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Turkic world

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Dark Lord View Drop Down

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  Quote Dark Lord Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Turkic world
    Posted: 18-May-2006 at 18:08
You made some interesting points, but first I will address your "hallmarks of extermism".

1. You create the fictional enemy

Turks are good people - from my personal experience. But this "merced" who posted this thread focusing on Iran's Azarbaijani people, who are linguistically Turkic, but ethnically Iranian, is a blatant attempt to disrupt Iran's territorial integrity. Such pan-Turkic chauvanists are a real enemy, whether they have any political power or not. And as an Iranian, I naturally oppose them.

2. You invent a paranoia that the fictional enemy want to occupy your land

Actually, this is not fiction. The Ottoman Turks occupied north-western Iran on numerous occassions, while attempting to turkify the indegenous people. The rivalry between Saffavid Persia and Ottoman Turkey has alot of history - therefore, it is a legitimate concern, and not merely paranoia.

3. You de-humanise Turks into a collective mass which you look down upon

I can distinguish between different Turkic groups; from a Turkmen; to an Istanbuli Turk; to an Azerbaijani. It is pan-turkics who create the notion of a collective mass. Although I find their language repulsive, as do many Turks, I don't "look down" on them, but rather have a great appreciation of the masculine nature of Turkish warrior culture which originates from the Eurasian steppes. The nomadic steppe culture is also an Aryan heritage. There is great virtue in the nomadic lifestyle: to wonder free, far and wide, roaming the grasslands for adventure and thrill.

It is true that the current relationship between the Muslim world and the US, the world's sole superpower,  is asymetrical and doesn't allow States to follow independent policies irrespective of their national interests. But what these pan-nationalists fail to realize is that US hegemony is hostile to any form of nationalism. Hence, your dilemma of being "used" or to "use". American interest in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey is not based on any US sympathy for pan-Turkics, but corporate greed to usurp and channel energy resources from the Central-Asia-Caucasus region through obedient regimes to Western markets. Bypassing states that dare to exert independent policies or disobey US dictates, i.e. Russia, Iran. The Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan  is a prime example of this geopolitics.

The only means to successfully oppose Anglo-American Imperial ambitions is through a countering superpower. Whether the Middle-East can forge a Muslim superpower, and overcome ethno-cultural differences, remains to be seen. But this reality will not change with the hollow rhetoric of imbicile chauvanists of all stripes. If it is pride the prevents one from succumbing to capitalist tyranny; to have their aspirations domesticated; to be sucked into the decadent consumerist culture; to be propagandized with corporate media; to be spiritually bankrupt; to be feminized with egalitarian democracy; I prefer to keep my head up.

In the words of Nietzche:

"It is better to die in honour, if one cannot live in honour".

Dark Lord.

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Bulldog View Drop Down

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  Quote Bulldog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18-May-2006 at 21:30
Oh my goodness how do the Admin tolerate such utter racism.
Sorry but your hatred is sickening to point it makes you want to vomit.
1. You create the fictional enemy

Turks are good people - from my personal experience. But this "merced" who posted this thread focusing on Iran's Azarbaijani people, who are linguistically Turkic, but ethnically Iranian, is a blatant attempt to disrupt Iran's territorial integrity. Such pan-Turkic chauvanists are a real enemy, whether they have any political power or not. And as an Iranian, I naturally oppose them.
You are futher reiterating my point, your creating a fictional enemy, a big bad nation to blame all your inadequecies on and motivate people to unite in fear and hatred of the "others".
Whose this "merced"? by the looks of it he's an individual ie he is not the supreme ruler of the Turkic nation, is not a leader, a spokesperson, just somebody you don't like and who your happy to use and manipulate to stereotype an entire nation! good grief Confused
Look at yourself your paranoid, the "real enemy", guess what the only enemy I can see is yourself, your an enemy to your own people.
The Turkic thesis of unity is far more powerfull and coherant to this mythological "Aryan" unity your banging on about, the more you attack and abuse Turks the more fuel your giving them to fragment away from you.
Your like a dream come true to your imaginary enemy and don;t even realise it which is the sadest part of this all.
Azeri's feel they are Turks, face it, wake up and smell the coffee I've met and spoken with so many Azeri's now that I've made my conclusion on the matter.
The only people who don't accept this are people like you and they have real funny joke's about you and your ideologies and the whole concept of thinking you can tell them who and what they are, guess what they could be ethnically from the other side of the Earth it wouldn't change the realities of today, they feel they're Turks and speak Turkish open your eyes before its too late.
If you think your going to convince them that they're not then your just fighting a loosing battle and causing a sensless division.
2. You invent a paranoia that the fictional enemy want to occupy your land

