.

Izan zirelako gara...... Izan garelako izango dira....
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Maju View Drop Down

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  Quote Maju Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Mar-2006 at 17:09
1 - bat - bada - it is
2 - bi
3 - hiru - hiri - town, city
4 - lau - lau - plain
5 - bortz - b + ortz - b + sky/heaven
6 - sei
7 - sazpi - s + azpi - s + below
8 - sortzi - s + ortzi - s + sky/heaven
9 - bederatzi - bider atzi - repeat
10 - hamar - ama har - take mother
11 - hamaika - finishing (also used as "a lot")
19 - hemeretzi - hemen etzi - here rest

Astronomical knowledge of the Megalithic era was based in the numbers 4 and, specially, 19. I find amusing the tarotists disputing on which of the two cards is more important: the Emperor or the Sun...

The count was done 9 + 10 or 9 + 1 + 9, if I don't recall badly.

Edited by Maju

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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17-Apr-2006 at 22:01
dualisms &/or dialectics (anti-dualisms) in myth:
Horus (race) - Set (race);
Osiris - Set;
crook - flail;
Set - Apophis;
Lower Egypt - Upper Egypt;
Dua - Sef;
Geb - Nut;
Shu - Tefnut;
Osiris - Isis;
Ra/Re - Atum/Amon;
Shem - Ham;
Nun - Naunet;
black - red;
Isis - Set;
Uraeus - Apophis;
Amaterasu - Susano;
Izanagi - Izanami;
In - Yo;
Chrysanthemum - Dragon;
Romulus - Remus;
Mars - Venus;
Castor - Pollux;
Bielobog - Chernobog;
Younger Bogatyr - Elder Bogatyr;
Mawu - Lisa;
Obatala - Odudua;
Yin - Yang;
Fu Hsi - Nu Kwa;
Shen - Kwei;
Taoism - Confucianism;
Persia - Media;
Ashavan - Drugvan;
Mithra - Gosh/Taurus;
Vohu Manah - Akah Manah;
Tishtriya - Apaosha;
Arya - Turia;
Ahura/Amesha Spentas - Devas;
Ahura Mazda/Ohrmuzd - Angra Mainyu/Ahriman;
Apsu - Tiamat;
An - Ki;
Igigi - Anunaki;
Marduk - Tiamat;
Ea - Apsu;
Bel - Dragon;
Ea/Enki - Enlil;
Sumer - Akkad;
Euphrates - Tigris;
Sarku - Admu;
Adapa - Shutu;
Babylon - Assyria;
Gilgamesh/Izdubar - Enkidu/Eabani;
Ara the Fair - Bel;
Mediterranean - Persain Gulf;
Baal - Mot;
Aleion - Mot;
Mot - Leviathan;
Baal - El;
Khoser - Hasis;
Elim - Elohim;
Baal - Yamm;
Sachar - Salem;
Allah - Allat;
Arthur - Mordred;
Merlin/Lady of the Lake - Mab;
Lug - Balor;
TDD - Fomor;
Gawain - Lancelot;
Diarmaid - Grianni;
Tristan - Iseult;
Gog - Magog;
Gawain - Green Knight;
Catholic/Ireland - Protestant/England;
Lleu - Dylan;
George - Dragon;
Dr Who - Master;
Blake - T...;
Sherlock Holmes - Moriarty;
Luke - Han;
Luke/Yoda - Vader/Emperor;
Rebel - Empire;
Mason - Xtian;
D Got - D Gott;
Aryan - Jew;
George - Dragon;
Gods - Dark;
Vili - Ve;
Ask - Embla
Odin - Fenrir;
Thor - Midgradsorm/Jormungard;
Frey - Surt;
Tyr - Garm;
Vidar - Fenrir;
Heimdall - Loki;
Lif - Lifthrasir;
Vidar - Vali;
Baldr - Hoder/Loki;
Liosalf - Svartalf;
Thor - Etins;
Aesir - Vanir;
Frey - Freya;
Rob Hood - K Arthur;
RH - Sheriff Notts/Guy Gisbourne;
Welfs - Ghibbelines;
Lancaster - York;
centrifugal - centripetal;
Xiu - Itza;
white Manitou - black Manitou;
quetzal/feather - coatl/serpent;
sons of light - giants deprived of light;
beauty - ugly/cruel;
Tawiscara - Ioskeha;
Hahgewhdiyu - Hahgwehdaetgah;
Tawenduare - Arikute;
Dionysian - Apollonian;
Achilles - Hector;
Athens - Sparta;
Athens - Atlantis;
hot - cold spring;
Mykenae - Troy;
spirit/soul - body;
Zeus - Kronos;
Olympians - Titans;
gods - ...;
Epicurean - Stoic;
Zeus - Theran;
Zeus - Typhon;
Plato/Pythagoras - Aristotle;
Uranus - Gaia;
Apollo - Artemis;
Prometheus - Epimetheus;
Hellene - Pelasgian;
Hermes - Aphrodite;
Cupid - Psyche;
Apollo - Python;
Buddha - Mara;
Krishna - Kalyia;
India - Pakistan;
Pandavas - Kauravas;
Deva - Asura;
rupa - arupa;
Arya - Dasyu/Dravidian;
sat - asat;
Mitra - Varuna;
Krishna - Arjuna;
Surya - Chandra;
Hinayana/Ther... - Mahayana;
Brahman - Kshatriya;
Yama - Yami;
Shiva - Shakti;
Siva/Hara - Visnu/Hari;
Krishna - Balarama;
Yab - Yum;
Brahman - Abrahm;
Kama - Mara;
Vasishtha - Viswamitra;
Indra - V.../B...;
Satya - Kali;
Yoni - Linga;
Brahman - Atman;
jewel - lotus;
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arsenka View Drop Down