Actually, this is not fiction. The Ottoman Turks occupied north-western Iran on numerous occassions, while attempting to turkify the indegenous people. The rivalry between Saffavid Persia and Ottoman Turkey has alot of history - therefore, it is a legitimate concern, and not merely paranoia.
WoW! whose been teaching you this history.
The Ottomans and Safavids were religous state's, Ottomans didn't have a Turkification policy, the funny part is, out of the two if the Safavids sure had a more thorough Turkification policy than the Ottomans and succesfully fully Turkified the North of Iran.
Today Iran is not the Safavid State and hasn't been for hundreds of years, in addition the Ottomans had a friendly border for hundreds of years with the Turkic rulers after the Safavids so your again "imaginary" enemy status simply isnt credible.
The Safavid-Ottoman rift means nothing today, have you been to the Republic of Azerbaijan? have you been to Turkey? luckily I've been to both, guess what the people of those two countries love each other and see each other as part of the same nation.
3. You de-humanise Turks into a collective mass which you look down upon

I can distinguish between different Turkic groups; from a Turkmen; to an Istanbuli Turk; to an Azerbaijani. It is pan-turkics who create the notion of a collective mass. Although I find their language repulsive, as do many Turks, I don't "look down" on them
You should become a specialist in Turkic studies then, your a self proclaimed proffessor on the topic LOL
Sorry but your paranoid beyond belief, again you bring up those pan-turkic's you your obviously petrified of.
Why do you care if there form a Union of State's say like the EU? it doesn't even concern you.
It seems you don't want to see this because you think that the Turkic land is actually your's which is not only selfish but ridiculous aswell.
Also the Turkic language is beautiful, I;m not a fan of Persian I find it too soft and don't really like the sounds but to say your repulsed? that's just hatred speaking.
I have never heard Turks say they hate their language and are repulsed by it, what is it with you and your assumptions.
Turks I have met are proud, stand firm and teach their language to their kids.
Here in Britain we have third generations Turks who are bi-lingual they have their Turkish weekend schools and arrange cultural events in the capitol.
Unfortunately I don;t see Persian's teaching their kids their language, I don't see any enthusiasm of them in regards to their culture and most are ashamed to say they're from Iran.
Explain that crisis?
The nomadic steppe culture is also an Aryan heritage. There is great virtue in the nomadic lifestyle: to wonder free, far and wide, roaming the grasslands for adventure and thrill.
Wait a minute, on the one hand you cry about Pan-Turks and on the other you preach Pan-Aryanism.
Its ironic and hypocritical to say the least.
. But what these pan-nationalists fail to realize is that US hegemony is hostile to any form of nationalism. Hence, your dilemma of being "used" or to "use". American interest in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey is not based on any US sympathy for pan-Turkics, but corporate greed to usurp and channel energy resources from the Central-Asia-Caucasus region through obedient regimes to Western markets. Bypassing states that dare to exert independent policies or disobey US dictates, i.e. Russia, Iran. The Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan  is a prime example of this geopolitics.
I never said America and the West actually care about these Turkic state's, I just stated that that they have similar interests and if they co-operate its a win-win situation for the both.
You call it corporate greed however, on my business trips to Azerbaijan I didn't see them crying about the B-T-C pipeline, neither is Georgia, neither is Turkey, they're actually quite pleased and its going to benefit those countries.
Azerbaijan has the potential to be as wealthy as Kuwait, with Turkey;s influence and the pro-Democractic movements we could have some succesfull majority muslim populated Democratic countries with friendly relations in the West.
Now that Kazakhistan and Turkmenistan want to join in with similar pipe-line projects it will seal the economic revitilization of the area.
As far as I know they don't exactly love Russia, Russia doesn't want to see them prosper or grow strong as they will rival their power and interests, the same with Iran.
Your just trying to hinder their development and stop them advancing into the modern world and would like to take them back to the dark-ages like is the situation today in Iran.
The only means to successfully oppose Anglo-American Imperial ambitions is through a countering superpower. Whether the Middle-East can forge a Muslim superpower, and overcome ethno-cultural differences, remains to be seen. But this reality will not change with the hollow rhetoric of imbicile chauvanists of all stripes. If it is pride the prevents one from succumbing to capitalist tyranny; to have their aspirations domesticated; to be sucked into the decadent consumerist culture; to be propagandized with corporate media; to be spiritually bankrupt; to be feminized with egalitarian democracy; I prefer to keep my head up.
Well in these evil Anglo-American countries, people are free, woman are equal, you can worship any faith you like, living standards are very high, there are many opportunities, we are at the forefront of development, advancement and technology.
Now if we look into your great, wonderfull, pure Iran, it has no democracy, a shocking human rights record, woman are practically non-existant, its being taken into the dark ages, is ruled by a tryranical oppressive regime and has no free media.
Now what is even the point of comparing the two, I mean why the hell are you in the West if you dispise it so much, go and talk like this against the regime in Iran as you talk about our Western regime's here and let's see how far you get.
You see this is exactly the problem, you get all cosy and romantic in the West and take the freedom's we give you for granted, its disgracefull.
Capitalism isn;t as bad as the regime in Iran, thinking that there is going to be a mass middle eastern union against the West is pretty funny and just romantic thinking.
Beside's you hate Turks and I can guess what your views on Arabs are so its pretty pointless you even bringing up these idea's.
The best hope are the advancing Muslim countries ie Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia a Union between them or a Union of Turkic state's they are also all Muslim arnt they.

      What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

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Dark Lord View Drop Down

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  Quote Dark Lord Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19-May-2006 at 00:19
One cannot debate with a liberal degenerate without being hurled with nonsense epithets such as "racist", "paranoid", or "hateful". Now here's a self-righteous British bigot who goes on business trips to Baku and Ankara, and has evidently taken the mantle of Turkic nationalism, as a convenient bulwark against various anti-Western movements. A minor functionary serving in the malicious neo-imperial policies of Western capitalism: a totalitarian system that indirectly rules over non-Western countries, labelled as "third world", and forces them to accept tyrannical neoliberal economic policies, while their kleptocratic rulers are given baksheesh to recompense. This arrogant euro-centric stooge, preaches the wonders of capitalist tyranny, "human rights", "equality", "democracy" - but most of the "advancing Muslim countries" he mentions have atrocious records of genocide and despotic regimes: Turkey, a pseudo-democratic military dictatorship which slaughtered 35,000 Kurds in the  south-east during the 90's with US arms and support; Pakistan, a highly unstable country with frequent military coups that eagerly takes billions in handouts to ignore the will of its own people; Indonesia, under former Western-friendly despot, Suharto, the East Timorese were massacred wholesale with tacit US arms and support. The pattern evident to being a "best hope" for "advancing Muslim country" is basically to have obedient regimes that are willing to slaughter their own populace to enforce a pro-Western agenda.

The stench of moral hypocricy reaks from these busybody Western do-gooders, who, under the deceptive guise of "human rights", "democracy" and "freedom" continue to exploit developing countries, and ridicule them if they refuse to take orders. The old British form of colonialism with direct rule has been replaced by the new and savy neoliberal capitalist form, where countries are allowed to have various puppet regimes, as long as they are obedient to the dictates of their Anglo-American handlers. Slaves are today replaced with "cheap labour", and corporations are allowed to reap the profits from a permanent underclass that is denied the basic workers rights that are gradually being eroded in Western countries (i.e. 8 hour work day). The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, while crafty Englishmen continue to play the chessboard of neo-imperialism, pitting one group against another, stirring instability, engaging in wars of aggression and building pipelines through bizarre routes through corrupt and obedient regimes. That is the game.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is not an ideal government, which I think most all Iranians here would agree, but at least Iran is following independent policies. For this successful opposition to US hegemony, Iranians are being punished with suffocating economic sanctions and threats of invasion.

Capitalism is that last form of totalitarian ideology remaining, as Fascism and Communism have dissappeared. The allure of Western liberal-democracy is a hollow shell, upheld with endless marketing and propaganda - but the edifice is rotten. The charade about "free-market" and "free-speech" are all lies - neither really exists. The whole ideology is self-destructive - the West is decaying into oblivion.

Dark Lord.