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  Quote arsenka Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Apr-2006 at 11:02
 And what are your conclusions for these lists, Arthur-Robin? Unfortunately, I can't comprehend your idea....Explain it a little bit, please!
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Arthur-Robin View Drop Down

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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-Apr-2006 at 19:34
Sorry but it is going to take a while longer for my conclusions, I already have a rough idea of what they are but it takes me time to do some things.

But for an initial preview of the dualistic/dialectic conclusions see post #16: t=10

Plus, it gives you[s] time to see if you can discover it for your selves too since I have already given you the (un-exhaustive) lists half of the work/effort. Clue: you can categorise the entries into peoples, places, times, etc. Some are contemporary some are consecutive. Hint think holistically (whole world/time).

(Also, it helps to have a key like say the bible to interpret mythology).

Edited by Arthur-Robin
NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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  Quote Arthur-Robin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-Apr-2006 at 04:13
dualisms and/or dialectics (anti-dualisms) in Judaeo-Xtianity:

Adam - Enosh
Tree Life - Tree Knowledge
Abel - Cain
Seth - Cain
sons God - daughters of men
Eden - Nod
angel - demon
God/YHWH - Devil/Satan
Shem - Japheth
Yhwh - El
8th day man - 6th day man
Adam - Eve
Eve - Lilith
Moses - Aaron
Abram - Lot
Isaac - Ishmael
Israel/Jacob - Esau/Edom
Moab - Ammon
Ephraim - Manasseh
Rehoboam - Jeroboam
Judah - Israel
Adam - Serpent
cupbearer - baker
Lucifer - Satan
sons of light - sons of darkness
Mosaic - Obic
David - Saul
donkey - pig
ears - eyes
Jubal - Jabal
Christ - Jesus
spirit/soul - body/flesh
3 - 1
Jn - synoptic
Paul - James
Jesus - John
Setian - Ophite
Shia - Sunni
Protestant - Catholic
Arminian - Calvinist
Fundamentalist - Modernist
(seed) woman - (seed) serpent
evil spirit - demon
Gibborim - Nephilim
Jerusalem - Babylon
False Prophet - Anti-Christ
Peleg - Joktan
Heaven - Hell
Heaven - Earth
Adah - Zillah
good - evil
Asshur - Nimrod
Magog - Gog
Pharisees - Saducees
Saturday - Sunday
wine/fish - bread/loaves
Michael - Apollyon
Michael - Lucifer
Jew - Gentile
Behemoth - Leviathan
Paul - Peter
James - Jude
Lazarus - Dives
[wheat] - tares
sheep - goats
rock - sand
Abe's bosom - hell
Abrahm - Brahm
Jew - Arab
Church/Xtian - Jew/Israel
(son of) God - (son of) man
wise - fool
love - lust
free - slave
Father - Son
Eve - animals
Zion - Sion
David - Solomon
Mordechai - Haman
church - family
Melchizedek - Levite
10 comms - ceremonial law
Paul - Saul
Benjamin - Benoni
Israel - Jacob
Rachel - Leah
Abraham - Abram
Samson - Delilah
Sarah - Hagar
Shem - Ham
Noah - [Nor/Nir]
Joshua - Caleb
right - left
Mary - Joseph
morning - evening
Jesus - Lucifer
cross - rose
lamb - dragon
white -black
wonderful - fearful
NZ's mandatory fluoridation is not fair because it only forces it on the disadvantaged/some and not on the advantaged/everyone.
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