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Bulldog View Drop Down

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  Quote Bulldog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19-May-2006 at 10:05
Dark Lord
One cannot debate with a liberal degenerate without being hurled with nonsense epithets such as "racist", "paranoid", or "hateful". Now here's a self-righteous British bigot who goes on business trips to Baku and Ankara, and has evidently taken the mantle of Turkic nationalism, as a convenient bulwark against various anti-Western movements. A minor functionary serving in the malicious neo-imperial policies of Western capitalism: a totalitarian system that indirectly rules over non-Western countries, labelled as "third world", and forces them to accept tyrannical neoliberal economic policies, while their kleptocratic rulers are given baksheesh to recompense. This arrogant euro-centric stooge, preaches the wonders of capitalist tyranny, "human rights", "equality", "democracy" - but most of the "advancing Muslim countries" he mentions have atrocious records of genocide and despotic regimes:
One cannot or you cant?
The use of words such as "racist", "paranoid", "hatefull" in regards to what you write is pretty passive to say the least, just read what you have written and you'll understand this.
Self-rightous Brittish biggot? LOL I'm not the one calling languages "repulsive", claiming the whole world is Brittish and owes a big thanks to the Brits to supreme masters of the Earth.
What is hilarious is that visiting Baku on business trips somehow turns somebody into a "biggot", would you just read your previous posts it becomes very clear who has the biggoted views.
Anti-Western movements? you mean Iran or Syria or some other backwards shocker of a state.
The reality is, being anti-western to these government equals, keeping a state monopoly, giving no freedoms and human-rights, oppressing all free speach, media and woman etc etc etc
WoW, that's fantastic isn't it, its really going to take you forward, that's why Iran is hurtling towards the Stone Age isnt it Clap
Would you just take alot at the paranoid outbursts you have.   Your now accusing me of being a "Turkic Nationalist", is it this easy to be one? so let me get this straight, if I don't hate these people, if I don't agree that they are a repulsive people who are terrible, evil and that they hardly exist its all just their imagination, if I don't fulfill your requirements and accept Turks are crap Iranians are great I become a "Turkic Nationalist"? is this your version of Nationalist? no wonder your paranoid and loosing your mind, if this is your terminology then everyone is a Nationalist to you.
If Capitalism is really as bad as you make out, how is it that what were once third world countries or LEDC's are now rapidly movingly into the developed and advanced world. 
They have worked extremely hard and through their own determination to succeed have moved forward.   Face it, nobody is going to help you or go out of their way to make sure you advance, give your people equal rights, move towards a functioning democracy etc etc if you cannot help yourself do not expect help from anybody else.
If the large corporations can, they will do anything in their power to exploit resource's at their lowest possible price to maximise profits.   Its up to the governments of those countries to stand up for their population and do their job by protecting their interests.   If they lack the ability to use the Companies investment to their advantage while mainaining the country and not just the corporations benefit well then they have nobody else to blame except themselves.
That's the way the world goes round, if you can't keep up or adapt to the constantly changing scenario's then you'll be left behind.
Its so hilarious talking about so-called Capitalist Tyrany's while sitting their preaching about Aryan power and the greatness of Iran.
Would you please compare Iran to the West and explain why we are Tyrannies while Iran is apparently not, please I'd love to hear this.
but most of the "advancing Muslim countries" he mentions have atrocious records of genocide and despotic regimes: Turkey, a pseudo-democratic military dictatorship which slaughtered 35,000 Kurds in the  south-east during the 90's with US arms and support; Pakistan, a highly unstable country with frequent military coups that eagerly takes billions in handouts to ignore the will of its own people; Indonesia, under former Western-friendly despot, Suharto, the East Timorese were massacred wholesale with tacit US arms and support. The pattern evident to being a "best hope" for "advancing Muslim country" is basically to have obedient regimes that are willing to slaughter their own populace to enforce a pro-Western agenda.
Despotic regimes? attrocities? and your sitting their defending Iran, WoW you really are somthing else.
What about the 40,000 people killed by Pkk Terrorism? Brittish tourists have been slaughtered by them, what did we do? little babies? teachers? what have they done.   Turkey has had hostile borders since it became a republic, only today has it entered a new stage with friendly borders all around, no more Soviet threat, no more Syrian threat, things are looking up wouldn't you say.
Oh and they've just started up in Iran, let's see how great they are when your civillian population start getting targetted hmm
Pakistan also has had its regional crisises with Kashmir.
Indonesia and Malaysia are rapidly advancing at an amazing rate.
Now that you have tried to systematically look down upon all these nations from your chariot called Iran, would you care to give your criticisms of Iran? or are there none lol
I could think of a few ie whipping woman who show a strang of hair, hanging little kids, calling for wiping Israel off the face of the Earth or should we go into the real deep stuff etc etc
Capitalism is that last form of totalitarian ideology remaining, as Fascism and Communism have dissappeared. The allure of Western liberal-democracy is a hollow shell, upheld with endless marketing and propaganda - but the edifice is rotten. The charade about "free-market" and "free-speech" are all lies - neither really exists. The whole ideology is self-destructive - the West is decaying into oblivion.
And that Beacon of Light Iran with its Aryan masterclass will liberate us all and unite us under the all seeing supreme power of the most humane, loving ruler the world has ever seen, the good old Ayatollah's Clap


Edited by Bulldog - 19-May-2006 at 10:27
      What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

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mamikon View Drop Down

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  Quote mamikon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19-May-2006 at 16:53
on what grounds do you say Iran and Syria are more backwards than Turkey and Azerbaidjan? you accuse him of being a hater, a racist and a paranoid but you yourself seem like one.

by the way your whole post is based on nothing but assumptions and your opinions. Visiting Baku doesnt make you a bigot, but it neither makes you a scholar.

Edited by mamikon - 19-May-2006 at 16:54
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Bulldog View Drop Down

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  Quote Bulldog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 10:36


on what grounds do you say Iran and Syria are more backwards than Turkey and Azerbaidjan? you accuse him of being a hater, a racist and a paranoid but you yourself seem like one.
Now where shall I start from, looking at the matter objectively, in Turkey and Azerbaijan woman have equal rights provided by law, Turkey is rapidly advancing, democratiscing, a powerfull growing economy.
If I compare both Azerbaijan and Turkey of today to 10 years ago there is not just a big but a huge significant improvement.
Why don't you go and live in Syria or Iran if it's more advanced and in a better position, thousands of Britts go off and buy home's and live very happily in Turkey each year can we say the same about the other two?
If comparing the situation of countries makes somebody a racist then you should really look into the actual meaning of the word as it refers to "Race's" not "Countries", a Country being more powerfull, advanced and more Democratic than another are simple fact's not Racial ideologies or theories.
Is America more advanced than Turkey, Yes, does saying this make you a racist? No.
Hope you can get my drift, it aint hard.

by the way your whole post is based on nothing but assumptions and your opinions. Visiting Baku doesnt make you a bigot, but it neither makes you a scholar.
No but it makes me somebody who has actually seen what he's talking about unlike other's who are quite happy calling entire people "repulsive" and all other sorts of names and creating wild paranoia's.
      What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

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Zagros View Drop Down


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  Quote Zagros Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 11:11
Actually Azerbiajan's situation is not much better than it was 10 years ago, the government is practically a greedy fascist dictatorship.

Edited by Zagros - 20-May-2006 at 11:12
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mamikon View Drop Down

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  Quote mamikon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 11:13
Turkey and Azerbaijan woman have equal rights provided by law

what about minorities?

Turkey is rapidly advancing, democratiscing, a powerfull growing economy.


If I compare both Azerbaijan and Turkey of today to 10 years ago there is not just a big but a huge significant improvement.


Why don't you go and live in Syria or Iran if it's more advanced and in a better position, thousands of Britts go off and buy home's and live very happily in Turkey each year can we say the same about the other two?

opinion....I did not know that the measure of the advancement of a nation is measured by how many brits own houses ridiculous is your statement...And Arabs buy houses in Syria and Iran, I dont hear you talking about you consider them backwards also?

Country being more powerfull, advanced and more Democratic than another are simple fact's not Racial ideologies or theories.


If comparing the situation of countries makes somebody a racist then you should really look into the actual meaning of the word as it refers to "Race's" not "Countries"

True...I did not find a better word though, please find one for me.

Is America more advanced than Turkey


Yes, does saying this make you a racist?

yes...or the better word you will find for us...

Hope you can get my drift, it aint hard. drift

Now dont get me wrong, I hate the regimes of both Syria and Iran. I hate most of the laws I am aware of, but that doesnt make the countries "backward". I also hate the governments of Turkey, Azerbaidjan, Armenia, Georgia, Great Britain....

I strongly disagree with Dark Lord about the Turkish tongue/language, since I dont think its disgusting...but again, thats his opinion...

Edited by mamikon - 20-May-2006 at 11:14
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Bulldog View Drop Down

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  Quote Bulldog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 14:38
As I've said, I've been there its rapidly developing, B-T-C is going to start pumping in a month or two so things are looking up.
Realities are realities if your just going to be petty then fine it doesn't change what's going on.

Hovannisian: Armenian could become a Failed State

A renowned U.S. academic of Armenian descent launched on Thursday a scathing attack on the authorities in Yerevan, saying that their failure to hold free elections and respect political freedoms threatens to turn Armenia into a failed state.
Watching from the outside, we follow with pain the continuing electoral and other illegalities committed in Armenia, he told RFE/RL in an interview. We would have loved to see freedom of speech and thought in Armenia, instead of repression, secret police persecution and lies spread by state media.

Hovannisian, who is arguably the most famous of Armenian-American historians, believes that in some respects Armenia is now an even less democratic state than Turkey, its historical foe regularly castigated by the West for its poor human and civil rights record. Sometimes we condemn Turkey and call it a military dictatorship. But the fact is that the press is freer there, he said.

Similarly Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sedat Laciner, director of Ankara-based USAK, shares the idea of "failed state":

"Armenians failed to preserve their first independent Armenia. They sacrificed it for the so-called revenge. If they seek to survive as a state, they should have good relations with the neigbours. That's the first and foremost thing they have to realise. They relied on the Russians, British, French and Americans. Time passed and all of them went to their homes. And the Armenians with the Turks shared the same fate. Now the Armenians should not sacrifice their independent state. They need Turkey, if they want an independent Armenia. Otherwise, Armenia will be a tool in other nations' national interests."

Poverty in Armenia

Half the population still lives below the poverty line, unemployment is rampant and official corruption is widespread.

Don't throw stones if you've got a glass house.
Turkey is the closest towards reaching the standards of the West and they are encouraging Azerbaijan to follow suite, its a shame other's in the region don't take their path aswell the people would be happy.
As bad as you say the West is, your all hear and don't seem to be complaining about life too much, as far as I know there's  not even free Internet usage in some of these countries so you wouldn't even be here discussing this today.

Edited by Bulldog - 20-May-2006 at 14:39
      What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

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ramin View Drop Down

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  Quote ramin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 15:28
Originally posted by Bulldog

in Turkey and Azerbaijan woman have equal rights provided by law.
I remember some friend telling me in Turkey girls are not allowed to wear Hejab in schools.
"I won't laugh if a philosophy halves the moon"
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Zagros View Drop Down


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  Quote Zagros Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 16:02
Originally posted by Bulldog

As I've said, I've been there its rapidly developing, B-T-C is going to start pumping in a month or two so things are looking up.
Realities are realities if your just going to be petty then fine it doesn't change what's going on.

Hovannisian: Armenian could become a Failed State

A renowned U.S. academic of Armenian descent launched on Thursday a scathing attack on the authorities in Yerevan, saying that their failure to hold free elections and respect political freedoms threatens to turn Armenia into a failed state.
Watching from the outside, we follow with pain the continuing electoral and other illegalities committed in Armenia, he told RFE/RL in an interview. We would have loved to see freedom of speech and thought in Armenia, instead of repression, secret police persecution and lies spread by state media.

Hovannisian, who is arguably the most famous of Armenian-American historians, believes that in some respects Armenia is now an even less democratic state than Turkey, its historical foe regularly castigated by the West for its poor human and civil rights record. Sometimes we condemn Turkey and call it a military dictatorship. But the fact is that the press is freer there, he said.

Similarly Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sedat Laciner, director of Ankara-based USAK, shares the idea of "failed state":

"Armenians failed to preserve their first independent Armenia. They sacrificed it for the so-called revenge. If they seek to survive as a state, they should have good relations with the neigbours. That's the first and foremost thing they have to realise. They relied on the Russians, British, French and Americans. Time passed and all of them went to their homes. And the Armenians with the Turks shared the same fate. Now the Armenians should not sacrifice their independent state. They need Turkey, if they want an independent Armenia. Otherwise, Armenia will be a tool in other nations' national interests."

Poverty in Armenia

Half the population still lives below the poverty line, unemployment is rampant and official corruption is widespread.

Don't throw stones if you've got a glass house.
Turkey is the closest towards reaching the standards of the West and they are encouraging Azerbaijan to follow suite, its a shame other's in the region don't take their path aswell the people would be happy.
As bad as you say the West is, your all hear and don't seem to be complaining about life too much, as far as I know there's  not even free Internet usage in some of these countries so you wouldn't even be here discussing this today.
Friend, Azarbiajan is in no better condition, many Azaerbaijanis are actually moving to Iran for better economic opportunities.
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mamikon View Drop Down

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  Quote mamikon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20-May-2006 at 16:06
to Bulldog

What does this thread have to do with Armenia?

And I am perfectly aware what condition Armenia is in...does it make you happy? unfortunetly I am not the president of Armenia and I can not change much. There is as much poverty in Armenia as there is in Azerbaidjan...btw Armenia is rated higher on the developmental index and the human rights  index than Azerbaidjan and Turkey, but thats besides the point.

The West is bad??? did I ever say this? I live in the US and I love it. I think its best country in the world to live in, where everyone is treated equally.

and please dont quote what Turkish diplomats think about Armenia...thats just stupid.
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Guests View Drop Down
  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09-Jun-2006 at 21:26
The Gentelman ignore the  the populations of Kurds in   Anatolia _Turkey currently at    34 million.
The fact   that significant number of  Azerbadijani speak Turkish dialect is  undniable ,but to ignore the Historical facts that Aezrpadigan (correct name )was always home of the Mede ( Kurds) and Persians  is  too out landish to be over looked,genticaly speaking what happened to their  Genes? . The writer paint  land scape having no real realations to folks on the ground ,none what so ever    totaly  unschloorly approach to interesting subjects ,  and unfit for any self respecting source of publicity      .
Some reading of Classical historian old ,or Modern is urgently  in need for the  authors  and  fortunatly there are plenty of them. For  astart
Begin with A.T. Olmstaed :History of the Persian Empire "the University of Chicago press.When finished I WILL GIVE ATLEAST 87 CLASSICAL WORKS  TO SHAW THE AUTHOR  HOW FAR AWAY FROM BONDRIES OF SChOOLERSHIPS HE IS plus current statistcs  .
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Seljuk View Drop Down

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  Quote Seljuk Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10-Jun-2006 at 04:20
Originally posted by omran feili

The Gentelman ignore the  the populations of Kurds in   Anatolia _Turkey currently at    34 million.

34 million kurds in Turkey ?LOL What is your source?
Kurds are no more than 15 million according yo CIA factbook( %20 of total pop)

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  Quote xi_tujue Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10-Jun-2006 at 04:44
Originally posted by ramin

Originally posted by Bulldog

in Turkey and Azerbaijan woman have equal rights provided by law.
I remember some friend telling me in Turkey girls are not allowed to wear Hejab in schools.
That law is made by mustafa kemal ataturk. That law is accualy not needed anymore. Ataturk did that because it was necessery for a secular state. At the time it was needed but not anymore
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DayI View Drop Down

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  Quote DayI Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10-Jun-2006 at 05:05
Originally posted by ramin

Originally posted by Bulldog

in Turkey and Azerbaijan woman have equal rights provided by law.
I remember some friend telling me in Turkey girls are not allowed to wear Hejab in schools.
Ramin let me ask you, what do you prefer:

-a forcation to wear a hijab everywhere
-forbidden to wear hijab at schools

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mamikon View Drop Down

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  Quote mamikon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10-Jun-2006 at 15:50
why does it have to be all hijab or no hijab...why cant the people choose what to wear?
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Giannis View Drop Down

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  Quote Giannis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10-Jun-2006 at 21:03
Originally posted by mamikon

why does it have to be all hijab or no hijab...why cant the people choose what to wear?
In multi-cultured societies isn't proper to show your religious believes in public places like schools or public services. There is a chance that someone might think that he is left behind or different from the others. For example in a nation that the majority of the people are muslims, a christian whould not feel comfortable if the teacher wear a hijab and vice versa.
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Afsar Beghi View Drop Down

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  Quote Afsar Beghi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-Jul-2006 at 07:56
wow so many turk haters in one topic Wink !

Dadaloğlum bir gun kavga kurulur,
Oter tufek davlumbazlar vurulur,
Nice ko yiğitler yere serilir,
Olen lr kalan sağlar bizimdir!
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bg_turk View Drop Down

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  Quote bg_turk Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16-Jul-2006 at 10:26
Originally posted by Giannis

In multi-cultured societies isn't proper to show your religious believes in public places like schools or public services. There is a chance that someone might think that he is left behind or different from the others. For example in a nation that the majority of the people are muslims, a christian whould not feel comfortable if the teacher wear a hijab and vice versa.

Very well said Giannis.

One more reason as to why I support the ban on the veil in Turkey, is that those women who wear it exploit it to proove the religious and moral superiority over those who do not, so there is a pressure on those that do not wish to wear it to change their minds or else be labelled as "women of life" whatever that is supposed to mean.
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